One Night Bride

Chapter 458

"Fourth prince, you'd better be calm. If you let Wang Junhua leave, you should know the consequences."

"The prince has already sent heavy troops to guard, not to mention Wang Junhua. Even a fly can't fly out."

"Just keeping it is not the way. You have to try to get Qin Hui to come. After all, his wife is here, isn't she?"

"How can I try? Restart the war?"

Hua Rong was shocked and waved her hand, "fourth prince, sit down and let's sum up." Seeing that Jin Wushu was still standing, she stretched out her hand and poured a cup of herbal tea in front of him: "fourth prince, please drink tea."

Jin Wushu was flattered. He took the tea and drank it slowly. It was an ice green cracked tea cup produced by the official kiln. Only the royal family could treasure it. It also came from the palace of Huizong of Song Dynasty

Hua Rong then slowly opened his mouth and said softly, "fourth prince, since you can control Qin Hui with peace negotiation, why don't you ask him to go to Dajin?"

"I didn't think about it. But he is too high-level, and he is very treacherous. He has become suspicious. It's not easy to make him fall for it, because he exploits loopholes at both ends and flatters at both ends."

"Don't forget that Yu wenxuzhong is also a great scholar."

"It's different. Unless you fight in the city again. Today, if Lin'an used to be Kaifeng, not to mention Qin Hui, Zhao Deji, you have to kneel at your feet and let you deal with it. But, Hua Rong, do you want Lin'an to fight in the city again?"

The flowers dissolved in silence The pain of alien invasion, the disaster of trampling by iron hooves, even if it was revenge for her husband, she would not let the people of the Song Dynasty experience such pain again

"Hua Rong, Wang Junhua can get rid of it at any time, but Qin Hui, I think about it, and there is only one way..."

Her eyes lit up: "what can I do?"

He shut up

She pressed

He then said leisurely, "kill Qin Hui, what good is it for me? With him, we can really implement the peace negotiation and safeguard the interests of Dajin. Killing Qin Hui will do nothing good to Dajin. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you marry me! In this way, at least the crown prince will not lose both human and financial resources."

Hua Rong had no idea: "fourth prince, you always forget one thing."

"What is it?"

"You forget that you are the murderer who killed my husband! Do you think I am so brazen? Marry the enemy who killed my husband, commit myself to serving the enemy, and face you night and night, so that Yue Peng's spirit in heaven is not peaceful?" She seemed to smile, "aren't you afraid that the wronged soul will pinch your neck in the middle of the night?"

He desperately pinched the tea in his hand, almost crushing the icy crack There is indeed a sea of knives and flames between myself and her It's funny that I've been delusional all the time

"Hua Rong, Yue Pengju was killed by Zhao Deji and Qin Hui!"

"Fourth prince, do you dare to do it or not? What is the first point of the Song Jin peace? At least you are also an accomplice! The first accomplice!"

He couldn't answer, and said after a while, "well, I'll try my best to find a way for you to get Qin Hui to Beijing, at least to the border."

Hua Rong was full of expectation: "when?"

"Song qinzong's birthday!"

Hua Rong was surprised, and then she remembered song qinzong, who had long been forgotten Song Huizong died, but song qinzong is not dead, still alive. He is a puppet left by Jin Wushu who is ready to compete with Zhao Deji at any time

"Do you want to support song qinzong?"

"At least it can be used as a bargaining chip. Hua Rong, since you want Qin Hui's life, you have to make a certain sacrifice, otherwise, it is too inconsistent with the interests of Daikin. Even if you want me to die, I can only do so."

Hua Rong watched him get up and go out, took back his eyes, and saw a small box at his feet. When he opened it, it was full of books and jewelry, which was obviously rewarded by the wolf Lord Jin Wushu's footsteps stopped: "these are for you. Huarong, anyway, you should know the crown prince's intentions."

When he walked away, Lu Wenlong slowly came over from the other end of the tent, looked at the box opened in front of his mother, and was worried: "Mom, I saw that my father also gave Mrs. Wang EARRINGS..."

She smiled slightly

Lu Wenlong continued: "Mrs. Wang is really mean. She sent a goblin with deep sockets to my father, which is frightening. Her blue eyes are like ghosts..." the child took the exotic beauty as a monster, "I'm afraid that goblin will harm my father?"

Hua Rong laughed. Jin Wushu was like this. He kept saying that he was "affectionate". As everyone knows, even children can't deceive him However, she is glad that the child can speak like this, which is an independent thinking ability. Although he can't get an accurate answer because of his age, he has been observing quietly and carefully, hasn't he?

She was not in a hurry to speak ill of Jin Wushu in front of her child. She stood up and took a half made sweater and motioned on him, "son, mom will make you a new dress."

Lu Wenlong asked, "Mom, why don't you make one for Dad?"

"Your father has too many clothes to wear. Besides, he doesn't wear our shirt."

"Our shirt" - Lu Wenlong seems to understand this sentence. He only knows that in dad's eyes, this shirt is something he doesn't like very much. He denounces it as being artful. Now, dad likes braided hair and left lapel


Little tiger head chased a strange bird on the beach, took a simple slingshot and took aim quietly

As soon as the slingshot was issued, the bird flapped its wings and flew He was disappointed, clapped his hands, jumped his feet, and suddenly was held up by a big hand: "smelly boy, on a hot day, I told you to put on your clothes, how did you take it off? Where's your hat? Where's your scarf?"

He kicked his legs: "hot, Dad, it's so hot."

King Qin still held him up, with a fierce look: "how many times have I said that? The sun is too big, and it will peel off your skin. Smelly boy, you just don't listen. If I don't beat you, you don't know how powerful..."

The big palm fell on his dark ass, he giggled, bent down obediently, picked up his clothes and put them on. King Qin bent down to help him put on a big straw hat. The little tiger head God was mysterious: "Dad, look, what's behind you?"

King Qin turned to see that there was nothing behind him. Little tiger head quickly took off his big hat of the same color on his head, laughed, turned and ran, shouting while running: "Daddy fool, big fool, hahaha..."

For half a life, I encountered this injustice King Qin was helpless and left his hair untidy. At this time, the sunset had completely sunk into the sea, like a bloody disc

He stared at the disc and sighed. Why didn't the dead girl come back these days? Maybe she even forgot her son, let alone herself, who she had never cared about

He took a few tight steps, grabbed the tiger's head with long hands and feet, and walked away despite his struggle This green land is covered with grass and wild flowers, which is much cooler than the beach outside However, due to the isolation of a boulder, it is usually a forbidden area. Xiaohutou has never been here since his mother left

As soon as his feet touch the ground, he will be like a runaway Mustang. The tiger head will jump with joy, laugh and shout, and chase butterflies and birds However, his small body ran out not far away and was caught back by King Qin. In front of a simple tombstone, he wrote "the tomb of his late husband Yue Pengju"

"Kneel down and kowtow to your father."

Xiaohutou knelt down obediently and kowtowed to the tombstone nine times. Just about to speak, King Qin stared. He dared not speak any more and remained on his knees honestly

For a long time, King Qin didn't speak, but stared at the tombstone How can xiaohutou stand such an atmosphere? My legs are numb on my knees, and I have to get up when I turn over This time, King Qin stopped him and let him run to the front and pick up a lot of strange things before carrying him out

Little tiger head was unwilling to be carried out. When he passed through the crack of the boulder, he dropped a lot of things. He was even more unhappy. He muttered his mouth and ran wildly as soon as his feet touched the beach: "Dad, it's not fun, it's not fun at all..."

Xiaohutou ran for a while. Seeing that my father didn't catch up, he stopped and stamped his feet loudly. The small boots kicked the fine white sand flying around: "Dad, hurry up, hurry up, why are you slow..."

Seeing that Dad ignored him, he leaned over to pick up a red shell and giggled: "this, mom likes it, mom's favorite..."

A jade hand stretched out and held his hand and shell. He raised his head and looked at the person warily: "this is my shell, you return it to me..."

Aunt Xiao released her hand and pointed to Li Tinglan: "young master, please call Mom, please, I'll give you a gift..."

Little tiger looked eagerly at a strange candy in her hand and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He was hesitating whether to call. King Qin came over and picked him up He struggled on King Qin's shoulder and had a backer: "Dad, I want sugar, sugar..."

"Bastard, if you have milk, you are a mother. You have no conscience."

Aunt Xiao changed her face and hurriedly saluted, "Your Majesty..."

King Qin said coldly, "aunt Xiao, what are you doing? Have you forgotten my orders?"

"I dare not overstep half a step."

"Then why did you come here?"

"I just came to visit the young master. I miss the young master very much and miss him..."

"You don't need to worry about this child. Go back. Besides, don't call him a young master in the future."

Aunt Xiao exclaimed, "why?"

King Qin didn't care: "because I want to sell him for a few money. He's just a worker, what do you call him, young master?"

The master and servant looked at each other, wondering what medicine was sold in his gourd

King Qin took the tiger's head and left again. Li Tinglan summoned up her courage, but she still dared not look at his copper bell like eyes, and muttered, "king, I have something to ask. I want to bring a letter to my father..."

"I'll arrange it if necessary." He stared, "marry chicken and dog and dog. Since you are married in Changlin Island, everything should follow the rules of the island. You should face Changlin Island, not your dying father, and be your father's spy all your life."

Li Tinglan dared not say anything anymore. King Qin held up the tiger's head and went to the palace

Aunt Xiao looked at the young lady with tears on her face and lowered her voice hatefully: "this pirate of the evil spirit has put us under house arrest and won't let us have any news with the outside world. The Lord doesn't know how anxious he is..."

Li Tinglan also cried in a low voice: "my family is suffering. How can my father take care of my happiness for the sake of the foundation of the Liao Dynasty?"

Aunt Xiao quickly comforted her: "Miss, don't think too much. Although King Qin and the Lord use each other, once the river comes down, there will always be a day for us to survive."

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