One Night Bride

Chapter 396

Gao Yigong sneered, "good Qin Hui, Zhao Deji promised the lifelong Prime Minister you asked for. Why can't one Tianwei be let go? And Tianwei is still his own sister. He really wants to kill Tianwei so much?"

Qin Hui heard him mention the "Prime Minister for life", no matter how cunning he was, he couldn't pretend to go down, and immediately knelt down: "Lord Gao, you must ask the fourth prince to understand that this is by no means his own decision. Although he is the prime minister, he still has the right to take the nine kings with all his life..."

"Qin Hui, you immediately go into the palace and report to Zhao Deji, saying that the fourth Prince peacefully requested that Tianwei should not be killed. As soon as Tianwei died, Princess Wei Xian would also be killed."

"Yes, I'll go to the palace and report immediately."

Qin Hui and Wang Junhua looked at each other, and the greater doubt was in their hearts. Why did the fourth Prince suddenly change his mind and resolutely not kill Tianwei? Why is this?

Wang Junhua's doubts hidden in the bottom of his heart still couldn't help but ask, "why does the fourth Prince save Tianwei?"

"The fourth Prince naturally has his use. You don't need to ask more."

The more so, Qin Hui and his wife became more strange. They didn't dare to ask again

Gao Yigong didn't leave. He had been watching Qin Hui go out. Wang Junhua was anxious and wanted to discuss with Qin Hui, but he didn't have a chance She knew that if she offended the fourth crown prince this time, she would be severely punished, and she never thought of offending the fourth crown prince, just because Tianwei was too thorny, she must get rid of it quickly

As soon as Qin Hui left, she hurriedly begged Gao Yigong, "please take me to explain to the fourth prince."

Gao Yigong looked very arrogant: "the fourth Prince is no longer in peace."

Knowing that the fourth Prince didn't want to see him, Wang Junhua couldn't. He went into the room and took out a small gold tripod weighing two kilograms, which was carved with very exquisite patterns, Hand it to Gao Yigong: "Lord Gao, please be sure to say a good word in front of the fourth prince. My husband and wife are loyal to the fourth prince, but Tianwei, a bitch, is doing everything bad. Just before his death, he framed the old man and tried to expose our identity. My husband and wife are not sorry for death, but exposing their identity and destroying the fourth Prince's plan is not worth the loss..."

Gao Yigong took the small tripod, and two Jin of gold is naturally a very large amount of property. He gently stroked the beautiful patterns with his hands on it. He was secretly proud, but his face was straight: "well, in order to keep your husband and wife loyal, he would explain a few words to the fourth prince."

"Thank you, Lord Gao, for your kindness."

Qin Hui was driven out by Gao Yigong and went straight to the palace. When he was close to the palace gate, he made the sedan bearer slow down his journey, chewing his cheeks and constantly thinking about ways to deal with it

It is obviously impossible to ask Zhao Deji to change the order at this time Now he is in the middle of a crack. He is suspected by the fourth prince. If he is suspected by Zhao Deji again, what should he do? He weighed the two sides and couldn't make a real decision

However, he can't be sent to the fourth Prince without entering the palace. So far, his life and fortune are still in the hands of the fourth prince He hardened his head and asked to see Zhao Deji

It was already evening, and Zhao Deji was ready for dinner. He was surprised to hear Qin Hui ask for advice He thought it was the golden man's peace negotiation. These days, he has been paying attention to this matter. Naturally, he immediately met Qin Hui

After saluting, Qin Hui stepped aside and first introduced the situation of the golden man to Zhao Deji casually. Naturally, all he said was the benefits of peace. Zhao Deji was elated when he heard it: "Aiqing has worked hard. Tomorrow, be a pair of Taiping monarchs and ministers."

"This is my only wish."

Qin Hui flattered him a few words, and then casually asked, "Your Majesty, how is the fake Princess case going?"

Zhao Deji sighed: "the investigation evidence of Dali Temple Prison is conclusive, and it is indeed a fake princess. That bitch was originally a nun in an nunnery. Because she looks like a princess, she had a chance to happen, coveted wealth, and did not hesitate to take risks. It's a pity that I treated her with brotherhood, but ended up in such an end. Although she is a fake princess, I also feel sad. But the ancestral family law is so, I have to kill!"

Rao is Qin Hui. After hearing Zhao Deji's words of "great kindness and righteousness", he sighed that he was inferior, but he also guessed Zhao Deji. This is to kill Tianwei

He asked tentatively, "Your Majesty, a generation of Renjun, forgive the princess..."

"Forgiveness?" Zhao Deji could no longer pretend to be Renyi and stared at him: "Qin Qing, do you know what the fake princess said about you? Wanwan was killed by your husband and wife!"

Qin Hui was shocked in a cold sweat, and immediately fell to his knees: "Your Majesty, that bitch's mouth is false, your majesty, you must believe in your loyalty. You have no fault with the princess..."

The princess can be fake, but the princess can never be fake Qin Hui completely heard the warning in Zhao Deji's words, and naturally realized that Zhao Deji had long been suspicious of Wan Wan's death I'm afraid that the crime of murdering the princess will be carried out immediately if I slightly violate it

Qin Hui was sweating with anxiety and knew that if Tianwei didn't die, his trouble would never end Tianwei is dead. Who wants to believe a fake princess? And her identity of "fake Princess" It was decided by the government. Who dares to say that the government is not right and overturn the case for her? As for Wei Xianfei, who was threatened by the fourth prince, he weighed the need for the fourth prince to kill a mere old woman for a long time?

He instantly weighed hundreds of times in his mind and couldn't kowtow: "Your Majesty, my Lord and, I don't know how many dignitaries have been offended. Tian Wei and Yue Pengju secretly colluded with each other to form a party for personal gain. They must have framed the Minister for Yue Pengju..."

Zhao Deji eased his color a little, but didn't let him flat, leaving him kneeling: "I naturally know that you have nothing to do with Wan Wan's death."

"Your Majesty is wise."

"It is hoped that there will be no more disputes with the envoys of the kingdom of Jin and that they will be resolved as soon as possible."


"How about Yue Peng's case?"

"The Dali Temple Prison is being dealt with urgently. I will definitely deal with the two matters of making peace with Yue Pengju before the Lantern Festival."

Zhao Deji suddenly asked, "how about he Zhu's handling ability in Dali Temple prison?"

Qin Hui had long received the news that he Zhu and others secretly showed mercy to Yue Peng, and his heart had long hated his teeth itching. Hearing Zhao Deji's question, he immediately said his resignation, which he had already thought of: "he Zhu scholar's opinions, regardless of the decline of national strength, did not think of the vastness of the emperor's grace, he fought, and naturally secretly sympathized with Yue Peng Ju and failed to live up to the emperor's grace..."

Zhao Deji frowned: "even so, let's change a presiding official."

Qin Hui secretly rejoiced: "I have a candidate."


"Ten thousand people."


Wan Dui is one of Qin Hui's confidants. Now, together with fan Tong, he has become his most trusted right-hand man He Zhu and others were at a disadvantage. After changing 10000 yuan, it was natural to catch them

A bean is dim, and Hua Rong sneaks into Dali Temple Prison with her son-in-law Zhao Deji knew that Tianwei had little to rely on, no one to rescue, and the guard was not tight At the door, the son-in-law stopped, looked nervous and lowered his voice, "go in by yourself..."

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when the disaster comes." not to mention, the imperial edict once, the son-in-law was ridiculed, and the whole family was in panic. They had no children with the princess, so their feelings were not very deep, and it was understandable to be wise and safe Hua Rong tried every means to persuade her, and after much persuasion, the son-in-law reluctantly agreed to secretly take her to prison to see Tianwei for the last time

Hua Rongdi asked, "son-in-law, don't you go in?"

The son-in-law shook his head hurriedly

Hua Rong no longer insisted. She had already carefully dressed up as Tianwei's maid, and slowly walked to the prison door under the leadership of the prison At the door, she stopped, took out a small gold leaf and handed it to the jailer. The jailer immediately took it in his arms and whispered, "don't stay too long..."

"Yes, thank you."

Hua Rong lifted the basket and walked a few steps to the prison door. Under the dim oil lamp, Tian Wei curled up in the corner, and her haggard and thin body has completely changed

"Princess, Princess..."

Tian Wei slowly opened her swollen eyes and felt that the sound was so familiar

She looked at it for a few times, staggered to stand up and rushed over, holding her hands on the iron window, sobbing: "Mrs. Yue, you go quickly, don't come..."

On her face and body, there were traces of being beaten. Hua Rong shouted angrily, "they beat you? These thieves beat you!"

It is even more shocking to torture the princess instead of the doctor Zhao Deji has been crazy to this point Hua Rong held her cold hand tightly, tears streaming down her face, trembling, took out the basket and handed it over: "princess, these are your usual sweet scented osmanthus cakes, you eat some..."

Tian Wei took a sweet scented osmanthus cake and stuffed it into her mouth. Tears flowed from her already dry eyes. Unexpectedly, there was only such a strange woman left in her life - a woman who was more intimate than all her relatives

The soft cake is delicious, but how can Tianwei swallow it at this time? Tears trickled down his cheeks to his mouth, making the cake salty and astringent

Hua Rong also burst into tears. Now it's Tianwei. In the Dali Temple Prison next to Tianwei, it's her husband Tian Wei and Zhao Deji also kindly allowed their families to visit, but Yue Pengju and others had already put an end to all family visits

The two women held tightly together. Tian Wei wiped her tears and stuck them to her ear: "you can go as far as you can, and he will not let you go..."

Hua Rong burst into tears. The jailer had come over and was very impatient: "time is up, go... Go..."

Hua rongdai wanted to say a few more words, and the jailer pushed her: "hurry up, the ward inspector is coming, no matter how late it is..."

The son-in-law was so anxious that he finally couldn't help running up and whispering to urge her: "hurry up, you don't want to hurt me, hurt more than 100 people in my family..." he stopped, couldn't say any more, and his eyes touched Tianwei's eyes

After all, it was a husband and wife scene, and he knelt down with tears streaming down his face: "princess, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do."

Tian Wei shakes her head, and a husband and wife may not be able to live or die together He and the man in front of him can only say that he is a little more than a stranger What about sleeping in the same bed?

At this time, the pirate's shadow suddenly flashed in my mind. It was so clear that tears could no longer flow out. I didn't look at my son-in-law. I just urged Hua Rong to be very quiet: "live well, live well anyway..."

The jailer stretched out his hand, dragged the flower with his son-in-law and left

Out of the female prison, Hua Rong barely stood still, and suddenly heard a heartbreaking scream from the next door - it was a scream caused by torture - and her husband was locked inside

She was about to pounce on her, and her son-in-law pulled her hard: "you want to die..."

Hua Rongsheng was pulled out, and soon, the scream completely disappeared in his ear

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