One Night Bride

Chapter 406

She was still indifferent and didn't want to open her eyes again to face all this terrible

He burst into tears and hissed, "well, if your son doesn't feel bad about himself, don't expect me to feel bad about him. If you die, girl, I'll drive xiaohutou out and let him live and die, wander around the world and be bullied..."

Fireworks have been sporadic on New Year's Eve, and the first day of the new year is coming soon

The cold wind roared outside, and the people around her were still silent. Even the eyebrows and eyelashes were gray death marks. The injury was too serious, and it was not quiet to wipe. Her head and face swelled, and she could not recognize the past King Qin's shaking hand stroked the past, and his rough big hand touched the thin soft eyebrows, so light that he was afraid that if one of them touched, it would scatter her soul For many years, this woman, she was really tired, tired and tortured

It's not that she doesn't want to live, it's that she can't live Can't live!

Those who hurt her!

Zhao Deji, Jin Wushu, Qin Hui!!!

These ferocious faces flashed before her one by one. It was these people who hurt her, killed her, and persecuted endlessly. After all, people were flesh and blood, and could not resist such a powerful violent institution The violence under the state machine is the greatest violence, and it is justifiable, "if you want your ministers to die, your ministers have to die", overwhelming, irresistible, and even revenge is impossible


Girl, why don't you live for revenge?

It's not your revenge, it's my killing these damn beasts for you

The girl is so tired that she can't even open her eyes. How can she revenge? The smell of blood on her body can't be dissipated. It's all over the house, nostrils and the world Blood, blood red, blood red that destroyed her life

A strong feeling of heartache and heartbreak surged into his heart like a tide. He completely stopped shouting, turned over, sat up again, and began to look for all the magic drugs that could be found to smear on her There was a hurried footsteps outside the door. It was an Zhigang's voice: "Your Majesty, the doctor is here..."

King Qin opened the door in ecstasy. In the twilight of dawn, Liu Zhiyong stood beside an old doctor, blindfolded and blindfolded. Liu Zhiyong carried a large medicine box for him Needless to ask, I also know that I must have been kidnapped King Qin stretched out his hand to get rid of his blindfold and ears, and said sternly, "cure it quickly, and I will be rewarded for curing it." he was not talking in vain, and immediately handed over a bunch of golden leaves The old doctor was kidnapped on New Year's Eve. He had great resentment in his heart and kept swearing and rolling his eyes. But looking at the ferocious King Qin around him, he dared not die. He also saw that the king Qin was so generous. The string of gold leaves alone was more generous than ordinary Kings, grandchildren and nobles He was surprised and did not know who was in the room He specializes in internal injuries. Seeing the woman in bed, he kept shaking his head and said to himself, "how could he be so badly injured? There is no good place all over his body... Poor..."

Liu Zhiyong hurriedly put down the medicine box for him. The old doctor took a full set of instruments for acupuncture and moxibustion, took it orally and applied it externally, and scratched his bones. So, he was tired until noon that day, and was busy sweating King Qin ordered someone to bring him tea and water, and asked anxiously, "doctor, how is she?"

"What a vicious man! He hurt a woman like this. If you don't die, you'll die. Let's keep it for a year and a half."

King Qin breathed a sigh of relief and repeatedly thanked him

The old doctor took the gold, went to the door, turned around and put it on the table King Qin angrily said, "what are you doing?"

"I can't accept this diagnosis."


The old doctor didn't answer, took out a bottle of black ointment from the medicine box, went to Hua Rong again, smeared the whole bottle of ointment on her serious injury, and said to himself, "this is my ancestral secret recipe. It's not easy to refine, and only this half bottle is left. If you want to refine it again, it must take five years."

King Qin didn't know why. The old man was kidnapped, and he didn't charge the diagnosis money. He was willing to take the secret recipe handed down by his family. What's his intention? He suddenly realized that the old man was so strange that it was not Qin Hui's work He reached out and grabbed the old man by the neck. "Old man, who are you?"

The old doctor will be killed immediately if he answers carelessly He didn't change his face, but said, "since yesterday evening, official discs were distributed all over Lin'an City and outside, announcing the world, and Yue Xianggong was executed. Naturally, I also learned..."

King Qin said in both voice and expression, "so what?"

The old doctor said with regret, "it is well known that Yue Xianggong died unjustly. This lady was injured so badly. Judging from the severity and number of wounds, it is obviously the injury of last night. A woman was injured like this, and she also has martial arts. It must be Mrs. Yue..." his eyes fell on a small bow in the corner in front of the flower dissolving bed, which has been dyed red with blood, "I didn't recognize it at first, but I suddenly saw this bow when I went out. Mrs. Yue is a heroine, and everyone knows that she is good at riding and shooting. Although I haven't seen it before, I saw this bow... Alas..."

King Qin's hand slowly loosened, The old doctor's voice was painful: "I'm also from Henan. Jingkang was in great trouble. My old wife, three sons, two daughters and son-in-law, all died under the iron cavalry of the Jin people. I was alone with two young nephews, and wandered away from Nandu. I lived a long time. Xianggong Yue was powerful in the north and south, and the Northern Expedition defeated the Jin army one after another. Seeing that my great song Zhongxing was promising, I was hoping to recover the two rivers and was able to return home for sacrifice. But Zhuxian Town was forced to withdraw, and my father and father were disappointed. Alas, it's a pity that Qin Hui was in power, and Xianggong Yue was in power If you die unjustly, good people will not be rewarded. "

King Qin completely released his hand and handed the golden leaf to him: "if so, you deserve it."

The old doctor said with regret, "Yue Xianggong died so miserably that the announcement of the court was' unnecessary '. So why do you convince the public?" He stared at King Qin, "this hero is willing to take strange risks to save the widow of Yue Xianggong. So, how can I charge Mrs. Yue's medical fees?"

King Qin met such a person for the first time and was speechless Or an Zhigang arched his hand and said, "thank you, doctor, thank you..."

The old doctor shook his head and sighed, carried the medicine box on his back, took his own blindfold and earplugs, and covered them all: "send me out."

Liu Zhiyong led him out again

The two were speechless, and an Zhigang took out an official ultimatum from his arms. It was Zhao Deji who instructed Qin Hui and others to spread it. He announced that the world would kill Yue Pengju, exiled all his subordinates, punished them with sticks, and exiled the rest of his family members to Hainan

An Zhigang breathed a sigh of relief: "Your Majesty, it seems that Zhao Deji won't chase Mrs. Yue anymore?"

King Qin's official ultimatum is still at his feet. Zhao Deji, a thief, often goes back on his word and has no faith and righteousness. He has already removed most of Hua Rong's life. What's not to blame his family? It's so vicious and shameless to be a bitch and set up a memorial archway

He clenched his teeth, and his fist rattled: "Zhao Deji, even if you are the emperor, I will find a chance to kill you in this life!"

For several days in a row, Jin Wushu led people to secretly search the periphery of Lin'an City, but there was no news. Hua Rong, unexpectedly, broke his wings and flew? She was seriously injured. How could she walk? Naturally, he would not give up. He almost started a carpet investigation, but there was still no news

Wu Qimai came back from the outside, looking hurried: "fourth prince, there is still no news."

He was furious: "how could it? She was so hurt that she couldn't escape."

Wu Qimai hesitated: "maybe... She's dead, so she can't be found..."

Dead? How can Hua Rong die?

Jin Wushu's heart sank with this terrible blow

What if Hua Rong really dies? Moreover, it's not impossible that he saw the woman with black and blue wounds and fatal everywhere. How can he survive? Perhaps, as early as that quiet corner of the night, she has quietly died?

He jumped up in surprise, "no, Hua Rong won't die. Someone saved her."

"But why did the person who saved her have no information? The dead man who stopped Qin Hui at the beginning was a little late and lost... Who would save her?"

Jin Wushu suddenly asked, "who is Guanxi Ruda?"

"I only heard from Qin Hui that it was a monk in Donglin temple. He was a famous Wulin expert who had been powerful in the north and South during the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty. He has been on the move for more than ten years, mostly in Donglin temple."

"Then go to Donglin temple." He said and felt something wrong. Everyone knows that Luda is in Donglin temple. Luda really saved people. How can he return to Donglin temple again?

"Fourth prince, what should I do next?"

Jin Wushu was so confused that he couldn't answer

Wintersweet, cyclamen, Anthurium, Clivia, cactus, azalea, Narcissus... The flower market in Lin'an is full of excitement in the new year

A pot of Narcissus flashed brightly in the round flowerpot of Jun kiln, with white petals, pale yellow stamens, clear water and white stones, infinite charm King Qin lifted up his bamboo hat, glanced occasionally, moved in his heart, bought a basin, held it in his arms and hurried away

In the bustling flower market, walking through the noisy crowd, 35 small courtyards, wintersweet fragrance, hidden in the city, no one knows that there is such a corner of the world in the center of the downtown here

King Qin knocked on the door, seven times, and the door opened. He dodged in and closed the door. When they saw him coming back with a pot of daffodils in his arms, they were both a little surprised. Unexpectedly, King Qin still had this elegance

King Qin ignored them and directly held the Narcissus on the side table. The Narcissus gave out a faint fragrance. He sighed: "girl, look, what did I buy you back? This garlic can bloom. It's really strange that I've never seen flowering garlic before." Then they realized that he didn't know Narcissus at all and mistakenly thought that garlic would also bloom

An Zhigang whispered, "Your Majesty, there is news of masu."

"Oh? Why is he here?"

"We don't know. We only saw the mark he left. It's estimated that he will arrive soon."

This place was bought by Ma Su during his leisure time in the dynasty. I think it is a very good and hidden place, which is safe and convenient to leave at any time Therefore, it has become a long-term stronghold of King Qin, and the boys who come and go are also well-trained people

"Well, pay attention to the people who come and go these days. I've noticed that someone is following us. It's hard to get rid of the tracking, but I don't know who did it for a moment. Qin Hui is ruthless and wary of his malicious hand."


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