One Night Bride

Chapter 403

Yue Peng raised a long roar, waved a long gun, and led all the pursuers to the west gate The flood of soldiers rushed frantically and didn't even shoot an arrow. Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men, who just wanted to run up and kill Yue Pengju with their own hands - that was a great event of fame in the world

However, except for Qin Hui's martyrs, others slowed down, especially the imperial guards, who were hesitating secretly, trying to leave this credit to Qin Hui or Zhang Jun - because until now, they didn't know what crime Yue Pengju had committed Until now, the imperial court can't give the exact evidence of the first general of the Empire!

The matter is unnecessary!

If history opens its eyes in the future, who is willing to engrave his name on the tombstone of a generation of famous generals as a murderer? Therefore, they all held knives and guns, shouted frantically, and chased slowly

Xu Caizhi, in particular, couldn't wait to jump off his horse, but he could only pretend to work hard - he could only watch Qin Hui proudly waving the flag, his short body like a crazy deformed marmot, his wretched head, emitting a terrible rare vicious light

"Kill Yue Pengju and reward 10000 liang of gold... 10000 liang of gold... Zhangjiajun, go..."

Zhang Jun, after all, was afraid that Qin Hui would take the credit alone

As the dead and "zhangjiajun" swarmed, the crossbowmen had lost their role and had to retreat again and again, leaving a large open space for 10000 people to fight

Yue Peng took his last breath, and his eyes were completely blurred by the splashing blood. He didn't know whether it was his own or the enemy's

Knives, guns, swords, halberds, scars like clouds, has completely lost the feeling of pain, blood ran out, anger did not run out, a big knife cut in his vest, his head tilted, a big mouthful of blood spewed out, like a blood arrow, shot at the enemy

The sun is shining

The sun is shining

The sun is shining

His body shook, but his legs stood straight, and he roared three times:

Zhao Deji must be killed in the afterlife!

Zhao Deji must be killed in the afterlife!!

Zhao Deji must be killed in the afterlife!!!

The roar was earth shaking. Rao was Qin Hui's martyr and zhangjiajun. He couldn't help but stop in situ and dared not raise his gun any more Even Qin Hui and Zhang Jun were stunned by this shocking "great rebellion"

Three huge roars, a generation of heroes, fell straight to the ground, no more sound

Qin Hui woke up with a sharp voice: "hurry, kill the body..."

"Slaughter the corpse..."

Everyone hesitated, but no one went up. They just retreated and retreated again

With a loud noise, flames soared into the sky, and smoke filled the air. A big monk fell from the sky like a bat, like a black cloud The crowd only felt the feeling of dark clouds pressing on the top, screamed miserably, and was shaken by the power of firearms

Qin Hui's voice was like a changed tone eunuch: "quick, take down your accomplices... There are many rewards..."

The crowd caught up, but Ruda couldn't resist, and had already fled without a trace. The soldiers finally found the tall body at the corner of the front wall

His beard and hair were all pieces, and he was already bloody and unrecognizable. In his ragged clothes, snowflakes fell on the exposed piece of paper dyed red with blood. It was a piece of paper that had been crumpled. After more than ten years, although it had turned yellow, it was still neat, with three extremely beautiful big characters on it:

Yue Pengju!

Snowflakes, one by one, cover silently

Hua Rong's body, like a broken kite, flew up, fell again, and fell on the snow outside, heavy and dead

In the dark, a group of dead men came out, dressed in black and armor, all of them Qin Hui's dead men Qin Hui worked step by step, mobilized dead soldiers at a faster speed than Zhang Jun, secretly fortified, and sought to eradicate the root

Hua Rong's body fell on the snow, soft, and every bone was completely crushed. He couldn't put it together. He just lay down and rolled his eyes. In the dark night, his only consciousness was to search where his husband was?

Where is it? Where the hell is it?

Sharp axe, sharp knife, meteor hammer... Wrapped in the wind, her head, feet, waist, limbs, to tear her apart

She closed her eyes and was too tired to hold the small bow in her hand, but she couldn't lift it


A voice full of sorrow, anger, despair and sadness came, and a black figure rolled on the spot, holding all the chopping blades

Broken limbs and arms, flesh and blood flying, a knife a knife, no mercy

"Girl... Girl..."

Hua Rong couldn't open his eyes and couldn't see clearly the person who held him. The blood on his body flooded his hands like a tide, wet his chest, and vaguely asked him, "Peng Ju, where is Peng Ju... I really want to see him again..."

He tore his heart and lungs and screamed, "girl... Girl..."

Her hands drooped softly, her long eyelashes red, like a dead butterfly

There was another loud noise. The bright flowers of death in the night. The dead people swarmed back, trampled on each other, fell down in groups, and the blood melted into the air, combined with snowflakes, and a red rain fell

In the last consciousness, there was a magnificent song, so clear:

Angry hair, leaning on the fence, Xiaoxiao rain rest Raise your eyes and roar up to the sky, strong and fierce Thirty fame and dust, eight thousand miles of cloud and moon Don't wait, white young head, empty sad

Jing Kang's shame is still not snowing; When will the ministers' hatred die? Driving a long car and stepping down, Helan Mountain is short The ambition is to eat the Huns' meat hungry and drink the Huns' blood thirsty with laughter Stay at the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky

The person in my arms is as light as a feather and too heavy to bear, as if every minute and second will die I'm late! I'm still late after all! King Qin waved his broadsword and had no other consciousness at all. He only knew: kill! Kill all the culprits and all the people who harm the girl

Screamed one after another, and he didn't know whether it was himself or someone else. He had completely lost his consciousness of judgment, and only had a strong idea: leave, hurry up and take the girl away from this terrible place Let her be safe forever

There was a fork in the road ahead, and only two of the nine bodyguards were left. One of them shouted, "king, hurry, go left..."

Without thinking, he hugged someone and ran to the left Behind him, a group of Qin's dead stood at the intersection of the night, holding torches, murderous

"Where did the fugitive go?"



The leader hesitated a little: "there are two ways, and we must cut the roots."

It was this moment of hesitation that secretly, a hidden arrow like a locust was shot, and everyone shouted miserably and fell to the ground The people in the dark beg for the killer, but they are not soft at all, and almost kill all the dead people around

The snowflakes were in full swing. It was the darkest time before dawn. Bursts of firecrackers came. New Year's eve of the Song Dynasty came

As soon as he rode a fast horse out of the dense forest, Wu Qimai asked urgently, "fourth prince, do you want to chase?"

Jin Wushu looked at the corpses everywhere, his heart stirring, his mind like a mess

"The fourth prince, we must find her before she dies..." Wu Qimai is the only one who knows that the fourth Prince has been poisoned. In a sense, the safety of Hua Rong is the safety of the fourth prince Now, Hua Rong is on the verge of death. If he doesn't get the antidote, the fourth prince will be in danger

Jin Wushu stood where he was, and his eyes were full of bloody figures in the dawn. For a moment, he could clearly feel the smell of her blood splashing on his body His mind was numb. He couldn't react for a moment. He was blocked by broken arms and limbs on the ground. He was more than a hundred times scared than that night of the bloody battle on the small commercial bridge!

My biggest opponent is finally dead!

My favorite woman is also bloody!

Is this what I have been expecting?

He was breathless and speechless. His crippled right hand and only three fingers firmly held Fang Tianhua halberd. In his ear, there was another hurried chase sound

Wu Qimai hurriedly said, "fourth prince, hurry up, Song Jun is coming..."

He subconsciously turned around and ran to the right of the fork road. Wu Jimai waved his hand, and the others immediately followed

South gate

When the bodyguard in charge saw a team of officers rushing over, he hurried to release it and asked loudly, "where is Yue Pengju?"

The chief officer replied loudly, "it's dead. Stop."

The sky in the East has shown fish belly white, but the bright torch of the whole city hinders this bright color People who get up early have opened the windows and began to shout, chicken, duck, fish, fruits and vegetables. Lin'an City is about to start its new day

There were more than ten bodies lying on the side The charred smell of thunderbolt shells spread all around, and the nose was full of the strange smell of sulfur, as well as the strange smell of burning hair of many soldiers Yue Peng's chest vest was half burnt A soldier took the note and felt a jade ring from his close place

Under the bright torch, Qin Hui personally examined the body of the tall man with his beard and hair all stretched out. His body shape, clothes, and belongings all showed that it was Yue Pengju without dispute Wan Jixuan also came forward to look carefully and said in surprise, "yes, this is Yue Pengju." Qin Hui breathed a sigh of relief and stared at his nemesis. The first general of the Song Dynasty was finally completely eradicated by himself

He stood up, waved his hand, and shouted with all his strength, "the rebel Yue Peng has been killed!"

"The rebel Yue Pengju has been killed!"

He danced, screamed, and was elated, as if he had commanded the most important battle of his life and won It's so good, the feeling of victory

Zhang Jun felt quite unhappy at the bottom of his heart. Unwilling to take the second place, he also drank loudly: "the rebel Yue Pengju subdued the enemy and withdrew."

But there was no crowd cheering as expected, only the Zhangjia army issued a few echoes: "withdraw"! Facing the corpse of the imperial general, the soldiers didn't seem to want to see much, and they couldn't help wondering, "why didn't Yue Xianggong die in the battlefield, but died in his own hands?" Naturally, they dared not interfere, accelerated their pace and quickly withdrew

Qin Hui grimly smiled. Before, he still maintained a certain degree of "courtesy to the virtuous corporal", but since the Prime Minister for life was written into the peace negotiation terms, he has been brazenly publicized. Now, as soon as Yue Pengju died, he didn't pay attention to Zhang Jun, and he thought in his heart that he had to find an opportunity to squeeze Zhang Jun out Zhang Junshan was even more angry, but he still had to be humble in front of Qin Hui

The sky gradually brightened

But the dark clouds are still pressing in the snow, and the snowflakes are flying all over the sky, as if this new year's Eve would never stop

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