One Night Bride

Chapter 454

Pain, unbearable pain, it was a terrible feeling of violence. Hua Rong was black in front of her eyes, and she was almost out of breath. Her whole body strength condensed on her mouth again, biting down again, biting hard

His mouth was a piece of bloody meat, but he didn't retreat at all, as if he didn't know the pain of the puppet. His breathing was getting faster and faster, and drops of sweat fell on their faces. It was hot, as if the sky suddenly began to rain, like a fierce tiger, the last struggle before death With his pliers on his waist, she could even hear the sound of his ribs breaking

However, the intended pain never came, and she hit a ball of cotton with all her strength. His hands softened and his body trembled sharply She raised her head in horror, and saw that Jin Wushu's eyes turned red like a beast - his hands could hardly be confined anymore, and his body was slightly curled up, like a huge python, and began to twist wildly

She exclaimed in horror, "Jin Wushu, why are you crazy?"

His hand was completely released, and she could hardly stand still and almost fell to the ground And Jin Wushu had completely fallen to the ground and tore his hair fiercely. He could no longer see anyone in his eyes, only pain, endless severe pain, the joints of his body cluttered, and the cyan blood vessels seemed to suddenly become larger and thicker, breaking through the constraints of the epidermis and completely breaking

Hua Rong kept retreating, retreating again, and she was almost at the door The soldiers outside the door got the order of the fourth prince. They were not allowed to approach. Zha he was not there. There was no one around, only the "Ho Ho" sound from Jin Wushu's mouth in the room

Hua Rong suddenly realized that this was a toxic attack Because of drinking and lust, this time the poison broke out more violently than ever before He fell to the ground, desperately grabbed his hair and danced around like a madman

Hua Rong leaned to one side and watched helplessly as he brushed everything in his range: tea sets, cups, onto the ground, banging, breaking

Lu Wenlong ran in and screamed, "Dad, Dad... Mom, Dad, what's the matter?" He wanted to run to help dad. Hua Rong grabbed his hand and said, "son, don't go over there."

He was incredible: "Mom, Dad, what's the matter?"

Hua Rong said calmly, "he is ill and will be fine in a moment."

"How could he be so ill? No, we have to help him up and find a doctor for him."

"No one can save him from this disease. He can only wait until he recovers slowly."

"When will it be ok?"

"For a moment."


Jin Wushu didn't seem to realize that someone was talking nearby. At this time, his hair was completely scattered and his strength was infinite. Even his flexible riding clothes were torn by him His pocket handrail was still thrown at the door and was there when he came in He couldn't see anyone, only those things that could be smashed. He was about to jump up and suddenly rushed over

Hua Rong was shocked, but Lu Wenlong broke away from his mother's hand and rushed up to help him: "Dad, Dad, what's the matter with you?"

As soon as he exerted himself, Hua Rong exclaimed, and the child had been thrown out of the door like a sandbag Hua Rong ran out and saw Lu Wenlong thrown three feet away. Fortunately, it was the grass. He fell to the ground and limped up again, crying, "what's the matter with dad?"

Hua Rong didn't dare to let him take any more risks. He firmly held his hand and didn't allow him to enter again At this time, the soldiers had heard the sound, and the leader asked in surprise, "madam, what happened?"

She shook her head and immediately said, "take the little prince to bed immediately."

"The fourth prince?" The two soldiers heard the violent noise inside. To see what happened, Hua Rong immediately drank softly: "get back quickly, the fourth Prince is fine."

Where will they go? Hua Rong shouted, "get back, the fourth Prince is fine."

Seeing her fierce expression, they dared not stay any longer. They took Lu Wenlong and left. Jin Wushu staggered out and shouted, "stop, don't take my son away, stop..."

"The fourth Prince..." the soldiers immediately returned. They had long felt something wrong. They felt the weapon and rushed to Hua Rong, thinking it was a murder

Hua Rong was quick-sighted and surprised Jin Wushu, and whispered, "Jin Wushu, do you want to expose your ugliness in front of your children?"

He covered his chest, his hair like a steel wire, tied on Hua Rong's hand, staggered, and shouted to the suspicious soldiers: "get out, get away, you all get away from me..."

The door of the tent was closed, and the flickering candles and smashed debris on the ground

He collapsed on the ground, gasping heavily, his body was cut by some pieces of porcelain, bleeding, and he didn't know the pain. His mouth was wide open, like a poisonous snake whose skin had fallen to the critical moment, his head was held up, and his eyes showed a terrible fierce light

"Hua Rong, give me the antidote, I want the antidote..." his hand stretched out to grasp, but she was just outside the range of his arm

"Hua Rong, cruel woman, give me the antidote quickly..."

She stared at the outstretched bare arm. The thick blood vessels faintly showed a strange purple and cyan, as if countless earthworms were crawling inside

"Hua Rong, give me the antidote... Antidote, I want the antidote..."

She was very calm: "Wang Junhua was not dead, Qin Hui was not dead, and Zhao Deji was not dead."

"What does zhaodeji concern me?"

"OK, Zhao Deji, I think so. But Qin Hui, he hasn't arrived in Yanjing yet."

"How can it be so easy? He is the prime minister. How can the prime minister come to Yanjing easily?"

"Song Huizong and his son may come. Why can't Qin Hui come? Jin Wushu, you didn't try your best!"

He was incredible: "do you think Qin Hui is a stupid dog? Hua Rong, you vicious woman..."

She suddenly stretched out her hand and flicked her finger. I don't know what it was that bounced into his mouth, sealing the abuse below him. The bone process of the Adam's Apple could clearly hear the sound of that thing rolling down his stomach He hissed and shouted, "what poison did you give me?"

She downplayed: "painkiller, a painkiller made of a special herbal medicine."

"Where did you come from?"

"It's none of your business. It's not poison anyway."

He opened his mouth wide, and sure enough, the pain on his body was gradually weakening - it seemed to be a numb feeling, anesthetized the nerves, and his limbs were weak, like a cramped mollusk

Hua Rong bypassed the debris on the ground, picked up a sweater, put it on, closed it and lay down

The candle light is faint, and the eyes of Jin Wushu are like a kind of colored glass with strange color. They are transferred from the surrounding things to the bed, facing those eyes: what kind of eyes are they, with a faint smile and endless ridicule, like enjoying a farce

Fourth prince, that's all you can do I know, that's all you can do, but that's all

Her pain, in her eyes, was just a farce

He wanted to jump up and dig out his eyes, but as soon as he moved, he felt pain, unspeakable pain, his strength seemed to be completely exhausted, and his bones were broken. Like a soft snake, he could only crawl and could not stand He suspected that he would never stand up again

She closed her eyes and stretched out her hand to extinguish the candle

He hissed, "flowers dissolve..."

Her voice was flat, as if she had just watched a good play: "the fourth prince, it's getting late, why don't you go to bed?"

He struggled: "Hua Rong, you heartless woman..."

With both hands on his waist, "Dad, what's the matter with you?"

It was his son's concerned voice. He rushed in from the dark tent and tried his best to help dad, full of anxiety Jin Wushu met his eyes and suddenly burst into tears, with infinite grievances Even if the world is in power, even if it is rich and noble, but in addition to this son, in addition to these hands, what else do you have? He leaned on his son's immature shoulder, like a street rogue: "son, in this world, only you are good to me, only you..."

The child was stunned by his father's wailing, which was more terrifying than seeing him smash things painfully. He looked at his mother lying on the bed and muttered, "Mom, Dad, he..."

"Don't call her mother. She is not your mother. She is the most cruel woman in the world. She takes pleasure in torturing me. I was tortured like this by her..."

Lu Wenlong looked at his mother in disbelief. Under the candle light, he couldn't see her mother's expression clearly. He only saw her long eyelashes motionless, as if they were asleep He was surprised that his mother could still fall asleep after witnessing such a miserable scene Mom, she shouldn't be like this, should she? He couldn't help shouting, "Mom..."

Hua Rong sat up and said faintly, "son, go down and sleep first."


Troubled by the stubbornness in her child's eyes, she suddenly remembered that she had been bound and imprisoned by Jin Wushu and her son's protection of herself After a while, she looked at Jin Wushu: "fourth prince, are you going to settle accounts with me in front of your children? Do you want to make everything clear?"

Jin Wushu's heart shook, his head still leaned weakly against his son, and his hand also held his son's hand tightly

Lu Wenlong's eyes once again turned from his mother's face to Dad's body, extremely confused: "Dad, are you arguing with your mother?"

He was tired and stared at his son's clothes Such a refreshing sweater, it is a fashionable dress belonging to the song people, stitch by stitch, is the result of the overnight rush of Huarong Child, how much he loves this suit, so he still wears it when he sleeps? Even better than the hereditary crown crowned

Crown is not as good as this suit?

His voice was very hoarse: "son, you go down first. It's okay, dad is okay. Come on, take the Little Prince down."

Lu Wenlong didn't go. Jin Wushu pointed to Hua Rong and said hoarsely, "son, don't worry, your mother will take care of me."

Lu Wenlong followed his direction and saw the strange expression on her mother's face, like anger, like sadness, and even a torn sleeve exposed outside He was already half a child, and he didn't understand whether dad was bullying mom or mom was bullying dad, so confused: "Mom, will you take care of dad?"

Hua Rong nodded, "son, go and have a rest first."

Lu Wenlong was taken out by the soldiers

In the room, silence was restored All the dim candles went out Hua Rong sat cross legged on the bed and looked at the glass on the ceiling. The moonlight scattered over it. Everything was unreal

"Fourth prince, it's time for you to have a rest."

This voice is so gentle, not like the enemy, full of concern He lay on the ground with his head against the broken tea set, half on the left and half, as if with a set of heavy shackles Inside the overturned lid, the golden princess's robes, bead crowns, crown belts... Surrounded him lonely

"Hua Rong!"

She was silent

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