One Night Bride

Chapter 415

Throughout the day, King Qin felt that he could not use up all his energy. No matter what he thought or came up with any ideas, it seemed that if God helped him, he would be able to catch them He had just arranged several major events to order Liu Zhiyong to go out and send orders, and he reported that Ma Su had returned

Ma Su went in and saw King Qin sitting on a big chair, looking at a sea map There was no sunshine on this day, and the island was slightly cool in the middle of winter He looked carefully, and saw that King Qin was wearing a wide sleeved sweater, and his hair was no longer messy in the past, but tied up with a valley towel

He was stunned by this great accident. King Qin, who was dressed like this? It's not like a pirate, but some serious big man

King Qin raised his head and saw him dumbfounded. He said strangely, "masu, what are you looking at?"

"Your Majesty, you've been looking very good recently."

"Haha, I eat and drink well every day. Of course, I look good."

"Your Majesty, can you wear a headscarf?"

"Oh? You say this? It's my wife who tied it for me."

Ma Su, however, saw his eyebrows and corners of his eyes full of joy. After carefully pondering the word "madam", he remembered that in the past year, everyone on sunset island had called Hua Rong madam! madam! Everyone believes that Hua Rong is the wife of King Qin Even he himself believed in it Therefore, he is quite hesitant

Seeing that he was about to stop talking, King Qin asked unhappily, "masu, what's the matter?"

Ma Su didn't beat around the Bush and said directly, "Your Majesty, Miss Li has arrived at Changlin Island, and the third uncle has arranged for them to stay. I ask you to go back and discuss the marriage."

King Qin almost jumped up, "what the devil trick is Yelv Dayong doing? Why did Li Tinglan run to my island?"

"Yelv Dayong said that he was not free. First, he sent his daughter to familiarize himself with the situation and how to be a good housewife on the island. Moreover, Miss Li also suggested that he should come to the sunset island to fully understand the king."

This time, King Qin really jumped up: "masu, are you crazy? If this stronghold dares to leak out, I will kill you first."

Ma Su was not in a hurry: "naturally, the small one won't reveal this stronghold. However, the third uncle asked the big king to hurry to Changlin island to discuss the marriage as soon as possible. It's urgent and can't be delayed any longer."

The date of marriage, the date of marriage, King Qin had already forgotten this matter these days. At this time, he remembered that although it was postponed several times, it has been postponed until now, and the date of marriage is set for February next year Seeing that it is the end of the year, we will "get married" as soon as the new year begins

He pondered for a while, and Ma Su said, "I don't think Miss Li is jealous. She repeatedly asked the king if he had a concubine, and she was very kind to other women on the island..."

King Qin glared, "what does she think of herself? Before she passed the door, she was playing with authority first? Who is this going to bully?"

"Your Majesty, Miss Li, this is virtuous."

"Virtuous? I don't think she's a fuel-efficient lamp."

Ma Su had to tell Uncle Yang frankly: "Uncle Yang asked the king to get married on time to avoid complications. As for Mrs. Yue..." when he saw King Qin's eyes staring, he immediately changed his words, "as for Mrs..."

"You know that I have a wife, so much nonsense!"

Ma Su was anxious: "Your Majesty, it's common for men to have three wives and four concubines. After you marry Miss Li, you can naturally spoil your wife, instead of snubbing her and abandoning her..."


Ma Su said in surprise, "why not?"

"The girl is stubborn. I must not be allowed to take a concubine."

Li Tinglan is a wife, not a concubine Yelv is not a vegetarian But Ma Su did not dare to correct him. He had to be patient, devoted to his duties, and attentive: "Your Majesty, your wife is reasonable, and will certainly understand your difficulties."

"What's my trouble? No one forced me to marry Li Tinglan with a knife. Besides, it's not that if I don't marry Li Tinglan, I'll die. I don't have time to deal with a strange woman again..."

"Your Majesty..."

"You don't have to say more. I've already thought about withdrawing from Yelv."

Sure enough, King Qin really wanted to withdraw from his marriage

Masu was in a hurry. Not only was Uncle Yang's order, but he also realized the serious consequences of using repentance with Yelv

"Your Majesty, since the covenant is out, you can't return easily..."

"Shit, everyone knows that a forced twist is not sweet, don't you know? I said I wouldn't marry if I didn't marry!"

"Your Majesty, it's important..."

"Shit, you have to ask me about my private affairs. Are you the king or am I the king?"

Where can masu say a word?

"Ma Su, go back and tell Uncle three that I'll arrange it myself so that he doesn't have to worry about it."

"When are you going back?"

"After the new year. Before the new year, no one should disturb me again."

Ma Su could only watch him fly away, but after taking a few steps, he suddenly remembered something and looked back, "Ma Su, come here."

Ma Su thought he had figured it out. He was happy and immediately ran over: "king, what do you want?"

King Qin's face was full of joy: "my son has learned several knife skills. Haha, the smelly boy is smart. However, someone has to teach him to study. Now his wife is not in good health, so we can't teach him more. Anyway, it's the Spring Festival, and everyone has a rest during this period of time. Ma Su, you will stay in the sunset island and teach little tiger head to study for a few days."

Ma Su gave a wry smile and could only answer, "yes, your majesty."

King Qin lowered his voice again: "Ma Su, this matter must not be revealed to my wife."

Ma Su naturally nodded with a wry smile, "yes."

This is the first time that Ma Su entered King Qin's "home" - before, like everyone, he thought this was the headquarters of pirates and King Qin's nest. Now as soon as he entered the house, he deeply realized that this was a "home" and King Qin's home

In the bright and clean room, King Qin's usual display of a large number of stolen treasures was replaced In the past, these treasures and calligraphy and painting antiques were mixed with each other, with the unique "pirate aesthetic" of King Qin. Now, most of these things have disappeared, replaced by some simple and generous decorations, which are beautiful and refreshing. The whole house shows a strong home atmosphere

On the middle table, Hua Rongzheng corrected his son's writing posture and taught him the basic skill of getting started, that is, first take a brush and draw circles on the paper. You must draw hundreds of them before you can rest in a day The little tiger's head covered his face with ink. His chubby big hand pressed on the paper, and his eyes rolled around. When he saw Ma Su coming in, he shouted, "Uncle Ma, uncle ma..."

Ma Su reached out and hugged him, sighing endlessly

King Qin shouted angrily, "son, uncle Ma will teach you to study in the future. You should listen to him carefully."


Hua Rong was delighted when she heard the speech. She knew Ma Su's talents, especially Ma Su's loyalty. She was cornered and forced to go to Liangshan. She had no evil in her life, and was by no means comparable to other pirates under King Qin She immediately said to her son, "kowtow to your husband."

Xiaohutou knelt down obediently and kowtowed. Ma Su picked him up and thought of Yue Peng's famous song "Red River", sighed in his heart, and immediately began to teach xiaohutou

King Qin went out and recited the three character Scripture while little tiger head shook his head. Ma Su came out and saw Hua Rong sitting alone on the side of the table with a needle and thread in his hand, but he didn't move for a long time and didn't know what he was thinking

He sat down opposite Hua Rong. Hua Rong was distracted and didn't notice that there was another person around him His heart shook, as if he could understand the sadness in her heart, and he slowly shouted, "Madam..."

Hua Rong was suddenly shocked, raised her head and forced a smile: "Ma Su, is little tiger head disobedient?"

He shook his head: "little tiger head is very good and smart, and has a good memory."

Hua Rong breathed a sigh of relief and put down the needle and thread

"Madam, Princess Tianwei, she finally..." as soon as he said something, he immediately regretted it I was so eager to know the situation of Tianwei before her death, but mentioning it in front of Hua Rong was tantamount to aggravating her pain and reminding her of her painful past

Hua Rong said slowly, "Tianwei was buried with my son-in-law, and only a dagger accompanied her. The son-in-law said that she loved this dagger and played with it all day long..."

Ma Su was shocked and speechless for a long time Hua Rong was speechless, and the two sat in silence for a while, before Ma Su raised his head. Originally, he was ordered by Uncle yang to privately persuade him anyway However, to a large extent, he is in the same mood as Hua Rong, especially the tragic death of Tianwei. The princess is still precarious. If he had a little more courage, why would Tianwei die miserably? Now Yue Pengju is dead, and Hua Rong has no relatives. What should she do to be a weak girl for the king's sake?

"Masu, do you have anything to say?"

Masu shook his head. "I hope I can try my best to teach little tiger head."

Hua Rong thanked and picked up the needle and thread again. Her attention seemed to be all on the thin needle and thread. It was a pair of small boots, which were made for her son. She hoped to put new boots on her son on New Year's Eve

Ma Su got up to leave, walked to the door, and took another look at everything in the room: the virtuous hostess, King Qin, who came excitedly outside the door, looked at his strange dress, and more clearly understood that this "home" weighed on him Married an 18-year-old alien girl, Li Tinglan, will bring him such secular happiness? There are so many women in the world. Why do people always recognize only one? He could no longer persuade King Qin, so he had to leave sadly

In recent days, uncle Yang received news from Liu Wu one after another, all in return for the training of the army And by the way, there was Yelv's great urging of marriage Yelv spent all his energy on military training. Although he didn't come in person, aunt Xiao was not a vegetarian In a short time, I found out the general situation on the island

On this day, she brought a gift to visit uncle Yang under the excuse of Li Tinglan almost came, and then held the etiquette of "daughter-in-law". She was calm in the morning and dusk. Aunt Xiao was even more clever, and her sweet words made uncle Yang very happy. Then she turned to the topic: "uncle, the king's marriage is close, how can the island not be ready?"

Uncle Yang immediately said, "please rest assured that your young lady has already sent someone to prepare..."

Aunt Xiao didn't believe it, and asked, "is there another woman in your majesty?"

These days, aunt Xiao's master and servants have tried in many ways to secretly guard against the sincerity of King Qin, and their suspicions have become more and more serious Uncle Yang was worried about this. Fortunately, some minions came in one after another in the conversation room and took out some good clothes, wine and other things necessary for the wedding

"You see, these are all for newcomers. They are also arranged by my king himself."

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