One Night Bride

Chapter 459

Li Tinglan sighed and stood out. Which day is the day of his rise? I have been imprisoned on this isolated island all my life. My beauty is old, my youth is gone, and I have become a victim of political marriage?

"Miss, as long as you give birth to a son and a half as soon as possible, your situation will improve."

Li Tinglan just didn't smell it. She couldn't imagine how she would give birth to a son and a half for this wild man. She would scare most of her soul when she saw it


Little tiger's head was put down and was about to play. He saw dad sitting on a big chair, staring at himself The look was so strange that he was slightly afraid. Recently, he found that dad was always staring at himself in such a strange way He walked quietly, trying to pull his hair as usual Just one step away, King Qin shouted, "stop."

He stood quietly, very clever: "Dad, do you want to drink water?"

"If you want to drink, drink it. There are so many little bunnies. Come and have dinner."

When the meal came up, little tiger head made a lot of noise. He was taken to bed by the wet nurse. King Qin sat down according to the case, carrying a bag of wine in his hand There was a knock on the door, and he shouted to come in. Uncle Yang came in with a crutch and sat down opposite him, but he saw that most of the wine bag in his hand was empty

"Your Majesty, you've been drinking too much lately."

King Qin raised his head, "uncle, according to etiquette, should I visit my father-in-law Yelv?"

"Liu Wu is there. You don't have to show up. Besides, Ma Su hasn't returned yet. There are many things on the island..."

"Uncle, you can handle these things."

"I'm old, I'm out of energy, and I can't do it," he raised his vigilance. "King, you're married soon, and you need to stay on the island for a period of time, sir, next heir..."

"Haha, my son is going to have a baby, and my father-in-law also wants to visit. Besides, land training is the fundamental, and we can't blindly make wedding clothes for Yelv. Since we want to fight the world, I can't always be used by him, but also to protect my own interests."

"Will you take Li Tinglan with you?"

"Those who use Yelv are not allowed to leave the island at all."

Uncle Yang naturally also guarded against Li Tinglan's master and servant, but if he didn't bring Li Tinglan, what would King Qin call on his father-in-law? Even if it's acting, do you have enough props?

"Aunt Xiao is not simple. Since they are married, their masters and servants can't just become spies used by Yelv. People say that if you marry a chicken, marry a dog, marry a dog, and marry Changlin Island, you have to abide by the rules of the island and safeguard the interests of the island."

Uncle Yang stared into his eyes and couldn't see his sincerity and hypocrisy. Did the king figure it out and really want to compete for the world? He was happy and tried to say, "little tiger head, this child is becoming more and more naughty. Your majesty has a lot of things. Staying with you is a serious disturbance to you. It's better to pass him on to me and let me take care of him."

King Qin shook his head, "thank you for worrying, uncle, but I don't think xiaohutou should stay on the island anymore."

These days, King Qin's temper has changed greatly, and he has lost patience with little tiger head. Especially recently, his temper has become worse and worse But Uncle Yang still didn't expect that he was going to drive xiaohutou away He was slightly surprised, "why did your majesty say this?"

"As you said, when I get married, I will have my own son. It's inconvenient for xiaohutou to stay here."

"Why not? Li Tinglan's master and servant are reasonable and won't dislike him. Besides, they agreed when they got married."

"After all, it's not my own. Besides, I'm bored and don't want to take care of this child anymore. I don't like children, let alone the naughty little tiger head, which annoys me."

"In that case, I can take care of it."

"No, I can't see this child, it's inconvenient..."

"However, Hua Rong went away without a trace, and to whom did he give the child? Moreover, Yue Peng died unjustly. He was a hero all his life, leaving such a single seedling. Although we are pirates, we are in love and reason, and we can't let the child wander..."

King Qin was impatient: "I don't want to meddle in the couple's business anymore. This child will always find someone to adopt. No matter how bad it is, and those subordinates of Yue Pengju, I'll throw them to anyone..."

Uncle Yang knew that he was resentful because Hua Rong never came back. After a long time, he was tired, tired, and no longer wanted to pay unconditionally According to his temperament, he would have thrown away the tiger's head long ago. It's hard to wait so long But to send off the tiger head, he really couldn't bear it: "king, I have no children under my knees. When you're away, it's mostly me who takes care of the children. You might as well leave it to me..."

King Qin flatly refused: "no, I don't want to see this little rabbit in my sight anymore." the more he thought, the more angry he became, "Lao Tzu has delayed for Hua Rong for so many years, regardless of life and death, looking for her to save her and help her take care of her son, but how did she repay Lao Tzu? I really regret that I took Lao Tzu as a free nanny. Now I am angry when I see her son. She and Yue Pengju are better off, dead and alive. Why should I raise sons for them? Don't forget that Yue Pengju is even an enemy of Lao Tzu. He took Lao Tzu's wife in his early years, and now he is happy for them Want me to raise a son for him? I'm afraid I can't control my anger one day. I'll kill this boy and get a terrible reputation after saying that I hurt Zhongliang So, this little bastard must be sent away, and he will be sent away tomorrow. If he can't be sent out, he can casually charge a few money to sell him as a boy... "

Uncle Yang couldn't listen, and interrupted him, "if you want to blame me, it's my fault. I forced Hua Rong away. King, are you blaming me?"

King Qin laughed angrily, "yes, I really blame you. But I hate her more. If she had half a friendship with me, she wouldn't listen to you and leave. She was merciless to me, so she took advantage of this excuse. She despised me and never really wanted to marry me..."


Uncle Yang said nothing. These days, King Qin's temper is getting more and more violent. He is not good at himself or anyone. He even ordered Li Tinglan's master and servant to cut off all contact with the outside world. It's useless to let aunt Xiao dance any longer He wanted to persuade again. King Qin was already very impatient: "uncle, I'm tired and I want to sleep."

"Your Majesty, I have something else to talk to you..."

"I don't want to talk today."

Uncle Yang was also angry: "Your Majesty, you have been like this recently. You don't listen to anything. You only drink and do nothing all day long. The backlog of things on the island is endless, and you need to decide."

"You can deal with these trivial things yourself." King Qin's tone is getting worse and worse. "Don't bother me with everything."

Uncle Yang couldn't help it any longer. He stretched out his crutch and pointed to his nose: "king, what's the matter with you? For such a long time, depressed and drunk every day, will you die without that woman?"

"I have long forgotten her. What is she?"

"Forget? If you really forget, it's not this virtue."

King Qin mentioned the wine bag beside him, Gulu Gulu drank most of it, and his eyes were red: "even if she comes back and kneels in front of me, I won't want her. I'll take a few concubines right away..."

He drank up the rest of the wine in one breath and was drunk: "don't underestimate me. There are women in the world. In my life, I have to marry a hundred women. Do you think the world won't turn without her?"

"I just hope you don't duplicity."

"What is duplicity? I married according to your wishes. What else do you want? I'll marry a few more wives and concubines tomorrow and have sevenoreight sons. Why do you adopt xiaohutou? In the future, some children will call you Grandpa."

"Well, you can marry as many women as you want."

King Qin waved his hand, and the things on the table fell to the ground. He raised his knife and stood up: "I'll kill the little rabbit first..."

Uncle Yang hurriedly grabbed him, which really flustered him: "king, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to kill that little bunny, that ungrateful woman..."

"What are you angry with the child?"

"I can't be angry. I've been delayed in the hands of that woman all my life. Only by killing that little rabbit can I vent my great anger..."

Love is deep and hate is deep Uncle Yang firmly stopped him: "king, in that case, send the child away tomorrow."

"No, I have to kill him..."

"Your Majesty, aren't you afraid of being laughed at by heroes all over the world? Yue Pengju, he is a loyal and good man after all, and he died so miserably. Do you still want to help Qin Hui kill his son?"

King Qin's broadsword hung down again, and his blood red eyes stared: "I'll spare his life for the time being, and I'll send him out tomorrow. I don't want to see him more for a day."

Uncle Yang had to go out, and he didn't know whether the change of King Qin was good or bad. It seemed that he didn't recognize his relatives, and his heart was completely hardened

King Qin went to sleep upside down. Like every night these days, he didn't take off his clothes and let the sweat flow, and his face was ignorant

In my sleep, I fell into endless nightmares again. I was in a forest full of flowers. The spring sun shone down. The woman beside me was wearing a light green shirt, carrying a brush, and her face was stained with a mass of ink, like a flower blooming in the crystal clear


She raised her face, her eyebrows and eyes full, infinite tenderness: "qinshangcheng, look at your name, isn't it good-looking?"

He stretched out his hand and hugged her in his arms. Because of such tenderness, he burst all over and couldn't wait: "girl, do you like me?"

"I like it, I like it very much..." her voice is like mosquitoes and gnats, thin, with a blush on her face, like lingering rouge and red clouds

"Girl, girl..." the soft body was held in his arms, and the skin was close to the skin. He only knew to call her a girl, infinite joy. The soft sand under the ground was like the best brocade quilt, and she was under the body, tossing and turning, and the spring dream was infinite

Infinite spring dream, he opened his eyes, blood red eyes, looking at the morning light on the window lattice Everything is illusory, like countless nights, is illusory, just a dream

"Girl, girl..."

With a punch on the collapsed table, the couch table broke into a corner, and sawdust flew everywhere. That kind of deep Acacia, deep miss, and every morning dream were completely disillusioned It's too long. She won't come back, never again The pair of jade hands sewing clothes, the tenderness of wearing a valley towel, the supple charm lying in her arms... It will never happen again, all forgotten, she will never come back automatically again Where on earth is she? Is it dead or alive? What did I get after more than ten years of waiting? He raised his hand again and hung down heavily, as if the couch was her body. He was killed with one blow, never to see again, and it was all over

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