One Night Bride

Chapter 421

Hua Rong couldn't help crying anymore. Her son liked it here. He was used to it and could live well here In that case, what else can I worry about?

"Tiger head, you sleep with your mother tonight."


In the year when my mother was seriously injured, it was only for more than a month that I was really awake. The little tiger head was taken care of by a wet nurse. Now with my mother's permission, I am naturally very happy with my mother day and night After eating, Hua Rong washed his face and gargle carefully, and changed into a comfortable Pajama before hugging him to bed

"Mom, tell me a story."

"What story do you want to hear?"

"Daddy, tell me about pirates. Tell me something else."

Hua Rong lay beside him, stroked his hair, smiled and said, "son, mother doesn't tell stories, can you teach you to sing?"


Hua Qingqing cleared her throat and opened her mouth: "angry, with the appendix, Xiaoxiao rain rest. Look up, look up to the sky, roar, strong and fierce. Thirty achievements, dust and earth, eight thousand miles of clouds and moon. Don't wait, white the boy's head, empty sorrow..." she couldn't sing anymore, the past was vivid, hugged her son, and cried loudly

Little tiger's head was stunned and hugged his mother's neck. His fat little hands wiped her face hard, but his tears couldn't be wiped away

"Mom, don't cry, don't cry..."

Hua Rong hugged her son and buried her head in his soft neck. How can she be willing? This is my only relative in the world, my only concern. How can I be willing to leave him? Even though it is a thousand difficulties and dangers, how can we be willing?

"Mom, I won't sing anymore, don't cry..." little tiger's mouth flattened, and he also cried. The tears of the mother and son mixed together, and he couldn't stop for a long time Tiger head was a child after all, and soon fell asleep in his mother's arms Hua Rong raised his head, wiped the tears on his face, wiped the tears off his face, and lay down with him for a while before slowly getting up and making the unfinished little boots under the light Small bows and arrows, small boots, small tiger skin aprons... These should be done before New Year's Eve. It is also considered that you have done a little bit of humble duty and responsibility as a mother

A gust of wind rose, the window rang, and the door was gently pushed open. Hua Rong raised her head, and the needle in her hand tilted, stabbed her thumb, and gushed a drop of blood

"Girl, tie your hands?" King Qin rushed over, hugged her and covered her hand with his hand. "Girl, why don't you sleep so late? These things can be left until tomorrow, why rush to work?"

Hua Rong put down her needle and thread, looked at him unexpectedly, and asked softly, "didn't she say it would take two or three days to come back? Why did she come back so soon?"

King Qin smiled and held her head on his chest: "girl, I'm afraid you have nightmares, so I finished the work quickly and came back overnight."

Hua Rong's eyes were slightly moist. He only looked at his sweater and whispered, "I'll make you another one."

"It's hot on the island, and the time you can wear it is very warm. This one is enough."

"Always have to change."

King Qin was very happy: "don't worry, there will be plenty of time in the future. Take your time."

Hua Rong's heart was sour, and she didn't make a sound. She stared at him, but she saw that he was sweating all over his head, which showed that he was in a hurry For many years, the entanglement with him has penetrated into his bones How can you forget his bad and good in this life? She gently took his hand, stood up and poured a bowl of herbal tea to him: "qinshangcheng, drink water first."

King Qin drank three bowls in a row, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and was satisfied. He felt at home and his wife. This rich and beautiful feeling made him couldn't help but look at the gentle and virtuous woman opposite him. In the past, his rude voice was almost self-taught, and he was like water: "girl, you're better, have more rest. Let me take care of you in the future."

She nodded: "I've always been at ease with you taking care of xiaohutou."

the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. The weather is overcast

Early in the morning, the mother and son knelt down in front of the clothes grave Little tiger head kowtowed to his father and spilled the wine. The child didn't know the taste of sadness. He said mildly according to his mother's teaching method: "Dad, please drink. Dad, you should bless little tiger head's health."

After saying these words, he didn't know what to say. Turning around to look at his mother, he saw her sitting in front of the tombstone, in a trance


"Good son, you go to the front to pick up shells and bring back many for your mother."


His son's laughter went away, chasing all kinds of animals on the grass. Hua Rong sat in front of the tombstone, staring at the three words "Yue Peng Ju", as if he slowly turned into his husband's face: "Seventeen sister, seventeen sister..."

She was overjoyed and stretched out her hand to rush over, but there was an abyss in front of her "Peng Ju, Peng Ju..."

Her full of fear was held by her hands, as if someone had pulled herself back from the edge of the cliff

"Girl, wake up, girl..."

Hua Rong opened her eyes and found that the sun had set and she had been here for almost a day Time passed so fast that everything seemed to be yesterday, but it was already dead and had become the memorial day of Peng Ju

She slowly sat up and looked at an iron tower like figure in front of her. King Qin was worried: "girl, your complexion is very bad."

She shook her head. "It's all right, I'm all right."

"Go back and rest first."

"OK." In the twinkling of an eye, she saw many shells in front of her, all picked up by little tiger heads He knows that his mother likes red ones, so there are many red ones inside

Hua Rong casually took a red shell, and saw his son running over, waving his arm to meet King Qin and hugging his leg: "Dad, catch the sheep for me... I want the horn..."

Far away, a group of sea deer are eating grass, with colorful long horns on their heads After chasing the tiger for a long time, he couldn't catch it. Instead, he was knocked to the ground by the deer, and the tiger skin apron also came loose, becoming a naked wild boy

King Qin hugged him, held him high above his head, and put him down: "smelly boy, kowtow to your father again."

"Knock your head and catch antlers for me?"


Little tiger head knelt in front of his father's tombstone and kowtowed again. Just about to get up, King Qin also squatted down and gently held his hand: "tiger head is good, I have a few words to ask you, and you finish."

The child asked, "what?"

Hua Rong was also a little surprised and stood aside without making a sound

"Tiger head, are you happy on the island these days?"

"Happy. I like the sea. I like to eat shrimp, I like to eat..."

"Son, shall I treat you well?"

Little tiger looked at him strangely, took his hand and shook it: "Dad, of course, treat me well."

"What's your name?"

"Yue Xiaohu."


King Qin held him in his arms and knelt down in front of Yue Pengju's tombstone: "Yue Pengju, have you heard it? I swear, in this life, I will treat xiaohutou as my own son and treat him unfairly. And girl, I will take good care of her, and I will live up to her in this life. If you are spiritual, bless their mother and son..."

Little tiger head couldn't understand dad's words. He just giggled and kept trying to get rid of his palm, looking at the beautiful sea deer Hua Rong stood aside and wiped away the tears with her hands

King Qin picked up the child and strode over. He stretched out his hand and held her hand. His voice was firm: "girl, let's go back."

She held his hand tightly. Her palm was so wet and sweaty. A cold wind blew, and her body shivered slightly. King Qin bent his arm, took her in his arms, hugged the mother and son, and left

New year's Eve

The island ushered in its first real new year's Eve The fireworks ordered by King Qin have been bought back, which are customized by Jiangnan Lei family

Just in the evening, new year's Eve dinner will be served early in the morning A large rectangular table was filled with 36 dishes Little tiger head was happy to run from one end to the other. He wore small boots, a brand-new tiger skin apron and a small wooden knife tied to his girdle. He was as cute as the monkey king on the island His eyes fell on a huge lobster in the middle, raised his small face and asked naively, "Dad, why do we eat so much? Why?"

"Because today is Chinese New Year."

"Why do you eat so much during the Spring Festival?"

"Because it's hot."

"Why is the Spring Festival so hot?"

"Because there are fireworks."

"Why do you set off fireworks during the Spring Festival?"

King Qin couldn't stand it. He stretched out his hand and took him back to his seat. He laughed and said, "Stinky boy, eat well. When it gets dark, I'll teach you to set off fireworks."

Xiaohutou's attraction fell on the fireworks, and he ate hard

King Qin breathed a sigh of relief. He saw that the flower on the opposite side was dissolved and changed into a new light blue shirt, which was also a pattern on the moon white bottom. His hair was dark and high, and his face was not as pale as it used to be Her eyes were black, and the dishes were full of the dishes he and his son had sandwiched. She ate them slowly, and everything she did was so beautiful He looked slightly distracted, and he dared not imagine that one day he could spend New Year's Eve with his wife and children

His voice was slightly greasy: "girl, isn't the food delicious?"

She smiled slightly, paused with her hand holding the chopsticks, stretched out, clamped the thigh of a chicken into his bowl, and said softly, "eat more."

He took the chicken leg and ate it, laughing: "well, I've never eaten such delicious smoked chicken."

Seeing that he ate so delicious, little tiger put down his lobster and stretched out his hand: "Dad, I want this, I want..."

Hua Rong smiled and gave him another smoked chicken leg: "son, you eat this."

"No, I want daddy's, daddy's is delicious..."

"Little tiger head eats this..."

"No, I want that..."

King Qin immediately stuffed most of the chewed chicken legs into his little hands, and his heart was as sweet as honey: "smelly boy, you can like whatever dad likes?"

He giggled and chewed on the chicken leg: "this is delicious. I will eat whatever dad eats."

King Qin was even more overjoyed. He patted his small body and saw his big dark eyes looking at him cunningly. That kind of fatherly love was even deeper into the bone marrow. Then he looked up at the woman opposite eating slowly and with a smile, and a strange feeling grew in his heart: it seemed that this had been his wife and son all along! Otherwise, how can there be such tacit understanding and warmth?

He was all around by such strange and gentle feelings, and watched Hua Rong keep cooking for himself. He didn't know what to say, but just ate hard After eating for a long time, I remembered that once this new year's Eve passed, I could really be with the girl

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