One Night Bride

Chapter 397

The ocean has another sunny day

Far away, a ship returning from the ocean docked

People on the island gathered around to see all kinds of specialties, spices, ivory, gold and silver jewelry, and all kinds of exotic novelty brought back by the returning sailors

Ma Su got off the boat. In the crowd of onlookers, he saw a smiling face of a child, waved his hands and shouted, "ah... I want... I want..."

His eyes were fixed on an ivory in the hand of a small minion nearby The minion ran over with a smile: "young master, this is ivory..."

How can a child hold such heavy Ivory when he reaches out his hand? Giggling, his hands hugged this thick Ivory like a fish doll. With a crooked step, he fell on the beach and laughed softly The child is fat, strong and lively. His round face is like a red apple, which makes people jump on it and nibble gently

Ma Su looked at the two nannies beside him in great surprise and hurriedly asked, "who is this?"

Mammy respectfully replied, "this is the king's son."

King Qin's son? When did king Qin have such a son?

Ma Su was surprised and delighted, but he saw Uncle Yang who had heard the sound After all these years, uncle Yang was even older, stooped and coughed, "masu, how did you get this trip?"

Ma Su saluted respectfully: "Uncle Hui, this transaction is very successful. We have found another way to make money, which is faster than mining gold..."

"OK, great. Masu, you have made great contributions this time."

While talking, the two of them had arrived at the meeting room inside. It used to be a big shed for pirates to eat and drink and have fun. Now it has been built into a strong house for the leaders to discuss

Although Ma Su had always been quiet, he couldn't help immediately asking, "uncle, how did the king have a son?"

Uncle Yang smiled bitterly, "it's a pity that the king didn't have such a good life. You should recognize this child, Ma su."

"Oh? I don't know."

"This is Yue Pengju's son."

No wonder I just thought this child looked like someone, but I didn't expect it for a moment Ma Su exclaimed, "why did Yue Xianggong's son come here again?"

Uncle Yang shook his head and sighed, "poor Yue Peng, raising a generation of famous generals, is also precarious..."

Ma Su knew that Yue Pengju had been completely in a desperate situation

However, uncle Yang obviously didn't want to talk about this more, but changed the topic with great interest: "masu, now there are more and more women's family members on the island, and many people have already married and settled down. You might as well choose a suitable woman to become a family..."

Wandering all your life, why home? Ma Su never thought of getting married. Somehow, at this moment, he suddenly thought of a clear face, hidden in his heart, but the secret he never dared to reveal became deeper and deeper, almost jumping out of his chest He felt strange that it was clearly Yue Pengju who was in trouble with his husband and wife. How could he think of Princess Tianwei at the moment?

How can Tianwei be a princess?

He glanced outside. At this time, the sun was shining. It was noon, and his heart suddenly jumped violently, as if someone had mercilessly slaughtered him with a knife He felt a little dizzy and hurriedly held his forehead. In the copper pot drip in the corner of the wall, it was exactly three quarters of noon

On this day, the wind and snow turned into fine snow. Outside the Wumen vegetable market, there were a sea of people, crowded with onlookers A prison wagon rumbled forward, surrounded by 500 escort soldiers in formation

"Look, that's the fake Princess..."

"Is it really a fake princess? How can she cheat for so long?"

"Funny, that son-in-law married a fake, what should I do..."

"Pretending to be a princess deserves it..."

"Who on earth is she?"

"I heard that it was a nun who pretended to be a princess, so she confused the fake with the real..."


Amid the discussion, a mysterious figure was approaching Dressed as a southern scholar, he mingled with the crowd and was inconspicuous. Even the numerous bodyguards scattered in the crowd hid well in groups and would not be found at all

He watched the prison car slowly approaching. The woman on the car was disheveled, her eyes were distracted, her cheeks were scarred, and the corners of her mouth were full of black blood. She had already lost her former beautiful face and noble temperament

Tianwei, this is Tianwei!

Especially remember the timid girl in the golden camp of Liujia temple, the amazing moment when Shangjing mansion first grew up, and her sincere love for little Lu Wenlong Little Lu Wenlong once called her "mother"!

This woman, who once served herself, was also one of the people beside her bed Now, she is trapped in a prison car, step by step towards the yellow spring

Zhao Deji really killed his own sister in Wumen food market

This was the result that I wanted to promote with all my heart, and it was also the result that I expected. At the moment, I was furious: Wang Junhua and Qin Hui, the dog men and women, dared to disobey their orders openly!

He was breathless, and he could no longer care about being in the noisy vegetable market: "Wu Qimai!"

Wu Qimai was pasted behind him, and his face was as pale as earth

"Go to find Qin Hui, Wang Junhua, these dog men and women..."

"The fourth prince, never."

"Why not?"

"It's three quarters of noon, and it's too late for everything. Since Qin Hui dared to flatter the public and disobey the public, he must have been prepared long ago. Now the fourth Prince is still in Lin'an, and he must be careful step by step. Otherwise, if the dog men and women turn their faces and don't recognize people, wouldn't the fourth Prince be in great danger?"

Jin Wushu held his fist tightly, and his right hand, which had broken two fingers, was held in a strange shape, like an angry iron ball His own dog dared to bite his master in turn

Others raise tigers, but they own dogs At this moment, but I felt that the women around me, Yelv Guanyin and Wang Junhua, were all vicious bitch who would usurp and bite at any time

The execution was about to begin, and the crowd kept crowding ahead, and he was pushed forward involuntarily When I looked up, I was shocked. Across the street, a woman was desperately squeezing into the crowd

She was dressed in black, and her pale face was exposed from the big cloak. Behind her was her small bow. Hidden under the big cloak, only faint lines could be seen However, he knew that it was Hua Rong, and only she had such an arrow

He looked away and couldn't help shrinking into the crowd. Although she didn't see herself, she was still afraid in her bones - she had never been so afraid of this woman for a moment

Is it yourself or Zhao Deji who is the culprit of all this?

His heart beat almost out of his chest: what does Hua Rong want to do? What can she do? This stupid woman, is she trying to rob the Dharma field? Under such a large army, isn't she dead end?

Hua Rong hid in the crowd, firmly touching the dagger on his chest On the third floor inside and the third floor outside, there are bodyguards everywhere, waving bright knives

In the crowd, she suddenly felt so empty, so empty around, empty, only herself, only herself and the knives and guns all over the world, unable to fight, unable to resist Under the powerful power of violence, personal resistance is too small Today is Tianwei, and tomorrow? Tomorrow is my husband!

She shouted in her heart, "Tianwei! Tianwei!"

Tianwei seemed to hear it, turned her head in her direction, shook her head, and signaled with her lips that it was farewell

The wind and snow blew down the fundus of my eyes, and the flowers dissolved into tears. My hand pressed the dagger in my arms more tightly

Princess Tianwei was pushed out of the prison car and stood on a huge stone slab with her hands on her back A jailer suddenly twisted her body and forced her to kneel to the ground. His head was also swept on the slate, sweeping up a head of wind and snow

A eunuch came forward and read out the edict: "carry it by heaven, the emperor ordered that a nunnery female prisoner pretended to be princess Tianwei in the chaos to disturb the palace. Now she has been identified and beheaded at 3:45 p.m., which is the emperor's......"

Jin Wushu looked ahead along the eunuch's voice, and saw Tianwei kneeling on the ground with her hands on her back. A trace of blood flowed from the corners of her mouth, and she raised her eyes, as if she had seen herself in the crowd

Tianwei really saw him - the fourth prince, the fourth Prince of the kingdom of Jin! It was this man who abused himself in every way in the golden camp of Liujia temple, and tortured himself in the fourth Prince's residence of Shangjing together with Wang Junhua, Yelv Guanyin and others Now, I finally escaped back to the Song Dynasty, and he even chased me and killed me indomitably

Devil, the devil who should go to hell

It is the devil who collaborated with his people to destroy the great Song Dynasty and the great disaster of Jingkang that leads to today's tragedy

She shouted out at the top of her lungs, "Zhao Deji, Jin Wushu, I'll curse you when I go to the 18th floor of hell... I'm not going to die easily..."

Before the word "death" came out, two executioners swung their knives, one for each A burst of blood splashed, and Tianwei fell to the ground A wisp of fragrant soul dissipated

Onlookers held their breath. In the sky, only snow fell silently and the hearts of onlookers beat

At dusk, the Wumen vegetable market was desolate

The snow was falling harder and harder, and the crowd had already dispersed. The rotten vegetables and leaves on the ground and the occasional wild dogs were silent around On the stone slab after execution, the ice and snow have solidified the blood and become dry Purple Black

A wild dog ran up and stirred a wisp of dark hair. Its hair was covered with snow and dust and not yet dried up. The wind blew and danced in the evening

"Woof, woof..."

The wild dog was hit by a piece of flying gravel and ran away in pain At this time, a figure slowly came out of a shadow on the left Lift the hat, look around, there is no other person, she stretched out her hand, leaned down and hugged Tianwei - head and body are separated

The beautiful face of the past was covered with blood, and there was an expression of relief on it Is Tianwei relieved? Got a complete relief? With trembling hands, she pieced "Tianwei" together and carried it to a humble carriage in the hiding place

The curtain hung down, and she went to the front to drive the carriage out of the city in the cold wind Along the way, there are jagged random graves, all of which are solitary ghosts who have been beheaded and no one has collected their bodies In order to act as a deterrent, some major criminals, such as bandits, are not allowed to collect corpses There are skeletons everywhere, and the belly of wild dogs is not their final tomb. There is nothing left in their life except bones

Outside Lin'an City, there is a hill with 35 ancient cypresses The carriage stopped and Hua Rong jumped down with a big shovel beside him The land in winter is hard, and every time you dig, you have to use up all your strength A shovel silently joined in. She looked up slightly. She was a son-in-law with two lines of tears on her face

After all, it's a couple

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