One Night Bride

Chapter 434

Several bodyguards rushed up at once Xu Caizhi was so scared that his face was livid that Zhang went screaming: "catch the assassin... The witch, unexpectedly dare to assassinate the official family..."

"Quickly, catch her and break her into pieces..."

Zhang went to help Zhao Deji immediately because he couldn't help screaming. Zhao Deji was bent, his vest was full of blood, and his throat howled horribly

"Official family, official family..."

The bodyguards around had caught up, and Hua Rong couldn't catch up. He was on the verge of success. He was surprised and afraid. Without thinking, he turned and ran in the opposite direction The wind blew in her ear. She whistled and a rhubarb horse sprang out At a distance of one foot, she almost galloped and jumped on the horse

In early summer, the south of the Yangtze River was completely shrouded in the dusk of light smoke. Hua Rong escaped from Yiyuan, panicked, and rushed to the southern suburbs After running out of a distance, the sound of pursuers behind him became farther and farther away She breathed a sigh of relief, reined in the reins and was about to change direction. She heard the horse neighing. In the dark, a dozen people in black poured out She was shocked and thought of Qin Hui's dead man. If he fell into Qin Hui's hands, it would be more terrible than death She turned her horse's head and rushed north, with the people behind her catching up Unexpectedly, there was a terrible hiss behind. It was another group of people rushing out in the dark, and the two sides exchanged hands

Hua Rong didn't care to check who these people were. He just ran for his life. He couldn't die without revenge. Once he died, everything was over


The night is getting darker and darker, and the sound of horses' hoofs behind is getting smaller and smaller. Slowly, only one horse is left to track Hua Rong listens to the sound and distinguishes the line. With only one pursuer, he has a lot of courage Just solve this person, it's OK But she still didn't dare to rush forward, just desperate to get rid of the person behind her The flight stopped at dawn and had escaped hundreds of miles

It was quiet all around. The horse foamed and stretched out its tongue wearily to lick the grass on the ground Hua Rongdi leaned against a big tree, gasping heavily, and regretted her mistake It was this impulse that ruined the way out in Lin'an However, if the time turns back, perhaps the same choice

The so-called plan depends on man, and success depends on heaven. Why can't Zhao Deji kill him? If you want to have such a chance again, I really don't know when it will be Now I'm like a lost dog. I really don't even dare to go back to Lin'an. How can I get revenge in this life? It's not too late for a gentleman to revenge. It's easy to talk about it. If it's really done, what's the odds? Throughout the ages, in all dynasties, thousands of people have died under the hands of evil princes and treacherous ministers, and how many blood feuds have been avenged?

She leaned against the tree and burst into tears: "Peng Ju, I'm really useless... Damn God..."

"God damn it! Damn it, it's Zhao Deji and Qin Hui!"

She suddenly opened her eyes, tightened her body, and stared at the man coming out of the jungle opposite He was also sweating, his clothes were wet, as if he had just been fished out of the water, and his hair was full of grass, which was very embarrassing

She held the bow tightly, hissed and rushed over: "Jin Wushu, you thief, also Peng raised his life..."

Jin Wushu dodged. She staggered and used up her last strength. She fell to the ground and lay on her back, crying like death

He squatted beside her and didn't say anything until the sun came out and her voice was hoarse. Then he slowly said, "Hua Rong, I've been looking for you for a long time."

She turned over and sat up, slapping him in the face She shot too fast, and he had no time to dodge. The slap fell, and his face immediately swelled

"Damn thief, aren't you going to kill me? Why don't you start?"

"On the night of the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, I ambushed at the north gate and repulsed Qin Hui's dead. I saw you with my own eyes. I saw you seriously injured. I wanted to save you. I ran out and you lost your trace..." it turned out that he was the one who shot that night Hua Rong hissed, "you ambitious thing, don't be hypocritical..."

His voice was very calm: "I didn't pretend to be righteous, and I didn't need it. When Yue Pengju fled to the south gate, I could have helped him once. I even saw the monk Luda. Even if there was a little help to stop Qin Hui, he would save Yue Pengju. But I didn't, because I had hoped and planned Yue Pengju's death all along. How could I save him?! and you, Hua Rong, you're different. I never wanted you to die..."

"Evil thief, like Zhao Deji, you are the biggest evil thief in the world, and like Qin Hui, you are the most shameless garbage in the world..." Hua Rong pounced on him, slapped him heavily on the face again, tugging, biting, beating... Jin Wushu did not move, and was beaten so that the corners of his mouth bled, and fell to the ground like a puddle of mud

For a long time, she was tired of fighting, and suddenly came to her senses in a daze. Thinking of her dagger, she raised it and stabbed it into the pit of Jin Wu Shu's heart

"If you kill me, you can't kill Zhao Deji and Qin Hui again..."

The dagger touched his chest, and Hua Rong's hand trembled slightly

He laughed with self mockery, "Hua Rong, you should know that my life is not long. It's the same whether you kill me or not. If I can live longer, at least I can help you kill Qin Hui and Zhao Deji."

Her hands shook more violently

"You've poisoned already, and my life is completely in your hands. I dare not lie in front of you, Hua Rong. Tell the truth of this statement by yourself."

Hua Rong's hand loosened and the dagger fell to the ground with a bang

Jin Wushu breathed a sigh of relief and closed her eyes wearily. As before, she lay on the ground like a dead body After receiving the news, he couldn't believe it. He hurried all night, using Dajin's best Qianlima, and arrived in Lin'an in less than half a month There was a vague mixture of sadness and joy in my heart, which was the instant of redemption when I saw her alive - this surprise was beyond words Still alive, this woman survived, really alive

It was a cloudy day, even without dew. The ground was dry, the grass was dry, and the mud and dust were everywhere Hua Rong stood up and slowly picked up his small bow. His whole body was shrouded in a burst of tired despair. Where is home? Lin'an can't go back. Where should we go now?

Revenge is a distant prospect

Even King Qin will marry another man

Her eyes were dry and her tears were running out. Listening to the tiring neighing of rhubarb horse beside her, she seemed to be her last relative in the world Son - she suddenly deeply regretted why she didn't leave with her son In this way, in the most desperate time, there is always a sustenance to encourage the courage to survive Now, even this spiritual support is gone

She turned over and was about to mount the horse. Jin Wushu jumped up and grabbed her, shouting, "Hua Rong."

She tried hard, but she couldn't shake it off

"Hua Rong, I have a good way to let you revenge one by one..." she turned and stared at his eager eyes - his face was swollen and full of blood, setting off a pair of eyes like some kind of vicious civet cat "Jin Wushu, you should stop pretending."

"I'm not hypocritical, but I'm sure. As far as I know, Wang Junhua is on his way to Yanjing. When she gets to Yanjing, I'll always have a way to get Qin Hui again. Don't you want to kill the dog man and woman first?"

As if a huge pie fell from the sky Killing Qin Hui and Wang Junhua is the first step of his dream How much temptation? However, where will so many pies fall from the sky?

"But how did Wang Junhua go to Yanjing?"

"Why wouldn't she go? When you entered Zhuxian Town, she came to Kaifeng mansion." Jin Wushu saw her face full of disbelief and said with a smile, "what? Surprised? Is it ridiculous for your prime minister's wife of the Song Dynasty to come to me during the scuffle? She came to me only because she was a living widow beside Qin Hui and wanted to get something from the crown prince that she couldn't get from Qin Hui and Zhao Deji..."

"Jin Wushu, you are so brazen!"

"Look, Hua Rong, the crown prince even tells you such privacy. You despise me, don't you? I also feel strange, how could you have a crush on such a dirty and cheap woman as Wang Junhua before..."

She sneered: "just because you are dirtier than her, there is nothing to dislike. Jin Wushu, they are your dogs. Don't lie to me."

He smiled: "lie to you? Dare I? Hua Rong, don't forget that my life is in your hands. These days, chronic poison has penetrated into my body, and it happens once a month. When it happens, it's unbearable, and I feel as if every muscle and vein is broken..."

She was stunned and remembered the poison and antidote This is a chronic poison that has been prepared for a long time. Jin Wushu described the situation when the toxicity occurred, and what he said was true In fact, after that fight and escape, the antidote had already been lost He has no antidote to give Jin Wushu She thought of this and immediately panicked. If Jin Wushu learned that the antidote had disappeared, what would he be like? Now he is asking for himself, thinking that his life is saved by himself, so he is so humble

She looked at Jin Wushu's swollen face like a pig's head, exhaled, and slowly calmed herself down: "Jin Wushu, did you really not lie to me?"

"Of course! How many times has Prince Ben lied to you?"

He didn't say it was OK. When he said this, Hua Rong immediately thought of Zhang Xian's death and Yu Peng's reprimand and exile, and was furious: "how did you promise me? What about Zhang Xian? Why did he die?"

Jin Wushu sighed: "Qin Hui is a dog with two sides and dare not disobey Zhao Deji. Hua Rong, you should know who killed your husband! It's Zhao Deji!"

Hua Rong said sternly, "you are also one of the culprits."

He proudly said, "what if I'm the culprit? As the first marshal of the kingdom of Jin, the crown prince wants to kill the enemy generals by all means. What's shameful? What's shameful is that you, the Prime Minister of the emperor of the Song Dynasty, are brazen from top to bottom, and are willing to be my accomplice, which is also my fate..."

Hua Rong slapped her face again. This time, Jin Wushu still didn't dodge: "Hua Rong, if you want to kill these two people, you must listen to me. In this world, only I can really help you."

Hua Rong looked at his extremely arrogant face. Hatred spread across his heart again, and he wanted to jump out of his chest She endured it and learned the lesson of the last attempt to kill Zhao Deji Endure, how hard life is, always endure again and again, unbearable

"When Wang Junhua arrives in Yanjing, the crown prince is at your disposal!"

"Song Jiangshan hasn't been captured yet. Don't you keep your running dog and work hard?"

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