One Night Bride

Chapter 400


"Yue Pengju has no relatives with you, senior official Kang, will you sacrifice your life to save him?"

Kang Gonggong shook his head and said in a shrill voice, "I had nothing to do with his life or death."

"Isn't that right?" Wang Jixian showed a grim smile, "as long as you and I don't say, how can we blame you and me if something happens to the official family at that time? It's all two years later, and nothing is proved..."

Father Kang had no other way. Naturally, he would not sacrifice his life to save Yue Pengju. He knew better that he could no longer stay in the palace. However, it took a lot of trouble to leave safely

After a few days of light snow, the twilight sky was gloomy, as if the sky was about to collapse

Hua Rong quietly went out from the right door of Yiyuan First she climbed a tree and sat on it motionless About half an hour later, I saw a dozen black figures in plain clothes quietly surrounded in the dark on the east side When she looked at the north side again, her figure was also graceful Zhao Deji did it, and sure enough, he was going to do it himself

Since he did it himself, Peng Ju's death is not far away Her heart beats like thunder, tonight, tomorrow? She jumped out of the tree, took a detour and ran out, stepped on the prepared horse and went straight to Dali Temple Prison

Dismounting, she swaggered in and took out a jade plaque, which was the wedding gift Zhao Deji gave her when he escaped at sea She was carrying a basket and took the initiative to open it, which was full of some dishes and wine She burst into tears: "Lord Zhou, please allow me to visit Peng for one last look."

It is Wednesday Wei who is on duty On Wednesday, Wei saw that it was Yue Pengju's wife, and took out the jade plaque of the current emperor. Thinking of her as a female, alone, was just to deliver the last meal for her husband However, thinking of Qin Hui's strict order, Yue Peng will be punished tomorrow. No one is allowed to visit, and he is a little hesitant

Hua Rong begged bitterly, "I'm only a Pengju in the world. He always likes to eat the food I cooked. This last time, please be kind to adults and remember it in the future."

Wednesday Wei hesitated and finally nodded: "Mrs. Yue goes early and gets out early, otherwise, the lower officials can't afford it."

Hua Rong hurriedly thanked and carried the basket in

A row of cells, Yu Peng, sun Ge, Zhang Xian and so on, Peng Ju, where is Peng Ju?

Hua Rong's eyes fell on the unconscious Zhang Xian. The rest of the people were surprised to hear that she came in. Yu Peng immediately whispered, "Mrs. Yue, why are you here?"

Hua Rong didn't answer, and a grim smile rang in his ear. As soon as he came in from the big iron gate on the outside: "there is a way in heaven, you don't go, and there is no door in hell to throw..." with a wave of his hand, hundreds of armor guards have blocked the prison exit, "take the rebellious Hua Rong..."

Besides a bunch of prisoners, even Wednesday was stunned He thought of something and stopped loudly: "Lord Wanji, your Majesty's edict, the crime is less than the family..."

"She is rebellious. Someone accused her of secretly colluding with the fourth Prince of the state of Jin and took it..."

Hua Rong threw down the basket, took out the bow in his hand, ran in, and shouted, "Peng Ju, Peng Ju..."

In the innermost cell, Yue Pengju suddenly stood up from the confusion. The sound came from the sky, from the sea, and went straight to his ears He ran to the door, and a group of armored bodyguards approached. It was Wan Jixuan and Qin Hui coming out of the shadow!

Even the wife will be poisoned by them! Kill yourself, kill your wife, never!

Angry, angry tens of thousands of lions want to jump out of their chests and minds, shaking their manes, and the Tathagata also wants to roar like a lion!

He swung the iron shackle in his hand and smashed frantically into the iron lock of the cell

Yue Pengju was tortured and tortured. He kept silent and did not make any resistance People were frightened. It turned out that he still had such natural divine power

Qin Hui was startled and hissed, "come on, stop him..."

"Bang", the iron lock fell to the ground, and he hissed, "Seventeen sister..."

Several bodyguards in iron armor had approached Hua Rong, and one of them swung a long knife and cut at her left leg Hua Rong dodged and desperately dodged. In front of him was the cold stone wall, which had reached the end of the cell. There was no way out

Chasing soldiers, dark chasing soldiers, looking ahead, in the open fire battle in front, there are Qin Hui's grimace, Wan Jiyu's grimace, and Zhao Deji's grimace hidden behind... Sweat on Hua Rong's head drips out

"Seventeen elder sister..."

With the sound of desperate survival, she suddenly turned sideways. In the cell next to her, the iron lock was completely cracked. Yue Peng rushed out, blocking her in front of her, and tightly "hugged" her with his shackled hand - seventeen sister, seventeen sister!

Hua Rong leaned closely against him, back to back, and tears came from her face Only then did I know where courage came from - when Wan Wan died, I could only watch; When Tianwei died, she could only watch Peng Ju was dying, and he could only watch until he died - there was no one to watch

Peng Ju wants to fulfill his faith in his subordinates, but who will fulfill Zhao Deji's faith?

"Peng Ju, I'll accompany you today!"

The tiger's eyes shed tears, and Yue Pengju burst out laughing: "well, I, Yue Peng, take a farmer, fight in the South and in the north, expel the golden man, although I was framed. But in this life, there are seventeen sisters who never leave, and it's not worth a trip to this world."

The front jailer's elite soldiers stopped. For a moment, they were stunned and couldn't believe that Yue Pengju could smash the iron lock out alive - just like a tiger

In this consternation, Hua Rong suddenly took off her big fur and waved it with force. In front of everyone, Hua Rong stretched out her hand like a little leopard in despair. Her posture was agile, and a thunderbolt bomb was thrown out

With a loud bang, the crowd retreated desperately

The whole Dali Temple Prison was boiling, the roof seemed to have been torn off a layer, and all kinds of screams became one, and Qin Hui rushed out first Wan Jixuan was also stunned. Killing Yue Peng was a big deal, but his own life was more important. He covered his ears and fled

As soon as the two ran away, the front soldier fell in a pool of blood, and others retreated one after another. The smoke filled the air, and the figure could not be distinguished around. Yue Pengju took advantage of the chaos and pulled his wife and ran away

Crowd you squeeze me, I squeeze you, in the chaos, I can't tell who is who. Hua Rong ran all the way, turned around, and threw down a fire thistle. With a crackle, the fire burned in the corridor, the jailers panicked, and the prisoners kept screaming and crying

In the small hall of Dali Temple Prison, a plainclothes man with two attendants in green hats came quietly. Seeing that the son of heaven was coming, Dali Temple officials hurried to salute As soon as Zhao Deji sat down, he heard a loud bang. He jumped up in fear and subconsciously shouted, "Jin Jun is coming..."

The officials looked at each other, and their faces changed greatly. At this time, Qin Hui ran out in a hurry and shouted, "hurry, dispatch troops quickly, Yue Pengju escaped..."

Before he finished speaking, seeing Zhao Deji's fierce eyes, his legs softened and he knelt down: "Your Majesty, forgive me, I'm stupid... Things are bad..."

Zhao Deji kicked him on the head, terrified, and turned to the Guard commander Xu Caizhi: "quickly, immediately mobilize the imperial guards to intercept Yue Pengju... Kill him on the ground..."

Wan Jixuan also stumbled and ran close at this time. Seeing the emperor here, he knelt down trembling: "yes... Yue Pengju's wife robbed the prison..."

"Is it Huarong? Are there any other associates?"

"I haven't found it yet."

Zhao Deji immediately felt at ease and angrily scolded, "just a woman scared you like this? A bunch of losers."

"She doesn't know what firearm she used. It's so powerful..."

Zhao Deji suddenly remembered King Qin's firearms and cannons, which he had seen at sea earlier, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak to himself. But after all, he ascended the throne for many years. Accustomed to the wind and waves, he immediately maintained the power of the son of heaven, and angrily said, "if the fierce tiger comes out of the cage, it will inevitably hurt people..."

Qin Hui had already climbed up, regardless of his disheartened face. He was more afraid than Zhao Deji. If Yue Pengju escaped, he would be most threatened. He calmed down and immediately asked subconsciously, "how to deal with Hua Rong?"

In full view of the public, Zhao Deji no longer considered whether to have a son or not, and angrily said, "arrest together. I'm magnanimous, and my crime is less than that of my family, but Yue Pengju openly rebelled and killed immediately. Hua Rong considered it at her discretion, and if she resisted to the end, she would also be killed..."

Qin Hui was secretly happy, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and immediately said, "Your Majesty is kind, your majesty is wise!"

Yue Pengju and his wife had rushed to the prison gate of Dali temple. Outside, the imperial guards surged in like a tide Yue Pengju was a senior official and minister. According to Qin Hui's arrangement, the execution was not public and was only executed secretly in prison But Hua Rong broke in this time, which immediately disrupted his deployment. Fortunately, he was ready, especially Zhao Deji. At the order, the imperial guards who had been on standby poured out

Yue Pengju watched more and more elite troops surge up, feeling invincible and fearless At this time, he had completely calmed down, and the shackles on his hands had become the only weapon Fortunately, when he was tortured, in order to heal his wounds, he temporarily lifted his shackles and was able to walk In her busy schedule, Hua Rong took the hard dagger in her arms and tried to cut his shackles, but she couldn't stop cutting for a moment She watched the enemy surge up. In a hurry, she didn't know where to go. She had only one idea in her heart, fighting to the death Yue Pengju looked at the direction and said loudly, "Seventeen sister, rush North..."

Hua Rong threw a fire thistle back without thinking. There was another chaos, and the two grabbed the way and ran away

To the north is the small hall of Dali Temple Prison, where senior officials rest. Through here, you can get out to the north gate As long as they can go out, they will have a way to survive

Hua Rong held this idea, and all the blood in her heart was boiling. Close to her husband, they seemed to become one person, with the same pace and action. They both had only one idea: until now, they must run

From a distance, Wan Jixuan screamed, "someone escaped..."

Countless imperial guards held up torches and lit up all around Zhao Deji hurried to the door and saw that in the dark, two people stumbled out. Although they were so far apart, they could only see two vague figures. He immediately recognized that it was Yue Pengju and his wife

Especially Yue Pengju! Yue Pengju is tall and strong, which is unforgettable

Wan Jixuan was so surprised that he whispered, "God, Yue Pengju, this traitor, can be so brave after such a long time of torture..."

Zhao Deji was shocked and looked at Yue Pengju's arrogant figure. At this moment, he suddenly understood why he hated Yue Pengju so much and must kill him - in addition to guarding against generals! Also because of his damn "brave", a strong, majestic and brave man These are what I lack I own the world, have wealth and power, but I have lost the most essential things of men

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