One Night Bride

Chapter 440

Wang Junhua was comforted, and his embarrassment disappeared without a trace. He stepped forward and half knelt in front of him: "the fourth prince, really want to kill my family..."

Her fat hand touched his bronze back and slid across it like a piece of greasy lard in the boiling water Jin Wushu looked at her undisguised hungry eyes, and wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh - fat meat, he was originally a piece of fat meat, which was the most delicious fat meat in the woman's eyes He had a whim, who knows who is using whom these years? How do you know that Wang Junhua is not using himself?

Jin Wushu said with a smile, "you've come all the way. First, go to have a rest and get familiar with the situation here."

Wang Junhua immediately realized that the fourth prince never liked dirty women. Although she was carefully dressed, she couldn't hide the dust after all, so she went out to wash immediately

As soon as her back disappeared, her son ran in, looked around nervously, and secretly stuck it in his ear: "Dad, is it because she came that mom didn't dare to be with us?"

He recognized the little anger in his son's voice and smiled, "son, you're wrong this time."


"Because 'she' comes, your mother will come back. Your mother can't wait to see her."


He waved his hand, Lu Wenlong's ears close to his mouth, and the father and son whispered mysteriously, "son, before your mother comes back, you must not mention your mother in front of anyone, not a word. You know?"

"OK. As long as mom comes back, I won't say anything."

Jin Wushu patted his head and said to himself, "Hua Rong, you have such a son, why don't you have the heart to stay with him every day?"

Wang Junhua combed properly and changed into a more exquisite dress. She took rich gifts with her. According to her familiarity with the fourth Prince's mansion, her servants and some favorite concubines all received her gifts. For a moment, they were happy and surrounded her like stars and the moon She was surrounded by such a light, vaguely, and felt a sense of hostess - the hostess of the fourth Prince's house, how wonderful it was?

A bonfire has been lit

The Nuzhen aristocracy, who had played all day, had their families sitting around, drinking and eating meat, singing and dancing, and had a lot of fun

The fourth prince was in the middle of the campfire, and the women took turns to toast him Wang Junhua went up in gold and silver, but the women did not mean to give in. On the contrary, because she was so gorgeous, her eyes showed deep hostility and disgust

Jin Wushu hugged and drank happily Wang Junhua realized that he had been domineering in the prime minister's residence for so many years, and everywhere he went, there was a flattering voice. Compared with now, there was a clear sense of honor and disgrace, and a strong sense of loss suppressed his physiological urgent desires. Suddenly, he felt oppressed - the fourth prince, holding a 17-year-old woman in his arms, drank enchanting wine What else can I do to attract the happiness of the fourth prince?

Just when she was full of loss, a big hand stretched out, "Wang, come here."

She was flattered, almost tears in her eyes, the fourth prince, he did not ignore himself, did not ignore himself at all She snuggled in the arms of the fourth Prince and had a certain charm. The concubines around her looked so bloody that Jin Wushu shouted, "this is my new concubine Wang."

Wang Junhua was stunned when he heard the speech, and he didn't know whether he was happy or surprised It is a dream to become a woman of the fourth prince However, I won't go back to the Song Dynasty? Don't go back to the prime minister's mansion of glory and wealth and enjoy the glory of thousands of people?

"Wang Shi, you just stay with the prince and serve him all your life."

She subconsciously replied, "yes."

This is what she didn't expect. It was a spring breeze, not a long-term couple

A burst of music sounded, which was a lively and vulgar ditty of Khitan, very exciting Everyone applauded and clapped together. A woman in a light veil came swaying from a distance. She was slender and half covered, like a fairy falling under the night fog Several drunken men stood up and staggered towards her: "beauty, where did you come from..."

Wang Junhua was jealous and hateful. This man turned out to be Yelv Guanyin Why is she playing tricks? She looked at the fourth prince, and saw that the fourth prince was also staring at the body under the veil with interest. She didn't know whether it was fire or illusion. She found that Yelv Guanyin's body was kept white and soft, and her abdomen was free of fat, even like a young girl And her hand, the ugly hand of Yelv Guanyin she had seen with her own eyes, was covered with a layer of gauze, which could not be seen at all. Only her moving body and graceful dancing posture could be seen faintly, which covered all the shortcomings and showed all the advantages

She danced and sang, and the women and men were so intoxicated that they shouted, "take off the veil, take off the veil..." to see the beauty

Yelv Guanyin twisted his body, still maintaining a graceful dance posture, slowly walked to the position of the fourth prince, looked at his cheerful eyes, his voice was charming, and held the jade cup in his hand: "the fourth prince, please drink this glass of wine..."

The jade cup, the jade hand under the gauze, the amber crystal liquid, and the pungent fragrance, it seems that this is not a glass of wine, but a delicate jade liquid. At a single glance, you are intoxicated

No man can refuse such waist, such wine Of course, the fourth Prince is also a man. Like the Jurchen man, he takes off his hair braids, is bare and sweaty Hot weather, beautiful face... All these constitute a restless aphrodisiac. Everyone gets drunk if he is not drunk He leaned his neck up, and when he looked up again, the cup was empty He laughed and threw the cup on the ground, as if he didn't know who the veiled woman was. He just pulled it in his arms and laughed loudly, "interesting, interesting, it's very interesting..." in the twinkling of an eye, Wang Junhua was full of jealousy. He hugged left and right, and the two women hugged full. It's really fat and thin, which is very interesting

Everyone roared and laughed, shaking and drunk The two women each harboured ghosts and each wished to get rid of the other, but neither of them would give in At the gate of the camp, Yelv Guanyin stretched out his hand, and Wang Junhua seemed to stumble under his feet and fell to the ground The two men came forward and quietly dragged her away. Yelv Guanyin half held the fourth Prince and fell on the wide brocade blanket

It was hot and lonely. In fact, there were no obstacles all over her. She was very satisfied with this situation and knew that Yelv's medicine had taken effect Son, pregnant, I'm going to be pregnant As long as you give birth to a son, the title of princess, no matter how difficult it is, you will also take it off

She untied her veil and lay down beside the sleeping fourth prince Her hand touched the solid chest of Jin Wushu. After years of war, plus exercise, his body has always maintained its vitality and strength However, she knew that below, there was a devil like heart. As long as she annoyed him, she would never have a good life again

What can make a woman feel more fulfilled than conquering a man, letting him spoil himself, obedience, and then retaliating against him? It's not an achievement to monopolize a man. It's a great honor to monopolize 3000 favors in his thousands of red powder piles She is proficient in the way of winning favor. Her former glory is not enough to boast. Now, everything is a new beginning - with the help of the elixir, the fourth Prince bent under his skirt again

What a wonderful thing to be a courtier under the skirt She stretched out her hand and really pulled off all the skirt yarn. At this time, the fourth Prince turned over and suddenly opened his eyes to see her. His eyes were full of desire and burning

At that moment, I felt pregnant - it was a feeling of victory She put her hands together: thank the Almighty Haotian God and the prince. I must double what I lost

She stretched out her hand and exhausted the extreme means that women could use However, the fourth Prince has been lying down askew, and unexpectedly slept so well Deep sleep is like a puddle of mud She didn't care and didn't panic. She had complete trust and worship for Yelv's Medicine - the fourth Prince drank that glass of wine. Without this night, there are still many nights The candle was completely extinguished, and she lay beside him, listening to his heavy breathing. She didn't know whether it was love or hate In this way, I don't know how long it took before I fell asleep Half asleep and half awake, her whole body was hot and dry. She opened her eyes and didn't wear any clothes on her - the strange eyes of the fourth prince, was it a dream or a real night?

She was shocked. What would happen to the fourth prince? She inhaled, exhausted her heart, and put on the most perfect smile: "fourth prince, I'm not well served..."

"No, you are extremely attentive. Good, very good."

Yelv Guanyin almost cried with joy. Is this the fourth prince? Why did the fourth Prince's voice become so gentle? Magic, that's the magic of medicine. He was really fascinated - it will be his own in the future!

The sun has risen. Outside the door, the sound of knocking on the door is overwhelming. It is Wang Junhua's voice: "Yelv Guanyin..." the door has been knocked open with a "bang", and the smile on Yelv Guanyin's face remains unchanged Wang Junhua met her eyes full of challenges and complacency. The bright female body, which was far better than herself, was like a knife. Wang Junhua screamed, and his greasy hand stretched out and pinched her body

Yelv Guanyin rolled over, but he was still a step late. He was caught with a long red mark on his back, and his body hid in the arms of the fourth Prince: "fourth prince, save my family..."

The fourth Prince stared at this scene with interest. What could be more pleasant than witnessing women's struggle for favor? He hugged Yelv Guanyin with one hand and stretched out his hand to hold Wang Junhua: "you two should live in harmony in the future."

Wang Junhua screamed, "the fourth Prince..."

Jin Wushu said with a pleasant face: "let bygones be bygones, it is also atonement."

Wang Junhua was so angry that he almost vomited blood Yelv Guanyin took the gauze and put it on her. Generally, she smiled at her during the demonstration. Then she got up and walked out gracefully. As she walked, she said, "fourth prince, I'll get you a shampoo." Unlike Wang Junhua, she did not show a shrew's face in front of the fourth prince, and maintained an absolutely gentle style. She only brushed past Wang Junhua, winked, and Wang Junhua screamed and chased out: "... Shameless..."

Until the abusive voice completely disappeared, several bodyguards guarded the door and never let anyone in again Jin Wushu just turned over and sat up with a wry smile: "there are so many women who like the crown prince."

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