One Night Bride

Chapter 418

King Qin really should marry Li Tinglan I can't bring him any benefits except to drag him down

Uncle Yang just stood up and breathed a sigh of relief: "Madam Yue, since this is the case, I am relieved. Thank you for your consideration and understanding."

Hua Rong nodded slightly without saying anything

The setting sun hung like blood cells in the sky

Hua Rong turned his face to the sand and threw himself into the sand My mind is empty and boundless, and I don't know where to go Temporary stability is just a temporary shelter. Now, huge waves hit again, and the lighthouse overturned, leaving nothing to go

In the long years, no matter the days and nights of Zhongjiazhuang, the ferocity of Jinying, or the displacement of the battlefield... All kinds of suffering and all kinds of danger, there is always a hope and a sustenance - Pengju is here, Pengju is still there! As long as he is there, he will always have something to rely on

Now, he's gone! It's long gone! Even Zhang Xian, a close relative, died, and the fourth sister of Gao was exiled Even Ruda's whereabouts were unknown, and the Donglin temple was also lost No relatives, no friends!

These days, she thought that this sunset island would be a stable habitat. At least, she could have a rest, a long rest, not so tired, not so fighting, not so boundless dark fear... Eat when hungry, sleep when sleepy, stretch out her clothes, open her mouth when eating, have a warm chest to rely on, take meticulous care of, and no longer fly with blood and flesh. Everything is blooming in spring She had not even touched her little bow for a year. When she was awake, she was always shocked when she saw it, and her eyes were covered with blood, as if holding the blood of a hand

For example, domestic birds have been kept for too long and have forgotten how to fly

There are hunters with traps and birds with broken wings outside. How can they escape the fate of being hunted?

You can't even take your only son, you can't take your only sustenance, and you have to break up when your blood is connected His son followed him and was in great danger. He was so young that he couldn't escape And myself! His own ability is not enough to protect his safety I really can't, and I can't take him with me

The world is so big that there is nowhere to live

The wind blew, and the sand covered her layer by layer Her face was buried in the warm sand, and I didn't know whether it was the water in the sand or the water in her eyes, which mixed into scorching heat and tore her heart and lungs

Little tiger came from a distance and picked up a lot of shells, bright red, bright yellow, white, brown... Threw them on her body and head, "Mom, mom... Get up and look, there are many shells..."

Her face was still tightly buried in the sand, and she dared not raise her head at all, for fear that her son would hear her suppressed crying

This year, the state of song was jubilant. In May, when the golden lotus was in full bloom, there was a great wedding in the Palace - Princess Wei Xian returned to song

On May 1, Princess Wei Xian returned to Song Dynasty

In the past, Empress Dowager Wei Xian returned to the Song Dynasty with the coffin of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty The subjects ran around telling each other, immersed in this major "victory", and seemed to have forgotten the two rivers that had been lost and the vast land that had been reoccupied by the Jin people If the Jin people did not win on the battlefield, they will double their return through empress dowager Wei

However, as a result, both Zhao Deji and Qin Hui became great heroes. In the face of Jingkang's dilemma, the weak Song Dynasty finally recaptured a person - trading a large area of land for a ravaged old woman The good and charming scholar bureaucrats saw the opportunity to attach memorials and sing praises to the "immortal meritorious deeds" of the officials and prime ministers, so that Zhao Deji's imperial case was full of memorials, which made him smile

In order to welcome the return of the empress dowager, Zhao Deji, who has always been "frugal", did not hesitate to announce the world and spread it out wantonly. The running water banquet alone opened for 49 days, decorating the palace where the Empress Dowager lived from inside to outside, using the best and best materials. The first-class brocade and satins from Shu and Suzhou were sent from source to source

On this day, all the concubines, important life wives from the government and the countryside, led by Zhao Deji, personally celebrated the return of the Empress Dowager Webster sat upright in the middle and raised his glasses frequently, but all the women's families were embarrassed to find that this was no longer a queen mother, but a timid woman Even the hand holding the glass kept shaking

Zhang Yingying, Wu jinnu and others took turns to toast. Webster was so submissive that both of them were embarrassed, which was far from the imagined majesty of the Empress Dowager

After three rounds of drinking, the Empress Dowager suddenly said, "Tianwei..."

Zhao Deji was originally immersed in the great victory of his mother's return, and was able to explain to the world. Suddenly, hearing his mother mention the word "Tianwei", he was startled, and seven points of drunkenness became three points: "empress mother, why mention that bitch again? He had already killed, killed..."

Empress Dowager Wei was in a cold sweat, thinking of those letters she had written, and her hands trembled slightly: "kill it, kill it. I wish the emperor hundreds of children and thousands of grandchildren in the future, and thousands of generations..."

"Thank you for your kind words."

On one side, Zhang Yingying heard that she was unlucky and was trying to conceive, but the official mother and son had been "killing and killing". She and her son were always intriguing. At this time, they knew each other's thoughts, but they didn't dare to say anything

Zhao Deji was satisfied and said loudly, "if it weren't for killing Yue Pengju, how could we have the happiness of mother and son today?"

The concubines said again, "well done, well done."

Wang Junhua, at this time, she was already the wife of the Prime Minister for life - the return of Empress Dowager Wei. Qin Hui regarded herself as the first meritorious person, so she was naturally the first life-long wife At the beginning of the feast, countless people flattered her, and they were more popular than Zhang YingYing and others Webster also personally toasted her: "Qin Qing and his wife have made great contributions to the return of the old body and the enjoyment of human glory."

She was even more elated and extraordinary. She drank so fluently that she looked up at Zhao Deji opposite. The king sat alone and wore a crown and robe. Maybe she drank too much and her mouth was askew The more she looks, the more eye-catching it is. How can such an impotent man deserve to sit in the high position of the emperor? What if the fourth prince sat on it, handsome and handsome?

She was so excited by this idea that she shivered all over. Maybe she drank too much wine, and Zhao Deji was also floating. Seeing her heavily makeup, she swam around the crowd like a butterfly in flowers. She couldn't help but feel drunk and impulsive

The banquet ended early because of Empress Dowager Wei's discomfort The crowd dispersed, and eunuch Zhang went to call Wang Junhua for ambiguity Wang Junhua knows that Zhao Deji, this is to favor himself, a "great hero"

The red gauze curtain was warm, and the spring was refreshing. Zhao Deji was full of wine, and he jumped on the bed

Like a mountain, Wang Junhua felt that today's officials were a little different from the former ones. He was secretly surprised. He was about to turn over and give a flirt, but he was firmly suppressed. Zhao Deji rushed up like an estrous bull, panting

"Official family... Official family..."

Her flattery was interrupted by a rough hand, and her intuition was bad. Her body had been in severe pain. Zhao Deji was like a crazy wild dog, scratching and biting, lisping, and in pain... "Wang Jixian, a useless servant, I'm going to kill him..."

"I will kill you, you dog slaves..."

Wang Junhua was about to turn over, but she couldn't turn it over. The drunken Zhao Deji was like a fierce tiger, and her strength was infinite. However, she didn't lift it. She couldn't care whether she was in the court or screamed miserably anymore

Zhao Deji was even more crazy by this scream, raging on her: "useless bitch, bitch... It's all useless for you bitches... Bitch, damn bitch..."

Somewhere on his body was almost torn, and his whole body was covered with scars. Wang Junhua screamed miserably, disheveled, and tried his best to escape, but Zhao Deji grabbed his hair, and she jumped out of bed. Zhao Deji was as agile as a civet, grabbed her hair, and stepped on her waist with one foot, kicking fiercely: "bitch, you damn bitch..."

"Forgive your life, forgive your life..."

The maid eunuchs waiting outside the door were surprised. Since Wang Jixian's medicine, they had rarely seen Zhao Deji so abnormal The officials don't mention it, so it's the women who will suffer

"Officials... Spare your life... Help..." Wang Junhua's voice became more and more sad, like a female ghost in hell

"Ronger... I want to ronger... As long as ronger..." he was lisping, shaking, and stepped on Wang Junhua's waist, exerting more and more force Wang Junhua felt that her ribs were about to be crushed, and she was almost incontinent. Suddenly, she heard the sound of "ronger". At last, she was in a hurry and wailed, "Huarong..."

Zhao Deji was ecstatic: "where is ronger?"

Wang Junhua lowered his voice: "behind you, Hua Rong asked for your life..."

Zhao Deji jumped up and as soon as his feet moved away, Wang Junhua tried to get up and rushed out How dare the maid eunuch outside the door stop her? She rushed out with disheveled hair, like a madman

Wang Junhua didn't stop to breathe until he rushed out of the palace gate The sedan chair in the prime minister's residence was already waiting. She got into the sedan chair, shivering with pain, tears streaming down her face, and cursed: "impotence, damn metamorphosis, dead eunuch Zhao Deji... No sons and no grandchildren..."

She came home and went straight to Qin Hui's study: "old ghost, old man..."

Qin Hui has just finished a proud thing these days, that is, to kill his classmate fan Tong Fan Tongtong advised Yue Pengju on his death so that he could successfully kill Yue Pengju However, fan Tong's intelligence has attracted Zhao Deji's attention. Qin Hui knew that the hungry dog in the officialdom was fierce. Yue Peng raised his death and immediately ordered the censor to impeach fan Tong for arrogance and arrogance, showing his merits everywhere. After a document was written down, fan Tong was demoted to an official position Fan Tong believed that he was superior in conspiracy, but he didn't expect to be killed by Qin Hui in an instant

Qin Hui chewed his cheeks and was very proud: "Madam Guo, what did you get today?" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw his wife with disheveled hair and a blue face

Wang Junhua slapped him in the face: "dead ghost, it's all your fault, let me be tortured by that impotence..."

As soon as Qin Hui picked up her clothes, he saw that she was scarred all over and couldn't stand steadily. He immediately understood that Zhao Deji was "sick" again

Ignoring to check his wife's injury, he hurriedly asked, "is the official family really dead?"

"This damned eunuch is completely impotent. Don't say this life, he will have no children and grandchildren in the next life. Sobbing..." she cursed while crying, "old devil, you only use my mother, don't you see my mother's scars? Something without conscience..."

Qin Hui was chased by her and scolded secretly. This Tigress was hurt like this. When she hit herself, she was not kind at all He hurriedly ordered the servant girl to come in and apply the medicine for Wang Junhua. Only then did Wang Junhua stop chasing and beating, lay on the bed, sighed and cursed

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