One Night Bride

Chapter 442

The more forward, the more confirmed Hua Rong's conjecture Snakes can be seen everywhere, but they are not close when they smell the fragrance of flowers Further on, there were fewer snakes, and began to have voices. I saw wild people dressed like snakes haunting the forest, some carrying prey, some playing, all covered by leaves. When I saw the snake, everyone was surprised and happy, surrounded him and shouted around him, obviously celebrating his survival Hua Rong's subtle observation clearly shows that he is a leader of this savage

The snake pointed at the two of them, gestured, and said a few words. The savages immediately saluted them. Hua Rong couldn't understand a word, and Zhaha smiled happily: "little brother, they thanked us and said they would give us the best things..."

Sure enough, the savages immediately scattered and separated Hua Rong looked around and saw several towering ancient trees in front of him, the largest of which was estimated to take more than a dozen strong men to embrace Looking up, she saw a large wooden house with windows two feet away from the tree. It was obviously the "house" of these savages Under the tree hung canes that could rise and fall. Obviously, they went up and down in this way Look at the big trees nearby. There are more than a dozen houses like this

I used to read about the ancient "tree dwelling" in historical books. Now I have witnessed the dwellings of these savages with my own eyes. Then I see the heaven and earth outside the house, blocking out the sky and blocking the sun, wild flowers and weeds, and flowing water. I feel a little distracted for a time. Although it is hard, living in such a nest and being a savage is not better than intriguing and intriguing between heaven and earth outside?

The savages, like an appointment, sent out terrible laughter and screams. One by one, they took out bamboo tubes and earthen jars, which were filled with honey water, wine made by monkeys, some strange wild fruits, and even a piece of brightly colored raw meat The snake was very proud and told them to eat and drink Hua Rong suspects that the meat is human flesh. How dare you eat it? However, if you don't eat, you are afraid of hurting the savage's customs and irritating the savage Just hesitating, the snake grabbed the meat and stuffed it into her hand, muttering and urging her to eat The flower couldn't dissolve. Seeing zahe ate the meat, he also dared to eat this raw meat. As soon as he entered his throat and smelled a fishy smell, he felt relieved that it should be the meat of some wild animal

Seeing that they had finished eating and drinking, the crowd was even more excited, surrounded by singing and dancing, as if celebrating a grand festival Hua Rong was in the middle of it, in a fog and trance. She didn't understand why she came to such a strange place and was with so many strange people from afar She looked at these warriors with primitive stone knives and axes, men and women, and children. From now on, will she be with them?

Jinlian Lake sent off its dusk again

From a distance, Wu Qimai galloped over, sweating heavily and dismounted Seeing that he was still alone, Jin Wushu couldn't help being disappointed. He threw one of the roast wild ducks on the shelf to him, and then asked, "still can't find anyone?"

"Can't find it! She seems to be missing, and there is no trace around Yanjing."

Jin Wushu was very unexpected Wang Junhua has been here for almost a month According to his guess, Hua Rong should have come long ago. Why didn't he show up? Is she so calm? And she's not familiar with Yanjing. What's the delay?

"Where's the tie?"

"When she first arrived in Yanjing, she did get together with Zha. But later, both of them disappeared. No one knows their whereabouts. Fourth prince, do you want to send more people to look for them? Did you have any accident?"

"Not surprisingly, she is invincible in Yanjing, and she is always cautious. You can send more people to look for it."


Lu Wenlong ran over with a little wild goat. Hearing the dialogue between the two, he lowered his voice and asked, "Dad, why hasn't mom come yet?"

Jin Wushu looked at the prey, and suddenly rose: "son, go, Dad accompany you to fight the big one. Bear bottom or leopard."

There are leopards around. Lu Wenlong is already ready to move. He is so excited that he forgets to ask his father, and only thinks about the leopard Father and son have galloped all the way to the depths of the grassland The human voice disappeared here, and the occasional howl of some fierce animals could be heard

A gust of wind rose, and a Golden Leopard sprang out of the tall grass. The horse was frightened, and its hooves were about to retreat Lu Wenlong tightly reined in, excited and a little afraid: "Dad, leopard... Leopard..."

"Son, get ready."

Jin Wushu smiled to calm his son's mood. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he even shot arrows. Lu Wenlong almost shot at the same time, but he was not as powerful as his father. He also slowed down a step. In a blink of an eye, three sharp arrows had been inserted into the leopard The leopard was in pain, rolled on the spot, covered with blood, and was about to pounce. Jin Wushu shot two arrows in a row in its left eye socket. The leopard howled and fell to the ground and could not get up again

Lu Wenlong dismounted happily and ran to the leopard

Jin Wushu drank, "be careful."

Lu Wenlong immediately stopped, and saw the leopard jump up and make the final blow. Fortunately, Lu Wenlong was reminded and flashed quickly. This swoop fell to the ground, and the pretending leopard completely fell to the ground and died

Several bodyguards rushed up to help Lu Wenlong tidy up the leopard Lu Wenlong smiled and looked at his father. He was about to call him, but he saw Beaded sweat pouring out of his father's forehead. His expression was very strange

He was surprised: "Dad, Dad..."

Jin Wushu waved his hand: "you quickly carry the leopard out."

"And you?"

"I have something to do." Before he finished speaking, he raced back to the road The people carried the leopard and couldn't catch up. When they looked again, the figure of the fourth prince had disappeared without a trace

Beside the mangrove forest, a man lay on the ground and howled in a low voice It seems that the muscles and veins of the whole body are broken inch by inch, and the bones are broken piece by piece. It's painful, an intolerable bone pain At first, his mind was completely controlled. He fell to the ground, his hair disheveled, and walked like a madman. He kept scratching his chest, and blood gushed out of the cracks. He didn't relieve the pain, and his body rubbed on the dry sand, grass leaves, and the mixture of grass juice and flesh was vague

A figure slowly came out of the mangrove forest and looked at the scene on the ground from a distance After a while, I saw the people on the ground suddenly open their eyes, like a crazy person suddenly awake, staring around blankly Their eyes met, and he didn't recognize her for a moment. He just stared at this person in strange clothes, like a stranger he had never seen before

Her voice was very flat: "has Wang Junhua arrived?"

He was awakened by the familiar sound, rolled over and tried to sit up, struggling, his body was trapped in a kind of softness after severe pain, his lips were blue, and he was so tired that he couldn't lift his limbs

Her voice raised a little: "Wang Junhua hasn't arrived yet?"

"Hua Rong, will you only ask her?" He was indignant, "are you blind to my pain?"

She is incredible Pain, who asked for it? Do you enjoy prosperity and wealth in the kingdom of Jin?

"Jin Wushu, in fact, victory or defeat is a daily matter for soldiers. You shouldn't be playing political conspiracy if you lose on the battlefield. Yes, you are in great pain now, but where is the dead Yue Pengju? Where is Zhang Xian? They are not in pain?"

He wriggled his lips angrily, "because they all deserve to die."

Hua Rong shook his head, enemy, forever enemy

He stretched out his hand: "antidote, flower dissolve, I want antidote, I can't stand it."

She shook her head straightly, "has Wang Junhua come yet?"

Anger flared up in his eyes and he didn't answer Hua Rong touched his fierce eyes, which was a flame of anger Every time this happens, everyone becomes his enemy

Seeing that she was about to turn around and leave, Jin Wushu hissed, "if you want to kill Wang Junhua, just follow me."

She stopped and smiled, "are you going to kill Wang Junhua now? What about Qin Hui if you kill her?"

Her smile is fresh and pure, and serious. She is as open-minded and studious as a child, and is really asking his advice "Fourth prince, how can you kill Qin Hui and Wang Junhua together?"

He replied viciously, "now you can only kill Wang Junhua. Qin Hui can't stretch his neck to the kingdom of Jin until you kill him."

"Fourth prince, can't you think of a way for me?" She casually picked off a soft brown branch beside her, put it on her mouth, frowned and sighed, "fourth prince, you must be able to think of a way."

He gnashed his teeth. "I can't think about it."

She waved the branch and looked forward to it: "when you killed Yue Pengju, the plan was so good. You must be able to think of a way to kill Qin Hui. Don't you want to help?"

Jin Wushu looked at the innocent and pure expression in her eyes, which was full of trust It seemed that it was easy to kill Qin Hui by yourself At this time, the pain after the attack had subsided, and his clothes were torn by himself. The wind blew, rustling, and his hair was messy, like a beggar begging along the street And Hua Rong, that's a sharp contrast. When he looked carefully, he found that Hua Rong's mental state had changed greatly, which was very different from the sad, thin, confused and afraid when he first came to Yanjing She was neatly dressed, standing straight, with dark hair and bright eyes

He suddenly asked, "Hua Rong, where have you been these days? Why can't the people I sent find you?"

She smiled: "Liaoguo is really a good place, which can give people unexpected power."

He was puzzled by the thoughtless sentence, but she smiled as if she was no longer her enemy——

"Wang Junhua is more than a month old. Do you want to kill her? Or when?"

She was slightly absorbed, seriously planning, and spoke for a long time: "it's inevitable to kill her. I'm just not sure if I can use her to lure Qin Hui. But, fourth prince, since she has been here for so long, why didn't you help me kill her earlier?"

A cunning light flashed in his eyes: "why should I help you kill? It's good to give it to you. Killing it in one breath is exactly what Qin Hui wanted. He may wish Wang Junhua died. If the old don't go and the new don't come, he can just take concubines and remarry wantonly."

She was not without disdain: "yes, it's always the woman you're better off with. No wonder you and Qin Hui are so compatible."

He blushed, angrily opened his mouth to refute, but he couldn't think of anything to refute. Seeing that she turned and left again, he jumped up and grabbed her: "Hua Rong, I have a word in advance. If Wang Junhua misses the opportunity and leaves, don't blame me for not giving the antidote."

Hua Rong saw his fierce eyes shooting at him. He had no doubt that as long as the antidote was on him, he would immediately kill himself and seize the antidote She smiled with a smile and spread her hand: "fourth prince, I'm sorry, the antidote is so precious. I keep it for help. How can I take it with me? It's in a very safe place. When you promise me to do something, you will get the antidote." Seeing that he was still angry, she added, "don't worry, your life is still early, and you won't die! Your fourth prince, hero I, can't stand any pain?"

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