One Night Bride

Chapter 441

At this time, Wang Junhua had chased Yelv Guanyin and attempted to return, half kneeling on the ground, serving Jin Wushu to dress. Thinking of last night, he was distressed: "fourth prince, Yelv Guanyin betrayed you many times, and she had ulterior motives, which would harm you..." Jin Wushu was touched by those greasy hands and almost vomited. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he separated her: "the weather is too hot, you accompany me to take a bath."

Wang Junhua turned his anger into joy

This lake originally had no name. This year, Jin Wushu named it Jinlian lake Nuzhen men and women travel together and don't care. Wang Junhua was used to seeing it It was the family members of the other nobles who splashed in the water that suddenly saw the fourth Prince and a strange woman coming, which was somewhat unexpected After many years, the aristocracy at this time is no longer the aristocracy of the past. Things and people are different. Few people recognize Wang Junhua again, and they only regard her as the new concubine of the fourth prince

A Jurchen aristocrat said to the fourth prince, "the water is cold and comfortable. The fourth Prince is coming down. Who is it?"

"Wang, the prince's new concubine."

Wang Junhua smiled all over his face. With this smile, the people saw that the rich lady showed a bit of flattery, but they were all strange. Why would the fourth Prince accept such a slender woman? In a blink of an eye, Jin Wushu saw that Wang Junhua had taken off his shoes But the clothes on my body are still hesitating After all, I've been in the Song Dynasty for so many years, and I've never had such a rule. I'm embarrassed for a moment Jin Wushu smiled and said, "why, sorry?"

"How can it be? I love all the customs of Dajin." Wang Junhua smiled pleasantly. Jin Wushu saw the white flesh on her body, so dazzling. Like most strong Jurchen women, her waist was thick, but she was pampered and lacked exercise, and the fat on her abdomen turned into a circle of bubble flesh

Wang Junhua fell into the water and winked at Jin Wushu: "fourth prince, come quickly... Come to my house..."

Next to her, a young woman fiercely pushed her from behind. This woman was one of the most favored concubines in the fourth Prince's residence. Wang Junhua and Yelv Guanyin came to the palace for two days in a row. She was angry, spoiled, and whispered in a vicious voice, "where are you from, bitch?"

The woman who spoke was Nuzhen language. For many years, Wang Junhua had developed the habit of being humble to the female immortal. Seeing the female immortal, although she was angry, she didn't dare to scold openly. She just moved away a little and looked at Jin Wushu: "the fourth prince, here, here..."

The woman swam in front of her and stood by her. Her young and handsome figure was graceful Women are most afraid of comparison, and beauty grows old Wang Junhua's eyes almost burst out of fire, and he saw Jin Wushu walking lazily around the lake: "the crown prince doesn't like swimming, you play slowly." With that, he turned and left Wang Junhua was hung here. He was unwilling, but he couldn't immediately go ashore to catch up. It made people laugh, so he had to shrink in the corner. In a blink of an eye, he was even more depressed to see the fierce woman's eyes

The golden Wushu on the shore is not only funny, but also laments the wonder of the world Hua Rong, Wang Junhua, Yelv Guanyin, those who love themselves, hate themselves, and hate themselves, women in the world suddenly gathered

Moving forward, he saw his son, carrying bows and arrows and holding double guns

"Son, don't you go swimming?"

"No, Dad, I don't like this."

He shook his head with a hint of stubbornness on the corners of his mouth Although he grew up in Nuzhen, he never went swimming where men and women were mixed Jin Wushu was slightly disappointed and realized that some things in his bones could not be changed at all, no matter whether the child was in the Song Dynasty or the Jin Dynasty This is the difference of racial quality

Lu Wenlong was respectful, but his fear could not be concealed: "Dad, why did she come, and she came?"

Naturally, he was talking about Yelv Guanyin and Wang Junhua. Jin Wushu was surprised by the child's smart memory He remembers the abuse of Yelv Guanyin and the bullying of Wang Junhua on Hua Rong Adults do evil, never in front of children

Lu Wenlong was even more worried: "their mother won't come back when they are here. Dad, will they kill their mother again?" He patted his son on the shoulder and said with a smile, "just because they came, your mother will come. Son, don't worry."

He asked, "why?"

Jin Wushu shook his head, "my father can't answer. I can't answer this question!"

Lu Wenlong looked at his father in surprise. Whether it was martial arts or knowledge, he asked his father. He knew everything. He would never say, "I don't know. I can't answer." He thought his father was very strange these days, but he couldn't tell why

All things are silent at the end of the night

Two people climbed a big tree, and there was no way in front of or behind them. They just heard the wind passing through the ancient tree, whistling, and then stopped again Fire, more and more dense fire The wild people put pine oil in huge bamboo tubes, making the surrounding light as bright as day They seem to be a group of warriors who have experienced a successful battle and are under pressure

One after another, they were given the stone as usual, and the high priest came out with his hair disheveled, his hands folded, recited words, and then walked like a madman, dancing a religious dance Zahe was so nervous that his hands were full of sweat: "brother, he is singing a sacrifice song..."

Hua Rong nodded, and as soon as the song and dance were over, the high priest took out a sharp stone knife... So, when the seventh man was killed, Hua Rong looked clearly, and saw a prisoner in the middle suddenly jump up The knight who pressed himself with a punch turned and ran

The savages immediately called and chased up The prisoner was very fierce. He knocked down two intercepted savages and rushed into the dark jungle The savage held a torch and shouted and kept chasing Hua Rong jumped down from the tree and Zha he jumped down. She whispered, "see? These are savages, not demons."

Zahe was no longer as afraid as before and a little excited: "brother, these savages do all kinds of evil. If only we could take someone to kill them."

Hua Rong shook her head. "They live in the jungle. As long as people don't harm them, they won't come out. Why should we provoke them? Zhaha, you must not disclose their whereabouts."

Zhaha was about to answer, when several torches suddenly approached the outside, and the two people were surprised. Afraid of being found, they turned and ran desperately It was obviously running north, but after running for a while, she unexpectedly found that she had gone deep into a strange jungle. Hua Rong was shocked. Looking at the direction of the fire, she realized that she was confused and disoriented

"Brother, we're lost..."

A confused sound of footsteps, only to hear a person in the forest rushed out, covered with blood, staggering Behind him were three savages chasing him Hua Rong pulled the bow and shot without thinking. The three savages didn't want to encounter an ambush and were all shot to the ground Zahe grabbed the front, pulled the prisoner who was about to fall and ran away

The eastern sky showed the first trace of fish belly white, and the two found a valley. The mountain was shaped like an open cloth pocket, beautiful and winding, and the ground was full of yellow fine sand

Exhausted, the two of them loosened their hands and threw the prisoner to the ground. They lay down and breathed heavily Hua Rong was also tired and tired. Leaning against the valley, she was drenched with water

In the morning light, she looked at the prisoner carefully. She was wearing a leaf apron around her waist, and her hair was a kind of semi brown. Because of the pain of injury, she bared her teeth and showed snow-white teeth He got seven or eight knives on his body. Hua Rong stood up and was about to signal zahe to bandage him, but he suddenly jumped to his knees, kowtowed to Hua Rong, and didn't know what to say

Hua Rong couldn't understand it, but his eyes were full of gratitude. These savages, not so much scheming as civilized people, were surprised. Zhaha murmured and motioned to the man. The man looked at him in surprise and kept motioning Finally, they looked at Hua Rong together, and the prisoner knelt down and kowtowed to Hua Rong Zha he was happy: "little brother, his name is big snake. Thank you for saving your life..."

Unexpectedly, someone's name is big snake! Hua Rong was surprised, but the snake stared at the bow and arrow on her back and looked in awe at this strange weapon - these savages all used stone knives, and the bow and arrow were "advanced weapons" in their eyes

The snake muttered, and Zhaha said, "little brother, he said you are his master and will be at your disposal all your life."

Hua Rong reached out to help him. At this time, it was bright, and the snake suddenly saw that her extended hand was delicate, white and tender, and it was as soft as bone Because it was the first time to see such a hand, he was even more surprised and muttered a few words

"Brother, snake asked us to visit his tribe." Zhaha was afraid of danger, so she asked her advice. Hua Rong nodded immediately after a moment, and took out the dry food in the package and divided it into three parts The snake didn't dare to eat it, but when he saw that the two of her ate it with relish, he also did the same. He ate a few mouthfuls, showing a surprised look. This is a kind of cookie from the Liao Dynasty. He may feel delicious. With one mouthful, he put all the rest in his mouth and ate it in a few mouthfuls

Along the way, Hua Rong was surprised at the endurance of these savages to endure pain. The snake was stabbed several times, ate something, and drank some water. It turned out that it was all right. There were weeds and thorns in the jungle, but he walked like a fly with dark feet

When the sun rose to the top of the tree, the three had come to a more lush and deep forest Leaves fall all over the ground, and snakes and snakes come out at any time Hua Rong felt creepy. He saw the big snake grinning at these snakes A fierce snake sprang out. Hua Rong was surprised and pulled a bow and arrow to shoot. The big snake grabbed her, said something devoutly, and waved the branch in her hand, and the fierce snake disappeared into the thick fallen leaves The snake reached out and picked two strange purple and black wild flowers from the side and gave them to the two The flower dissolves and smells fragrant. I guess it's to avoid snakes and scorpions All things are interdependent. No wonder this person is called snake. They must be a tribe that worships snakes

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