One Night Bride

Chapter 456

Deep in the grassland

Yelv Guanyin knelt down with an eager voice: "Your Highness, please help me."

Yelv's black robe was hidden in the deep grass, revealing only a masked head. The whole figure floated in the wild grass, very angry: "how dare you come here to find me?"

"Prince, calm down. I'm not out of proportion. My whereabouts are hidden and will not be exposed. Please rest assured. I just hope to get your help."

"How can I help you?"

"Hua Rong was made a princess by the fourth prince, and her son was made a prince and inherited the hereditary position. Even if I am pregnant, I have no chance. Your highness, the only way now is to kill Hua Rong. Only when she is dead, can I deal with that wild species..."

Yelv was half curious: "is it really Hua Rong's son?"

"No! She is just relying on that wild seed to constantly slander in front of the fourth prince. Now the fourth Prince strictly orders his concubines to approach their mother and son, protecting them seamlessly. It will be even more difficult for my family to start again."

"Isn't the medicine I gave you effective?"

"Effective! If it weren't for this, the fourth prince would never allow me to stay in the prince's mansion."

"How else do you want the crown prince to help you?"

"I want to get rid of the flower dissolving medicine. I want to be imperceptible. I can't let the fourth Prince notice anything. Your highness, you must have such a poison. Please help me. As long as I become a princess and give birth to a prince, I will repay you and me at all costs..."

Yelv shook his head

Yelv Guanyin was disappointed and surprised: "why? Can't the crown prince deal with Hua Rong?"

"Because flowers are still useful."

She shouldn't ask again, disappointed and angry What is the use of flower dissolving energy? On second thought, thinking of Princess Li Tinglan, she couldn't help asking, "has the princess married King Qin?"

Yelv said coldly, "don't ask too much! You can kill the child, but flowers can't dissolve."


"This has nothing to do with you. Don't ask more questions if you shouldn't."

"However, I have no chance to start! Hua Rong is personally responsible for all his food and daily life. Usually, there are eight personal guards, who can't leave in an instant."

"Opportunity is waiting. What's your hurry?" He handed over a small medicine bottle. "This is a chronic poison. You can look for opportunities. There is no sign of poisoning after death."

Yelv Guanyin took the medicine bottle and watched him drift away. The depression in his chest could not be relieved. Kill Lu Wenlong? If Hua Rong doesn't die for a day, how can he deal with that wild seed? She clenched her teeth. Couldn't she think of any other way except Yelv's great use? Impossible!

The crowd of the willow shooting Festival is still continuing the carnival of the new day. The grassland is like a grand market, bustling, and people dressed in bright clothes and riding horses can be seen everywhere Children, girls, boys, hounds, sheep and horses, mixed voices, lively, everywhere are people who sing love songs, dance people, and the bold and unrestrained style of nomads

When Hua Rong was in the middle of it, he understood the truth of hiding in the city Here, everything is not strange. They have their own joys. Except for some enthusiastic and unrestrained young men, no one will stare at you, as if it were a harmonious world A warrior with braided hair and left Lapel rushed over with a big knife in his hand. He was very energetic and used Jurchen language: "Hey, beautiful girl..."

Hua Rong was stunned. The voice was familiar, but the face was slightly strange Her heart moved, and she saw that the man was still smiling, his face unchanged, but his voice lowered: "Mrs. Yue..."

She understood at once, and rode in front, and the man caught up. Far away, people only saw a pair of chasing men and women. The shooting willow festival was originally a disguised blind date meeting, giving the warriors of the kingdom of gold the opportunity to chase their favorite girl

The two ran out a long way. It was quiet all around, and only some loud songs echoed at the end of the treetops Hua Rongle Ma: "Liu Wu, why are you here?"

Liu Wu was also very happy when he met his old friend in a foreign country: "I used it here with Yelv university to check the news. The shooting willow festival of the female immortal, the gathering of dignitaries, has a lot of important military intelligence."

I see. No wonder he pretended so seamlessly that he almost couldn't recognize Hua Rong

"Mrs. Yue, why are you here?"

She couldn't answer for a moment, and she didn't know how to mention it to Liu Wu

"Madam Yue, the death of Yue Xianggong is known all over the world that he was wronged. It was Qin Hui, a dog thief, who hurt him..."

People all over the world blame Qin Hui, because people don't dare to blame Jun Shang and Zhao Deji, which are worse than Qin Hui, so they hide behind it

Hua Rong was speechless, and Liu Wu whispered, "Mrs. Yue, I can't leave for too long for fear of causing doubt. I'm gone, take care."

"Take care, too."

Liu Wu turned his horse's head, and Hua Rong finally hesitated and asked, "King Qin, is he okay?"

Liu Wu reined in his horse, hesitating a little, but still said, "I have been training for Yelv at the border of Liao, and I have not returned. But not long ago, a brother on the island came and said that the king had married Miss Yelv..."

King Qin is married!

King Qin married Li Tinglan after all

Hua Rong seemed to be hit hard on the head by a stick, and even the last shelter was destroyed, and all the back roads of life were cut off

"Madam Yue, don't worry, brothers will take good care of little tiger head. His majesty is not a person who doesn't miss the past and will never treat his children badly..."

She couldn't hear what Liu Wu was saying. After a while, she calmed down, smiled and pulled the reins as if nothing had happened: "Liu Wu, you're busy, goodbye."


Liu Wu drove his horse away until his figure completely disappeared. Hua Rong found that he had run a long distance and was alone, as if abandoned by the world She dismounted and fell on the grass beside her

The sky is gray and the wild is boundless. The wind blows the grass and sees cattle and sheep Horses roam and eat grass at will without any care. Hua Rong lies quietly on the ground and looks into the distance: the cloudy grassland has a different flavor. All the grass is spotless green, as in a dream

Vaguely in my mind, I just think that King Qin is married, and he is really married!

This is what she has been vaguely looking forward to, but when it comes to this day, she feels so lost and blocked in her heart King Qin was supposed to get married, wasn't he? If you don't marry him yourself, won't you allow him to marry again? He is nearly half a hundred years old. Years, he is eager to have a beautiful wife and children. What's wrong with this? Should he take care of himself unconditionally all his life and never marry for himself?

Price, this is the price of revenge How many difficult times, dreaming in the middle of the night, there is always a sustenance in the depths of my heart, a feeling of dependence - there is someone there, always there, affectionate, never give up Until one day, I was tired, tired, and could no longer support it. This decaying body still had a shelter from the wind However, the harbor was finally destroyed, completely destroyed

Perhaps, as early as Uncle Yang's words, they have been destroyed

The blood surged in my heart, just a strong worry. What about xiaohutou? Where's your son? Will King Qin treat him as before? Can his new wife accommodate this foster child?

Liu Zhiyong's words rang in his ears: "the king asked Xiao to tell his wife that he was old and would not look for his wife day by day for more than ten years as before..." "the king said that if you don't go back, he will marry other women and won't care about the tiger head..."

"Little tiger head, mom, I'm sorry for you, I'm so sorry for you!" She burst into tears and wailed After a lifetime of running around, the husband died, and he couldn't get revenge, and he didn't even have the ability to raise his son

She lay dizzy on the grass, unaware of the passage of time, from morning to noon, from noon to dusk, when the sun showed half of her face, shook it, plated the green grassland with Phnom Penh, and instantly disappeared, leaving only the residual glow in the sky, looking at this quiet land cunningly like blood

For a long time, she heard the call from a distance: "Mom, mom..."

The black moonlight ran on the grass and shone in the sunset. The child on the horse turned over and jumped down, ran to her, and looked at her dying mother in surprise. His eyes were distracted and his face was haggard, like a dying man

"Mom, why are you crying?"

She hugged the child and burst into tears

"Mom, mom..." he patted his mother nervously, not knowing how to put his hands and feet Why is mom so sad? He was eager to comfort his mother, but he didn't know what to do. He just shouted, "Mom, mom..."

After a while, Hua Rong stopped crying and stood up. Her legs were soft and she almost fell to the ground Lu Wenlong hurriedly took her hand: "Mom, let's go back." She leaned on her son, and at this moment, she had only this one reliance Lu Wenlong took a childlike fear and uneasiness: "Mom, is it dad? Does Dad beat you and tie you?"

"No, it's my mother who is in a bad mood. She's much better now."

He stared at his mother timidly. For the first time, he saw a woman crying in front of him. The deep sadness made the little boy feel sad. He remembered what happened last night. It turned out that it was not dad who was injured, but his mother

"Mom, didn't you eat today?"

She shook her head. "Mom is not hungry."

"But..." he stopped talking and stopped again Today, he witnessed with his own eyes that Dad ate, drank, talked and galloped with the people on the shooting willow Festival, while his mother was crying here alone. It should be his mother who was injured, isn't it? He thought of something, took out a brocade handkerchief and handed it over, raising his hand to wipe away the tears on his mother's face Hua Rong saw that it was the handkerchief he embroidered for him This intimate feeling once again made her eyes moist and whispered, "son, are you willing to live with your mother in the future?"

"Of course."

"Would you like to live like elong town?"

He said without hesitation, "yes."

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