One Night Bride

Chapter 433

Her heart was so full of joy that she couldn't help laughing A wisp of sunset shone down from the crack of the tree and covered her face That face was as clean and flawless as white jade in the early years, but now it has become a kind of sapphire. After too many hardships, the former round face has become a sharp thin, even more sad Time can make people haggard, but the desolation of wind and frost is something Zhao Deji has never seen from any other woman Like a person, half a life facing a delicious meal, hungry to the extreme, but always can only look far, can't eat enough Zhao Deji's heart surged, impatient, and took a step forward

A bow and arrow opened and aimed at his front door Zhang quwei said quietly, "protect the Emperor..."

Several guards rushed up and surrounded Huarong on all sides

Hua Rong looked at the bright broadsword around and sneered, "are you here to catch me today?"

Zhao Deji waved his hand and the crowd retreated Zhao Deji smiled: "rong'er, I've already issued an amnesty order. How can I arrest you? I just came to see you. When you haven't heard from me, I've been thinking about you..."

Hua Rong said faintly, "you are really kind and righteous."

Zhao Deji blushed and hurriedly said, "rong'er, in fact, I don't want you to die. I don't want to kill you at all... I have a lot to say to you..."

"What are you going to say?"

"Rong'er, I have a heart for you, don't you know?"

Hua Rong almost vomited out, but he was still calm: "you tell them to go down first..."

"This..." Zhao Deji hesitated

Hua Rong scoffed, "why, now I'm just a lonely widow, are you still afraid of me?" When she saw Zhang going to wait to stare at the small bow on her waist, she took it down and put it aside

Zhao Deji waved, "you all wait for me outside."

Zhang quwei was still worried: "the official family, the small one will stay with you."

"Get down."

The crowd dared not say any more, but rushed out Nuota's garden immediately emptied Only two people were left face to face Zhao Deji stepped forward again, and the distance between them was only two feet So close, Zhao Deji so close, just in front of him, reach out and touch Hua Rong was ecstatic, eager over reason, and the thought of "hiding one's strength and biding time", ten years of revenge, etc., was completely thrown out of the sky——

If you lose this opportunity, where will you have such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Kill Zhao Deji! We must kill Zhao Deji! This may be my only chance in this life

Her heart was fanatical, but her complexion always maintained a slight calm, only her palm was closed, and sweat oozed out of the field for a while


His legs were slightly weak, and he couldn't stand still. As long as a knife was stabbed into his throat, Peng Ju took revenge At this moment, she forgot the consequences and all her scruples His son is taken care of by King Qin, and Li Yi'an, the fourth sister of Gao, and others have settled down. He has no worries to worry about. With this body, alone, what can't he give up?

Zhao Deji saw that the woman opposite had put down her bow, and her face was very calm, completely unable to see happiness, anger, sadness and joy He has known Hua Rong for more than ten years and is familiar with her skills. If he fights alone, he may not be his opponent, so he has nothing to fear

"Rong'er, I'm very happy to see you again, but you promised me anything."

Hua Rong asked faintly, "what about Qin Hui?"

Zhao Deji hesitated: "Rong'er, I'll tell you this. To tell you the truth, I also extremely hate Qin Hui. I originally planned to dismiss him as soon as the peace negotiation was over. But he was stronger first, colluding with the fourth Prince of the Jin Dynasty, and making provisions in the Peace Book of the song and Jin Dynasties to ensure his position as Prime Minister for life. This guy has wolf ambition, and the peace negotiation of the song and Jin Dynasties was not long. If I attacked him at this time, I was afraid that he would collude with the Jin people to make a comeback. This kind of powerful minister is also a heart disease between my elbows and armpits, and so on After the situation subsided, Jiangnan recuperated and developed. I should punish him severely and take this evil breath for you... "He paused," even Peng Ju, Qin Hui colluded with the fourth prince, and I have nothing to do... "

Zhao Deji was so brazen that he blamed Qin Hui for killing Yue Pengju Hua Rong observed his words and feelings, and knew that it was completely impossible for him to punish Qin Hui, because he himself was subject to Qin Hui, and it was not simply the relationship between kings and ministers Now there is only one way in front of him: that is to lie down and taste the gall, submit to Zhao Deji, serve him in the palace, be his plaything and his birthing tool, in order to seek opportunities However, how many years will it take for such revenge? And women are different from men. What about revenge if they become other people's playthings and have children for others? Moreover, it is intolerable to face this trivial person every day and even serve him personally

This road is blocked, and the surname of Yue Pengju has been tarnished in vain

Her palms sweat more and more - then, there is only one way left This is the moment

Zhao Deji saw that she looked at her from head to toe, and saw that her body was thinner than usual, with jade blue blood vessels on the back of her hands The more he looked, the more he loved. His desire was boiling all over, and he slowed down his voice. He was sincere, "for more than a year, I have been dreaming of you, afraid that you would die. Rong'er, please forgive me this time. In the future, I will treat you..."

Hua Rong was excited by this infinite absurd request and laughed, interrupting his words, "are you afraid I'll kill you?"

Zhao Deji was very unhappy: "ronger, I have saved your life! I am your lifesaver!"

Help the benefactor! It was that time that I saved my life. In order to repay his kindness, I fell into his hands for half of my life and worked for him. Finally, my family was destroyed Her voice was sharp: "I have saved your life three times! I have already paid you back with interest."

"Rong'er, now Yue Pengju is dead. Where can you go alone? You know I treat you wholeheartedly. As long as you can give birth to a son and a half, the Queen's position is yours... No, as long as you promise to follow me into the palace, I will immediately make you queen..."

Hua Rong laughed and looked contemptuous: "Zhao Deji, you are really wishful thinking. You dare to be so brazen to kill my husband."

"You want your ministers to die, and your ministers have to die! What if I kill him?"

Hua Rong was speechless and sighed: "yes, what can I do? Now I can't protect myself. Peng Ju him, hey, Peng Ju him..."

When Zhao Deji saw her bow her head and sigh, her expression was bitter, and a row of tears rolled out on her long eyelashes, which added to my pity As she said, Yue Pengju died early. She was a widow, so why bother? What could be better than following yourself to the palace to enjoy prosperity?

"Rong'er, I will never owe you anything in the future..." Zhao Deji stretched out his hand and shook her hand, "rong'er..."

Hua Rong lowered her head and completely fell into a sad confusion, "Peng Ju is gone, and my son is gone. For more than a year, I have no way out, and I don't know where to go. I have no home, no relatives... I'm too tired..."

Zhao Deji was shocked by such a sad soliloquy, which was a novel feeling, a feeling of the weak crawling under his feet That is by no means a disguise, but an infinite amplification of the weakness of the soul This strong woman was finally conquered by exile

What can make a man feel stronger than taming a wild woman and letting her crawl in his arms like a tame horse? The strong, he really became strong He was so excited that he couldn't help but take the strongest aphrodisiac in the world, and held Hua Rong's hand tightly: "rong'er, you will have a home soon, and the palace will be your home. You will also have a son to bear children for me..."

Hua Rong didn't resist at all, and he could even feel his thin shoulders trembling slightly because of fear Her fear, his excitement, his desire to come up, no longer care, immediately in this peach forest, on this stone bench, fortunately, the woman he has coveted for a long time

His hand touched her neck, and she was still weak in his arms, like a lamb waiting to die, with tears in her eyes and infinite pity Zhao Deji was completely excited by this poor look, killed Yue Pengju, occupied his wife, let the wife of the man he most hated toss and turn under him, and have children for himself - where else is more wonderful in the world?

Just as he was immersed in chaos and was about to start his fearless action, the weak hand wrapped around his neck suddenly exerted force and grabbed his throat

"Ronger... Woo..." his eyes seemed to protrude with fear. The feeling in the nightmare was so real. The disheveled female ghost, "Zhao Deji, you give me my life..."

He struggled desperately out of instinct. Hua Rong held her breath and almost jumped up with excitement I've been waiting for this day for too long For this reason, I didn't hesitate to venture back to Yiyuan, knowing that he would come Because he is the emperor, the ninth and fifth emperor. He is so greedy that he thinks that the world is in the palm of his hand. He kills Peng Ju and insults his wife with integrity - the heart of the emperor for thousands of years, the first shameless person

The day finally came. Unfortunately, in order to wait, she had to put the bow aside and lost her sharpest weapon

All her strength was used, and she tightly hooped Zhao Deji's neck Zhao Deji was tall, so it was very hard to hoop her legs. As soon as she loosened her hands, she slapped him heavily in the face Zhao Deji was beaten with stars in his eyes and his body tilted. Hua Rong grabbed his throat again, and his heart was so anxious that he almost burst into flames

Originally, according to Zhao Deji's strength, she was not enough to control him like this. However, on the one hand, Zhao Deji was obsessed, on the other hand, Zhao Deji had been hollowed out by women over the years, plus taking too much aphrodisiac, he was less than 40 years old, and he was as energetic as a 60 year old man

There was a sharp dagger hidden in Hua Rong's little boots, but once she let go, she couldn't hold Zhao Deji's neck; Just strangle him, but you can't kill him She was anxious and sad. After all, she was a woman, a little inferior. If Peng Ju was alive, King Qin, this hold would be enough to make Zhao Deji die immediately Why not yourself?

After all, it was an instinct to run for his life. Zhao Deji was tall and big after all, and his limbs kicked and kicked indiscriminately. Hua Rong gradually became overwhelmed. He grabbed his throat with his hand and hit his head violently with one hand

"Help... Help... Help..."

"My husband and wife sacrificed their lives to save you several times, but you slaughtered my family in law for no reason. Zhao Deji, even if I become a ghost, I will not let you go..." she slapped heavily again, and half of Zhao Deji's cheek suddenly swelled Seeing his weak struggle, Hua Rong clenched his teeth and squeezed his neck firmly with his hands closed

At this time, the sky had darkened, and Zhao Deji was flustered and trembled: "ghost... Ronger... Ghost... Spare me, spare me..."

His neck shook like a crazy dog, and Hua Rong couldn't hold it. In her busy schedule, she immediately bent over to draw the dagger in her boots. Zhao Deji loosened his neck and waved his hands to break away from her hand that held his throat. Hua Rong had already drawn out the dagger and stabbed his vest with a knife Zhao Deji struggled and stabbed the dagger into half an inch. Hua Rong couldn't stop. He had run away a few feet away and hissed, "escort... Escort..."

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