One Night Bride

Chapter 432

The spring sunshine is all over the sea After a heavy rain yesterday, a large number of fresh shells, turtles, and some unknown green plankton surged up on the beach

The little tiger head ran around the beach laughing, constantly chasing the red billed gulls playing in diving After his mother left for so long, he gradually got used to the days when his mother was not around

Far away, he saw King Qin coming, and patted his hands to meet him: "Dad, Dad, help me catch a bird..."

King Qin stared: "heartless smelly boy, don't you miss your mother?"

He quickly looked around and asked, "where is mom? She's been back for a long time."

King Qin couldn't answer and ignored him

"Dad, help me catch that, I want Coral..."

King Qin sat motionless on the beach, letting the little tiger pull his hair and scratch his ears. He was still like an iron tower and did not waver at all

"Get out of here, son of a bitch. Don't annoy me, or I'll beat you."

Tiger head angrily loosened his hair: "bad guy... Bad guy, dad is a bad guy..." he was angry, and then stretched out his hand to grab King Qin's beard, "bad guy, don't play with you..."

Ma Su came slowly, stopped three or four feet away from King Qin, took his eyes back from the little tiger running after the birds, and fell on King Qin Overnight, King Qin's hair was disheveled, and he only wore a tiger skin apron around his waist. The whole human figure was like a savage, and the wrinkles on his vicissitudes of life deepened one by one He remembered his neat appearance with a valley scarf on his head and a new sweater, and sighed secretly, how much can a woman change a man King Qin is now like this. If anyone wants to change him again, he won't dare to think about it

"Your Majesty, this batch of goods will leave soon. I'm afraid it will take my subordinates quite a while." This batch of goods is huge and cannot be lost, so masu himself pressed the battle Before leaving, report to King Qin

"OK. Be careful. After this transaction, you can't go out easily. You should stay on the island and help me."

Ma Su took the order and was about to leave, but he still couldn't help asking, "Your Majesty, will Li Tinglan be sent away?"

King Qin resolutely said, "no!"

Ma Su was very surprised. After King Qin was angry that day, he thought that King Qin would send Li Tinglan away immediately, but he didn't expect that King Qin had nothing to do after that, and never mentioned it again

He tried to ask, "Your Majesty, madam, has she heard from you?"

King Qin spat heavily and said after a long time, "I don't care if she has any news. Anyway, I will never go to her again. Her son is here, and she will come back if she wants to come back, even if she doesn't come back."

Ma Su knew that Hua Rong's leaving without saying goodbye was a great blow to him, so he comforted him: "madam, she also had to suffer. Yue Xianggong died so miserably..."

"I've been looking for her for more than ten years. Is it easy for me? She thinks I'll wait for her all my life? No, I'll never wait for her again. If I wait any longer, I'll be old..."

King Qin was still sitting on the beach, looking into the distance, and his anger came back to the surging tide. This time, unlike in the past, Hua Rong was able to leave without saying goodbye under such circumstances Is uncle Yang's words really more important than his painstaking efforts over the years? She even left quietly because of these words, and didn't even call herself. What's the use of such a heartless woman?

As soon as Ma Su left, xiaohutou picked up a crab and ran over, cheerfully calling him, "Daddy, Daddy..." seeing that King Qin ignored him, he quietly walked up to him and threw the crab on him King Qin was still thinking, but before he came to his senses, the crab stretched out his pliers and pinched his feet A burst of eating pain, King Qin kicked the crab and threw it out a foot away Fortunately, the little crab didn't bite heavily, but the little tiger head was happy to giggle when he saw dad's embarrassed appearance: "bit, bit..."

King Qin grabbed him and slapped him on the ass: "smelly boy, as bad as Yue Pengju... See if I don't deal with you..."

Little tiger head struggled desperately on his knee and laughed desperately, "Dad, I want mom, mom..."

King Qin had nothing to do, Hate said: "your mother often thinks she is an honest man, but she is actually a heartless woman who knows no good or evil. She is so stupid that she works hard for Zhao Deji again and again, knowing that it is a dead end, but also drilling into a dead end. Such a stupid, stupid and heartless woman, how can the old man go to her again? Kind as a donkey's liver and lungs, she thinks I really want her? No, it's good to die, she's best to die..." little tiger head can't understand, Only listening to Dad's repeated "death", he didn't even know what "death" meant, and asked curiously, "is my mother dead?"

King Qin ignored him at all. "Alas, it's not her fault. It's Yue Pengju, a little rabbit, who brought her down. It's all Yue Pengju. Tiger head, don't learn from your mother in the future. If you're like her, you'll never have a good life. Remember, Hua Rong and Yue Pengju are the biggest villains and fools in the world. If you behave like them in the future, I'll chop you with a knife."

"My father is not a bad person, and my mother is not a bad person."

"Smelly boy, how dare you be stubborn?"

He pressed the tiger's head on his knee and slapped his ass again. The tiger's head struggled and scolded, "bad guy, bad guy, I'll catch crabs and bite you again... Ouch, bad guy..."

the Pure Brightness Festival

It was the darkest time before dawn. Hua Rong stepped on the dew and slowly passed through the mound and came to the pine forest in front of him The paper flags have been replaced with new ones. After the eyes adapt to the darkness, they can see a faint layer of white Hua Rong knelt down in front of the grave to light the paper money, and groped in the dim light to spread a layer of paper money on the grave Before the pebbles pressed the yellow ones, the wind blew and made a rustling sound

She knelt in front of the grave and whispered to herself, "Peng Ju, how are you? Brother Lu, where is he?"

Ruda disappeared out of thin air, no one alive, no body dead, the vast chaos, it's not easy to find him? His great kindness can only be repaid in the afterlife

"Peng Ju, I've settled down the householder and the fourth sister of high school. Now I'm carefree. Don't worry."

At the beginning of the morning, there will be other people going to the grave She didn't dare to stay any longer. She got up and walked down a deserted path to the foot of the mountain on the other side

In the jungle, a figure flashed out and shouted, "madam."

She sighed, "Liu Zhiyong, it's really you." These days, I always detect someone sneaky, but without malice, I guess it's the person sent by King Qin

Liu Zhiyong bowed: "madam, the little one came to look for his wife at the king's order."

Hua Rong was slightly melancholy. She left without saying goodbye. She didn't want to know what king Qin would look like when he was angry King Qin, when he waited for more than ten years and was full of joy, he broke his faith again. What would he do? How are their father and son?

"Your Majesty, is he all right?"

"Your Majesty is furious and furious. Madam also knows that your majesty treats you wholeheartedly. Why doesn't he feel sad when he leaves?" Liu Zhiyong told the truth: "the king asked Xiao to tell his wife that he was old and would not look for his wife for more than ten years as before..."

Don't melt the flowers too much, and your eyes are moist Many days, I think not only of my son, but also of that iron tower like man, the laughter when he put on his new shirt, the eyes when he put on his mountain scarf, and the gratitude and resentment between myself and him for half a lifetime Especially in this year, I never give up taking care of, supporting and being gentle. When I am at my most desperate time, who can I rely on except him?

I, in fact, did not want King Qin to find myself everywhere. He should have his own happiness Especially when he returned to Lin'an, after the seeds of hatred revived, life has gone to a decision. King Qin, it is good for him and himself that he can not come to find himself

Perhaps, Li Tinglan is really his best destination Suddenly I think of the beautiful girl on the scroll, gorgeous and colorful. King Qin has her, which is really the best of both worlds I am really tired of him Her heart tingled, and her voice was flat: "tell the king that I'm all right and don't need to find me. Please also ask your brothers to leave and never come to me again."

"However, the king said that if you don't go back, he will marry other women and won't care about the tiger's head..."

Her heart was like a knife, and she hardened her heart: "let him."

Liu Zhiyong stared at her, waiting for her to ask about her son, but she didn't mention a word Hua Rong said no more, turned around and left It's not that you don't mention your son, but that you can't mention it. When you think of it, your mood will completely relax It is human nature to love life and hate death Who doesn't want to bask lazily on the beach with his son? However, where do you have this qualification? Peng Ju's blood diffused in his nose, Qin Hui, Jin Wushu, Zhao Deji... All his enemies were arrogant. If they didn't die, they wouldn't be qualified for it

Gao Si's mother and son were pardoned, but they did not return directly to Lin'an, but changed direction halfway to Ezhou Flowers smell this and breathe a sigh of relief It is also good for them not to return to Lin'an

This morning, she came back from visiting Li Yi'an It is early summer, and the garden is full of flowers and trees She found a stone chair, sat down, closed her eyes, and sorted back to Lin'an's thoughts during this period

Settling down Li Yi'an and the fourth sister of Gao are trivial matters. There is rarely a precedent of blatantly killing the nine ethnic groups at this time. Zhao Deji is not interested in dealing with old women and children who have no ability to fight back, and always leaves a little room for evil doing The fact that Yue Pengju's son is not investigated for whether he is alive is a clear proof Because he was willing to show that he did not violate the Taizu oath

However, Huarong wants more than that Until Lin'an, there is no remembrance of deep hatred Kill Zhao Deji! How can I kill Zhao Deji? She is thinking about this problem over and over these days However, Zhao Deji was patient and was not in a hurry to give her a chance to get close

A bird flew by, shaking the branches overhead. Hua Rong suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the uninvited guest opposite

Accompanied by Xu Caizhi, Zhang quwei and others, Zhao Deji stood opposite in casual clothes

She looked at Zhao Deji, and Zhao Deji also looked at her

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