One Night Bride

Chapter 402

That's why she died under Zhao Deji and Qin Hui - maybe under her own hands!

He clenched his fist - his broken right hand lying in an ugly shape, which should not be the image of a handsome childe

Around, song soldiers, ferocious, rushed in like a tide, chasing their heroes

He suddenly laughed and felt absurd

Who owns my world?

Politics, this is cruel politics

Enough to destroy the gentle lingering that has been nurtured in this land for thousands of years, Tang poetry and Song poetry

In the overwhelming cry of killing, Yue Pengju panicked and exclaimed, "Seventeen sister, seventeen sister..." the people in his arms seemed to be unable to hold the bow and arrow The improved bayonet showed sharply, like the tail of a carp, in the last fight

"Peng Ju... I'm ok... Ok... Go, go..."

It was another round of fierce attack. Hua Rong leaned against her husband, and the small bow in her hand was just like an ornament, staring at the approaching enemy with wide eyes. When they were close, a little closer... A thin needle came out, and a miserable cry, and the small bow played its final effect. Hua Rong's hand was soft and trembling, and she could hardly hold it anymore

A round of spears, flashing cold light in the fireworks, seemed to jump out of the bath fire, and seemed to fall from the sky "Peng Ju, catch..."

Hua Rong's shaky body only had time to see the black soap robe and the dark Zen stick with a thick bowl mouth


With a loud cry, thousands of people were forced to retreat The Tathagata also roars like a lion

She shed tears of gratitude and only shouted "brother Lu..." but her voice was weak, submerged in the flying snow and fire Before and after Peng Ju's accident, she was afraid of Ruda and never told him anything All those involved will encounter Zhulian, Zhang Xian, Yu Peng... And even strangers who dare to speak frankly in Sichuan and Shaanxi Such a big event, the world is in an uproar, Donglin temple is not so far away from Lin'an, Ruda naturally learned He didn't contact them, and he didn't know what court practice was. The king wanted his ministers to die, and his ministers had to die - he only carried out secret rescue in his own way

His beard and hair are all open, but he is still kind-hearted, like the angry King Kong in the temple

The besieged song army dared not go forward for a moment, and no one knew who it was


I don't know who took the lead to drink. The arrowheads, like locusts, changed their targets and shot all at the suddenly killed monk He was trapped in the center, and the Zen staff waved so that the water couldn't splash in. Some of the arrowheads fell to the ground, but some crossed and rebounded. The front man shouted miserably, and fell a dozen people. The rest of them retreated step by step, giving the camp to the crossbowman

Thousands of troops poured in like a tide In front of it is the north gate, which is closed. On the wall, a row of bowmen are standing high, bows full of strings, and ready The command of "killing on the spot" made them very relaxed. They just shoot arrows and shoot round after round. Even the iron man had to turn him into a hedgehog

Hua Rong's voice was excited and worried: "it's brother Lu... Brother Lu, he's coming..."

Lu Da shouted loudly, full of anger: "Peng Ju, take a Mei away... Quickly... Go to Ximen, Ximen..."

Yue Peng raised his heart and looked at the direction of Luda's Zen stick from the corner of his eyes. He took his wife and ran to the West

"Hurry, go west, hurry..."

Lu Da suddenly waved his Zen staff and killed a bloody path from the arrow net. Song Jun, who was chasing and blocking, had to kill again to stop it

Yue Peng held this breath, turned his head, pulled Hua Rong and changed his direction There was only one last thought in my heart: to save my wife's life anyway Since Ruda reminds me so, there must be someone else to meet? Who is it? Who else? No matter who can lend a helping hand at such a time of life and death, if you want to repay, you have to live in the next life

"Come on, Yue Peng ran away..."

"Where did you go?"



"Hurry up..."

The new song army followed, but the shooting was not so dense In the faint light of the fire, Xu Caizhi, the leader of the Imperial Army, rode on a high horse and shouted: "take down the monk quickly, catch his accomplice, Yue Peng lifted to the west, quick..." he shouted loudly, as if he had never noticed the two people in the shadow

He shouted solemnly, but his palms were full of cold sweat. Those two people, perhaps, were still dead after all Xu Caizhi and the two of them have known each other for many years. After the battle of fleeing at sea, they have always held a feeling of sharing life and death But he and Yue Pengju were not very close in the past, especially in the past two years, there was no private contact at all, so he was not suspected by Zhao Deji at all Like Zhang YingYing and others, he served Zhao Deji for many years and never dared to disobey him at all. Knowing that Yue Pengju was wronged, he did not dare to intercede for Yue Pengju However, to his surprise, Zhao Deji even killed Hua Rong! Even Hua Rong, who had lived and died for him many times, did not hesitate to kill him! "Sin is not as good as family members", what a grand reason to announce the world and eat their words, Xia Jie, Shang Zhou, but so He witnessed such a fierce fight. Although he didn't dare to be selfish at all, he had to touch the conscience. Subconsciously, if he could delay for a moment, he would delay for a moment

It was this moment of delay that Yue Pengju had grabbed his wife and ran dozens of feet away, making a final struggle along the shadow of the city wall Yue Peng shook his body, grabbed his wife and set foot on the north again - bypassing two alleys and the north gate

At this time, the main guards and pursuers of the north gate all went west and south. The north gate was gradually empty. No one would expect Yue Pengju to return to die again

He stopped, listened to the wind, slightly happy, the voice of the north gate withered, and the direction of the fire was farther and farther away However, his pace became slower and slower. Holding Hua Rong's hand, the temperature was also gradually dispersing. Maybe it was the cold of snow or the cooling of blood. Hua Rong suddenly stopped: "Peng Ju, Peng Ju..."

He reluctantly opened his eyes and glanced at the flames moving towards the wall of the car. His heart was like a knife in his heart. He tightly hugged his wife and almost rubbed her into his bones: "sister seventeen, I'm so sorry for you, sorry for my son..."

She burst into tears and hugged him tightly, but she hugged the arrowheads all over her - unable to hug, she would press those arrows more heavily into his flesh and blood as soon as she stretched out her hand In the moving light of the fire, the clothes behind him have been fragmented, knife wounds, arrow wounds... Then, there are scorched and fuzzy burns - new and old marks of the soldering iron

Even the iron man will melt and die

His forehead rested on her forehead, "sister seventeen, I regret... Regret... Sister seventeen, it was I who hurt you... If I can meet you in the next life, I don't care about anything. I'll only be with you all my life, even if I have a simple meal, cultivate and spin, and be a farmer all my life..."

Hua Rong couldn't cry. Her throat rolled and howled, stuck and choked, and couldn't spit out With only the residual strength, he reluctantly supported him not to fall - he was going to fall! His husband, his lifelong dependence, and xiaohutou's father, he can no longer stand

The mighty and invincible Yue Pengju can no longer stand!

She leaned against him, relieved, and suddenly laughed Whatever, whatever

He heard his wife's heart beat faster, but he seemed to know her mind. His forehead suddenly left. Hua Rong felt a cold on his face. Yue Peng lifted his spear and flew up in the air. He pulled his wife, gentle and lingering, with a voice like honey: "sister seventeen, live well, don't take revenge for me... Don't take revenge for me..."

The flowers dissolved in the fire and looked at her husband's face as if it were snow on the ground. The arrow clusters on her body could not be counted The strength of the whole body is gradually disappearing, and the last drop of blood will soon flow out

She was completely out of control. The pain on her body had been numb. She only knew that she subconsciously blocked him in front of him and wanted to cover the arrows that were shot densely for him: "Peng Ju, Peng Ju..."

His voice was more gentle: "sister seventeen, go quickly, think about little tiger head... How poor little tiger head is, he is still waiting for us. You are his mother! Little tiger head must have a mother..."

She screamed, and the blood flowed down the corner of her mouth: "no!"

"Sister seventeen, listen to me once, just this time!"


As soon as he clenched his teeth, his spear jumped up and turned around, even picking it at his wife's feet Hua Rong stepped on the tip of the gun, his body soared, and was thrown more than three feet high. There was a gap, the last line of life he saw in his busy schedule Just as her body was about to fall, he used all his strength to climb with a gun, stretched out his hand, held her, and sat firmly on the wall, but he could no longer support it and fell to the ground

The dilapidated city wall, outside the gate, is not the Great Wall to resist the war, but a fragile decoration like the West Lake song and dance and the wind and moon

After this slow force, Hua Rong's body slowed down, sideways, disappeared into the night, and with the colorful feathers on her small bow, sparkling like the dark ghost fire in the night, disappeared

He watched his wife disappear, his heart was in full bloom and his face was full of tears

"Seventeen elder sister... Seventeen elder sister... Live well with her son..."

In the dark night, someone was singing, "warm wind... Intoxicating... Ah... Ah..." the voice of the singer was full of the temptation of the night

Jin Wushu stood by the window, sweating in her palm. The woman, bloody in the night, took off, hoarse and screamed like death: "Peng Ju... Peng Ju..."

This is the result of my desire. Why is it so miserable?

Another round of arrows was about to shoot at the woman flying in the air, but she screamed repeatedly and was knocked down by a row of concealed weapons, and a dozen archers fell from the wall one after another


"Search quickly, there are accomplices in the dark..."

"Your Majesty ordered to catch all..."

"Catch up with Yue Pengju first. Come on, he ran to the South Gate..."

"Hurry up, he and Hua melt together and kill the two culprits..."


"Kill Hua Rong and reward 1000 liang of gold..."

"Kill Yue Pengju and reward 10000 liang of gold..."

"Kill Yue Pengju, and the official will be promoted to three levels..."


Qin Hui rushed from the prison of Dali temple, rode on his horse, shouted loudly and waved the flag. For the first time, he felt the power of maneuvering, as if he were the marshal commanding thousands of troops Joy, if crazy... Who knows this day, I also have this day. The literati chased the arrogant military general like a lost dog

Force is never equal to resourcefulness

Wisdom is never equal to conspiracy

His laughter resounded in the dark night: "hahaha... Get rid of Yue Pengju, and the world will be peaceful... Everyone up... Each person will be rewarded 20 times..."

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