One Night Bride

Chapter 417

After washing, he stood up, walked to the door and came back: "girl, in fact, it's no big deal. I'll be back early tomorrow morning."

She nodded softly and sent him out

"Girl, ask your son to sleep with you tonight."


Hua Rong took him to the shore and watched him board the ship These days, she also formed the habit of picking up King Qin early and returning late, just like Peng Ju at the beginning Having enjoyed his protection and care, I don't know how to repay him. I just try my best to make him happy in my own way

Happiness, himself and he, how much they expect to be happy

Until the boat went away and became a small black spot, she slowly turned around and walked back

The sea breeze was light, and the waves were intermittent. Groups of fat seabirds flew by skimming their wings. I didn't know if they were too fat. Some seabirds fell into the water. Their red fins stepped in the diving, walked around, and their white wings vibrated against the sun from time to time, looking for fish and shrimp leisurely

Little tiger, bareheaded, chased a Red Headed Gull. He tiptoed, thinking that the Red Headed Gull was unconscious. However, as soon as he approached, he stretched out his hand, and the red headed gull flew away with a swish After repeating this several times, he finally got tired and kept shouting, "Mom, mom, you help me catch birds, you help me..."

Hua Rong lay on the beach, barefoot, and did not respond to him Seeing that his mother shouldn't, little tiger came and pulled his mother's hand: "Mom, mom, I want that bird..."

Nightmare all night, like falling apart, Hua Rong closed her eyes tiredly and couldn't open them for a long time. She just let her son shake, and her voice was very weak: "tiger head, mother has no strength, lie down for a while... Wait for me to lie down for a while and then catch you, OK?"

"Mom is not good, if Dad will help me catch it, mom is not good... Mom lazy pig..." this beach is full of white fine sand, little tiger head saw his mother did not move, giggled, grabbed the sand and sprinkled it on his mother's hair Hua Rong was still motionless, and the sand piled higher and higher, almost burying her

A person looked at this scene in the distance, watched it for a long time, and then walked slowly

Little tiger head clapped his hands excitedly and shouted, "Grandpa... Grandpa..."

Uncle Yang hugged him and said, "little guy, look what grandpa brought you?"

The little tiger looked, and it turned out to be two strings of candied haws. He was happy and raised the candied haws to pull his mother's hand: "Mom, you eat, you eat..."

Hua Rong sat up slowly, shook off the sand all over his head, and looked at Uncle Yang unexpectedly. He noticed that he had something to say, so he patted his son's head: "tiger head, you go ahead and play, eat sugar gourd, and pick up a lot of shells for your mother."

"Good" little tiger ran away with sugar gourd in his head

It was not until xiaohutou ran far away that uncle Yang withdrew his eyes and glanced at Huarong: "Mrs. Yue, the child Hutou is getting smarter and smarter, and Yue Peng will be glad to hold it in heaven..."

This "Mrs. Yue" shocked Hua Rong's heart. After a long time, she murmured, "are you looking for King Qin? He went out this morning." Seeing that her eyes were a little flustered and confused, uncle Yang sighed and said slowly, "Mrs. Yue, I'm not looking for the king today, but for you."


Uncle Yang took something from his arms and handed it over: "Mrs. Yue, look."

Hua Rong took it blankly. It was a portrait. She opened it and saw a 17-year-old girl with bright eyes and teeth, gorgeous and graceful figure

"This is Yelv Dayong's daughter Li Tinglan, and also the fiancee of the king who has been engaged..."

Hua Rong looked at the picture in a daze and couldn't react for a moment She had already forgotten this matter, and no one reminded her in front of her. Now she remembered: King Qin, he had already made a marriage!

"Yelv Dayong is the king's most important ally. You were injured that year, and you were cured by his panacea."


"Now the world is in chaos, and the confrontation between the song and Jin Dynasties has exhausted their national treasury, which is a good time for all the males to compete. Marriage is the best means to establish the most stable alliance throughout the ages. Yelv has used it to show his integrity, and has sent his daughter to Changlin island. Next February is their wedding date, and the island is going all out to arrange this marriage..."

Hua Rong stared at Li Tinglan's portrait without saying anything

"Madam Yue, the king must accept this marriage. If the big husband's words are irretrievable, why should he be based in the Jianghu in the future? Besides, it's common for men to have three wives and four concubines. I'm a generous person observing Li Tinglan's words and deeds these days. Presumably, she will not interfere with you and the king in the future, nor will it affect your position in the king's mind... I hope you can understand the king's situation and understand his difficulties..."

She slowly understood that King Qin was going to marry a wife, a wife

She looked up. Uncle Yang saw her bloodshot eyes and haggard face, and was about to continue speaking, but he heard her ask in a low voice, "King Qin, will he marry Miss Li?"

Uncle Yang was stunned, and his tone became very strict: "this problem should not be considered by you!"

Hua Rong didn't answer

"The great husband is alive, either immortalized or infamous. Now the opportunity comes to the door. If the king is too small to grasp, it is a great fool. Marriage is very important for men. Our old ancestor, the Yellow Emperor, also wants to marry Luozu, the daughter of the king of Shu, in order to defeat Chiyou; Han Gaozu's siege to the north also depends on marriage. In the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty, Princess Wencheng and marriage are famous all over the world. Marriage is an important means, which is beneficial to the king No harm He is just an extra wife, and he may get unlimited. What does this have to do with willingness? " Uncle Yang slowed down his voice a little and coaxed him, "Mrs. Yue knew the book and ceremony, and she should know Yin Lihua, the queen of Liuxiu, Emperor Guangwu. Yin Lihua was smart and generous in her early years. For her husband's career, she was willing to give the throne to Guo's daughter, so that the Guo family's father and brother could swear their allegiance to the death and win the world for Emperor Guangwu. After the Emperor Guangwu's throne was stable, she naturally worked hard and happily, and her mother loved the world and remained immortal..."

Hua Rong's tone was very flat: "I'm not Yin Lihua!"

Uncle Yang was stunned and slightly embarrassed. Did he ask Mrs. Yue to become king Qin's concubine instead? What is this? He hurriedly said, "Mrs. Yue, you misunderstood. It's not that you don't have a name or a share. It's ok if the two are not big. I'll persuade Li Tinglan to promise..."

Hua Rong shook his head to stop him from going on, only to find it ridiculous

Uncle Yang was a little distressed: "Madam Yue, Yue Pengju died miserably under Zhao Deji and Qin Hui. Such a foolish king is because there is no strong countervailing force to overthrow him. Don't you want to avenge your husband? To report revenge for Peng, only a strong king can do it..."

She silently put down Li Tinglan's scroll and handed it to Uncle Yang Uncle Yang took the scroll: "You should be very clear about the nature of the king. Even if he gets married, he will never owe you a debt. Mrs. Yue, can't you understand the king? To tell you the truth, the old man spent half his life on the king, guarding the island for him, and developing and growing for him. I have no children and no selfishness. What's the reason? The reason is that one day, he can truly achieve eternal fame. In this way, I will die in peace. Otherwise, what's the meaning of following the king?"

Hua Rong had completely heard the meaning of the warning in his words. With the support of his subordinates and the investment of human and material resources, if King Qin insisted on his own way and disregarded the overall situation, he was afraid that everyone would betray his relatives

deserted by one's followers!

Beauty is a curse!

She was silent for a long time

Uncle Yang didn't say anything, just stared at her closely

"Mrs. Yue..."

She slowly opened her mouth, and her voice was very calm: "uncle, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I will take my son out of here and never hinder the great cause of King Qin..."

Uncle Yang hurriedly said, "I don't want you to go... How to say? Just need you to accept Li Tinglan. Yes, we really need to have a beautiful wedding, but this doesn't mean that you have no status. Even if she is temporarily better than you, but if the king wants to pet you, how can she manage it? Besides, your mother and son are in Luoxia Island, and she is in Changlin Island, and the well water doesn't invade the river, it won't affect you at all..."

His mind was in a mess, as if he had just escaped a way of life and fell into a dead end Destiny, this is destiny Her expression was still very calm: "uncle, don't worry, I have nothing to do with the king. I just thank him for saving our mother and son, and for his care. I have other places to go, and I won't stay here for a long time..." she hesitated a little, "but there's one thing I want to ask you..."

"What is it?"

"Please allow me to leave after new year's Eve? After new year's Eve, I will take my son away immediately..."

Uncle Yang nodded hurriedly, "OK, you can leave after new year's Eve. However, you don't need to leave in a hurry... I really don't want you to leave. Besides, how can xiaohutou leave? Qin Hui is bloodthirsty and cruel, how can he let Yue Pengju's son go? If he learns about your mother and son's whereabouts, the consequences will be unimaginable. Mrs. Yue, xiaohutou will stay on the island, and I like him very much..."

Cut the grass and get rid of the roots. Qin Hui and Zhao Deji will not let Peng Ju's son go However, if they were alone, they probably wouldn't have to spend more time A son can only revenge when he grows up. What can a widow do?

Seeing Hua Rong's embarrassment, he said, "Peng Ju is such a single seedling. How can Qin Hui let it go? Mrs. Yue, I hope you think twice. If the child stays on the island, I will treat him like his legitimate grandson. In the future, he will follow me. In the future, you can visit him..."

Hua Rong looked up at the bloody setting sun in the West and nodded gratefully, "in that case, little tiger head, thank you for your trouble."

Uncle Yang avoided her eyes and Hua Rong left, which was indeed the best result As long as she was there, King Qin would never marry Li Tinglan obediently For a long time, when she was away, King Qin had given up completely and had a real plan. Otherwise, how could he promise to get engaged? If you can give up once, why can't you give up the second time? When people are around, they always think; However, time can dilute everything. When she is gone, all obstacles will be eliminated naturally

He coughed, "Mrs. Yue, I have an ungrateful request..."

"Uncle, but it doesn't matter."

"Please don't tell the king about our conversation today."

Hua Rong nodded. How could he tell King Qin? Isn't that their father son relationship? Should King Qin really betray his relatives? At least one thing she can judge and affirm is that uncle Yang did everything for the good of King Qin Like a father, I hope my son can reach the peak and own the world

What's wrong with that?

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