One Night Bride

Chapter 443

Jin Wushu never knew that fate was held in others' hands, but it was such a taste

Hua Rong's voice was sweet and gentle: "it's hard, isn't it? Do you know that at the beginning, you listed in the song and Jin peace talks that you wanted Peng Ju to die, and our husband and wife waited for death at home every day? We didn't even have antidotes."

Jin Wushu shuddered and could not answer

"Fourth prince, if you can kill Qin Hui and Wang Junhua for me, I will protect your life."

Add weight, this woman keeps improving conditions and chips Jin Wushu pulled her hard: "you go back with me first, and I will naturally find a way for you."

She answered very simply, "OK."

Jin Wushu was stunned. Is there really a good thing that pie fell from the sky?

Although Wang Junhua is the last of the four murderers, it's better to kill one without fish and shrimp, so as to avoid chicken flying eggs "You set up an independent tent for me in a quiet place and ask Wen long to live with me. On these two conditions, you go to prepare immediately, and I'll come when you're ready."

He held on to her skirt. "It's easy, and you'll be ready right away."

"Get ready first."

He was furious: "Hua Rong, it's not a tiger's den. I'll find Wang Junhua for you, and I'm not responsible for helping you keep watch. I can't help her if she wants to leave."

"But maybe you tricked me into letting her kill you."

Jin Wushu gasped heavily, and her eyes showed a strong sense of vigilance, which was not a joke, but really with such concern

His fist was pinched to the bone: "Hua Rong, don't forget that the prince's life is still in your hand."

"Oh, I forgot for a moment." She breathed a sigh of relief, and her heart was really afraid at that moment Zhao Deji, Jin Wushu, all snakes that will spray venom at any time, so you don't know how to die I must never follow the old path of Pengju Who else is trustworthy in this world?!

All enemies are enemies

A face flashed in front of him. He didn't look so vicious when he was wearing a valley scarf and a sweater. The tiger head rode on his neck and pulled his beard and hair I couldn't help smiling on my face, and I was full of gratitude: ah, there is still someone in this world who I absolutely trust It's a reassuring feeling. You can let yourself be exposed to the wind and rain outside and suffer from the bitter cold, but you don't have to worry about your son's safety at all, and don't have to worry about his son's life King Qin, he fully assumed the obligations and responsibilities for himself If you owe him, you owe him


Jin Wushu saw the unpredictable God on her face, so gentle and lingering, he trembled in his heart and stretched out his hand: "Hua Rong..."

She patted his hand and realized that it was the face of the fourth Prince - the fierce look of an alien She looked at him from head to foot. Nvzhen's braided hair and left lapel, her face covered with dust and blood, and her hair was scattered, so embarrassed

She suddenly felt a kind of pleasure: "fourth prince, I'll come when you're ready."

Jin Wushu watched her go away whistling helplessly. After a long time, he recognized that it was a popular minor in Nuzhen How clever she is In the distance, he saw at the end of the mangrove forest, a Jurchen man with braided hair and left Lapel waiting with his horse - his expression was respectful and affectionate, as if he were the Queen's attendant Tie, tie

He was very angry. This woman was born to be an enemy of Nuzhen

Around the Golden Lotus Lake, there is unprecedented excitement

The east side of the lake is the best location on the grassland: the valley on the back side is shaded by green trees, blocking the wind and sun, and the climate is cool The terrain below is flat and covered with green grass, and various animals roam in it So according to the Convention, Nuzhen nobles camped here Looking from a distance, the tents are large and small, high and low. Over the years, female immortals who have gradually adapted to and learned the customs of the Han people have built tents with the style of houses, row upon row, and the furnishings inside are magnificent, which is not inferior to those of some palaces Here, they will spend as long as 3-5 months In particular, after the song and Jin peace talks, the large-scale war stopped, everyone was relaxed, and the Nuzhen nobles roamed in it, completely relaxed, and enjoyed a large number of superior tributes from the Song Dynasty safely

As the wolf Lord heti and his family are still on vacation in another place, they have not yet reached it. Therefore, around the Golden Lotus Lake, the largest and most imposing tent is the fourth Prince's tent, which is less than one person and more than ten thousand people It is surrounded by eight huge pillars, with a circumference of thousands of feet and a height of three feet. People go in and out of it, which is very open and comfortable, without the narrow and cramped feeling of ordinary tents The tent opens a curtain gate and is divided into four large areas, where women, family members and children can settle down

Early in the morning, the fourth Prince's residence was busy, and groups of boys, servants, and soldiers went out with materials On the southeast side of the lake, there is a huge broad-leaved tree It is when the branches and leaves are at their most luxuriant that each leaf is as wide as an adult's two palms, like a natural giant umbrella

The tent was built around here. Everyone cut down huge stumps and thick cables. A tent was built quickly But it was not over yet. A team of soldiers took bundles of carpets, window papers of various colors, decorations, tea sets, tables and chairs... They were busy until the evening, and the tent, which was seven or eight feet square inside and outside, was completely decorated

Although there is no lack of luxury among Nuzhen aristocrats, it is the first time that they are so exquisite Although everyone was curious, the fourth Prince strictly ordered outsiders not to approach and sent troops to garrison. They also knew that the fourth prince liked elegance, so they didn't feel too strange

It's strange that there are three people

Lu Wenlong came back with a bow and arrow on his back. He saw my father smiling and checked some silk raw silk in the tent, which seemed to compare the color and pattern He never saw his father like this, so he asked, "Dad, don't you go hunting today?"

"Son, come with me to decorate the new tent."

"Why build a new tent? Isn't it good here?"

He smiled mysteriously, "then you will know."

He took his son out and rode around half a circle. Lu Wenlong witnessed the beautifully decorated tent with his own eyes. He was surprised: "Dad, who is this for?"



"You'll know tomorrow."

Lu Wenlong smiled and sat down on a large pear blossom wood chair. The chair was cold and comfortable. He sat down and stood up again: "Dad, do you live here with me?"

Jin Wushu paused. "Maybe. As long as she wants."

"Who wants to?"

"Your mother!"

Lu Wenlong was so happy that he almost jumped up: "mom is coming?"

"Come tomorrow."

"That's nice. Dad, you live here with my mother and me. I don't like to be with them..."

Jin Wushu smiled bitterly. This is basically fantasy How can Hua Rong allow herself to live here?

The father and son walked home in the sunset, and Yelv Guanyin and Wang Junhua came out from both sides The two of them avoid meeting each other these days, but in terms of the attitude of the fourth prince, they must be flattering enough Especially Yelv Guanyin, she found these days that the fourth prince was completely kind to herself. Although she guessed that it was the effect of medicine, her vigilance slowly dissipated, but her ambition became stronger and stronger. For fear that Wang Junhua might hinder her plan, she tried to get rid of her But is Wang Junhua a fuel-efficient lamp? She has long sleeves and exquisite appearance. She also carries a dozen servants with her. She has a lot of money and is good at buying people's hearts. The fourth Prince's family benefits her and flatters her like a hostess. As time goes on, she is faintly better than Yelv Guanyin

After the two fought openly and secretly this day, they saw servants and soldiers coming and going to build new tents They were secretly surprised. Looking at the layout and the decorations taken out, it was obvious that they were building a tent suitable for the residence of the female relatives The two men speculated: is it for themselves?

But they were afraid that it was for each other, so they tried every means to inquire, but Wu Qimai was like a silent iron, not only did not disclose any information, but also prohibited them from approaching to inquire

It was not easy to see the fourth prince. They couldn't help but surround him together and greet him affectionately and serve her These days, Jin Wushu is kind to everyone. Looking at the two women dressed up in colorful clothes, maybe it's the relationship of the sunset. They are full of pearls, wearing gold and silver, and each of them is so beautiful. He is in a good mood and waves his hand: "come, come and have a few drinks with the crown prince."

It seemed to be a grand family dinner, attended by several concubines from the fourth Prince's residence, plus Wang Junhua and Yelv Guanyin, a total of more than ten people The servants brought up plates of rich game. As usual, it was a mixed diet of song, Jin and Liao. Everyone ate and drank. During the dinner, Jin Wushu rose. Seeing Yelv Guanyin dressed in a Liao woman's tulle skirt, he pointed to her and said, "you dance a song to help the prince get drunk."

Yelv Guanyin was delighted at the speech. He immediately got up, swung his waist and danced a dance that the four princes liked in the past Several music prostitutes were happy, and their tunes and dances were all the gentle aristocratic customs of the Liao Dynasty in the past. She knew that the fourth prince liked this elegance, so she worked harder

Wang Junhua's teeth itched on one side, and he couldn't wait to rush over and cut off her coquettish waist This is where she is inferior to Yelv Guanyin. Over the years, she has been treated with dignity and dignity. As the prime minister's wife, she is an admirer of singing and dancing. However, now she regrets that she knows that the fourth Prince is elegant, so why not prepare early and practice singing and dancing to cater to him?

Jin Wu's hand beat the beat and asked her with a smile, "Wang Shi, don't you like Liao Song and dance?"

She forced a smile: "yes, Mrs. Yelv dances very well."

At this time, at the end of the song, Yelv Guanyin came over with her waist curled up. Jin Wushu handed a glass of wine to her mouth. Yelv Guanyin had a red lip, drank a full glass of wine, leaned half against Jin Wushu's arms, and whispered softly, "thank you, fourth Prince."

Wang Junhua almost vomited. It was all the broken flowers and willows who had two sons. He thought he was a 28 year old girl? She smiled and handed over a glass of wine. "Mrs. Yelv danced very well." she leaned over and lowered her voice, "shouldn't it be taught by the former Khitan soldiers?"

Outsiders saw that she and her sister were very affectionate. Yelv Guanyin's eyes were going to burst into flames. Seeing the fourth Prince's eyes in a blink of an eye, he smiled and said softly, "thank you for the wine of the queen. My family serves the fourth prince, but only the fourth prince likes it. My family tries to exercise hard to make the fourth Prince happy."

Jin Wushu was very happy: "whoever knows me is still the Yelv lady. It's good. It's very good."

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