One Night Bride

Chapter 416

Aunt Xiao weighed the soft and smooth silk material with her own hands. This batch of material was robbed from a ship of the treacherous Minister Cai Jing on the sea more than ten years ago. It was Sichuan brocade in its heyday, washed with the water of the Jinjiang River, and its color remained unchanged for many years, bright as new Even aunt Xiao, who was born in the court, had never seen such a superior one in Qidan. Unexpectedly, she was happy: "are these prepared by the king for my miss?"

"Exactly. My king attaches great importance to this marriage. The king is not young. To be honest, my family also hopes that the king can get married and have a son as soon as possible. In this way, even if I die of old age, I can close my eyes."

"Thank you, uncle, and please take care of it. New Year's Eve is coming soon. New Year's Eve is the most important festival of the Han people. Marry the chicken and the dog. My miss hopes to spend New Year's Eve with the king."

"Sure, sure."

Aunt Xiao left, uncle Yang hurried to the seaside to look, and King Qin still had no trace On this new year's Eve, he can't even visit Lin Dao. How can he spend New Year's Eve with Li Tinglan?

He couldn't help thinking again of the news brought back by Liu Wu and the judgment of the current situation in song and Jin Dynasties Now the two countries have entered a temporary period of peace negotiations. In the Song Dynasty, Yue Peng died, Han Zhongliang and other officials were successively dismissed, and all good generals were abolished; In the Jin Dynasty, there is only one Jin Wu Shu to support the overall situation Now both countries are busy recovering their economies and recuperating. According to his judgment, it is unlikely to use troops on a large scale in a short time At this time, it is a great opportunity for Yelv to use his power and rise Delay for a while, and when the song and Jin Dynasties are relieved, I'm afraid that the forces will soon be killed in the cradle

Some opportunities, often only once, once missed, there will be no more However, just when the big husband showed his skills, King Qin ignored the overall situation and indulged in his children's private affairs. He hated iron rather than steel With a stamp, two minions ran up. He angrily said, "has the king returned?"

The minion answered, "Ma Su has just left for a day. How can there be news so soon? Uncle, please wait patiently."

Where can uncle Yang wait? I can't wait to step in front of King Qin, grab his collar and teach him a lesson Is this boy just a pirate, not an emperor?

Yue Pengju's clothes tomb

Because Yue Peng's body was buried by the prison guards of Dali temple, Hua Rong had to take her son and set up a clothes grave for her husband on this remote island There was no clothes inside, only a picture she drew for her husband and the word "Yue Pengju" that taught her son to write

A pile of incense wax money paper was lit, and Hua Rong knelt down and kowtowed with his son

"Peng Ju, my son is already learning the Three Character Classic and martial arts. He is much taller than before. Soon, I will teach him Archery..."

"Peng Ju, my injuries are all healed. Don't worry."

"Peng Ju..."

"Mom, is dad in there?" the little tiger asked

"Well, Dad's soul has always been with us."

"But why is dad in there? Why doesn't he come out? When will he come out?"

Flowers dissolve in tears like rain, unable to answer

When xiaohutou saw his mother crying so sad for the first time, he was in a hurry: "Mom... Mom... Is xiaohutou bad? In the future, xiaohutou will listen to his mother..."

She hugged her son tightly and cried to the ground

Little tiger head didn't know what to do, but also cried out, "Mom, mom..."

A row of grass was bent by crying. Only the words "Yue Pengju" were lying there silently in the sea breeze

The mother and son stayed here for a day. The little tiger couldn't sit still and ran to the grass to chase all kinds of birds and animals, driving out the gazelles bleating

Hua Rong sat in front of the tombstone, burying his head in his knees. The sea breeze was blowing, and he didn't know it was cold. He was numb all over, and his heart was numb. For the future, for life, he didn't know how to continue

Little tiger head ran sweating, rushed to his mother and shouted, "Mom, I'm hungry, I want to go home for dinner."

She took her son's little hand and silently led him back Xiaohutou kept chirping all the way: "Mom, Dad came back for a long time? Why is Dad here? Will we wait for Dad here every day in the future? Mom, I wrote 'Yue Pengju' again today, and my husband said I wrote very well..."

Hua Rong didn't say a word, just took his son's hand and let him keep shaking, completely unable to hear what he was saying

On the table, several large plates of exquisite dishes and a large basin of fish soup were steaming The dried wild grapes were made into simple raisins and placed on the table. Little tiger reached out and grabbed a few in his mouth, shouting, "Daddy, raisins are really delicious."

King Qin took a pair of chopsticks to him: "smelly boy, if it's delicious, you can eat more. Boy, where did you go to play today?"

"I went to see my father today. My mother said that my father lives under the grass and will come back to see us soon..."

The child's words are not taboo. King Qin looks at Hua Rong, but sees her sitting in a chair, lost in her wits, and doesn't seem to hear what her son is saying at all With the advent of Yue Peng's memorial day, all painful experiences like waking up, one by one, emerged in my heart, all bloody scenes

"Girl..." King Qin shouted three times before she woke up, hurried to the table and sat down, picked up the bowl and ate it

"Girl, you look very bad today. Pay attention to rest."

She forced a smile, nodded, and answered vaguely. She only knew to eat big, as if eating had become the most important thing in the world

After eating at a loss, I didn't know to say goodbye to King Qin. I didn't even hug my son. I went back to the house like a walking corpse and lay down I didn't do anything, but I felt tired; I didn't think about anything, but my mind was so confused that it almost exploded King Qin watched her leave in a flutter, and the little tiger head hurriedly shouted, "Mom, mom..." he hugged the little tiger head, "mom is tired, let her rest, and I will play with you tomorrow."

The last quarter moon rises slowly from the eastern sky, the moon faces east, and the darkest moment before sunrise A solitary moon is as desolate as an aperture in the vast desert Desert, life, destiny, are all trapped in the boundless desert

"Seventeen sister... Seventeen sister..."

Hua Rong got up quietly from the bed and walked to the window She dressed neatly, walked lightly, and was eager Here comes Peng Ju. This is Peng Ju calling himself She walked past happily. Peng Ju wore white clothes on silk, sword eyebrows and stars, and kongfu was strong

In July, I sing oranges, in August, I carry achievements, I carry mysteries, I carry yellows, and I, zhukongyang, dress for the childe

It was like his son's reading voice, Lang Lang, Peng Ju. He came out of the bookofsongs and smiled quietly: "Seventeen elder sister... Seventeen elder sister..."

She threw herself up, and a burst of light smoke filled the air, turning into a deep fog. Peng Ju's figure gradually dissipated. She was so flustered that she didn't know what to do. She was about to chase, and the thick smoke faded. The overwhelming pursuers, like dark clouds of arrows, shot at her layer by layer She was out of breath and could only resist desperately. However, the pain filled her body with sharp arrows, like a hedgehog, and she could only see blood gushing out like a tide

"Peng Ju, Peng Ju... I'm in pain..."

A spear swept in, and he came down like a God and held her hand tightly. However, hundreds of broadswords were cut, and flesh and blood flew, and his arms and limbs were broken... Whose? Whose? own? Peng Ju? Why are these hands so cold? Why can't you hold it anymore? As if like a pile of building blocks, Peng Ju's body crashed down, like a pile of quicksand, and disappeared instantly... She could only watch thousands of sharp arrows shoot at her chest, tears streaming down her face, panic, and I didn't know where to look for the dissipated person

King Qin opened the door and rushed in. He saw a figure with disheveled hair by the window, waving bows and arrows, hoarse: "kill... Kill Zhao Deji... Kill Zhao Deji... Kill Zhao Deji... Peng Ju, save me... Save me..."

"Girl, girl..."

Her strength suddenly became so strong that he couldn't grasp it. Her body ran to the window and was about to jump out of the window

"Girl, wake up, wake up..." he hugged her and grabbed her shoulder violently. Her hands hurt. The small bow fell to the ground with a scream and fell down

King Qin hurried to hold her to the bed and lit the lamp, only to find that her hands were full of blood, and I don't know when she found her little bow back, as if she had just fought a life and death battle

His heart was like a knife, he held her tightly in his arms, gently wiped the blood on her hand, and he didn't know how she hurt it These days, she has nightmares every day. He doesn't know what to do at all. He just hopes that after the memorial day of Yue Pengju and this terrible new year's Eve, he can see if she can get better a little

"Girl, don't be afraid, I'll accompany you, there will be no danger anymore, don't be afraid..." he hugged her, patted her on the back gently, and his heart was sad, like coaxing a weak child to sleep

The little tiger next door was awakened by his mother's crazy and terrible cry and cried loudly The nurse coaxed him, and he soon fell asleep again King Qin sighed and blew out the light. Outside the window, the sky began to light up

Not long after he lay down, in a daze, he heard the sound of suosho. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Hua Rong. She had got up and finished grooming

She saw him open his eyes and smiled, "Qin Shangcheng, aren't you going to discuss today?"

King Qin turned over and sat up. It was already rising outside. It occurred to him that he had arranged the last meeting at the end of the year today, mainly for the expansion of overseas trade Since Li Tinglan arrived at Changlin Island, he rarely allowed people to climb the sunset island again, and all meetings were changed to other places. This time is no exception. It takes a day and a night to come and go He hurried up, dressed and got out of bed. Hua Rong had already given him face wash Seeing that her eyes were dark and bloodshot, King Qin sighed, "girl, you can have a rest. Don't do this."

"It's all right. I'm fine all day anyway."

She picked up the comb and stood behind him. King Qin hurriedly said, "girl, your hand is hurt. I'll do it myself."

She seemed to notice that her bandaged hand looked a little confused, and she didn't know how it was hurt Faintly painful, but not serious, she shook her head, grabbed his hair and gently combed it

King Qin didn't say anything anymore. These days, he was completely used to her care. She carefully tidied up every day, combed her hair and gently massaged her. It was a great enjoyment. He completely fell in love with this enjoyment. Happily, he could really have this happiness for generations! I didn't dare to think about it before

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