One Night Bride

Chapter 408

How long has it been since King Qin greeted her warm and grateful eyes with joy? All the way, she was in a coma almost every day. Now, she was able to speak a word He didn't know whether he was happy or sad. He grabbed her hand and his eyes were astringent: "girl, you will get better soon. Don't be afraid, I'm with you every day."

She listened to his voice in a daze, familiar and kind, so warm and reliable At the end of the nose, there is the salty and astringent air from the wind on the beach, with the unique fragrance of spring. There is no ice and snow, but spring is coming The sun hit her face, sending out heat. Her eyebrows moved slightly. Finally, she opened her eyes and saw the blue sky above her head


King Qin was ecstatic. She opened her eyes and finally opened them

With a smile on her face, she tried to sit up with her hands soft next to his, but when she moved, her body was like falling apart, and she fainted again with a groan

King Qin quickly picked her up and hurried to the room that had already been cleaned

More than a decade ago, this was his "imperial palace". Several plantains have grown even larger. The house has been rebuilt. According to the plan proposed by Ma Su and Liu Wu, it is very magnificent, like a beautiful ancient castle The ground is covered with a kind of marble like rock collected from the island, which has a unique invisible pattern than marble, cool and pleasing to the eye In the spacious bedroom, there are more than three large vases of Jun kiln filled with flowers collected on various islands Several thick wild roses, even if inserted, are in full bloom in a large vase A large piece of Shu Brocade is spread out. On the white jade table, there is a tea stove and several rose red tea sets of the official kiln of the same color The brocade curtain on the bed hangs high, which is a soft moon white, and the calf leather mat is comfortable and pleasant These were rearranged before King Qin came back

Bumpy all the way, the body next to the comfortable bed, surrounded by the fragrance of wild roses, with a faint sweet smell of pollen, the flower dissolved, closed her eyes, and fell asleep again I have experienced too many things and need to rest for a long time

King Qin sat beside her, touching her scarred cheek, sad and happy Back to the island, back to the bridal chamber, or even the same bed In a twinkling of an eye, he saw the huge aloe trunk in the corner of the room Inside, there are all new shirts, red, yellow, blue and green, in all colors For a time, he thought these clothes would never see the sun again. Unexpectedly, she came back here again

He walked over, opened the box and took out a light green shirt This is an old shirt, the one she used to wear. As soon as she left, the shirt was locked in the box, and it seemed to still exude the fragrance of a 17-year-old girl

At that time, how good

He took his shirt and went back to the bedside. From Seventeen to thirtysomething, how many years, how many days and nights, finally, he could put it on again

At this time, it's also very good

Next door is a huge study, which is also arranged according to Ma Su's advice There are all kinds of rare ancient books robbed over the years, flower paper calligraphy and paintings, authentic works of Su Huang, MI Cai, words of Wang Anshi, a row of Langhao, excellent ink stones, such as the room of scholars who rush to take an examination However, King Qin himself never went in At this time, he thought of the study and couldn't help but be happy: "girl, wake up quickly. When you wake up, teach little tiger to write his name, and then write some more to Lao Tzu."

It was not until Hua Rong was completely asleep that King Qin slowly came out of the house and walked out

The last ray of sunset, like blood, splashed on the sea, sparkling, half ice red, half blue Seagulls flew by in droves, their wings flapping waves, and the wind was calm

Uncle Yang walked over and sat quietly watching the little tiger head playing on the beach He tied his belly pocket beside the green lotus, like a giant salamander with a lotus on his head He squatted, holding his cheek in his hand, and was absorbed in watching a group of plankton being washed up The long tentacles of plankton make a green mark on the beach Some little turtles followed these traces and slowly crawled and crawled

Uncle Yang stretched out his hand to hold him, but he refused: "Grandpa, turtle... Turtle..."

Uncle Yang took out a jade pendant from his arms, tied it with red silk thread and hung it around his neck This is a pair of kylin's superior jade, beautifully carved, flawless jade

Xiaohutou thought it was interesting. He grabbed it and put it on his mouth. He laughed, bent down and picked up a little turtle: "Grandpa, here you are..."

"Smelly boy, do you know how to reciprocate?"

Uncle Yang turned and King Qin sat down beside him King Qin looked at the jade pendant on the tiger's head and chest. It was the heirloom of Uncle Yang. He was slightly surprised: "uncle, why give such a precious thing to the child?"

"I have said that this jade pendant is for your son. Since you regard tiger head as your son, he is my grandson."

He sighed that the death of Yue Pengju was known all over the world "Alas, it's deplorable that Yue Peng held a hero for a lifetime, and he was the most ruthless emperor's family. Zhao Deji destroyed the great wall and became a vassal to Jin. It's hateful and pitiful. I hope the child will grow up in peace wearing a jade pendant."

"Thank you, uncle."

At this time, little tiger head had run out for a few steps, chasing a seabird that had just stopped on the beach. The seabird had long colorful feathers He jumped up and wanted to pluck the seabird's hair. Where could he pull it? Seabird took off. He ran too fast and fell on the beach. All he knew was giggle Uncle Yang's eyes have been following him. Although he is not without worry, he loves the child from the bottom of his heart Having been on the island for so long, he rarely cried. Even if he fell, he always giggled like this. He was always carefree, happy and lively, full of infinite vitality

"Yue Pengju has such a son. It's time for him to close his eyes."

"No, he died so miserably that he would never close his eyes."

Uncle Yang looked back and stared at King Qin: "king, Yelv's horse army has begun training."

"With Liu Wu, I don't have to worry about it. What I need to pay attention to is the forces on the sea. I can't use everything around Yelv. Uncle, I'm not idle these days."

King Qin is indeed not idle. He is working hard every day to strengthen the layout and expansion of marine forces Uncle Yang wanted more than that, reminding him, "Your Majesty, your marriage is near."

Military training can make Liu Wu worry. Does marriage also make Liu Wu worry?

King Qin pondered for a moment and shook his head, "uncle, we can actually cooperate with Yelu in other ways, and we don't necessarily need marriage..."

Uncle Yang stared at him closely: "a gentleman's word is a whip. For those who have achieved great things since ancient times, abiding by the oath of alliance is one of the most basic virtues. The alliance between the two sides focuses on keeping promises. I think if Mrs. Yue wakes up, her first wish should also be to avenge her husband..."

King Qin was shocked If you want to report Qiu for Yue Peng, what else can you do except the army and forces? Hua Rong, she must never forget to avenge her husband

"Your Majesty, your marriage should begin to be prepared. Since you are in an alliance, you should not be shabby."

"I'm not free."

"You don't need to waste your energy. I will naturally arrange it for you."

"Let's talk about it later. I don't want it anyway. I think we can always find other ways to cooperate."

Uncle Yang said again. King Qin stood up and walked aside, picked up the tiger's head and said, "son, say goodbye to Grandpa."

"Goodbye, Grandpa."

Uncle Yang was very worried as he watched his father and son go away Here comes the little tiger head, and now there is another half dead flower solution With her mother and son on the island, how easy is it to ask the king to marry other women? However, up to now, everything has just been on the right track, how can we watch helplessly in vain?

No, this marriage must be married Otherwise, why do you explain to Yelv?

For quite a while, Hua Rong was in a semi coma Every day, the little tiger's head was taken by the wet nurse, and he played by his mother's bed for a while The crisp "mother" seemed to be the best panacea. Every time the wound broke out and the pain was unbearable, Hua Rong was always awakened by his son's soft voice and knew that he must live. There were still people waiting for him, waiting for him to look after and care for him

"Sister seventeen, how pathetic little tiger head is. He's still waiting for us. How can he have no mother?" The last words of her husband are in my ears. Yes, little tiger head, how can there be no mother? He must have a mother Just like this, she endured the pain again and again

Xiaohutou especially likes dusk. At this time, eldest son Qin always holds flowers and comes to the beach, bathed in the soft light of the sunset, so that her body and mind can be relaxed At this time, little tiger head will accompany his mother to play on the beach, pick up many shells and sea fish to show her, and blow the purring conch in her ear

Gradually, gradually, little tiger head saw his mother's blood stained face, clean and clear again, like a molting snake, and his newborn skin was white and clean under the moisture of various herbs and plasters Then, the mother's hand, also faded a layer of blood colored skin, and even the thin cocoon left by early arrow practice, also completely faded because of a long rest, and felt soft and smooth again The cloth strips wrapped around her body are also being removed layer by layer. Each time she removes one place, it will glow with more new life, like a phoenix bathing in fire, tempered and looking forward to a complete new life

Night slowly fell

The sun, which had raged all day, turned into a gentle afterglow, which made the shells on the beach colorful and dazzling Little tiger head ran and picked up a lot of shells, crabs and little turtles, which were piled closely beside his mother, almost enclosing his mother with shells

He held a big red conch in his hand and put it on his mouth. It blew loudly and shouted happily, "Mom, mom..."

Hua Rong sat up and opened her eyes to see her son Running son, dancing arms, soft children grow up day by day A gentle and loving feeling drove the pain all over her body away. She could even stretch out her hand and slowly hug her son

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