One Night Bride

Chapter 398

Without saying hello, they dug hard together. After a while, a pit formed in the twilight Hua Rong turned and walked to the carriage. With trembling hands, she opened the curtain and just picked up "Tianwei". Her body tilted and they fell down on the snow together The son-in-law came over, put his hand around "Tianwei" and put it in the pit

The son-in-law turned around, picked up a package on the snow, opened it, and there was a beautiful dagger inside

"This is what she... The princess loved. I saw her playing every day. It must be her Jane, so I want to accompany her..."

The delicate dagger and the faint pattern on the leather cover have been smoothed. I don't know how many times I have touched it

Hua Rong nodded, and the dagger was placed on the princess's left side, which could be reached out

Will people who have never taken weapons in their lifetime fight and dance and control their own destiny when they are reborn, and will they no longer be slaughtered by others?

Two shovel, layers of loess, the former king and grandson, today's ghost Dagger Fragrant soul, all without trace

The son-in-law knelt down and kowtowed, slowly stood up, "I didn't expect it to be a fake princess."

"She is real! Real princess!"

The son-in-law was surprised, and the examination of Dali Temple Prison clearly announced that she was fake

Hua Rong didn't explain again. Under the imperial power, Zhao Deji said it was true, and Zhao Deji said it was false People, who can identify what is true or false?

Behind him, there was another wild dog barking

The rumbling sound of the carriage went away completely, and Jin Wushu jumped down from the tree Snowflakes are flying, and you can't keep your eyes open. In the prosperous world of the Song Dynasty, the Purple Magnolia in winter sends out a special fragrance in the dark night - maybe it originally had no fragrance, but now its nose is particularly miraculous. Paper money wax is mistaken for flower fragrance

In front of it is the famous West Lake The West Lake sang and danced all night

His feet stepped on the Bank of the West Lake. Looking around, the boats of dignitaries and dignitaries were more elegant in the snow. The red lanterns hung high, the strong smell of cured meat in the air, and the beautiful woman's soft song:

The copper flowers on the wave surface are cold, the jade people are fishing and managing fiber hooks, and the moon is bright, and the pond Pavilion comes in autumn at night

Jiang Yan's words fall into the dawn, the water is red, like spring break, and the west wind, Wu well, leaves worry first

Sad, sad, he felt curious, who is sad in this song dynasty? Zhao Deji? Qin Hui? And their military generals?

"The fourth prince, don't stay here long. We must leave."

He refused. In the cold wind, the blood in his blood vessels began to rush again. Was it all because of that terrible poison? When does it happen? Where is the antidote?

His footsteps, in the shadow of layers, stepped on the lantern

It was an exquisite palace lantern, but the beauty's face was trampled, and then his big feet almost trampled on the kneeling woman's hair

Ignoring the pain of tearing, the woman hugged his leg, Hissing bitterly: "fourth prince, my husband and wife failed to complete your order. All this is the decision of the ninth king. The ninth king is cruel. He is bent on killing Tianwei, afraid that Tianwei will expose the scandal of Princess Wei Xian... It is the ninth king, his sister, he wants to kill, and Qin Hui has no way... Qin Hui is just a dog, and can't stop him... Fourth prince, my family is really ashamed of you... Please punish me heavily..."

She cried and shouted, crisp breasts * *, wretched

Jin Wushu's feet inadvertently moved forward and were stepping on her forehead She screamed, "fourth Prince... Spare your life..."

Bleeding from the forehead, Jin Wushu slowly moved his feet and sat on the magnificent big chair

Wang Junhua was still kneeling and did not dare to get up. He raised his head. Panic turned into flattery, and the fourth Prince forgave himself He forgives himself again!

She raised her head and doubted that she had spent her eyes. The eyes of the fourth Prince - how gentle! But gentle? His big hand stretched out and wiped the blood on his forehead himself. His voice was also gentle: "it's not your fault. It's Qin Hui who can't deal with Zhao Deji."

She was overjoyed: "yes, yes, Qin Hui can't dominate Zhao Deji at all. It's all because he's incompetent."

The fourth prince can blame Qin Hui, but he must not blame himself

She was still kneeling beside his legs, and her voice became charming in the past: "the fourth Prince... Thank you... Next, I will never dare to make any mistakes. Please rest assured."

"OK. Tianwei's affair was an accident. After it is done, your husband and wife will continue to contribute."

Wang Junhua kowtowed again, thanked him, hugged his leg, and was reluctant to part with him: "fourth prince, let me serve you, I haven't been able to serve you well for a long time..."

Jin Wushu smiled, "there are plenty of opportunities. Once this moment passes, the crown prince will take you to Yanjing to spend the summer."

Wang Junhua's eyes lit up and his whole body was as sweet as a bowl of honey The resort dozens of miles away from Yanjing has always been a good place for Nuzhen nobles to spend the summer. Golden lotus flowers are in full bloom everywhere, clear lake water, all kinds of game... Nuzhen nobles usually only take their favorite concubines and spoil concubines Now, the fourth prince said he would take himself!

She shed tears of gratitude and hugged his leg tightly: "thank you, fourth prince. I can't repay you for being a cow or a horse in case..."

Jin Wushu helped her up: "Qin Hui, don't do more then."

The disgust in the eyes of the fourth prince was so obvious, but Wang Junhua was more relieved It would be strange if the fourth Prince didn't get angry at all about this incident However, he blamed Qin Hui alone, and worried about Qin Hui's future rebellion She said in a flattering voice, "well, Qin Hui doesn't dare to flatter him any more, but I'll stare at him..."

"That's good."

As soon as Wang Junhua left, peace returned to the room

Jin Wushu took off his robe, looked at the brand-new beautiful carpet under his feet in disgust, and frowned, "take it and burn it, these filthy things are burned."


"How to deal with the fourth Prince and Qin Hui?"

"The crown prince has his own decision on this matter."

After everything was renewed, he sat down again and sneered. These two dogs with excellent singing were really hard to deal with However, their glory, wealth and honor will be ruined if they are rewarded by themselves He clenched his fist and opened his fingers. There will always be only one Betrayer

Snow flies at night

Hua Rongshen ran back to Yiyuan with one foot shallow Nuota's Yiyuan was dark and empty. She went in quietly and saw a bean of lights. It was Li Yi'an and the fourth sister of high school who were anxiously waiting for her to come back

"Seventeen sister? How's the situation?"

Unable to answer a word, she sat down in front of the charcoal fire, with a vague cry of despair in her mouth Seeing that they couldn't persuade her, Li Yi'an and senior sister Gao had to help her into the room to have a rest

I don't know whether she was asleep or awake, she suddenly rolled out of bed, lit the light, walked to the corner and opened a large box In the box are all kinds of thunderbolt bombs and iron thistles sent by King Qin

She looked at these things and went out to eat The rice was still warm by the fire. She ate three bowls at one go, then went back to the house and lay down, and immediately fell asleep

When I woke up again, it was dusk the next day Her spirit trembled, as if she had just returned to the day of her first marriage. She wore a tight dress inside, hid all the firearms, and covered with a big fur Everything is well equipped. She looks at it. It's nothing different

Watching Wan Wan die and Tian Wei die, when do I have to open my eyes to see? Next, my husband! Is his only relative in the world

He Zhu was transferred from the Minister of Dali temple, and Wan geyu took office as the imperial censor

He Zhu's deputy at that time on Wednesday naturally guessed the reason why his boss was transferred. Seeing that Qin Hui's minions had been changed, he couldn't help but feel afraid

On his first day in office, Wan Jixuan went to Dali Temple Prison to interrogate Yue Pengju and others

He looked at the confessions of several people and was very dissatisfied: "burn it, burn it all. He Zhu is selfish. Now there is his own family here. You can't bend the law again until you make the prisoner confess as soon as possible, and close the case, so as to live up to the high expectations of the court."

Wei and others had nothing to say on Wednesday, so they had to ask the jailer to bring Yue Pengju and others

Wan Ji smiled grimly, "Yue Pengju, in your early years, you were a senior official, dictatorial, entrenched in the upper reaches, and committed evil for many years. What else can you say now?"

Yue Pengju did not hurry: "since the army, I have fought to kill the enemy and contributed to the country. I have never done anything wrong in my life. There is no sin to confess. I was framed by national thieves, and someone did it for the tiger. Now I fall into your hands. My past war achievements have become criminal evidence, and I have something to say?"

"Yue Pengju, how dare you roar in court?"

"Wan Jizhong Cheng, you will come to no good end if you follow Qin Hui to do evil."

Wanqi became angry with embarrassment: "well, you are so fierce and rebellious. If you don't use heavy duty, you can't confess. Come on, serve with heavy punishment..."

Immediately, Yue Pengju was held by four prison guards and sat on a sharp toothed stool. A large pot of charcoal fire was put in the torture hall, and eight cruel officials, each holding an iron tongs, holding a copper coin, burned in the charcoal fire, and took turns to burn Yue Peng's back

Yue Peng clenched his teeth and didn't even hum The onlookers were all shocked when they heard the "sizzling" sound of charcoal burning meat The Song Dynasty expressly stipulated that lynching was not allowed outside the law, especially in Dali Temple Prison, which set an example for the world and was not allowed to be used However, Wednesday Wei and others knew that it was Qin Hui and Zhao Deji's instigation. They didn't dare to say any more. They had to turn their heads and close their eyes

Wan Dui smelled the burning smell of black carrion and was elated: "the fake princess is still tortured. Why can't you beat Yue Peng with a martial artist?"

Yue Peng opened his eyes abruptly, "how dare you torture the princess?" In prison, he didn't know the outside information, but he didn't know that Tianwei had already died miserably

"What princess? A fake bitch was beheaded by the Meridian Gate yesterday. Yue Pengju, you will soon follow her underground..."

Yue Peng sat up straight, panting heavily Tianwei, she still can't escape this disaster

If Zhao Deji can kill Tianwei, how can he protect his wife? Enraged, another round of soldering iron came behind him, and he fainted with a stuffy hum

Wan Dui proudly ordered the cruel officials to pour a basin of water and continue to torture This time, I changed the "firewood stick", hit a stick, break a section, and dozens of sticks down. Yue Peng's back has been torn open Then he changed the bamboo stick and inserted it into his fingers... After several rounds of torture, Yue Peng raised such a strong body. By evening, he was already very weak, but he was unable to say anything more

He had just been sent to the cell, and Yu Peng, sun Ge and others surrounded him. They were very distressed. Yue Peng made great achievements in the war, and he ended up like this Several of them were also tortured, but none of them confessed a word

Yue Peng opened his eyes and looked around. He didn't see Zhang Xian. He endured pain and asked, "where's Zhang Xian?"

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