One Night Bride

Chapter 413

King Qin laughed: "smelly boy, what do you know? Come on, take it to mom."

"No, mom doesn't eat, smelly, smelly..."

King Qin picked up a large handful of plump oysters and was about to take them to Hua Rong. She sat on the back of the huge stone. The afternoon sun spread all over her body and fell on her dark hair There was a trance in front of me. For example, more than ten years ago, the trembling little girl was hidden in the crack of the big stone, and her body was covered with scars. She was almost soaked in the sea and died How many years have passed, she has been injured. She gave it to her by herself, the pursuit of Jin Jun and Zhao Deji in the escape... How sad and bitter is this life for a woman who has experienced so many lives and deaths? How can I bear to let her suffer the slightest harm again? No more!

One hand was on his shoulder, full of heat. Hua Rong turned his head slightly and saw King Qin's smiling face: "girl, try it. This is an oyster, haven't you eaten it before?" She took it and tasted it. Like her son, she was not used to this fishy thing

"If you don't like it, forget it. There are other good things in the kitchen tonight."

Hua Rong stared at him. King Qin, is the person in front of him a former demon? For nearly a year, he has been busy trying to figure out what she should eat quickly, recover quickly, use the best medicine, how not to leave scars and heal her lameness... His ferocity in the past has been exhausted in these trivial things, as if he had become the most patient man in the world Time goes by, does he owe him, or does he owe himself?

King Qin didn't know what she was thinking. He only looked carefully at her face, her exposed legs and arms. The earlier scars were almost gone or faded Under the careful care of the two doctors, almost all the birds and animals on the island, all kinds of Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng and precious medicinal materials stored in the past were consumed on her. Her scars were completely healed, and her body seemed to have been reshaped. Her face glowed with a new luster, glittering and translucent as jade, and the original haggard, dead ash and all traces of pain disappeared

This is a great sense of achievement, more satisfied than being an emperor His eyes fell on the leg where the trouser legs were pulled up high, his throat tightened, and his whole body suddenly became hot and dry This calf is no longer crystal white, but has become a kind of honey like wheat, strong, slender, revealing a strong temptation in the sun He couldn't help walking over, reached out and grabbed the calf. His voice was so strange: "girl, girl..."

Hua Rong was suddenly caught, startled, leaning slightly, and had rushed into his arms. He picked her up

She closed her eyes and was completely touched by the softest pain in her heart by the sound of "like you". Has it been easy for him for many years? Love, who can say that this is not the deepest love?

King Qin stretched out his hand and hugged him again. With long hands and arms, he hugged two people and walked to the forest

The flat slate is still in the wind and the sun, and the years in the forest do not change The stone slab is covered with top-grade flower paper, little wolf hair, and top-grade Xuan inkstone square ink

A golden tiger skin was also tied around the waist of the little tiger's head. With a wooden knife pinned to it, he forked his hands to learn from King Qin to walk, and was very arrogant The child is the most capable of imitation. He likes dad's appearance, so he asked his mother to make a tiger skin waist, sunburned all over, and smiled to show his small tiger teeth

King Qin sat down on a stone pier, took the ink and began to grind. Little tiger head ran over and chirped, "I want to grind, Dad, let me grind..."

"Don't make trouble. When I finish grinding, my mother can write."

"What does mother write?"

"Write your name, write my name..."


Hua Rong stood aside with a wolf hair in his hand. For a whole year, he had never mentioned the pen again. Obviously, he was relaxed all over, but he forgot how to move his hand and almost forgot how to write

The wind rustled the paper. She stood for a moment and sighed. Seeing that the wind was about to blow away the paper, King Qin was quick sighted and handy, and immediately took the paperweight and pressed it

"Mom, come on, write my name..."

Little tiger's head fell on the big stone board, and his face was stained with a drop of ink, and his green skirt immediately stained with a large mass of ink

"OK, mom will write it for you."

Hua Rong picked up the pen, one by one: "Yue Xiaohu..."

The little tiger jumped up with a smile, and his face was covered with flowers King Qin laughed, "smelly boy, when it's written, let it dry..."

"No, mom, you write, you write..."

Hua Rong wrote again: "Yue Xiaohu..."

"Little tiger head..."

Pieces of beautiful flower paper were dried in the glade in the forest. When the wind blew, the paper flew around. The little tiger head chuckled and chased everywhere: "Mom... Ran... My name ran..."

He hugged one and ran away again. He was so anxious that he kept laughing and running King Qin laughed, grabbed the paper for him and taught him, "silly boy, if you want to do this, press it with a small stone... Yes, that's it, press each one..."

He learned, pressed his names one by one, saw the paper and never ran away again, smiled and pulled King Qin's hand: "Dad, your name hasn't been written yet..."

"Mom won't write for me."

"If you ask mom to write, mom will write."

King Qin frowned, "I beg my mother, and my mother can't write. What should I do?"

Little tiger pulled King Qin to Hua Rong and blinked, "Mom, Dad's name hasn't been written yet. Why don't you write it for Dad?"

Hua Rong laughed, lifted her pen and looked up at King Qin

The setting sun penetrated through the cracks in the shade trees. King Qin's eyes were a little distracted when he met her. The past was vividly remembered. The girl in a light green shirt, carrying a wolf's hair, wrote her name one by one

"Qin Shangcheng... Qin Shangcheng..." because of this, crazy devil half his life

He only stared at her eyes, which were no longer so dark and full of vicissitudes, but the eyes were still so bright and big. Because of nourishing and recuperation, even the fine wrinkles on the eyelids were gone, revealing a mature and gentle charming style, and so weak that people were reluctant to disobey her at all

He muttered to himself, "girl, girl, if you are tired, don't write it. We'll write it tomorrow..."

She shook her head, smiled, leaned down slowly, picked up the pen and wrote

The words "Qin Shangcheng" appeared in front of me, a thin paper, as heavy as a thousand King Qin stretched out his hand, as if he couldn't pick it up. For a long time, he didn't take it until the ink was almost dry. He looked carefully, folded it gently in his arms, and laughed: "girl, thank you."

He wanted to say this to him, but he said it first Hua Rong smiled and put down the wolf hair. Xiaohutou ran over and took the pen: "Mom, I want to write, and I also want to write..."

"Well, it's time for xiaohutou to write."

When he was on the island, uncle Yang once taught Xiaohu's first few words slightly. Hua Rong spent the whole year in bed and didn't take care of his son at all. At this time, he remembered that his son should have studied and practiced calligraphy She corrected her son's gesture of holding the pen and sighed lightly, "little tiger head, you like to learn, but don't like it. In life, you don't need much knowledge, and it's OK to be able to read..." she didn't know whether she was talking to herself or her son What kind of family and country, what kind of worries about the world, even if poetry and books are full, even if literature and military strategy, how can it be? It's better to be a carefree savage on this island, isolated from the world and much happier

Xiaohutou didn't listen to what his mother was saying at all. He just raised his pen and scrawled a few words he slightly recognized: "Yue Xiaohu... Yue Xiaohu..." in addition to his own name, he would never write anything else

King Qin had been watching him write beside him. He suddenly raised his head and smiled mysteriously, "Dad, shall I write your name?"

"Haha, good, good boy, can you write Lao Tzu's name?"

"Yes, you see..." he held the pen and wrote a word "Qin" askew. There were too many strokes in the last two words to write any more. He was so anxious that he sweated and scrawled King Qin saw that this was not his name, but a pile of grass: "silly boy, little fool, this can't be written..."

Little tiger's mouth was flat and he was about to cry. King Qin hugged him: "good son, look at me, I wrote it to you..."

"Dad, can you also write?"

Little tiger looked at his father in surprise. King Qin took the pen. Although his posture was very strange, he really wrote a few big characters: "Yue Xiaohu" and "Qin Shangcheng", the two names were tied together. Although they were ugly, they were not bad at all

Hua Rong looked back, but he was surprised to see a few words he had written. When did this man learn to write? It's true that scholars have been impressed for three days Then I remembered that it was not three days, but more than ten years, countless three days I have always been lack of understanding of King Qin

I only enjoyed his kindness and forgot to pay attention to him

King Qin looked up at her with a smile on his face and wrote two words:

Floral dissolution

His gesture of holding the pen is very strange, like holding a knife, and it is also very difficult to write. However, those two words are extremely clear, much more correct than the previous two names. It can be seen that he has written these two words more than once

His heart was moist. Hua Rong silently stretched out his hand to grind ink for him, as he had done for himself, and then stretched out his hand to dry the paper

King Qin was quite embarrassed. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he was about to tear the paper off: "girl, I've thrown away my ghost talisman..."

She put the paper away and said quietly, "it's good, I like it."

King Qin scratched his head and patted his son on the head. "Son, we're home. It's time for dinner."


Hua Rong still stood aside and looked at him silently, looking at his inner love for Xiaohu's hair Therefore, I didn't thank him, because I didn't need it

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