One Night Bride

Chapter 457

"Son, you have another brother, his name is xiaohutou. When mom has more power, she will connect him together, so that you two brothers can have a real home..."

He doesn't understand what the real "home" means. Isn't it home now? However, he didn't have time to think about it. All his thoughts turned to his brother and excitedly asked, "Mom, really? Do I have a brother? How old is he?"

"He is only three years old, smart and cute."

"Why doesn't mother bring her brother with her? I will take care of him and play with him. Give him all my good things."

Hua Rong was very relieved and stared at the child's kind face: "yes, I will. Mom will pick him up in a few days, but not yet. Now mom doesn't have that ability, so she can only accompany you first."

Lu Wenlong seemed to understand, but his heart was happy. When his mother was in the most difficult time, she accompanied herself first After all, it was a child. He didn't hide his joys and sorrows, and immediately jumped up: "Mom, you're so nice."

"Son, don't tell anyone about it."

"Don't even tell Dad?"

"Yes, this is the secret of you and your mother. No one can tell it. If you let others know, you will be in danger, and so will your mother."

"Then I won't tell anyone."

Hua Rong smiled and looked at the sunset in the distance. On that island, is his son still picking up shells and crabs on the beach? The weather is hot and the sun is hot. You can't be naked anymore, or you will get sunburned Before he left, he made several sweaters for him. King Qin, does he remember to put them on for him? Perhaps, after King Qin got married, he soon had his own children. Maybe he would really ignore xiaohutou? The person who was so deeply trusted also doubted in fear at this moment Who is qualified to get others' kindness unconditionally all his life? If King Qin really doesn't want a tiger head, what should he do?

After a long time of melancholy, she followed Lu Wenlong slowly to the tent and walked towards the unknown world of revenge So far, except for Wang Junhua, Qin Hui, there is simply no shadow What should we do if we delay indefinitely? She gritted her teeth, and if Jin Wushu didn't do it again, she would do it first

In front of the fourth Prince's big tent, the bonfire returned to its former fervor. All the wives, concubines and family members who went out came back and sat in front of the fire to eat and drink, alleviating the fatigue of having fun this day Yelv Guanyin and Wang Junhua sat on both sides of him Her expression was charming: "fourth prince, this is the wine made by my family. Try it..."

Jin Wushu took a gulp, sour and sweet, very delicious, and repeatedly said, "good, very good."

Yelv Guanyin was calm, and even the color on his face was hidden so naturally Wang Junhua doesn't know her inner pride? "Mrs. Yelv prepared a gift for the fourth prince, and my family made a fool of myself..." all the concubines looked at her and wondered what gift she had prepared With a wave of her hand, in front of the fire, a western region woman dressed in tulle, singing and dancing vigorously, holding a copper drummer in her hand, stepping on the beat, walked briskly in The woman sang and danced. She was tall and twisted like a charming snake Not only Jin Wushu, but also other concubines were stunned. Unconsciously, the singing and dancing ended. She slightly untied her veil, with high eyebrows and deep eyes, blue eyes and golden hair

Yelv Guanyin saw that the fourth Prince's eyes were firmly fixed on the towering chest of the western region girl, and immediately realized that he was inferior after all. It turned out that Wang Junhua was good at dancing with long sleeves. Up to now, he really deserves his reputation She hated and envied, but she touched Wang Junhua's eyes and winked. She nodded casually and immediately understood that Wang Junhua was telling herself that finding this enchanting girl was to make the fourth Prince have a new love, so as not to worship flowers as a goddess again

The girl from the western regions poured a glass of wine and came to Jin Wushu. She half knelt down, and her thick red lips sexily tooted into layers of petals of roses. Her voice was blunt: "fourth prince, I give you a toast..."

He took the cup and drank it, laughing: "it's still the crown prince of the king's wife Zhiben. Hahaha, it's very good. Come on, give the pair of earrings given by the wolf Lord to the king's wife."

Wang Junhua took the earrings from the maid's hand and couldn't close his mouth with a smile. He knew that he had another chip on the way to defeat Hua Rong

Jin Wushu proudly hugged the girl from the western regions and sat on his lap. He was full of spring. Suddenly, he heard a cry behind him: "Dad, Dad..."

Jin Wushu stopped and saw his son running over, staring at himself with strange eyes, and looking at the high browed and deep eyed western region girl

He frowned slightly, "son, what's the matter with you?"

Lu Wenlong looked away and said loudly, "Dad, don't you go to see mom?"

"Why should I go to see her?"

"Mom didn't eat all day today."

Jin Wushu put down the beauty of the western regions and stood up Yelv Guanyin and Wang Junhua stared at him nervously. What is the fourth Prince doing? Is it to condescend to invite that woman? Although they didn't know the details of what happened last night, they saw the scar on the fourth Prince's hand and knew that he must have eaten badly Their eyes inadvertently turned to Lu Wenlong again. This damn boy, what do you want him to do?

Wang Junhua took a dish of barbecue and said affectionately, "little prince, you taste it. I baked it myself."

"No. I'm afraid of poison."

Wang Junhua's smile froze on his face, and Lu Wenlong turned around and strode ahead Jin Wushu did not say a word, but also followed up

Wang Junhua and Yelv Guanyin watched his father and son go away, and their anger was like a poisonous snake winding around the bottom of their hearts

Hua Rong, damn Hua Rong

Jin Wushu strode to catch up with his son, but Lu Wenlong turned back and waited for him, with a worried tone: "Dad..."

"What do you want to say, son?"

"I don't think you like your mother very much..."

Jin Wushu was surprised: "why do you say that?"

"Mom is not feeling well today and hasn't eaten for a whole day. However, Dad, you have been happy all day and never looked at mom..." in the eyes of children, eating or not eating is the dividing point between good and bad mood Dad has been having fun today. He must be in a good mood "And that... Demon... She's so terrible, like a monster. Dad, don't be with her..."

Jin Wushu was stunned and understood that his son was talking about the seductive western region girl. He lowered his voice: "son, don't tell your mother..." seeing that his son was silent, he shook his head again: "son, you don't know, your mother didn't allow me to see her."

"However, mom is better than Mrs Wang and Mrs Yelv. Dad, why do you hate her?"

Jin Wushu couldn't laugh or cry, and couldn't answer, so he changed the topic: "where did your mother go today?"

"Mom hid on the grass and cried alone." He looked at his father anxiously, "Dad, don't argue with your mother, OK? Don't tie her..."

"Son, when did I tie her up? She's powerful..." Jin Wushu thought about it badly, stopped talking, and changed the topic again, "son, I brought you some good things back, you go to have a look first, by the way, did you eat?"

"Thank you, Dad. I've eaten the rice that my mother cooked for me."

Jin Wushu was speechless, and Hua Rongdi was strict. They cooked for their son in person. If she was not there, she would always have to cook for the soldiers on duty He sighed secretly. Anyway, she was always sincere to her son Although not his own, far better than his own I felt happy again, as if being good to my son was invisible to me

He opened the curtain of the door and went in. He saw that the house had been completely restored to tidiness. He also sent someone to deliver the broken things. Although it could not be restored, it had a more homely atmosphere than the original magnificence, simple and simple Hua Rong sat at the table with her back to her and didn't know what she was doing As he crept closer, he found a strange map in her hand, and he didn't know what symbols were marked, which he had never seen before

"Hua Rong..."

Hua Rong slowly raised her head and looked at him

Jin Wushu saw that her eyes were slightly red and swollen. Thinking of Lu Wenlong's little report, her mother cried very sad today - why sad? It was myself, not her, who suffered last night Although he hated her, he restrained his tone and said, "have you eaten yet?"

"Fourth prince, there is one thing I need to remind you."

"What's the matter? As long as you say, I'll follow you."

"This is my tent. I want to have a private and secret space. Please don't go in and out casually."

He shouted, "Hua Rong, what do you mean?"

"Men and women are different. You should know this."

He was very angry: "what do you think I will do? Who do you think Prince Ben is? You are not the only woman in the world. If you want women, Prince Ben has plenty."

She looked at him as innocent and wronged, and said faintly, "don't pretend. You know who you are from the bottom of your heart."

"I was... Drunk last night..."

Sure enough! Drunk is always a man's excuse If you are really drunk, how can you move any crooked thoughts? The so-called drunk heart knows He pretended to be confused

"Fourth prince, please pass the message and knock on the door before you come in every time. Otherwise, if you trespass again, don't blame me for being rude."

He was extremely angry: "yes, I just want to intrude. Hua Rong, you accepted the belt, which you accepted yourself..."

She was very impatient and waved her hand, "Yelv Guanyin, there are countless women, so don't go crazy here..."

"Hua Rong, you are jealous! If you are jealous, I can dismiss them all and leave none..."

Hua Rong stood up and smiled: "fourth prince, are you going to let Wang Junhua go? What? Are you reluctant to kill your old friend again?"

He shouted, "Hua Rong, heaven and earth conscience, I want to vomit when I see that woman. It's only because of you that I meander in vain. You even bite LV Dongbin, and don't know a good heart..."

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