One Night Bride

Chapter 455

"If you accept the crown of the princess and wear her belt, you should stay with the prince all your life and serve him."

She closed her eyes and turned a deaf ear

"Hua Rong, that's the imperial concubine sealing ceremony. It's the belt that your son brought for you personally. You can't deny it."

She suddenly opened her eyes, stared at the belt, and laughed: "I think, with this belt, it is more convenient to act. It can also make Wang Junhua jump over the wall. Fourth prince, don't think too much, otherwise you will be amorous."

He angrily said, "renegade villain. Do you think I don't know? As soon as you kill Wang Junhua, you will leave me and make a clean break with me..."

"But isn't it good that you will get the antidote and relieve the pain as soon as possible?"

"No, no! You have to accompany me all my life, fry tea for me, make clothes for my son, and give me more sons."

"Even if there is no antidote, it doesn't matter?"

"Of course, the antidote. I want to live, Hua Rong. Don't be unkind. Who else in the world can treat you better than crown prince Ben?"

She giggled, thanks to this man

"How kind are you to me? Even with strong insults?"

"I like you, so I can use it strong." he was confident. "Why do men like a woman? Why is it that they want her to have children for themselves? I don't need to be strong with your bad temper, and I won't have a chance for a lifetime. I don't want to spend it anymore. Is it bad to fight quickly?"

Warfare! Tactics! This is his hobby. He fights while negotiating. He doesn't relax his hands or makes a surprise attack Just, how can it be a war between men and women?

Her sarcastic laughter, his legs heavily hit the velvet carpet, beat his chest and feet: "Hua Rong, no matter how I treat you, you have no heart and no liver, just want to revenge me, want me to die. Not only poison me, but also take my son before I die, and let me die alone..."

"What are you pretending to be pitiful? There are so many wives and concubines in your fourth Prince's house, not to mention the dead son, even if you are alive, there are still several daughters. Don't worry, fourth prince, some people are raising your old age and dying for you. Wrong, I forgot that you da Jin are brothers and sisters. If you die, your wife and children will naturally be inherited by others..."

This merciless ridicule completely angered him. He shouted: "no matter what I do, you won't be moved. You will only hate me. I wish I would die early. Cruel woman..." he cursed and cried, crying, "Hua Rong, how do you torture me?"

"You're to blame for all this! You're to blame."

"Shouldn't I be evil? I just like you. What's wrong with me? Isn't it good for you to marry me and stay with me all your life?"

She sneered

"I like you! Is it wrong to like you?"

"Do you like me? If you like me, you just want to be strong by despicable means regardless of etiquette, righteousness and shame?"

He angrily: "like a woman, is to get. I do this, is to get you, otherwise, am I crazy?"

"You're crazy."

"That's also because of you! Huarong, it's all because of you!"

"Because of me? How did you get the title of king of Yue? How did you get the title of king of Yue? Everything you do today, your Marshal's high position, and the world's army and horses you control, are you also because of me? You are because of your ambition! Your greed! You killed my husband-in-law and got all the glory and wealth, and then tell me you love me deeply? Ask me to thank you? Ask me to accept your reward and favor gladly? Is that still true Heaven? "

"What does justice mean? I have also suffered retribution, and life is worse than death..." his voice hissed, and the round of inhuman pain passed away, sweating all over, like a crazy beggar How many times she had attacks in front of her, pain or injury, life or death, she was so indifferent Quarrel, she will only quarrel with herself

She stared at his messy hair, with a faint pity on her face "Fourth prince, do you feel pain?"

He was delighted by the compassionate eyes, thinking that she was still moved with compassion after all, and hurriedly replied, "the pain is dead, and I don't want to experience such pain anymore..."

"Fourth prince, this is the beginning! It's nothing. Besides, it's just physical. You haven't experienced the deeper pain."

Joy turned into anger: "Hua Rong, I hate you, sometimes I want to kill you!"

"Of course! I have no doubt that you will find an opportunity to kill me. But before that, we still have value for each other, don't we?"

He jumped up again, trying to beat her or fight with her, but his body was still too weak to lift a trace of strength

"Fourth prince, this kind of pain is really nothing! During the Lin'an war, I didn't have a good place all over my body. That kind of pain is not intermittent, but all the time. I can't even solve it by sitting, sleeping, eating and even being convenient... I've experienced this kind of pain for more than half a year, and I cursed God many times why I have to suffer alive..."

He asked eagerly, "who saved you? King Qin?"

She didn't answer, and continued, "the pain of the body is not the greatest pain. When you frantically want to see a person, but you can't see it. When you think about it carefully, you can't remember his face, even in your dream, you can't dream..." she gnashed her teeth, "I hate you more! If you didn't kill Peng Ju, how could I never see him again?"

He was speechless for a long time

"However, Hua Rong, I didn't kill you. I never wanted to kill you! But you attacked me and saw my pain without mercy."

"If you kill Peng Ju, you'll kill me!"

She was lying in bed with tears in her eyes

"If you torture me again, Yue Pengju will also die. Even if I die immediately, he will not survive. Hahaha, Hua Rong, you are very sad, aren't you? No matter how sad, he also died and became a white bone..."

"You will also be a pile of bones."

"OK, I'm waiting for you to turn me into a pile of bones. Huarong, I'm waiting for you."

The tent fell into a terrible silence for a moment, silent, like two ghosts wandering at the gate of hell. They had lost their temperature to each other and could only fly around, but they could never get close even a little

Tiredness came slowly, and the tears stained eyes were dry to pain In a daze, it was like a battlefield, endless blood, the body of the small commercial bridge, the pursuit of Lin'an City... She couldn't help but twitch in the dark

He didn't know what he was thinking. The debris around him was like a battlefield that had no time to clean up. His arms and limbs were broken, and the smoke of gunpowder filled the air. Between people, it was an eternal war

The two men are separated by a pile of fragmented battlefield

"Hua Rong, you are no longer allowed to wear song clothes for your son, nor are you allowed to wear them yourself!"

"Jin Wushu, what capital do you have now to gossip in front of me?"

He jumped up again, but his legs could not move. He wailed in the middle of the night. His mouth was so thirsty. Sniffing around, he could smell the fragrance of cold tea. The tea she fried was wonderful His hand fumbled, unable to find a complete cup

"Flowers dissolve. I'm thirsty. I want to drink water."

She turned a deaf ear

"Hua Rong, I'm thirsty. Come on, I want to drink water..." he hissed, "Hua Rong, I beg you, I want to drink water..."

"Somebody, send the fourth Prince back..."

"Get out and no one is allowed in." He cursed angrily, "I won't go out. I won't go out as you want. But no, I won't drink water."

The moonlight shone on his cracked lips. After all, he was extremely tired, fell to the ground and fell asleep

Hua Rong listened to his heavy breathing, and she didn't know what it was like at the bottom of her heart Kill Wang Junhua, Qin Hui, Zhao Deji, Jin Wushu?

It is a cloudy day

Hua Rong opened her eyes, her eyelids were tired, her body was soft, and her mind was numb She sat up, littered with debris and a messy room, as if she had been invaded by a wild boar

Her eyes fell on the ground, a beggar lying in the debris, sleeping heavily After many years of military career, no matter how difficult it is, he can sleep. Jin Wushu, after all, is still a military style, and has not been extinguished by these years of prosperity and wealth

She got up slowly, bypassed him and walked out of the tent

Green grass and green trees, she heard the slight footsteps behind, which was Lu Wenlong's worry: "Mom, is Dad okay?"

She looked at the sweater on the child: "son, why don't you change into a horse suit?"

The little boy smiled shyly, "I think this is better."

It is human nature to love beauty, especially young people

"Mom, where's dad?"

"He's still resting. Don't disturb him."

He hesitated. "What's wrong with dad?"

"A little illness will soon heal. Don't worry."

He never heard his mother lie, and naturally believed it "Mom, I want to have breakfast with Dad today. Will you join me?"

She laughed and shook her head, "Mom, there's something else, you eat first."

He was very disappointed. Hua Rong sighed secretly and didn't explain. He turned over and got on his horse and went to the grass in front alone

A sleepy pillow makes your mouth dry

Jin Wushu turned over and sat up, his whole body up and down, every place in a faint pain, the cut arm, bloody condensation dried up, showing a kind of purple black The servants filed in and began to sweep No one dares to ask more Two soldiers called cold water and were about to dress up his wound. Lu Wenlong ran in and breathed heavily, "you need hot water. Mom said you need warm water."

His eyes lit up and he grabbed his son. "Where's mom?"

"She went out to ride a horse. Dad, are you well?" He looked up, not without worry, "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

He said as if nothing had happened: "I drank too much yesterday, and now I'm fine." His eyes fell on his son's clothes, still yesterday's shirt, with a leopard skin belt on his waist

He frowned slightly, "son, why don't you change your clothes?"

Lu Wenlong asked naively, "Dad, don't you like this dress? I think it's very beautiful. My mother made it for me."

He was speechless and went straight out. He didn't even hear Lu Wenlong calling him to eat breakfast Green, boundless green, the cool breeze blowing slowly in the morning of the grassland, with the peculiar smell of grass, which is a fragrance he has been used to, so beautiful But what about the people galloping with it on the grassland? Where is she?

In the big tent, waiting for Yelv Guanyin, Wang Junhua and other concubines with heavy makeup, they were all waiting for their favor. He smiled bitterly and felt that life was so absurd, like a mutual torture

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