One Night Bride

Chapter 428

"Peng Ju, no matter how difficult it is, I will avenge you. If you can't finish this life, you will continue in the next life!"

The idea of revenge completely dispelled the weakness and uneasiness She turned and strode out

A lonely lamp, a light wine, cold spring, the wind blowing in from the broken window, in the room, an old woman sitting alone, holding a book, sad and miserable

There was a knock on the door, and she slowly stood up. In the middle of the night, who would come to visit an old woman in this remote place? Since the death of Yue Pengju's husband and wife, she has lived here in seclusion and experienced the most difficult period of life

"Who is it?"

Hua Rong was excited by the old voice and hissed, "it's me, seventeen sister..."

The door opened with a squeak. Almost at the same time, the two reached out, hugged each other, and cried bitterly The wind blew from the door, full of cold, Li Yi'an raised his head, reached out and closed the door, hurriedly pulled the flower solution into the inner room and sat down, poured a cup of hot tea for her, and lowered his voice: "sister seventeen, you are really alive, God bless you! God bless you! Where is tiger head?"

Hua Rong wiped away her tears. "I was saved by King Qin. Tiger head is safe now. King Qin will take care of him." She looked around and saw that the room was very dilapidated and empty inside and outside. There were only a few boxes of books. Li Yi'an's collection was almost completely missing

Li Yi'an was very calm: "those things were taken away by Wang Jixian."

Hua Rong was furious: "this despicable old thief."

"Seventeen sister need not be angry. From Kaifeng to Jiangnan, I have been wandering for half my life. In order to protect these collections, I went through difficulties and dangers, and even married Zhongshan wolf by mistake. Now I know that everything is outside my body."

Hua Rong gritted his teeth, this is survival! The living conditions of ordinary people Whether it is a generation of famous general Yue Pengju or a generation of poet Li Yi'an, who can protect himself? Life does not exist, let alone external objects

Li Yi'an woke up from the joy of reunion and was very uneasy: "sister seventeen, you should be careful about your whereabouts. If Qin Hui's wolf ambition learns about it, he will kill you again..."

Hua Rong said slowly, "I won't hide my whereabouts anymore."


"I've seen and heard all the way, plus I've walked back to Lin'an for a day. Since Zhao Deji issued an amnesty edict under the guise of benevolence and righteousness, and didn't offend his family, I might as well fulfill his' benevolence and righteousness'."

Li Yi'an nodded as soon as he thought If the flower dissolves and hides its head and tail, Qin Hui learns that it is easier to be poisoned secretly If she swaggers back, Yue Peng is dead, and the tiger head is not beside her, there is only a widow, a lonely woman. How dare Qin Hui risk the world's condemnation and kill again?

"Sister seventeen, that's all, but Qin Hui is too mean. You have to be careful."

Hua Rong smiled. Yes, Qin Hui and Wang Junhua, the dog men and women, are the first targets of their own liquidation They can't let themselves go, and they can't let them go

Li Yi'an was worried: "sister seventeen, you can't act rashly."

"Don't worry, I'll never act rashly. Peng Ju saved me with his life, that is, he wanted me to live. So how can I easily die again?" Even if you are as humble as a dog, you have to live Only by living can we really wait for the day of hope

This night, the two talked to each other about all kinds of sorrows and sorrows during the year of separation Li Yi'an heard Hua Rong talk about King Qin in detail for the first time, and it was dawn chicken crowing unconsciously She was moved and sighed, "how could there be such a strange man in the world?"

Flowers dissolve and cannot answer I don't know what king Qin is I only know that when there is danger, I rely on him to push my pressure on him and ask him to unconditionally promise to raise my son for me Maybe he tortured himself so cruelly in his early years? Is he destined to owe himself?

She can't answer, only melancholy, son, King Qin, what are they doing now?

Another dusk fell

Hua Rong walked slowly from a chaotic cemetery, his body floating like a ghost Passing through a Pine Hill, yellow paper flags fluttered in front of it, and a lonely grave was covered with green grass, with the inscription "Jia Yiren" on it She walked over and knelt in front of the tomb, unable to cry Peng Ju was a hero all his life, and even the grave became a woman - Jia Yiren! This is also the kind jailer Kai Shun It was he willing to take strange risks to secretly carry Peng Ju's body out and bury it here She learned this after secretly inquiring for many days

Kneeling in front of the tombstone, she felt excited, as if she had met Peng Ju for the first time. The weak boy had grown into an indomitable man It was at that moment that he had become a hero in his heart and was destined to stay with him all his life

"Peng Ju, I'm still alive and my son is still alive. We're all fine. Xiaohutou lives a carefree life without any danger. Don't worry, don't worry about us."

The cold wind of spring night blew through the treetops, whimpering, like the cry of leaving She never mentioned revenge. When she said this in front of her husband's tomb, he could hear it. If he heard it, there would be no peace under the nine springs So, for the first time, she kept a big secret in front of her husband

She sat for a long time and told her husband her experience of the past year in the dark without any omission The spring dew is deep and cold. Sitting on the cold land, my body is hot, and my heart is hot. That is a kind of conversion of my soul Only by Peng Ju's side can we have complete peace

A glow rose from the eastern sky, and she stood up slowly, her legs numb It took a while to stand still, "Peng Ju, it's going to dawn, and I'll come back with you in the evening."

Go down the mountain, turn around the luanfenggang, pine forest, walk through the winding path, and the dew on the grass wet your sleeves A burst of wind, she whispered: "who is it? What are you doing furtively?"

The trees shake and the wind shadows, silent

She rushed forward and saw the branches in front of her flashing, dew splashing on the ground, and then with a squeak, maybe a little squirrel jumped over She looked around, no one else, and could only slowly go downhill

I was thinking all the way, where did brother Lu go? Is it life or death? After inquiring many people, there was no news of Ruda, not even his death If he were alive, where would he escape?


Zhao Deji is drinking and having fun with his favorite concubines He played with Xiao Liu in his arms, while Zhang YingYing and Wu jinnu sat aside and read the memorials accumulated these days for him Zhao Deji was sleepy, and Zhang Yingying stopped reading He asked, and Zhang Yingying said, "I dare not read it." "Read, I tell you to read." Zhang Yingying had no choice but to read on. It turned out that some ministers had written to Zhao Deji to quickly take care of the children of the clan and cultivate the crown prince. Seven or eight envelopes were the same Hearing the ghost fire, Zhao Deji pushed Xiao Liu aside and said, "it's not easy to make peace. After a few days of comfort, they can't stand it. They take out these troubles every day to depress me..."

Zhang YingYing and Wu jinnu looked at each other. Even the two people who were best at understanding Jun's heart lost confidence in Zhao Deji's "reproductive function". In fact, they had the same thoughts as the minister who wrote the letter. The emperor would never be born again

They didn't dare to reveal it at all, but Xiao Liu patted his horse's feet on the horse's leg: "Your Majesty, spring and autumn are at their peak, why do you worry about having hundreds of children and thousands of grandchildren?"

"Shut up" Zhao Deji shouted, adding to his deep sense of shame His impotence, infertility, intrauterine and extrauterine, the world knows These unscrupulous scholar bureaucrats wrote letters one by one to manage their own household affairs

With a wave of his hand, "exile all those who play on the piano and never hire them."

The concubines dared not intervene, and Zhao Deji shouted, "replace the new maid in waiting."


A group of maidens who had just entered the palace came in Zhao Deji increasingly has a hobby, which is to spoil girls aged 15 or 16 Almost every other night, you have to change a virgin to sleep Zhang YingYing and others have been living alone for the past two years, and they know that Zhao Deji will have no children and no grandchildren in his life if he continues to have sex so recklessly When she came to the door, she couldn't help looking back and just met Wu jinnu's line of sight Although the two are competitors, they have already lost the significance of competition for more than a year. In particular, Zhang Yingying was extremely depressed and secretly said that everyone said that my emperor was like the emperor, and so it was Song Huizong's birthday gang and Liang Yin caused great difficulties for Jingkang, while Zhao Deji, who killed Yue Pengju and continued to indulge in prostitution day by day, what would he leave to song?

As soon as the old man left, the new man appeared Even little Liu Shi, who was waiting on one side, completely lost his favor. Zhao Deji stretched out his left and right hands and held two charming girls in his arms Xiao Liu was sad and angry. She was robbed by Zhao Deji as a "clan aunt". She didn't expect her face to be old and her favor to decline first And Wang Jixian's so-called elixir, after more than a year, did not work at all Moreover, she gradually realized that after taking the elixir, the official family was indeed a lot more powerful in the first two months, but it went from bad to worse and became more and more violent She was afraid, and did not dare to ask Wang Jixian again, for fear that the news would leak and lead to disaster

Zhao Deji saw her standing aside with a bad complexion, and felt it was very eye-catching. He angrily said, "go down."

Little Liu Shiqiang held back his tears and had to flow bitterly As soon as she left, Zhao Deji really relaxed and hugged several beauties, but as usual, after a while, he was out of energy and didn't lift it halfway He went crazy and chased a group of girls around the room, who were so scared that they shouted and ran away in all directions He chased for a while, exhausted, and fell on the roof like a dead dog Eunuchs and palace maids have long been used to this scene and don't think so. There are many jokes in private, which is enough to write a secret history of the palace

I fell asleep in a daze, and suddenly came to a demon realm in my dream. It was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers He was frightened, only to hear the wind gust, a female ghost with disheveled hair suddenly came out: "Zhao Deji... You give me my life... Give me my life..." with his hands on his neck, he couldn't breathe, and foamed at the mouth, "spare your life, dissolve your son, spare your life..."

Eunuch Zhang quwei hurried in and saw Zhao Deji slumped on the Yutan with sweat all over his head, attached to his ear and whispered, "official, I have something important to report."

Zhao Deji was weak: "what's the matter?"

"The flowers have melted back."

"Ah?" Zhao Deji instantly sat up, such as taking a cardiotonic, surprised and happy, "really? Ronger is back? Ronger is still alive?"

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