One Night Bride

Chapter 439

Yelv Guanyin sneered, "true feelings? My father and brother died miserably, my son died miserably, and even..." even the tragic death of her lover, the Khitan soldier, and the embarrassment and poverty she suffered. These, all want to swallow the blood of gold, how can there be any true feelings? Her face was full of urgency: "Your Highness, can you give me medicine?"

"I'll prepare this medicine separately. You can get it in three days."


As soon as the voice fell, Yelv Guanyin could only hear the wind blowing on the door. At a glance, Yelv's great use had disappeared She stood there, quietly looking at her narrow, old tights, which were worn by the lowest women And the hand, the beautiful jade hand in the past, has been rough by the laundry career She clenched her fist and must not let such a terrible and humble life continue

The camp of the fourth Prince's residence moved to the opposite bank of the lake. There are flocks of wild animals here. Hunting is the favorite of Jin Wushu. He took his son here to hunt and eat all kinds of game every day, enjoying it

Lu Wenlong chased a wild sheep with a bow and arrow. The wild sheep was injured and ran quickly He chased him up. Seeing that he was happy, Jin Wushu didn't stop him and let him chase the sheep

After running for more than ten miles, he couldn't catch up. At this time, he had reached the end of the lake, full of dense woods. Lu Wenlong knew that once the sheep got in, it would be even more difficult to find it again. He rode quickly and shot again But it was crooked, and the sheep had gone into a red dense forest

He was very disappointed. Looking at the mangrove forest, he turned his horse and was about to go back A pair of eyes, so gentle eyes He stared at the woman who suddenly came out of the forest in front of him Women are ordinary Liao people dressed up, with a gentle and clean expression. They seem to emit the fragrance of wild flowers all over, like fairies suddenly coming out of the jungle

The gentle eyes were too familiar, and then there was a smile, a gentle and loving smile. He stood stunned and felt that this was the most beautiful woman in the world With the admiration of a child, it was a gentle voice in a dream: "boy, is it Wenlong boy?"

Lu Wenlong turned over and dismounted and jumped down: "Mom, it's mom... Mom, is it you?"

Hua Rong hugged him tightly and found that the boy was almost as tall as himself Lu Wenlong has grown into a half - grown boy He has beautiful eyes, braided hair and left lapel. He is a real girl through and through Her voice choked and her eyes were wet: "son, how are you these years?"

The child raised his head, held her hand tightly, and was happy: "Mom, I'm fine..."

"Mom is really sorry for not coming to you..."

"Haven't you found me now? Mom, I'm looking forward to you every day." He was in high spirits, which was the sincerity of a child He always thought that Hua Rong was his mother, his biological mother, and he also admired her like this. Like a newborn child, he held his mother's hand for the first time and looked forward to it endlessly. "Mom, come back with me. Dad told me that you were coming, and I still can't believe it."

She hugged the child's shoulder and did not open her eyes and dared not face his expectant face

"Mom, let's go back. Dad must be very happy. Dad said that he would never lock you up again..."

She choked in her voice and said after a while, "son, listen to me. I just came to see you. Mom has something else to do, so I have to go..."

Lu Wenlong was surprised and disappointed: "Mom, didn't you come to me specifically?"

Hua Rong didn't say a word, and slowly took off a burden on her body: "son, this is a dress made by your mother for you."

Lu Wenlong opened it and saw a tiger skin dress inside There are small holes in the tiger skin, which is not very good, but the flowers are sewed with yellow silk thread of the same color, and it can't be seen at all She found it from a thrift shop in Yanjing and stayed up all night to make it

Lu Wenlong took the clothes and didn't let go of her hand. "Mom, I shot a tiger the other day. I dried the tiger skin. You will like it when you see it."

The first gift a young boy catches is often given to his mother Hua Rong looked at her son carefully and found the sincerity and purity between his eyebrows, which was infinite comfort. At least, Jin Wushu was kind to him

"Keep the tiger skin for my mother. I'll come to you when my mother finishes her business."

Lu Wenlong slowly realized that her mother was not for "going home". This was not her home, and mother and son could not get together

"Mom, where do you live? Can I come to see you?"

Hua Rong was afraid that he was in danger. After all, he was only a teenager. He didn't dare to let him take risks. He smiled and said, "son, I'll see you again when my mother settles down."

"Mom, I want to live with you, OK?"

Hua Rong was stunned and subconsciously wanted to say "OK" She closed her eyes slightly and thought of little tiger head. If he had another brother, he didn't know how happy he would be Suddenly, I had a plan in my heart: I couldn't take care of Lu Wenlong. However, there was a vast world like sunset Island, so there was no place for him? It's not a good thing to be a thief and father all your life If one day his life experience is exposed, I can't imagine how he will survive in the wolf like Nvzhen

She asked softly, "don't you want to be with dad?"

"Yes. Dad hurts me, but dad is often not at home. I hope to have a mother, everyone else has a mother, but I don't. I hope my mother and dad are together."

Hua Rong smiled bitterly, unable to explain the gratitude and resentment between adults to him, nor could it be explained at all He shook his hand again, looked at the bow and arrow hanging on his shoulder, and said, "son, you are really good. When you are a little older, your mother will tell you a story, and then you will decide whether to go back with your mother..."

Lu Wenlong hurriedly asked, "Mom, what's the story?"

"I'll tell you then. Now you're too young to understand."

Far away, it was the bodyguard of the fourth Prince's mansion who chased after Lu Wenlong Hua Rong hurriedly said, "son, I'm leaving. Don't tell others that my mother has been here."

"Well, I won't tell anyone." He hesitated, "can I tell Dad?"

"Whatever you want."

Lu Wenlong was very happy Hua Rong realized that there was no secret between him and his father. He thought of Jin Wushu's plan for half his life and had no sincerity for anyone. He didn't expect that the adopted son was attentive and filial to him Hua Rong gave him a deep look, and the corners of his eyes were full of laughter: "son, don't worry, I will come to see you again."

"OK, mom, I'll give you a ride."

"No." As soon as she turned around and mounted the horse, the horse went into the mangrove forest At this time, the bodyguard of the fourth Prince's residence came up, "little prince, have you hunted it?"


Seeing him with empty hands, the guards were overjoyed and asked him, "little prince, what happened?"

When he was young and mature, he rode to the front and said, "I think of dad's roast duck. It's delicious."

The duck shelf on the golden Wushu shelf rolled for two rounds, and the game had been roasted, emitting the rich fragrance of Wild Alfalfa

"Dad, Dad..." Lu Wenlong jumped down from his horse, ran excitedly, grabbed his hand and walked to the tent next to him

Jin Wushu was surprised: "son, what's the matter?"

Lu Wenlong pulled him in At this time, there was no one else in the tent. He sat down with Dad, opened a bag on his body, and laughed mysteriously: "Dad, look, what is this?"

"Tiger skin clothes? Who gave them to you?"

"Mom gave it to me."

Jin Wushu was surprised and delighted. He took the tiger skin clothes and looked up and down again: "have you seen your mother? When did you see it? Where is she?"

"She is in the mangrove, as if she has been waiting for me. Dad, I saw my mother, ha ha, I am so happy. By the way, my mother told me not to tell anyone about her whereabouts..."

Jin Wushu became serious: "you should remember your mother's words and don't tell others about her whereabouts."

Lu Wenlong asked nervously, "is mom in danger?"

"If she is found, she is in danger."

"How can it be dangerous for mom to come home and stay with us?"

Jin Wushu looked at his son's confused expression. He always thought his father was a great hero and invincible No one is in danger by his father's side

"Dad, is mom afraid of you locking her up again?"

Jin Wushu cannot laugh or cry

"Dad, you also protect your mother, OK?"

He couldn't talk to his son, but his heart was happy Hua Rong, after all, she still misses her son, who has become the only connection between herself and her As long as her son is here, she will come back sooner or later

Father and son were talking, only to hear Wu Jimai's voice outside the door: "fourth prince, fourth Prince..."

"What is it?"

"Mrs Qin is here."

Jin Wushu frowned. As soon as the tent was lifted, a gust of fragrance came, and a woman swayed in She is dressed in exquisite clothes, as luxurious as a queen and princess. Her head is full of all kinds of precious jewelry, and her earrings are ding dong, competing for beauty It was Wang Junhua who came Wang Junhua had already seen the strong man sitting in the tent naked. Coupled with the hot weather and spring excitement, he couldn't wait to rush over and hug the heart and liver meat However, the child's big eyes stopped all her behavior, and she had to smile: "Oh, it's the little prince. Look, I brought something good to the little prince..."

With a wave of her hand, her attendant servant brought up several large boxes of gifts She opened the first box with her own hands. It was full of precious gems and agates that children liked. It was obvious that she had made sufficient preparations before she came. Everyone had taken care of it She took something out, but Lu Wenlong stared at her carefully She was stared at slightly, and handed him the Gadget: "little prince, take it to play."

Lu Wenlong put his hands behind his back and suddenly said, "Dad, this is the woman who wants to kill his mother!"

She was stunned, and Jin Wushu burst out laughing: "no, it was her knife that almost killed your mother."

Wang Junhua stuck in place awkwardly for a long time, then took the handkerchief, swayed it up, and made love in a warm tone: "the little prince has a good memory. However, that woman is not your mother, but a bitch..."

Lu Wenlong stretched out his hand and pushed fiercely, "you dare to scold my mother."

Wang Junhua has gained weight over the years, and Lu Wenlong pushed her completely unexpectedly. She fell down in the tent, and her clothes were pressed into a ball. She was extremely embarrassed, but Jin Wushu laughed: "my child is not sensible, and you are a guest from afar. You go out and play, don't disturb here."


Lu Wenlong went out, passed by her and glared at her Wang Junhua was picked up by two maidservants and dared not be angry. Seeing the fourth Prince laughing, he was in a happy mood: "don't mind with the child, he is young and ignorant."

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