One Night Bride

Chapter 405

Qin Hui chewed his cheeks and frowned. When chasing Hua Rong, he obviously felt two different resistances Although he could not judge, he always felt that one of the forces was like the fourth prince But he didn't dare to say this worry. Even Wang Junhua couldn't say it. He changed the topic: "Madam Guo, after worrying for many years, the great trouble has been eliminated, and his family has become prime minister for life. Tonight's new year's Eve, we must celebrate wantonly and live up to our complacency."

Wang Junhua nodded and said yes. They laughed proudly together and drank a toast

Wang Junhua was very happy: "what about Zhang Xian and others?"

"Zhang Xian has been tortured to death in Dali Temple Prison. Yu Peng, sun Ge and others are fated, but they are not dead yet. Up to now, the officials should be lenient, and I might as well sell a good one. Anyway, killing is useless."

"Well, let's do it. It's also a favor for the fourth prince."

This is Qin Hui's heart disease, or can't help it: "did Mrs. Guo notice? The fourth Prince has become more and more abnormal recently. First, he asked to release Tianwei, and then asked to release Yu Peng and others. Except Yue Pengju, it seems that he doesn't want to kill anyone else? What's the reason?"

Wang Junhua glanced at him and remembered the promise of the fourth prince that he would take himself to Yanjing for summer vacation in summer Often thinking of the upcoming fragrant and charming scenery, he couldn't help but be elated and didn't agree with Qin Hui's caution: "old man, you have achieved what you want now, and how many are you considering? How many benefits promised by the fourth Prince haven't been fulfilled? You'll be your prime Minister for life safely."

Qin Hui sprinkled his beard with his hands, for fear of further questioning, which would cause his wife's suspicion and strange dreams. Sometimes he didn't know whether Wang Junhua was serving for himself or more for the fourth prince. He could only laugh and hide: "how many concubines did the lady of the state promise to reward me, but did he count?"

Wang Junhua's eyes showed a fierce light: "old man, don't think about it."

Qin Hui resisted and said, "I have killed Yue Pengju..."

"But this bitch Hua Rong is not dead. Your task is not finished."

Qin Hui didn't dare to say anything again, and naturally he would not pursue it. Anyway, there were groups of prostitutes at home, and he had many opportunities to go out to ask for flowers and willows. He mentioned this matter to Wang Junhua just to change the topic

On New Year's Eve, Lin'an City began to usher in its festive atmosphere. Every household pasted couplets and set off firecrackers. Officials were busy preparing lanterns and fireworks for a half month After crossing the south, the small imperial court rarely had such a great celebration. This year, the peace negotiation was successful, and Yue Pengju and the fake princess were killed successively. For Zhao Deji, all the major troubles in life had been eliminated, and he had to celebrate

The concubines in the palace were all dressed up and competing for beauty. Even Zhang YingYing and others had to forcibly suppress their inner panic and decorate their twelve point beauty and smiling faces for fear of losing the favor of the king

Zhao Deji hugged and drank cup after cup After eating delicious food, he led his concubines upstairs to watch the Lantern Festival in Lin'an City Inside and outside the palace, colorful lanterns hang high, fireworks soar to the sky, colorful, beautiful Zhao Deji was in a great mood. He only felt that this was the first step of the prince of peace. He said to himself, "what does Yue Pengju know about this guy? If we continue to fight, how can I have such fun? Peace with Jin people is the foundation of peace in the world."

There was a smell of blood on his nose, which was the scene of Yue Peng running away with shackles in his hands. He was so excited by the smell of blood that he laughed and was so excited that he pulled Xiao Liu and two newly arrived 15-year-old palace maids to bed This night, three women chenghuan, Zhao Deji increased the dosage of Wang Jixian's aphrodisiac, which seemed to have endless energy The three were miserable, especially the two new girls. They had to endure the pain and had to smile. Later, a girl couldn't help crying Seeing this drop of tears, Zhao Deji was furious and kicked her out of bed with one foot: "unkind bitch, get out of here..."

The other two were terrified. Zhao Deji lost interest and drove them out together. He lay down alone and slept

In the middle of the night, Chunmeng was having sex with countless beauties. With a scream, Jin Wushu led the army to chase him. He hurriedly jumped off the Dragon bed and jumped into the sea The boundless sea, the boundless night, the escape of life and death, hunger, hunger; Thirsty, too thirsty to bear He grabbed his throat and howled. The door was silently opened. A figure stood at the door, handed over half a sweet fruit, and whispered softly, "official... Here you are..."

The fruit was so big, so red, so bright. He had never seen such delicious fruit before. His ecstatic voice trembled, and he stretched out his hand to pick up the fruit: "thank you... Ronger..."

His hand touched the fruit, but it turned into a sharp dagger, straight to his throat, and the cute figure turned into a fierce ghost with disheveled hair: "Zhao Deji, you give back my husband and wife's life... Zhao Deji, I'm going to kill you this mean man..."

"Ronger... Spare your life..."

The dagger hit his throat and couldn't breathe. He shouted loudly and jumped down from the bed: "ronger... Spare my life... Spare my life..."

Several palace men rushed in and hurriedly helped him up: "official family, official family..."

Sweating and hoarse, he sat on the Dragon bed, trembling all over

On the stove, a pot of boiling water gurgled, emitting strong heat

The doors and windows were closed tightly, shutting out all the wind and snow in the room But the room still exudes a cold breath, a strong chill

The woman on the bed was covered with blood, and there was no clean place King Qin's hand was placed on the torn lapels. The lapels were mixed with flesh and blood, blurred and inseparable. Every time he moved, he would tear a piece of flesh and blood

However, no matter how she tore it, she couldn't feel it. Her eyes were closed, whether she lived or died, painless and unconscious

In my arms, some fragmentary things have been soaked with blood King Qin carefully felt out that it was the wedding sticker she carried with her - the wedding sticker of her and Yue Pengju Then, there is a pile of yellowing paper, on which is the autograph of Yue Pengju, her husband's handwriting, one of which is the famous song "man Jiang Hong" I've known such an ending for a long time, so I'll take all my precious things with me, live and die, and never leave

King Qin did not dare to remove these things, but still firmly placed them in her heart, as if there was a strange force, hoping to be awakened, hoping to achieve a magical effect through it - Awakening life and protesting injustice

"Girl, girl..." King Qin gave a sad cry every time he put on the wound medicine, as if to summon her soul - a wisp of fragrant soul will soon disperse. He only relied on the experience he had gained from traveling far and wide. According to the legend, when people arrived at the gate of death, as long as their relatives kept shouting her soul and shocked black and white, they would leave her behind

The usual absurdity has become the only hope now. He trembled his hands, kept smearing, and kept shouting: "girl... Girl..." his voice revolved in his throat. He didn't dare to be too big. He was afraid of being too big. The next second, she left and vanished

The wound medicine poured out of her body and put it in her mouth. She had already lost the ability to swallow His palm was against her vest, with a mouthful of water in her mouth. With luck, his head and face were stained with the blood on her body, like a savage of a cannibal Her eyes were still closed, as if everything was in vain

When the hot water came up, he wrung his handkerchief and gently wiped the stains and blood on her face. A few strands of hair fell on her face, full of sand, without a trace of vitality

"Girl... Girl..."

A minion named an Zhigang came forward and summoned up his courage: "Your Majesty... Mrs. Yue, she is dead. You don't have to waste your efforts..."

With a wave of his hand, he beat an Zhigang out a long way, his eyes wide open: "fuck your mother, how can she die?"

An Zhigang didn't dare to say more, but he turned over and got up, but he saw that King Qin was also disheveled and covered with blood, and his appearance was very terrible

Another minion named Liu Zhiyong picked up his companion, patted him on the shoulder, comforted him, and couldn't help saying, "Your Majesty, it's too dangerous to stay here for a long time. The villain has prepared the carriage, so you might as well take Mrs. Yue to leave overnight..."

"Leave, leave, how to leave?" King Qin roared loudly. The girl was broken all over and was about to fall apart. How could she stand the turbulence of the carriage?

He slammed the door shut. He didn't want to hear the noise of them at all. He just took hot water, kept wiping it for her, kept calling her name, as if she would wake up if he kept calling

The sound of fireworks and firecrackers

The new year's Eve in Lin'an City is so beautiful

The food delivered had cooled down, and King Qin sat idly by the bed holding his hands without heat - his hands were also terrible stains and blood stains, such as branding, which could not be wiped off Girl, I can't wake up Can't you wake up again?

His tiger eyes shed tears and held her hand tightly, Yelled in her ear, "girl, dead girl, don't you think about your son? Tiger head, little tiger head, who cares if you die? And Zhao Deji, Qin Hui, Jin Wushu, these bastards of thieves, if you die, who will report revenge for Yue Peng? Can you just watch them in pain? Unpromising girl, I told you to rise up but didn't listen... Wake up, wake up, one day, you will kill these bastards yourself..."

She lay quietly, cold, and the accumulation of wedding stickers around her, "Red River", completely lost the power of life

Anger, suppressed anger accumulated for many years, surged into my heart, I can't wait to break my hands: "Girl, damn girl, you are like this every time. Every time you push the burden to Lao Tzu. Yue Pengju is dead, and your son should be responsible by yourself! Why should I give it to Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu has so many things to do, who is impatient to care about your son? Lao Tzu wants to marry another biological son, and there is no time to mind your business... Yue Pengju is dead, and xiaohutou has no father, so why are you so selfish and don't care about your son? Who are you worthy of when you die? Worthy of Yue Peng Ju? Worthy of little tiger head? You just don't want to be responsible, just want to escape, you're so selfish... Girl, you've always been selfish... Dead girl... "

The people around me still closed their eyes, and their long eyelashes stopped shaking, as if they were finally relaxed and relieved It is a great sorrow to live

The scalding tears fell on her face. King Qin was exhausted. In the fireworks, he was tired and lying beside her, completely forgetting his pain and the dangers around him. He was as weak as a child who had just come to the world, pleading in a low voice: "girl, wake up, wake up, Lao Tze depends on you..."

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