One Night Bride

Chapter 404

A window squeaked open, and the window flowers turned into ice flowers, breathing into frost, confusing the whole world Jin Wushu stood by the window, quietly looking at the tall body, still lying on the ground with his hair stretched out, as if denouncing this unfair world

Between heaven and earth, only this corpse is left

The vast expanse of white is really clean

He laughed and didn't know what he was laughing at

Fame and wealth are all lost, heroes or ordinary people. In a blink of an eye, everything is empty

Behind him, Wu Qimai's heavy breathing voice came: "Yue Xianggong... Died miserably..." he couldn't help but replace "Yue Pengju" with "Yue Xianggong"

Jin Wushu said faintly, "if it weren't for Zhao Deji, we really couldn't beat Da song. Ha, Zhao Deji is actually our best helper..."

He suddenly stopped talking, and in the shadow of the snow, several prison guards from Dali temple came to clean up their bodies

There was a slightly suppressed cry, which he carefully identified, but it was two of the prison guards

"Yue Xianggong died miserably..."

"It's all caused by this traitorous thief Qin Hui..."

"Heaven does not bless the Song Dynasty..."

"Shh, stop talking. Be careful that you have ears and cause trouble..."

A jailer named Kan Shun carried Yue Pengju's body on his back. Several people quietly came to a suburban cemetery in the south of the city, hurriedly dug a pit, and hurriedly buried Yue Pengju's body In order to hide people's eyes and ears, a tombstone of "Jia Yiren" had to be erected in front of the grave, which was hasty Finally, Kan Shun bowed a few times, knelt down and kowtowed: "Yue Xianggong, open your eyes someday, you have to avenge yourself, and the villain will change the monument for you."

"Yiren" was a title of waimingfu at that time. Kan Shun and others were afraid of Qin Hui, so they had to

Kan Shun and others hurried away, and peace returned around. Snowflakes soon covered the lonely grave into a vast expanse of white

For a long time, a talent came out from behind a big pine tree, looked at the three words "Jia Yiren" at the head of the grave, and couldn't help laughing: "Yue Pengju, you think you are a hero for the first time, but after you die, you have become a woman! If you knew this, you'd better go to my big gold, and you'll be prosperous and rich for the rest of your life!"

The blood all over the body is accelerating again, and in my consciousness, I am afraid of the spread of venom in the whole body Antidote, where is the antidote? Huarong, where is Huarong?

"Wu Qimai, immediately go all out to find Hua Rong."

"Yes." Wu Qimai asked for instructions carefully. "It seems that the people who rescued Hua Rong have been prepared for a long time. They should not be in the city now. We must chase them out immediately."

Jin Wushu nodded, and it was time to leave Lin'an

With the sound of firecrackers, he looked back at this colorful world again and found for the first time that Nanguo was not so desirable Tang poetry and Song poetry can not cover up the deep-rooted despicable human nature in this land It's just that Zhao Deji and other dirty people stole the Dragon chair, which is really too eye opening for Haotian God

He angrily scolded and beat his horse out of Lin'an, which is the direction to Kaifeng. There, in the Longde palace, Zhao Deji's biological mother, Princess Wei Xian, was still under house arrest, looking forward to the day when he returned to the Song Dynasty to be a noble empress dowager

Zhao Deji's "filial piety" of "welcoming the Empress Dowager back", I don't know how many people died under his butcher's knife Jin Wushu was angry and ridiculous, and he couldn't help feeling a little happy for his strategy What is the meaning of the word "loyalty"? With great achievements, the true meaning of life, I suddenly remembered all kinds of means of joining the stab. Did I follow the old path of Yue Pengju today or the old path of song Taizu in yellow robes in the past? His heart was boiling, the waves were surging, and he ran all the way. He just wanted to hurry up and leave this ghost place faster. He pointed to the world and was arrogant. He controlled his own destiny - at the same time, he controlled the fate of others! Mastering the fate of others is the supreme power of the strong However, the first step is to find Hua Rong and remove the first threat of his hit Otherwise, what else?

Golden palace

Zhao Deji stood up from the Dragon chair, sat down again, and walked a few rounds, very impatient The palace people dare not go out. Even the spoiled concubines such as Xiao Liu are hiding in their respective bedrooms, and dare not act coquettish at all. Even Wu jinnu and others, who are in charge of the new year's Eve feast in the palace, dare not ask for instructions and interruptions

There was a delicate small stove in front of him. I didn't know whether it was the temperature was too high or the mood was too nervous. Zhao Deji's fists were stretched out and closed, so repeatedly, and his palms were soaked with sweat

A burst of rapid footsteps, eunuch Zhang quwei's voice rang out: "prime minister Qin, Zhang Taibao asked to see..."

Zhao Deji was impatient and shouted, "pass it quickly."

Waiting at the door, Qin Hui, Zhang Jun, Wan Jixuan and others hurried in and knelt on the spot: "congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty, the rebel Yue Pengju has been killed..."

Zhao Deji fell down on the Dragon chair and added with his hand: "God bless the Song Dynasty, it's really God bless the Song Dynasty... Hahaha..." Yue Peng died, and the powerful minister between his elbows and armpits finally died In the future, there is no need to worry about who will be "dressed in yellow robes", let alone see such a majestic and masculine man appear in front of him He laughed repeatedly, and he didn't know whether it was relief or joy. He almost laughed with tears Even Qin Hui and others were a little creepy. They knelt on the ground and dared not make a sound for a long time

It was quiet in the air, and several ministers knelt on the ground with weak legs. For a while, Qin Hui had an idea: "Your Majesty, these were found from Yue Peng's body..."

Zhao Deji waved his hand and remembered their existence: "you wait until you get flat."

Qin Hui stood up, opened a box and handed it to Zhao Deji Zhao Deji saw that there was a yellow paper and a jade ring on it There are three words "Yue Peng Ju" written on the paper

"This is from Yue Pengju. His body is now in Dali Temple Prison."

Zhao Deji naturally recognized that it was Hua Rong's autograph, and he also recognized the jade ring. He had seen Hua Rong wear it on his hand several times He didn't seem to want to touch these things, so he hurriedly ordered Zhang to take them away and pondered, "well, I'm lenient, so I'll leave Yue Peng holding a whole corpse, and these things, let him go."

In a blink of an eye, he suddenly asked, "where is the flower solution?"

Qin Hui hurriedly said, "tell your majesty, Hua Rong's body has not been found yet. Yang Yizhong, Xu Caizhi and others are still searching..."

Hua Rong's corpse - has Hua Rong become a corpse? This is different from Yue Pengju's death. Zhao Deji suddenly remembered that he had no choice to have a son in the future Zhao Deji shook his head and interrupted his words: "immediately order Yang Yi to withdraw the troops. Once the culprit is eliminated, I will no longer ask my family about their sins. Whether Hua Rong is dead or alive, there is no need to investigate."

Qin Hui hurriedly suggested, "Your Majesty, as the saying goes, raising tigers is a danger, and Hua Rong can't get rid of it. I'm afraid there will be endless trouble. There is also Yue Pengju's son. Hua Rong should be arrested and their accomplices should be searched. Among them, a big monk, the famous guanxiluda, came to the rescue. It is estimated that Hua Rong was saved by him..."

Zhao Deji stared at him thoughtfully: "I have my own discretion. What kind of climate can a woman dissolve in flowers?"

Qin Hui suddenly remembered the oath of Taizu's official family. Knowing that Yue Peng was dead, Zhao Deji was going to play "Renjun" now. He wisely stopped talking and stepped aside

"Qin Hui, you order the capital hall to immediately distribute official discs and warn the world that Yue Pengju has been eliminated. These days, we have strengthened our vigilance to prevent people from making trouble."

"I will comply."

He still thought of Hua Rong's disposal. "This Hua Rong, I said that I was less guilty than my family, and announced that I would exile her to Hainan."

Qin Hui thought, people are gone, what strength is exile? But Zhang Jun flattered with a smile: "the flower will not dissolve and will take away half of his life. Your majesty doesn't have to worry."

Zhao Deji was shocked and stood up: "Aiqing people have worked hard. Today, have a peaceful new year's Eve."

Qin Fu

Wang Junhua changed into a very delicate and expensive new dress and used the bright red rich bird peony embroidery This is a queen's dress, but she was bribed, and the officials of the weaving Bureau deliberately presented her with such a dress She liked it so much that she put it on for a peaceful new year's Eve

After a sleepless night, she was very nervous. She lingered at the door early in the morning, waiting for Qin Hui's return The bookboy kept running in and out and reported: "Madam Guo, Yue Pengju has been killed at the South Gate..."

"Madam, Mr. Qin has entered the palace..."

She asked again and again, "where is Hua Rong? Has Hua Rong found the body of this bitch?"


The rich new year's Eve lunch was put up, but she didn't want to taste it at all. Lunch time was over. Far away, Qin Hui's footsteps and ecstatic voice were heard: "Madam Guo, great joy..."

Wang Junhua hurried up and asked in surprise, "old man, how is the situation?"

Qin Hui laughed and had no more scruples: "it's good to reassure Mrs. Guo that their serious troubles have been completely eradicated. Yue Pengju has been killed."

Wang Junhua was concerned about Huarong and immediately asked, "where is Huarong?"

"Her body has not been found, but according to Yang Yizhong, she was also seriously injured and it is estimated that she will not survive."

Wang Junhua was surprised, but he was still very sorry: "this bitch is really lucky. How can she run away?"

"There is a concern that xiluda brought people to rescue. Hua Rong is estimated to have been saved by him."

Wang Junhua gnashed his teeth and said, "who is Ruda? What three heads and six arms does he have? Old man, you are really useless things, so you can also be robbed of the Dharma field? Why don't you send someone to chase you? You must kill that bitch..."

Qin Hui's smile faded, and he said gloomily, "I also feel strange that most of our dead and wounded, and there must be other forces behind Luda. It seems that Yue Pengju is really a party member."

Wang Junhua angrily said, "then don't you send someone to hunt down?"

"No. the officials ordered to stop the pursuit."

"Bah, this guy is impotent, but he came to play Mingjun again after playing a vicious hand."

"This is his usual method. Anyway, Yue Pengju has been eliminated, and half of his life has been removed even if the flowers are insoluble. What kind of trouble has the female generation had?"

"Damn it, I didn't see her body with my own eyes."

Qin Hui arched his hand and said pleasantly, "the sky Wei has been eliminated, and the flowers are half dead. The lady of the country has a wonderful plan. Why worry about the sky?"

Wang Junhua couldn't hide his pride: "don't say it, old man, I really have to thank the fourth prince. Killing Tianwei and Yue Pengju were all his strategies."

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