One Night Bride

Chapter 414

King Qin cleaned up his pen and ink and stretched out his hand to pull the flowers. Then he found her staring eyes. Somehow, his face turned red and his voice rustled, "girl, are you hungry?"

She smiled and nodded King Qin didn't know what to say, and his heart was excited by a strange emotion. He bent his arm, hung the pen and ink bag around his neck, stretched out his hands, picked up both the big and the small, and ran fast: "have a meal, there is something good to eat tonight..."

"Giggle, Dad, slow down..."

"Dad, hold me high..."

"Dad, I have a wild fruit on my head. I want to eat it..."


Jiao'er's voice filled her heart with happiness. It turned out that having a family was such a wonderful thing

A few dishes, a pot of wine, sliced wild goat meat are put in the ice green cracked Ru kiln plate, and the careful cook also put a Wild Alfalfa on it, which looks fresh and refreshing

King Qin picked up the chopsticks and first put a few pieces of meat in Xiaohu's head: "son, do you like this thing?"

A bottle of wine was handed over and placed in front of him. A woman's gentle voice said, "qinshangcheng, drink it and see if this wine is good?" He took the wine and drank it in one gulp. Several pieces of meat had been put into his bowl, and his voice was still so gentle: "eat something before drinking." He ate all the meat again

The little tiger looked at his smiling face and shouted, "Mom, I want to drink, and I want to eat meat..." Hua Rong said softly, "the meat in your bowl is about to pile into a hill." "No, what's in dad's bowl is delicious. I want him... Mom, I want..." he looked at King Qin with relish and always thought that what's in dad's bowl was better than his own

King Qin smiled and gave him the meat in his bowl: "smelly boy, it's all from the same dish. Aren't they all the same?" "No, yours is from Mom, mine is not."

King Qin saw Hua Rong's smile in the twinkling of an eye. She was holding a rice bowl of the same color, red and crisp hands, celadon bowls, and her eating posture was also so good-looking This is the first time that she pours wine, serves rice and dishes for herself, like the most virtuous wife

He took up his job and felt unreal in the clouds Staring at her, so bright eyes, ruddy lips, slender fingers, such as green green tips Of course, these are not important. The important thing is that she eats with herself, takes care of herself, and behaves like her wife That's good Half a life of licking blood, he had a family, a wife and children

His loud voice lowered, very gentle: "girl, do you drink?"

She smiled and shook her head

Tiger head immediately stretched out his hand to carry the wine: "I drink, I want to drink."

King Qin patted his little hand: "children are not allowed to drink."

Little tiger head is not convinced? Why can't children drink? Seeing that he was so aggrieved that he was about to cry, King Qin handed the wine lamp to him. Xiaohu smiled, took a fierce drink, and frowned, "it's so bitter... Bah..."

King Qin laughed and Hua Rong said softly, "this is not good. It will spoil the child."

"A man should drink. Don't worry, girl. I won't throw him away. I'll teach him martial arts from tomorrow." He pinched the little tiger's chubby cheek, "smelly boy, you have to get up early tomorrow and practice Kung Fu with me every day, you know?"

Little tiger's eyes flashed, jumped off the table to get his wooden knife, and asked happily, "Daddy, is this the practice?"

"Yes. Besides knives, there are guns, bows and arrows. When you learn them one by one, I have many good things for you."

Little tiger head ran back, climbed onto the stool, hugged King Qin, and kissed him on the face, kissing him with saliva on his face: "ha ha, dad is so good."

Hua Rong gave King Qin another bowl of rice, but when he saw that they were intimate, the smile on his face became deeper and deeper

The night was already deep, and little tiger head had already fallen asleep in the next room King Qin came back from dealing with something. Under the light, Hua Rong was sitting and sewing a new sweater

"Girl, it's getting late. Have a rest early."

Hua Rong shook her head. "I'm not tired. Go and have a rest first."

"Girl, why do you do this?"

"The weather is a little cold. I'll make you a sweater."

It's late December, and seven or eight days later, it's new year's Eve King Qin found that the wind was blowing outside the window. He didn't feel it during the day, and it was indeed a little cool at night

"Those clothes of yours are too thick and too thin, which are not suitable."

King Qin had been on the island for many years. When he was thirsty and hungry, he made his minions ready to eat and drink, but he didn't feel very cold. When he was cold, he wore a soap jacket or wrapped a tiger skin, and never considered whether the clothes were suitable. When he first heard such intimate words, he looked at the room again, and found that the room had been completely tidied up again, which was completely different from that of the servants - everything was rearranged in order. In addition to the convenient shortcut, there was a sense of beauty and comfort These same things, just change the location and collocation, everything is different This is the charm of the hostess!

He looked around, and his eyes fell on the big bed with the brocade curtain hanging high. The bed was also changed into a thinner quilt with a cleaner color, and the pillows were also changed bridal chamber! bridal chamber! This is the big bed of my bridal chamber! For some reason, he has been thinking about it all day, thinking about it and never forgetting it Since Hua Rong was injured, he has been unconscious for more than half a year. He spent the rest of his time recuperating from other scars on his body. He held her every night and accompanied her, but he couldn't exceed a penny

Now, she finally got rid of the lingering sickbed, and the strong smell of medicine slowly disappeared in the room. Like the feeling when she saw her calf, her throat tightened again, and the hot blood almost burst out of all blood vessels. She was short of breath, stretched out her hand, and hugged her shoulder: "girl, let's rest, OK?"

Hua Rong put down her needle and thread, held her warm hands, and did not speak for a long time

His burning breath breathed in his ears, and his voice was so urgent: "girl..."

This is the most ardent passion of a man who has been suppressed for many years, and he can't wait to release it She understood, all understood, and her body even trembled slightly because of the burning aura She slowly closed her eyes. He rubbed her hair, put his hand on her waist, put his arm around her soft waist, and was about to pick her up, but he felt something wrong. He reached up and touched her tears He was very surprised: "girl, what's the matter?"

She still closed her eyes and burst into tears: "these days, it is going to be the memorial day of Peng Ju... Qin Shangcheng, after the new year, I will marry you again, OK?"

He was shocked and still hugged her shoulder tightly In my heart, she has always been a wife, originally, not yet! What she thinks is really different from herself. From Mrs. Yue to Mrs. Qin - how many years have passed between them! But what does it matter? After such a long time, what can't endure these days?

He picked her up, put her on the bed, covered her with a thin quilt, and then said softly, "girl, everything depends on you. These days, I'm next door. You can have a good rest, and wait until the new year."

She didn't say anything, but leaned on his chest Since her husband died, her only dependence in the world has also been lost. Now, there is only him, only Qin Shangcheng The ends of the earth, this life, who else can be better than him to himself, to the tiger head?

It was supposed to be hard. I tried my best to be good to him and repay him. However, Peng Ju's death is coming. It is these days, the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month, the night of new year's Eve - the warmth on the island, without the reminder of wind and snow, that people forget and don't feel the coming of the new year However, on New Year's Eve, it will eventually come, year after year, reminding myself that it is the day of Peng Ju's martyrdom

In this situation, how can you feel at ease and be happy with other men?

"Qin Shangcheng, sorry!"

He laughed, "girl, it's OK. Our family is having a good year together this year."

Early in the morning, the morning light first appeared

Little tiger's head was pulled up from the quilt and rubbed his eyes blearily. Seeing the bright knife in King Qin's hand, he was excited and jumped out of bed. "Dad, can I use the knife?"

King Qin lowered his voice: "don't wake up mom, little child, use a wooden knife first. Wait until you are a little older before you can use a knife."

"It will take me a long time to grow up?"

"In a few years."

"How many years is it?"

"Soon? I woke up and opened my eyes for many years..."

Hua Rong stood at the door and didn't open the door. He only listened to the footsteps of his father and son go away. Then he slowly went back and sat down, and picked up the needle and thread frame

The sun has risen

Little tiger ran back sweating. Mammy took him to wash his face. King Qin strode in, sweating A basin of washing water was put away, and the veil was warm and handed to him: "wash your face and eat."

In my heart, there is that wonderful feeling, that tenderness from the bottom of my heart, that is the tenderness of my wife After washing his face and wiping away his sweat, a clean and fresh sweater was draped over him. It was still the gentle voice: "try it, why not fit."

He wore it on his body, and Hua Rong tied his belt for him. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he was up and down, just right, and very fit

He looked at her slightly red eyes: "girl, did you stay up late last night?"

"It didn't take long. It's easy to do, and it'll soon be fine."

He stretched out his hand to hold her hand, but she smiled and pulled it out, picked up a tortoiseshell comb from the next table, and said softly, "I'll comb you a bun..."

He couldn't believe his ears and couldn't help reaching out and touching his messy hair The memory is so clear. When I went to the kingdom of Jin to play tricks on Jin Wushu, I shaved my hair into a braid and left lapel, and there was a bald patch in front of me. When I sent her medicine, I was found by her, and then I combed my hair and combed a Dongpo towel At that time, I had such a strong desire that if she combed her hair and wore a headscarf every day, how would it be?

Her hand slowly stroked his head, so soft, a moment, in front of him was a bronze mirror, but he was so excited that he forgot to look at the mirror. Time seemed to stop, and there was so quiet around, only those gentle hands flying over his head

Soft voice: "well, look, are you used to it?"

The man in the mirror, neatly combed, is no longer a wild man with wide hair, and looks ten years younger He was overjoyed and put his hand on the headscarf: "girl, what is this Dongpo towel?"

She smiled and shook her head, "no, this is a valley towel."

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