One Night Bride

Chapter 420

It is not too hot in May in the kingdom of Jin, but Nuzhen nobles are ready for summer vacation. According to the Convention, they go to the riverside dozens of miles outside Yanjing for summer vacation

Several important concubines in the fourth Prince's residence waited for the fourth Prince's return with great joy. They all calculated how to ask the fourth prince to bring himself, not only to enjoy, but also to affirm his identity More importantly - until now, the title of Princess Yue of the fourth Prince is still vacant

Who is qualified to be the queen of the king of Vietnam?

Just as they dressed up and shuttled back and forth, trying to attract the eyes of the fourth prince, in the corner, Yelv Guanyin's eyes sparked with resentment, half happy, half sad Happy is the status of the fourth Prince today, sad is how to achieve their goals?

The horse's hoof was so good that a jujube Red Pony came in from outside the gate, and a young boy with a bow and arrow rolled off the horse. He wore a golden man's horse suit, a slow walking bead crown on his head, and three long colored feathers inserted in the crown, which was full of vitality With two pheasants in his hand, he dismounted and shouted, "Daddy, Daddy..."

A group of concubines greeted him and greeted him pleasantly, "the young master is back..."

"Young master, have you hunted so many things?"

"The young master is really good at archery. At a young age, he is a hero and has the demeanor of the fourth Prince..."

"Young master, give this to the kitchen and give you a delicious meal..."

The little boy calmly arched his hand: "thank you aunts. I'll go and say hello to my father first."

Yelv Guanyin hid in a corner, gnashing his teeth and looking at the young man in pink and jade The original three-year-old child, suddenly several years later, has been in his teens. He has handsome eyebrows and strong physique. He is a head taller than children of the same age. He is young, has infinite strength, and has two long guns on his waist. He is a good hunter. He has long been famous and is known as the first in the disciples' circle of the same generation of the Nvzhen aristocracy

This is the favorite of the fourth prince. Little Lu Wenlong's position is above all else in the fourth Prince's mansion The concubines all wanted to curry favor with the fourth prince by accepting the child. However, no matter how hard they tried, little Lu Wenlong couldn't get close to them Yelv Guanyin naturally thought of this shortcut Unfortunately, little Lu Wenlong was deeply impressed by her childhood fear. Every time she met, she left in a hurry without saying a word Yelv Guanyin sank at this time, and other concubines peeped into her mind and obstructed it. They secretly told little Lu Wenlong that it was Yelv Guanyin who killed his "mother", so she couldn't get close to little Lu Wenlong at all

Where does little Lu Wenlong know that many women's thoughts? Excitedly, he ran into the bedroom of the fourth Prince and shouted, "Daddy, the baby is back..."

Jin Wushu sat up from the Kang, but when he saw that the young man who came in was handsome and grew up day by day, he finally had a little comfort in his heart and hurriedly said, "boy, come and sit next to Dad."

Lu Wenlong went to the Kang and sat beside dad. He saw a pot of wine on the table, so he skillfully poured a cup: "Dad, please drink."

Jin Wushu was so happy that he poured him a cup: "son, how many drinks will you have with my father?"

Nuzhen men are used to drinking at a young age, and Lu Wenlong is also good at drinking. He usually drinks all kinds of Nuzhen milk wine like drinking water Jin Wushu was very happy to see him drink too much, and patted his head: "son, do you want to go to Yanjing for summer vacation?"

"Yes. Dad, I heard people talk these days that it's very close to elong town. Dad, will we see mom there?"

Jin Wushu put down his glass and was speechless

After all, he is a child. Lu Wenlong's thoughts still stay in the place where he lived in those years. For more than a year, he wore tiger skin clothes made by his mother, learned archery and hunting, and learned another father's double guns. He always thought that his mother was still there He had asked Jin Wushu this question many times, but each time it was fruitless, and he was hesitated. This time, when he learned that he was going to a place close to elong Town, he naturally asked

Jin Wushu asked cautiously, "son, do you still remember your mother?"

He looked up and said naively, "of course I remember. Dad, if you can see your mother again, don't lock her up again, OK?"


Jin Wushu's heart was shocked, and he realized how profound the experience of that year had left on little Lu Wenlong At that time, the child was several years old and could remember things At the beginning, did he really torture Hua Rong like that? After a thousand setbacks, it turned out that he had always been so cruel to Huarong?

He was more cautious: "son, have you been thinking of her?"

Lu Wenlong nodded He grew up in the fourth Prince's mansion and knew that other partners or those brothers who were not paid attention to had mothers - that is, biological mothers But I didn't As he grew up day by day, he became more curious about who his biological mother was. When he saw Hua Rong, she took care of her and remembered her tiger skin clothes. Therefore, at his slightly sensible age, coupled with the occasional gossip heard by the heart of the fourth Prince's mansion, he deeply believed that his mother must be Hua Rong

"Dad, don't you like mom?"

Jin Wushu was stunned and asked him, "who said that?"

He stammered: "my child once heard that my mother was a lowly person, plus... Plus you shut her up..."

Jin Wushu angrily said, "who said your mother was a lowly person? Who said that?"

Lu Wenlong was startled. He rarely saw his father look so angry that he didn't dare to say anything again

Seeing him like this, Jin Wushu looked a little gentle: "son, remember, your mother is the best woman in the world."

He was very happy: "ah? Dad likes my mother very much?"

Jin Wushu nodded, feeling disappointed Lu Deng's wife killed her husband by suicide. She is a woman she admires very much And flower dissolves, flower dissolves! Hua Rong has suffered many times more than Mrs. Lu. How can you tell the fate of life? His mother, no matter which one he said, likes it very much

His voice could not help but soften: "son, your mother is very smart, both literate and martial arts, can sing very good songs, can write beautiful big characters, and can cook tea..."

"Mom is so good?"

"Your mother is the best at cooking tea. She can turn into all kinds of flowers, birds, insects and fish?"

"Then I'll ask my mother to cook tea for me..."

Is there any chance like this? Jin Wushu couldn't say any more, and the blood circulation of the whole body was accelerating again, with faint pain Poison, what kind of poison is it? Is there an antidote? Where is the antidote?

Lu Wenlong saw that Dad's face suddenly changed and he was sweating. He hurried to help Dad: "Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Jin Wushu wiped his head with sweat and shook his head, "it's okay, I'm okay. Son, go and bring me the two books at the top of the bookcase."

Lu Wenlong promised to run over. On the top of the bookcase, there were two thick thread bound books, one of which was Wang Anshi's poetry and the authentic work of Wang Anshi The other is Su Dongpo's poems

"Dad, why do you want books?"

"My son, Su Dongpo and Wang Anshi, are the two most famous people in the state of song..."

The child asked naively, "do they have a dad hero?"

The fourth prince returned with high reputation, and the whole country was celebrating. He was regarded as a first-class hero by the people of the kingdom of Jin. Lu Wenlong believed that his father was already the best hero in the world

The child would not lie. Jin Wushu looked at his pride on his face. Such lovely eyes were not flattery from his concubines at all. His mood improved slightly and he said softly, "son, these two books were given to me by your mother. Now, I give them to you."

"Thank you, Dad." Lu Wenlong asked in surprise, "Dad, after we go to Yanjing, can I go to elong town to find my mother?"

After a while, Jin Wushu sighed: "yes. Then Dad will take you to look for it. If I can see your mother again in this life, I will never shut her up again. No matter what. I will treat her well! As long as, as long as I can see her again!"

Lu Wenlong was so happy that he almost jumped up: "really? If you see your mother, you can ask her to come back with us?"

Jin Wushu cannot answer When Yue Peng died, there was no trace of flowers dissolving. Who knows whether such a heavy injury is life or death?

"Dad, will mom come back with us?"

"Yes! As long as she is still alive, dad will bring her back. Son, Haotian God will bless her..." he stretched out his hand and silently adjusted his son's bow and arrow. Only then did he find that his son had jumped up sharply in the past two years and was almost shoulder high with himself His heart is even more melancholy. The years are in a hurry. Lu Deng's son will soon become an adult. At that time, how should he tell his identity? Or just hide it for a lifetime?

The wind blew along the coastline and rolled up thousands of piles of snow

Little tiger head saw his mother's body buried in the sand and remained motionless for a long time The spray rolled and washed on her, and she was wet all over Children feel very funny, giggling and imitating their mother's appearance. They lie on the beach and watch some small sea creatures being rolled up, including shells and turtles

"Mom, mom..." the spray was getting bigger and bigger, and the little tiger head was a little afraid. He took his mother's hand and cried loudly

The son's cry sounded like a thunderclap on his head. Hua Rong turned over and sat up. He saw that his son was also wet, his hair dripping with water, and his face dripping with water. He didn't know whether it was water or sweat

"Mom, let's go home."

Hua Rong hugged her son tightly, and the tiger's head was hugged out of breath. She broke away from her mother and shouted happily, "Mom, go back, mom, go back..."

A few dishes, a pot of fresh sea fish and fried shrimps smell delicious Little tiger head ate with relish. While eating, he sandwiched fried shrimp for his mother: "Mom, this is really delicious."

Hua Rong looked at the shrimps piled high in the bowl, and tears came to his eyes. Son, he already knew to cook for his mother But how long can I take care of him? She quietly wiped away her tears, choked back her voice, and asked softly, "tiger head, do you like it here?"

"Yes, I like the sea, shells, turtles, and fried shrimp..." xiaohutou answered crisply, "Mom, don't you like it?"

Hua Rong nodded with a smile and asked him, "do you like dad?"

"Yes, dad will give me many interesting things."

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