One Night Bride

Chapter 431

Gao Yigong stood up and said, "think it over."

"I'll obey. Lord Gao, go slowly."

She chased out and took out some jewelry to bribe Gao Yigong The previous disobedience has made the fourth Prince angry. On balance, Qin Hui is now unreliable. If he annoys the fourth Prince again, he will completely lose his dependence

Not only did Qin Hui and his wife shake, but there was also a storm in the palace because of the return of Hua Rong Especially Wu jinnu, Zhang YingYing and other concubines who are familiar with the situation are all worried Although the two are intriguing, they have a consensus on the issue of Hua Rong: that is, the devil's paw of the government must not be stretched out again But they did not dare to reveal their thoughts in front of Zhao Deji

On this day, Zhang Yingying suddenly received an order from empress dowager Wei. Zhang Yingying rushed to see Wu jinnu here They looked at each other and were surprised Empress Dowager Wei withdrew from the palace eunuch, glanced at the two and lowered her voice, "I heard that the flowers have dissolved back?"

Wu jinnu was careful: "back to the empress dowager, Hua Rong did come back."

"If possible, AI Jia really wants to see her..."

The two looked at each other Although they have heard of the experience of the Golden State looking for the Empress Dowager after the dissolution of flowers, they are not detailed Empress Dowager Wei was speechless for a long time, thinking of the night when the moon was dark and the wind was high, the woman desperately tried to persuade and ran away with her pregnant body behind her back, and even suffered serious injuries... She was humiliated in the kingdom of Jin. She could kill Tianwei because of the request of the fourth prince, because Tianwei had been humiliated like herself, and she was always uncomfortable in the face of her, not to mention being forced by the fourth prince But Hua Rong, no one forced, and Hua Rong can be regarded as having lived and died for herself. Emotionally, she doesn't want Hua Rong to die again

"Hua Rong is now a widow, and AI Jia doesn't want to see her in danger again."

Zhang Yingying said, "the officials have issued an amnesty order and will not kill Huarong anymore..."

Empress Dowager Wei sighed, "it's difficult for you two to serve you when you return from mourning. You can only say a few intimate words with you. You must also know what the officials are up to. Yue Peng died miserably. If the officials force Hua Rong again, won't they be laughed at by the world?"

This is also their idea. Wu jinnu whispered, "ministers and concubines dare not persuade the officials at all."

Wei taihou shook her head, knowing that the two men were wise and safe, and most importantly, under the pressure of the minister, Zhao Deji's adoption of the son of the clan has been put on the agenda Wu and Zhang, who can be the mother of the adopted prince, means who will be the Empress Dowager of the Song Dynasty in the future All this depends on who Zhao Deji prefers. At this critical moment, who is willing to offend Zhao Deji?

She was so depressed that she had to dismiss them and go to the imperial study by herself

On this day, Zhao Deji was daydreaming in the imperial study when a maid came in to serve tea He saw that the maid in waiting was a stranger. Although she was medium-sized and her eyes were small, she had a bit of a childish taste He was fresh for a moment, and immediately pulled the palace maid to spoil the imperial collapse nearby When it was over, I felt unhappy. Seeing the maid in waiting to endure the pain, I suddenly felt disgusted. With one foot, I kicked the maid down and scolded, "get out, and never come near me again in this life." Poor for his words, the 16-year-old girl was sent to the laundry Bureau for distribution, and there was no future

When he was angry, he heard the word "the Empress Dowager arrived."

He greeted her and held her. "Why is the queen mother here? My son is going to greet you."

Empress Dowager Wei looked around and saw that there were thick memorials piled on the imperial table, which had not been reviewed, and beside them were some trinkets of the palace maid, an embroidered shoe, in a mess She shook her head secretly, but she could only be kind: "brother nine can't be busy with the memorial, which has damaged his body."

Zhao Deji held back the crowd before sitting beside his mother: "empress mother, my son's minister has something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?"

"Do you remember Hua Rong? Since I crossed the south, I can't have a prince anymore. There is no imperial concubine in the palace. Hua Rong was seriously injured, which is similar to my situation, but he can recover and have a son. I think, it depends on the rivers and mountains of the Song Dynasty, isn't it..."

Empress Dowager Wei was supposed to stop him from coming, but Zhao Deji mentioned the height of the country as soon as he came Besides, it was the first time for her to hear the emperor's thoughts. It was very novel. Could Hua Rong really give birth to a prince for her son? Her biggest worry is that her son Wuhou's sympathy for Hua Rong can't be compared with the great temptation brought by the "Prince" after all She was surprised and asked, "is this true?"

"Really. I once asked Wang Jixian. Wang Jixian said that her physique was different from that of other women, so she could have children. The mother also knew that now the ministers sent a letter to me every day to adopt. Where can adoption be biological?"

Empress Dowager Wei was surprised and embarrassed: "but how is she willing to enter the palace?"

Zhao Deji laughed: "she is now a lonely woman, helpless, in addition to relying on me, where can I go? Besides, I have never been better for any woman in this life than her, and she also knows."

"But how can she give up after Yue Pengju's death? Will she secretly retaliate?"

"No. I'm familiar with rong'er's temper. She's kind-hearted by nature. Besides, I saved her life twice. Even if I killed a Yue Pengju, I admit I don't owe her."

Empress Dowager Wei was not easy to refute for a moment. At the beginning, many princesses and princesses of the Song family were killed, their husbands followed the golden man, and they still had children, so they would live a lifetime If Hua rongken is willing to go to the palace to have children for his son, it is also a great good thing She asked again: "her identity is complex, separated by a Yue Pengju. If those noisy censors impeach, it will damage the reputation of brother nine..."

Zhao Deji has a plan in mind: "it's OK. Concubine Yang is still a daughter-in-law, and Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty can get it. I might as well do the same."

Empress Dowager Wei always felt that something was wrong, but what was wrong was strange in her heart But she did not dare and did not want to discuss this issue with her son

Zhao Deji saw off empress dowager Wei, and Zhang quwei came in, nodding and bowing with ambiguous eyes Zhao Deji was happy: "what does Hua Rong say?"

These days, Zhang quwei and Xu Caizhi have fully taken on the "heavy responsibility" of attracting Hua Rong, sending gifts regularly, being responsible for "communicating" with her and returning to Zhao Deji in time Zhang quwei took out a secret letter and handed it over. "Hua Rong said that as long as the government promised this condition, she would serve the government carefully in the future..." Zhao Deji was happy, hurried to open it, only looked at it, and his face changed greatly. He saw a single word "Qin" written on it

Zhang quwei didn't know what to write, so he didn't dare to go up and stood aside with his hands down Zhao Deji took a few steps and frowned, "ronger, this is another problem for me."

Zhang quwei didn't know what the problem was, and he secretly guessed that he wanted to punish Qin Hui First, it was for the benefit of Li Yi'an and Zhang Xian's wife and children. Now, it's time for gradual liquidation He sneered in his heart, and the ants tried to shake the tree. This woman's son would fall out of favor and become arrogant before he was born. If she had a son, wouldn't she want to cover the sky with one hand? When he thought about this, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart. In case Hua Rongzhen really entered the palace and really gave birth to a son, he could not offend her at this time, and Yue Pengju's death could not be blamed on him. Why bother adding an enemy for nothing? He made up his mind. Although Qin Hui sent a gift to inquire about the situation, he just pretended not to know

Qin Hui couldn't get useful news for days. Although he was confident, he was uneasy after all When asked about Wang Junhua, Wang Junhua was dressed up all day and secretly ordered many exquisite costumes to be taken to Yanjing to wear

In the evening, Qin Hui came home and saw Wang Junhua hurriedly closing a huge caisson suitcase. His eyes were sharp and he saw that it was full of brand-new clothes Wang Junhua closed the lid, intentionally or unintentionally covered it with his body, and gave an exaggerated smile: "Yo, strange, old man, which gust of wind blew you back so early?"

Qin Hui sneered. Naturally, she understood her wishful thinking and said, "if you want to go to Yanjing, you must promise me a condition."

"What conditions?"

"Go to the palace to test the meaning of the officials." Qin Hui's eyes flashed a vicious light, "if you don't solve this bitch Hua Rong, I'll always have trouble sleeping and eating. I believe so is Mrs. Guo."

Wang Junhua also hates Hua Rong, but she secretly meets Gao Yigong. Qin Hui doesn't know about it and deliberately conceals it Knowing that you must take care of Qin Hui, he smiled when Qin Hui asked, "it's OK for me to inquire about it for you, but, old man, you must hand over the flower solution to my mother personally, without your intervention."

Qin Hui originally wanted to take a desperate risk and send the dead man to kill Hua Rong, but after hearing his wife take the initiative to take this hot potato, he knew that Wang Junhua's vicious means were not under him. Now he just took Hua Rong to please her, so that she wouldn't say right or wrong in front of the fourth prince, so he immediately agreed

As soon as he left, Wang Junhua closed the door, changed a new suit and looked at the mirror. The woman in the mirror was still charming. She was very satisfied and said to herself, "Hua Rong bitch, I didn't expect that my mother would stop people from poisoning you one day. It's worth it for the fourth prince."

Just what is the fourth Prince doing with this woman? After many secret inquiries and repeated speculation, she also estimated that the fourth prince must have something important to do with Hua Rong It would be a great good thing if the fourth prince could be relieved of some threats

Wedding hall, bridal chamber, firecracker sound

King Qin, with a smile on his face, held the biggest wedding ceremony on the sea with a woman with a red veil Residents on the island heard the wind, crowing and barking, laughing After worshiping heaven and earth, he hated the trouble of holding the concentric knot, so he simply picked up the bride and walked to the bridal chamber

The bridal chamber, the new bed, the snow-white sheets, and the scarlet brocade mattresses sat on them. He looked at the people sitting on the bed under the candlelight and eagerly opened the cover immediately Flushed with shame, he couldn't help but hug Keren for a moment After being depressed for too long, my vigorous energy finally found a way to vent. I felt comfortable and couldn't help myself

"Girl, girl..." his soft honeyed words suddenly stopped. "Boom", a big chair was knocked over. At the climax of spring dream, King Qin fell out of bed and opened his eyes. It was already bright outside

Chunmeng woke up, but he was extremely uncomfortable, dizzy, as if he had suffered an endless torture. He sat on the ground, gnashing his teeth: "dead girl, this life is specially born to torture Lao Tze."

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