One Night Bride

Chapter 399

No one answered. It turned out that Zhang Xian was the first to be imprisoned and suffered the most torture. He was already dying. He passed out in a coma that day and never woke up again

He resisted his grief and was willing to go to prison in exchange for the lives of everyone. Now, Zhang Xian is in danger. What about Yu Peng, sun Ge and others? What should they do in the future?

This night, sitting on the stone wall, where can I sleep? He felt a jade bracelet from his arms, which his wife wanted him to carry with him In this cold night, he especially misses his wife and son. Who will take care of them when he dies? Especially the wife, where should I go in this life?

Sitting on the stone wall, he thought of the Dongting Lake war, the arrival of Li qiaoniang, and the cold war between himself and his wife, and deeply regretted it Why did you get angry and make trouble with your wife at that time? This parting is a few months, because there is little time, and even the waste of those months has become a deep regret If time can be reversed, even if it is a small quarrel, he will no longer be angry with his wife Holding the jade bracelet, he was so crazy that he didn't feel the sting in his back at all

After a while, he suddenly stood up. Although Zhao Deji's imperial edict claimed that his guilt was less than that of his family members, according to his sneakiness of reneging, how can his sister trust him?

The more he thought, the more afraid he was. He stood up slowly. In the dark, his bones made a noise, but he didn't make a sound

He was bent on preservation, but as a result, no one could be preserved

regret having done sth. If it is Zhuxian Town, it will rise up!

Prime Minister's office

Qin Hui was in a particularly happy mood this day. Wang Junhua brought back the news of the fourth Prince's forgiveness. In front of Zhao Deji, the lifelong prime minister had also been firmly saved, and everything had been at ease

He enjoyed the singing and dancing of beautiful women in the middle, and was happy. Wang Junhua accompanied him, and for the first time he didn't scold him anymore

The bookboy led Wan Jixuan in. Qin Hui said enthusiastically, "it's hard. First drink a glass of wine to get rid of the cold."

"Thank you, Mr. Qin."

Wan Jiyun drank three cups in a row and smiled back: "Lord Qin, today's torture of Yue Pengju was very effective..."

"Hahaha, good fight, continue to fight tomorrow, and use all kinds of criminal laws. It depends on whether he does it or not."

Wan Jixuan understood it. Although he didn't know what deep hatred Yue Pengju and Qin Hui had, there was always a holiday. Qin Hui seized the opportunity and naturally wanted to revenge. He followed Qin Hui and naturally wanted to make Qin Hui 100% satisfied He asked for instructions again: "Zhang Xian, Yu Peng and others died without confessing. How to deal with them?"

Qin Hui was so elated that he waved his hand, "these foolish and loyal warriors, let them hold together with Yue Peng..." before his words fell, he heard Wang Junhua cough, immediately shut up, woke up, and remembered the order of the fourth prince He was indignant and puzzled. Why did the fourth Prince ask for the release of Yu Peng and others? However, Yue Pengju is a serious problem. Since he has been eliminated, others are not afraid. It doesn't matter whether he kills or not. Why bother to offend the fourth Prince again? After all, his life and fortune are still in the hands of the fourth prince

He immediately remarked, "well, the son of heaven is kind and only investigates the culprit. These martial arts men are not busy dealing with it for the time being. You just need to urge Yue Peng to raise his pledge." In fact, it doesn't matter whether Yue Pengju paints or not. All he wants is to torture Yue Pengju, which is just enjoyable

Wan Jixuan was a little embarrassed: "no matter how tortured, he couldn't get a confession. Yue Pengju meant to release Zhang Xian, and Yu Peng and other talents were willing to confess..."

"Then stop torturing these people first, and mainly punish Yue Peng for holding one person."

"Lord Qin is relieved that his family will make Yue Pengju a pledge within three days."


"Wan Jizhong Cheng, you have made great contributions this time, and I will definitely recommend you to rise step by step."

"Thank you for your kindness."

As soon as he was in full bloom, the prime minister promoted it, and he naturally rose to the top in the second half of his life Qin Hui was also in high spirits. Although Zhao Deji's suspicion had already prevented people from calling him "Eun Xiang", at the moment, Wan Jixuan's "Eun Xiang" was really just right. He was so elated that he put his hand around a dancer and kissed fiercely

Qin Hui turned his eyes and saw that Wang Junhua was about to give her female power. Suddenly, he heard a hurried voice outside: "prime minister Qin..."

It was Han Zhongliang who broke in

Qin Hui breathed a sigh of relief, and when he saw Han Zhongliang, he was very guilty, and hurried to salute and step aside Wang Junhua also retreated hastily

After the two men bowed perfunctorily to each other, Han Zhongliang said angrily, "the Prime Minister of Qin framed Geng Zhu earlier, and now he framed Yue Wu with Zhang Xian. Is it not afraid of the gods of the Taizu family to be angry?"

Qin Hui sneered, "Geng Zhu's case is the holy judge of his majesty. What's my business?"

"I inquired about the Yue Wuyi case. After many tortures, there was still no confession. It was obviously an unjust case."

"Although Zhang Xian's letter is not enough evidence, 'it is reasonable, and its body is unnecessary' (this sentence is Qin Hui's original words in historical books, that is, the source of the word 'unnecessary'."

Han Zhongliang was furious: "why does the word 'unnecessary' serve the world?"

Qin Hui was elated: "did Han Xianggong not know that Yue Pengju made a decree to set up an imperial prison?"

Han Zhongliang was speechless. For a long time, he shouted "Yue Wu, Yue Wu, you can save me, I can't save you", and then went away angrily

As soon as Han Zhongliang left, Qin Hui immediately entered the palace and reported to Zhao Deji that the peace agreement of the fourth prince had been reached, and that Yue Peng had raised the trial of a case

Zhao Deji was elated, and immediately arranged the mission to go north to personally welcome the return of Empress Dowager Wei, and has always stressed the importance of the return of the Empress Dowager Finally, Zhao Deji frowned and asked, "how about Yue Pengju's confession?"

Qin Hui had a headache for this matter. No matter how tortured, he couldn't get a decent testimony. He speculated about Zhao Deji's psychology and said cunningly, "Yue Pengju's case, before which there was a letter from Zhang Xian, and then there were three major charges testified by the censor. Yue Pengju and his sworn friends were fierce and stubborn and refused to confess. These two points alone can close the case."

"Well, this is the end of the case. However, today is the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month. When will it be postponed?"

Qin Hui said, "after the Lantern Festival..."

Zhao Deji immediately interrupted him, "no, I want to celebrate New Year's Eve. It's not good to execute on New Year's Eve, then tomorrow."

Qin Hui naturally had to agree: "I will obey."

As soon as Qin Hui left, Zhao Deji hurried back to the dormitory

The dancer's waist is as white as a layer of lard that has just begun to condense, which is nourishing and smells like meat

Zhao Deji hugged and drank happily

Another glass of wine went into his throat, and he pretended to sigh: "what I want in my life is the peaceful and happy son of heaven. Unexpectedly, in a short time, the peace negotiation has been completed, and the powerful ministers have also been eliminated. However, recently, too many people wrote a letter to the dog barking, and even filed a grievance for Yue Peng, urging him to refuse the peace negotiation. What is the purpose of this?" He looked at the memorials piled up on the table, "there are 62 memorials accusing Qin Hui, of which the memorials of two scholars from Sichuan and Shaanxi are the most intense. These are the old sayings of corrupt scholars, which are annoying. But I am magnanimous, in line with the Taizu family motto of preserving the speaker, I burned these 60 memorials and ordered them to be handed over to Qin Hui for disposal..."

Zhang Yingying on one side felt cold and toothless She has been with Zhao Deji for more than ten years, and now she knows how the "benevolence" and "malevolence" of emperor's art coexist

Zhang quwei bowed down and said with a smile, "the official family is kind, the upright son is ignorant, Yao, Shun, Yu Tang, Xia Jie, Shang and Zhou are all loess, and joy and joy is the true meaning of life."

Zhao Deji was delighted when he heard the speech, and he was filled with emotion In his early years, he also dreamed of expelling the golden man and revitalizing the mountains and rivers However, the price in exchange is to keep fleeing What is a promising king? What is the king of a conquered country? If you keep Jiangnan, you are Mingjun! What is the difference between Yao, Shun, Jie and Zhou when people die? If you have a happy place and have fun, it will not waste your time to be a romantic son of heaven

The more he thought about it, the more peaceful he was. "Zhang quwei, reward you a hundred liang of gold."

"Thank you, official."

As he was speaking, the eunuch who was beheaded a few days ago came back. Zhao Deji rose and rewarded him with a cup. The eunuch drank all his gifts in flattery and reported, "the official family, the body of the fake princess has been taken away..."

"Who collects the corpse for that bitch?"

"It's Huarong, and the son-in-law."

Zhao Deji sneered, and bang Wenming announced that he would expose the fake princess to the public. After exposing her body for three days, Hua Rong dared to act recklessly and collect her body in advance

"Officials, how to deal with Huarong?"

Zhao Deji thought for a moment and shook his head, "first closely monitor her movements. Just don't let her escape Lin'an." As soon as he finished speaking, he felt insecure. Yue Peng was going to be killed tomorrow. After killing him, how to get the flowers into the palace in a righteous way was a big problem

On this issue, he was at a loss. Yue Peng died and occupied his widow, which must be sneered at by the world. It completely deviated from his consistent list of "benevolent and bright monarchs, not close to women", and he could not afford such a bad reputation However, the hope of having a son was completely cut off if the flower solution was put in vain

Which is more important, son Jiangshan or emperor reputation?

He gnashed his teeth. Why can't Hua Rong be like Wang Junhua? Be obedient and smart, warm Pavilion once spring breeze, is it not the best?

Outside the palace, the improper eunuch Kang Gonggong is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot today I couldn't help it any longer. I found an opportunity to sneak out of the city quietly

Wang Jixian's magnificent house was brightly lit. Duke Kang rushed in. Wang Jixian stepped down and took him into the study As soon as the door was closed, father Kang hurriedly said, "haven't you reported it to the official?"

Wang Jixian's face was livid, and he grabbed his collar: "dead eunuch, you killed me."

Kang Gonggong was strangled and breathless: "Wang Jixian, you gave the medicine to the official family, and you can't get rid of it."

Wang Jixian grabbed him fiercely: "who was the one who threatened me that day? How dare you collude with bandits and harm the emperor. If I threaten the official family at this time, it is an unforgivable crime. Isn't my family full of people?"

Kang Gonggong was strangled and rolled his eyes: "there is an antidote..."

Wang Jixian's hand loosened: "to tell you the truth, I tested the medicine before giving it to the officials. And I used seven different methods to verify it, and it didn't have any toxicity. Don't scare me with this."

Kang Gonggong retreated three steps and said gloomily, "Wang Jixian, that medicine is witchcraft, which you can't find out naturally. Two years later, you will know... By then, your family will be all dead..."

Wang Jixian's eyes showed a fierce light: "I killed you first, who knows?"

Duke Kang took another step back: "if you kill me, the officials will know that it was you who gave the medicine tomorrow. If you don't believe it, try it."

Wang Jixian's eyes turned: "if you want to save Yue Pengju, don't even think about it. Otherwise, before next year, the two of us will die today. You have served the official family for many years, and you should know his behavior. If you know this, you and I will be killed by him. Senior official Kang, you choose whether to kill Yue Pengju or me and you?"

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