One Night Bride

Chapter 395

"Your Majesty, you are evil and timid. After all, you dare not announce the world and want to rob the minister's wife? Xianggong Yue is loyal and courageous, and he is a hero. How could Mrs. Yue abandon him and choose a unscrupulous, vicious and trivial person?"

Zhao Deji gritted his teeth: "Tianwei, I'm giving you a chance! Don't be ignorant of your blessings."

"Do you think I can persuade Mrs. Yue?"

"Tianwei, this is your last chance! It's also Huarong's last chance!"

"Your Majesty, the Taizu family vowed to protect the minister, and the crime is not as bad as the family."

"If I hadn't saved her, she would already be in this Dali Temple Prison like you at the moment! Tianwei, why can't you think about me? Can't you think about the country of the Song Dynasty?" Zhao Deji was "distressed", "Tianwei, you were my sister, and everything should be towards your ninth brother, shouldn't you? When you return from the kingdom of gold, I give you countless honors and wealth. However, instead of thinking of repayment, you bend your elbow outward. Tianwei, why did you become like this? No brotherhood?"

Tianwei stared at his hypocritical face for a long time, then gritted her teeth and said, "Your Majesty, guess what I hate most now?"


"If I had known this, I would rather die in the state of Jin in humiliation than return to the great Song Dynasty and return to the 'nine brothers' who are more despicable than the Jin people. I'm going to meet the ancestors and the Empress Dowager's aunt of the great song dynasty underground...' nine brothers', we are all waiting for you, waiting for you under the nine springs!"

Zhao Deji Teng stood up: "pull it down, execute on time tomorrow, and kill this bitch who pretends to be a princess!"


However, in order to kill the fake princess, she must plead guilty. Although it is just a procedural thing, Zhao Deji must have a "clear conscience" and have Tianwei confess At first, Tianwei refused to confess anyway, but the iron bond pledge of "no punishment" was completely invalid here in Zhao Deji Seeing that the prison term was approaching, the prison guards naturally resorted to all means More than a dozen lashes down, Tianwei's shoulders have been dripping with blood

She fainted and was woken up by a basin of ice water Vaguely, I heard the Dali Temple secretary's question: "who are you, the fake princess? Haven't you told the truth?"

She uttered miserably, "I'm really not a princess..."

The Minister of Dali temple was overjoyed: "confess early to avoid the pain of flesh and blood. Tell me your true identity?"

Yes, what is your real identity? The dissolute father emperor led to the subjugation of the country and his family. Now, he is a brother who is more dissolute and vicious than his father emperor What does it matter whether such a father or brother is their daughter or their sister?

"I'm nameless, an orphan girl, who was reduced to a nunnery when I was young. I recite sutras and worship Buddha all day. Because I look like a princess, I enter the palace to pretend to be a princess by chance and envy wealth..."

"Who is behind you? Tell me quickly, is it Yue Pengju and his wife?"

Tian Wei laughed, a trace of blood flowing down the corner of her mouth, and her expression was very mysterious: "no, no, no, it's not them. The person who ordered me was actually..."

Several interrogators were overjoyed. One by one, they pricked up their ears and opened their eyes to listen to her great secret

"Come on, who is it?"

"It's Qin Hui and Wang Junhua."

The recording officer stopped writing and did not know how to write down for a moment The presiding judge suddenly felt absurd and scolded, "nonsense."

Tian Wei shook her head: "I was imprisoned in the fourth Prince's mansion, together with Qin Hui and Wang Junhua. Wang Junhua was the mistress of the fourth prince. The fourth prince gave their husband and wife a lot of wealth and asked them to return to the Song Dynasty, bribe them up and down, get through their joints, and be the insider of the fourth prince. The fourth Prince guaranteed him to be the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty for life..."

The recording officer asked, "is this recorded?"

The presiding judge nodded

Tianwei laughed, her heart ached, and she spit out a black blood clot. She looked up. The lights had gone away. It was dark night, and it was all night around her. Moreover, this day would never light up


She said in great detail that although several of the interrogators were followers of Qin Hui, two of them were not Everyone heard it very strange, and in addition to the uproar a few days ago, "Qin Hui is a detailed" list, and Tianwei words and sentences are full and accurate, completely unlike fabricated

In the interrogation room, it was quiet for a moment. Because it was important, no one dared to interrupt easily After a while, the presiding judge announced the termination of the trial, took all the official letters and went to the capital hall

On this day, Qin Hui happened to be absent, so the chief examiner sorted out the documents according to Zhao Deji's instructions, and secretly reported the relevant documents to Zhao Deji

Zhao Deji was upset and was having dinner with little Liu Shi. The bruise on little Liu Shi had not faded, and she dared not be unfriendly. She forced her face to smile. Zhang Yingying stood aside and read the memorial for him. The more she looked, the more frightened she became. Before she died, Tianwei unexpectedly raised the bottom of Qin Hui's identity. Moreover, she also mentioned that the death of Wan Wan was also the work of Qin Hui and his wife Halfway through her reading, Zhao Deji waved his hand and frowned. Zhang Yingying immediately shut up

Hearing Wan Wan's death, Xiao Liu and others were so scared that even Jiao dared not give up. They held their breath and quietly looked at Zhao Deji

Zhao Deji was not moved at all. He didn't know anything about these things, especially about the identity of Qin Hui's husband and wife. He was as smart as he was, and almost expected it from the beginning But in his layout, if there is no such a firm moderation as Qin Hui in the court, when will his ideal of being the son of the Taiping emperor be realized?

He rubbed his head, Sneer: "Yue Pengju, this fellow, fights and kills every day, and takes the main battle to fulfill his personal heroism. But how can the weak Song Dynasty cope with years of war? If the Jin people are defeated, they can't go back, and if we are defeated in the Song Dynasty, it will be the subjugation of the country and the destruction of our family. The great disaster of Jingkang hasn't passed yet, and these military men don't want peace. Do you want me to personally experience the life of being imprisoned in the north? Yue Pengju dares to guarantee that he will be able to overcome? Tianwei, this girl, will die At the moment, instead of thinking about my affection for her, I took a bite and asked me to kill Qin Hui of Zhuhe. His evil intentions are really heinous... "

Zhang YingYing and others were stunned. Naturally, they understood that the official family, in all words, was to preserve the wealth of the son of heaven in the south of the Yangtze River. Even if they were to be courtiers, they also asked for peace and stop the war

But who dares to say more?

At the beginning of the morning, a quiet house outside Lin'an City

Several purple magnolias broke through the blockade of snowflakes and bloomed overnight from the bare branches Jin Wushu stood by the window, enjoying the strange scenery of this southern country In his hometown, there is snow and ice all over the sky. By contrast, the heavy snow in Lin'an is like a child. However, the winter in the north is bleak. Unlike the southern style, the snow and ice are full of flowers and branches proudly in full bloom

He made people move a chair and sit in the warm Pavilion The warm Pavilion flower hall is also a specialty of southern China. In the insulation of the underground floor, smoke-free high-quality coal is used to burn red iron dragons, which are put into the pool water, covered with beautiful marble, and then covered with a beautiful Suzhou embroidery carpet. People in the house are as warm as spring

Being in such a comfortable environment, he didn't feel much comfortable. This southern country was not as wonderful as he thought at first - a few days ago, Yue Pengju and his wife designed the medicine they took. What level of blood has it run to? When he thought of it, he couldn't help but be frightened. He had a thousand calculations. Who knew that he had been fooled by such a bad trick and was controlled by others?

He looked at his right hand, which had broken two fingers, and gnashed his teeth. It was this woman again, and he fell into the hands of the couple every time I don't know what wrong I have done with them in my previous life Maybe I shouldn't have come to Lin'an at this time

He stood up and looked at the huahuajiangshan. His originally regretful mind was firm again - the rivers and mountains are so charming that no one can achieve it overnight. He can own the world without paying any price

Near noon, he felt a little hungry, and the maid had served rich dishes He looked at it, but he didn't feel much about tasting it

Wu Qimai hurried in, looking a little uneasy: "fourth prince, look..."

Jin Wushu took over the list text, and his face changed suddenly. This list text is the imperial edict issued by Zhao Deji, announcing that the world will behead the "fake Princess" Tianwei at the Wumen vegetable market at 3:45 p.m. tomorrow

Jin Wushu couldn't believe his eyes. How did he command Qin Hui? This dog man and woman dare to disobey their orders? As soon as Tianwei dies, how can she let herself go according to Hua Rong's nature?

He severely crumpled the list into a ball, and was furious: "go to find Qin Hui, this vicious dog, who dares to disobey the crown prince... Go to find him!"

Wu Qimai hesitated: "the fourth prince, it may be too late. Zhao Deji's list has been publicized all over the world, and the imperial edict will be issued soon, so it is no longer possible to change it."

"Zhao Deji changes orders day and night. What's impossible? Go to find Qin Hui quickly. Quickly..."

Wu Qimai dared not disobey, so he had to hurry out

As soon as Wu Qimai left, Jin Wushu was suddenly shocked. I don't know when his dog has become two huge wild dogs. Will it jump up at any time and bite its master? He didn't even disclose Wang Junhua's Secret residence. His heart was secretly guarded. He thought it was absolutely safe, but now he had doubts He immediately summoned the 100 plainclothes elite guards he secretly brought, ready to escape Lin'an

As for Qin Hui and Wang Junhua, how to clean up?

Qin Hui, as soon as Tianwei's trial was over, his Eyeliner immediately returned the news to him in time Qin Hui and Wang Junhua had been prepared for it. They were not surprised and closed the door secretly

Wang Junhua was still a little nervous: "old man, do you think you will regenerate branches?"

"What's the problem? It's going to be beheaded tomorrow. Now even the Jade Emperor can't save Tianwei."

"But the fourth Prince still has orders..."

Qin Hui chewed his cheek: "the arrow is on the line, so we have to send it, otherwise, the tiger will be injured by the tiger. If Tianwei doesn't die, we will die..."

While talking, I heard the knock of a schoolboy outside the door: "Mr. Qin, there is a visitor."

Qin Hui was impatient: "no, no one. Tell them to go back."

At the door, with a sneer, Gao Yigong directly pushed the door in and said, "Qin Hui, you even lost the fourth prince?"

How dare he and his wife show their opposition at this time? Wang Junhua took the lead in kneeling to the ground: "the fourth prince, but there is a mission, never give up. How dare we disobey the fourth prince?"

Qin Hui is more than ten times more thoughtful than his wife? Seeing Gao Yigong's bad complexion, he knew that the fourth prince must have learned the news that Tianwei was about to be executed, and had already figured out the words to deal with it: "his family has already secretly played the nine kings and proposed not to kill Tianwei. He also promised to consider, who knows what happened

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