One Night Bride

Chapter 427

Uncle Yang suddenly realized that it was a child who was talkative King Qin was bold and meticulous. When he heard tiger head talking about sugar gourd, he knew that he had gone to find Hua Rong As for the purpose of finding Huarong, you can know what it is without thinking about it

"The girl once promised to marry me personally. She is not a dishonest person. As long as she promised, there is no reason to leave without reason. If you didn't force her, how could she leave?"

Uncle Yang angrily said, "I didn't force her to accept Li Tinglan, even if she and Li Tinglan are the same wife. However, she didn't even agree to this. This woman doesn't think of you at all, and she doesn't really like you. She promised to marry you, just to repay your saving grace and protect her son..."

"Even if it's gratitude, I also want it. Isn't it bad to repay it? It also shows that she likes me. If there is no kindness in life, how can there be feelings? Uncle, why are you so picky? You can't see me at all?"

Uncle Yang thumped the seat heavily and became angry: "I'm picky about you? I'm for you. A man, a man, doesn't want to make contributions and devote himself to women, like what?"

"Lao Tzu is not immoral. Can't you build a career by marrying a wife and having children? The ancients also stressed 'getting married and starting a career', only by getting married can you start a career..."

Where did this boy learn this set of great principles? Uncle Yang smashed the seat to the sound of the mountain: "Your Majesty, what kind of overpowering drug have you been drugged by her? It's just that you've been crazy for more than ten years, and you're still not awake now? I wish you were a whore rather than a crazy devil. You're not a teenager, you're a teenager. Why can't you even tell the weight? Yes, I did go to Hua Rong, but I didn't ask her to leave. As long as she accepted Li Tinglan, what's so difficult for her? This woman is selfish. If she is really grateful, she should take you for everything First She has experienced so many things. Don't you know that only when your strength grows can you report revenge for Yue Peng? However, she went away regardless of the overall situation, even her son If I still have half the truth for you, can't I consider it for you at all? No sacrifice at all? If she really wants to marry you, she will never walk away If you don't want to think for you, don't want to revenge for your husband, and only care about your own feelings, what do you want from such a selfish woman? "

King Qin sneered, "if you say so, it's all her fault?"

"I don't see what's good about her. If she is really a virtuous and virtuous woman, she should respect Li Tinglan, patiently help you achieve great things, stay on the sunset Island honestly, raise her son and grow up. In this way, she is worthy of the dead Yue Pengju and you..."

"In that case, she would not be a flower melt!"

"That's because you haven't been together for a long time and have been married for a long time. All women in the world are the same."

King Qin turned and left. Uncle Yang shouted, "what are you going to do?"

"I'll get rid of Li Tinglan immediately and get the girl back. This situation can't last any longer. I can't stand it anymore."

Uncle Yang almost jumped up, "Your Majesty, you can't fool around!"

"Nonsense?" King Qin's face was livid. "Uncle, since you respect me as a king, do you even have to intervene in my private affairs? Besides, I swore that I would never betray her!"

"This is no longer your private business! It's the business of all the people on the island. You have become our leader. Today, you are not only responsible for yourself, but also for tens of thousands of sailors and tens of thousands of family members on the island. They follow you, trying to get dressed and fed, and then seek prosperity, wealth, wife and children. The cooperation with Yelv is one of our big plans. How can you say that if you don't cooperate, you won't cooperate?"

King Qin suddenly turned around, "what do you mean?"

"You have to marry Li Tinglan!"

King Qin's eyes were red and he was distressed: "I have spent most of my life. How many more years can I wait in the future? What I want most now is to have a wife and my own son first. I can't afford to wait, and I can't wait any longer. Third uncle, I respect you as' third uncle ', but it doesn't mean you can completely treat me as a puppet. I decide my own business!"

With that, he turned and left without turning back

Uncle Yang watched him leave helplessly, and sighed angrily: "upright is not involved in conspiracy, upright is not involved in conspiracy!"

At the door, Ma Su hesitated and dared not enter for a moment

Uncle Yang saw him sneaky and said angrily, "Ma Su, what kind of madness did you say the king had? He was ruined by that woman all his life. Beauty is a disaster, really a disaster..."

Ma Su came in, stood aside with his hands down, and said respectfully, "uncle, you don't have to worry."

"My whole life's effort was spent on him. I was loyal to him and planned for him. Unexpectedly, he turned against me for a woman... It's nothing to do... Alas..."

"Third uncle, your majesty, he's so old that he hasn't married yet, and he really needs a woman to take care of him. He should have his own bones and blood..."

Uncle Yang angrily said, "how old is it? What is it in his forties? Duke Wen of Jin returned to Jin and ascended the throne at the age of 60. He wanted women, some of them. Why did he want that one?"

Duke Wen Chong'er of Jin was one of the famous five hegemons of the spring and Autumn period. When he was young, he was framed by his father's favorite Ji, and fled abroad. He traveled around the world for many years, and did not succeed until his later years, and finally owned the world

Ma Su didn't say it was OK. At this mention, King Qin was even angrier: "it's a pity to compare the king with Duke Wen of Jin. This boy is not suitable for him to lift shoes. He is short-sighted and has no ambition. He's really not expected to become a big deal. If he becomes Duke Wen of Jin, we'll also be a fox, Jie Zitui..."

Ma Su whispered, "uncle, don't you know the end of Jiezi push?"

Uncle Yang was shocked, and Jie Zitui was later set on fire by Duke Wen of Jin

"Since ancient times, birds are full of bows, rabbits are dead and dogs are cooked. Since the emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne, successive emperors have crossed rivers and demolished bridges. Far from saying, as soon as the emperor Taizu of this dynasty obtained the world, he would have a cup of wine to release his military power, and Zhao Deji was even more lunatic. Yue Pengju and his wife made great contributions and were loyal to him. He was still in pain. Who can predict the heart of a king?"

Uncle Yang looked at Ma Su and was silent for a moment

"The king is determined to marry Hua Rong. I don't think it's a bad thing. On the contrary, it's a good thing. In this way, we can follow him safely and safely. Life is short, and everything is a false name. What about princes and generals? What's the meaning of bringing trouble between the king's elbows and armpits? The king's true temperament can last for more than ten or twenty years for a woman. If we force him to give up this time, it will definitely change his temperament. Since he can even give up Hua Rong, after that, nothing will happen Can you give up? "

Uncle Yang didn't answer, and said after a long time of melancholy, "well, well, it's a pity that I've worked hard for a long time..."

"Uncle, your hard work won't be in vain. I don't think the cooperation with Yelv is so beneficial on the surface. How can Jiangshan give up to others? Even if it's passed to his' grandson ', how can it be so easy to give in with his vicious means? I'm afraid that our hard work is exhausted, but it's just making wedding clothes for others..."

"I didn't expect this, but there must be a way to the front of the mountain, and Yelv can't even finish it alone. Masu, in your opinion, what should we do?"

"Now that we have developed maritime trade, our economic strength has been greatly enhanced, and we are not so dependent on Yelv."

"But how easy is it to develop land strength?" After all, they are Han people. Even pirates are deeply influenced by Confucianism. They pay attention to returning to their roots. They pay attention to every inch of land and every inch of money. They can't reach the peak without galloping on land and stepping on solid land. No matter how wide the expansion of ocean power is, they can't reach the peak This is also what uncle Yang is most worried about, so he is so eager to marry Yelv, and refuses to give up this big day, which may also be the only opportunity

"The ocean is so vast and endless. When the forces really grow, who knows if there will be other opportunities?"

Uncle Yang nodded helplessly and closed his eyes tiredly, "Ma Su, you go down. I'm old and out of energy, and I'll count on you in the future."

Ma Su said solemnly, "don't dare. The third uncle takes charge of the overall situation. How can you say old? If the king really wants to achieve something great, he has to rely on the third uncle."

"Well, you go down. Hey. I have no children and spend half my life planning for the king. What's my leisure? Hey! Let the tiger head be happy and spend his old age in peace."

The magic hand of early spring stretched out, and almost overnight, the mountains and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River, the water bank of the West Lake, thousands of weeping willows sent out green buds and hung down softly, like the gentle hand of an amorous girl

Hua Rongle Ma, looking at the "Yiyuan" in the night from a distance, immersed in a dead atmosphere, incompatible with the breath of spring Since the Yue family was raided, the garden has been deserted. It is said that Yue Pengju and his wife died miserably. Within a short year, the grievances in the house did not disperse, and no one dared to start easily, for fear of being contaminated with ominous gas

Hua Rong stood for a long time. For such a long time, he and Peng Ju, together with his son, lived in seclusion in the garden Unfortunately, I can't escape this disaster After thinking for a long time, she realized that if Peng Ju would resolutely take up the army when Zhuxian Town was in, no matter what kind of life it was in, why would it be so miserable to be conspired by Zhao Deji and Qin Hui?

She hid her horse and walked slowly forward in the night The city gate of Lin'an is not tall. It connects the southeast and northwest everywhere She stood at the north gate, where she had escaped, which Peng Ju bought with her life The faint smell of blood wafted from my nose. Is the soul of my husband still reverberating here?

She looked at the spire of the Dali Temple Prison. Here, Zhao Deji and Qin Hui had personally commanded the massacre, as well as their accomplices Wan Jixuan, Wang Jun, Zhang Jun and other accomplices... There was blood on the wall, which was the blood of Peng Ju! Peng Ju died here

She clenched her fists in the dark and was excited by the bloody smell on her nose "Sister seventeen, don't take revenge for me... Don't..." she once told King Qin that she didn't want the closest and most caring people to sacrifice for nothing because she knew that she couldn't fight a court However, when things come to an end, who can be so rational? Knowing that you will hit a stone with an egg, you cannot be rational at all

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