One Night Bride

Chapter 409

Little tiger head ran too fast and tripped over a shell on the beach. It didn't hurt very much, but he was about to cry when he saw his mother looking at him anxiously and flattening her mouth in a spoiled way Mammy was about to pick her up. Hua Rong waved her hand to stop her, smiled and said, "tiger head is good, you are a brave little man when you stand up..."

Little tiger got up with a giggle, held the conch, ran to her side, and opened her soft arms: "Mom hug... Mom hug..."

She stretched out her hand and gently hugged her son. The tiger's head lingered on her mother's chest, raised her small face, stretched out her hand and touched her mother's face. The sand in her hand was a mark on Hua Rong's face He felt happy, mom, and became the "Mom" he knew Hua Rong looked at him more and more like Yue Pengju's face, and even the red conch he picked up, was it sent by Peng Ju?

She said softly, "daddy used to send me such conch..."

"Daddy, where is daddy?" Little tiger head suddenly thought of his "Daddy" and asked his mother with wide eyes in confusion, "Daddy doesn't want me anymore?"

Hua Rong, with dim eyes, stroked his cheek: "Dad, why don't we? He will bless xiaohutou to grow up safely and be a happy child."

A tall figure came from afar, holding a novel little bell in his hand, shaking constantly, and shouted from afar, "son, look, what did I bring back for you?"

Xiaohutou let go of his mother's neck, ran and shouted, facing the crisp bell sound: "Dad, I want, I want..."

King Qin put a copper bell in his hand, and the little tiger swayed like him. The sound of the bell was clearer than that of a conch "Dad, I'm hungry and want to eat..."

"OK, go back to dinner immediately."

King Qin hugged him, walked to Hua Rong, sat down, and asked softly, "girl, how do you feel today?"

She smiled, "much better."

He looked at her face. It was rare for her to be so sober, and her eyes were gentle He looked carefully in surprise, and her injuries were all over She stretched out her hand, and King Qin was stunned. Her hand had caught his hand, shook it for a moment, and then let go. She just shouted to him in a low voice, "Qin Shangcheng." I'm deeply grateful to him. I know that I can't repay clearly in this life, and I'm not ready to repay

Yu Wen was still there, and he realized that this woman was thanking herself This is her way of expressing her gratitude. She never said thank you, but called his name softly: "qinshangcheng, qinshangcheng."

His heart was beaten by this tenderness, and he spoke softly for a long time: "girl, we're home."

Little tiger patted his hands. "OK, go home. I'm hungry and want to eat."

King Qin helped Hua Rong stand up Her left leg was injured, and she was still lame when walking. It would take some time for her to recover He held Xiaohu's head in one hand and Hua Rong in the other hand. Xiaohu's head tilted his head: "Dad, do you still eat sea fish tonight?"

The "sea fish" in his mouth is a new fish species discovered by King Qin. He ate it twice and felt delicious, so he asked every day King Qin smiled and shook his head. "We won't eat sea fish tonight. There are other good things."

Little tiger head asked, "what's good?"

"It's much better than sea fish. It's nourishing for mom, and you'll like it."

Little tiger head hurriedly asked his mother, "Mom, what is it?"

Hua Rong shook her head and stroked her son with a smile. She didn't know what king Qin was talking about These days, every meal is tasteless, just rely on food to maintain life, and rarely wake up Where can she say what it is?

Seeing that Dad pretended to be mysterious, little tiger head quietly stuffed the conch into his palm The soft touch of conch rubbed in the palm of King Qin, itching and painful King Qin laughed, flipped his palm and patted his ass: "bad boy..."

Little tiger head laughed happily, "Dad, tell me what to eat..."

"Don't say."

"If you want to say, say..."

The table was already full of dishes Three or five plates of vegetables, a large plate of fried fish, a basin of snow-white soup boiled with various meat bones, and a plate in the middle, which is full of sliced green meat Xiaohutou used to be fed by a wet nurse or ate with King Qin. Now he is very excited to eat at the same table with his mother for the first time. It is his first time to see green meat. He gets up from the table and reaches out to grab a piece and puts it in his mouth to bite

"Son, is it delicious?"

"Delicious, what is this?"

"I don't know. I came from hunting."

Hua Rong looked at the green meat and didn't want to taste it. King Qin put a piece in her bowl: "girl, you try it, it's very good." When she ate it, it was very close to the taste of mutton, but it was more delicious King Qin was very happy to see her eating with relish. He put several pieces in her bowl one after another: "eat more. The doctor said that this kind of meat is conducive to blood."

Since Hua Rong was injured and the number of people on the island increased, King Qin accepted Ma Su's suggestion and went to various places to recruit seven or eight doctors and assigned them to the crowded island, so as to ensure that the disease did not spread to his family and the army Although there are few people in Luoxia Island, there are also two doctors In order to appease these doctors, their families also went to the island, and the residents on the island became more prosperous This kind of meat was examined by the doctor. He said that this kind of animal is very suitable for nourishing and bone growth and healing

Little tiger head also imitated King Qin's appearance, and squeezed a piece of meat for his mother, saying, "Mom, mom... Eat..."

King Qin laughed: "boy, have you learned to honor your mother? Good boy, I'll buy you a lot of fun later."

Little tiger's head was very clever, and he even gave him another piece of meat, crisp and raw, "Dad, you also eat."

King Qin was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. What a boy, the sweet taste of intimacy haunted his heart, the feeling of son and home Since Hua Rong woke up, he had this strong feeling of home, warm and happy

For the first time in a long time, Hua Rong tasted the delicious food and carefully examined the surrounding environment Looking out from the window of the restaurant, there are large plantain forests outside, and a cluster of wild grapes next to them. They are luxuriant and fruity, like purple black agates, glittering and full

Seeing her staring at the grape rack outside, King Qin hurriedly asked, "girl, do you want to eat grapes?"

She shook her head Xiaohutou put down his chopsticks: "I like it, Dad, I want grapes..."

"Good, good. After dinner, dad will take you to pick grapes and let you pick them yourself."

Hua Rong lowered her head slowly and suddenly remembered the lush trees outside the temporary home of the military camp by the Dongting Lake in the past At that time, how fast life passed! I was with Peng Ju every day. Even if it was a dispute and discord, it was also a kind of luxury happiness For the first time, Yue Pengju's face clearly appeared in front of his eyes. In his mind, it became clearer and clearer, and began to blur. Slowly, he couldn't see it clearly anymore, and he couldn't think clearly - he couldn't even remember Peng Ju's face She was very anxious. Her brain seemed to be confused. She tried her best to recall, but it was useless. Her face was like a dissipated cloud, and she couldn't put it together

King Qin was filling the little tiger's head with soup. In a blink of an eye, Hua Rong opened his eyes wide, his eyes were distracted, and bean sized beads of sweat appeared on his head. He was surprised. He heard a "Dang", and the bowl in Hua Rong's hand fell to the ground and smashed. Hua Rong shouted "Peng Ju", and he fainted as soon as he shook his body

Little tiger head was scared and shouted, "Mom, mom..."

King Qin hurriedly picked up Huarong and ran to the bedroom. Two doctors rushed to the bedroom, touched Huarong's eyelids and looked at her pulse. "It's OK. The lady is just excited for a moment. She is weak. When the wound recovers, a similar situation will not happen."

King Qin breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she had been stimulated too deeply and hurt too badly. It was estimated that she could not bear the thought of Yue Pengju's tragic death for a moment He waved his hand, ordered the doctor to go down, and asked the wet nurse to take the child out to rest

The summer on the island is very hot, but the house facing the island is warm in winter and cool in summer. He settled down with Huarong and slowly lay down beside her when he saw Huarong asleep This night, there was a storm, lightning and thunder. By midnight, the whole island was whined by the strong wind, like countless demons and ghosts passing through the forest King Qin was already familiar with such strong winds and waves, but he couldn't sleep tonight I tossed and turned in bed several times. At midnight, I suddenly heard a sharp voice: "Peng Ju, Peng Ju..."

He stretched out his hand and couldn't stop it. Hua Rong had jumped out of bed and ran in the room, like a wandering ghost, purring in his mouth, "Peng Ju, Peng Ju, where are you?" He jumped out of bed and hugged her. A flash of lightning came from the window, illuminating the whole room. Hua Rong's voice was full of surprise: "Peng Ju, Peng Ju, it's you, it's you..." this joy soon turned into panic, "Peng Ju... Kill... Kill... Kill..." she trembled and waved her hands and feet, as if she were fighting and struggling for the last time

In the hot weather, King Qin was naked, his chest was covered by a hot face, and tears poured on his chest like boiling water He was distressed and hugged her tightly: "girl, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, with me, you will never be in danger again."

Her body trembled and fell into his arms, completely unconscious King Qin hugged her and came to bed. She was still close to him, as if she had found support and would not let go anymore King Qin sighed, felt faint joy, and hugged her tightly: "girl, don't be afraid, I've been with you."

Towards dawn, the raging storm finally stopped The man in his arms made a slight sound of breathing, and King Qin saw tears on her white face and slender eyelashes by the twilight of dawn In a twinkling of an eye, she saw her body in her arms. She was only wearing thin pajamas, so broad. This struggle exposed most of her shoulders He suddenly remembered that this was his former "bridal chamber"! It was here, on the same bed, that he lifted her red veil and looked at her eyes for the first time, her face as jade Such a ecstatic night These ecstatic thoughts rushed into my mind, like thousands of troops galloping, such as magma explosion, uncontrollable

Wife, this is my wife It was only a temporary separation between myself and her, although the "separation" came too long But a long absence is better than a new marriage, isn't it? He stretched out his hand, and his thick palm covered the exposed half of her body, burning and full of temptation He couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her lips

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