One Night Bride

Chapter 461

King Qin suddenly remembered his long lost Valley towel and his winter sweater. He sighed a long sigh. If he wanted to go back to that day again, he wondered whether there would be hope in his life

"Dad, why did you want to beat the tiger's head before?"

King Qin looked at the ghost child and touched his head: "son, it still hurts now?"

The little tiger nodded vigorously and asked indomitably, "Dad, why do you want to beat the little tiger's head?" Because I haven't beaten before, it's very strange and wronged

"I haven't beaten you yet."

No beating? The soul also scared most of it Little tiger scratched his head. If he couldn't say such a thing, he kept pulling his hair: "Dad, will you hit me again in the future? Don't hit little tiger's head in the future, OK?"

"If you don't wear clothes, you'll be beaten." King Qin took another gadget out of his arms and coaxed him, "when you get ashore, dad will buy you candied haws."

"Hello" little tiger head laughed happily, forgot to ask, put his fingers in his mouth, drooling, and his eyes were full of sweet candied haws flying around

Overhead, seabirds flew by in droves. Little tiger head rode on daddy's shoulder and kept reaching out to catch it, but he couldn't catch any. He was carefree and giggled King Qin has been holding him, as if tireless At the same time, Liu Zhiyong dared not come over. Seeing King Qin's previous anger, he was as frightened as others. But at this time, he saw the vicissitudes of King Qin's face, leopard like eyes, full of loneliness, and sitting on his shoulders with his son who did not belong to him, as if he were the most patient father in the world As such, how can you really throw away the tiger's head?

He walked slowly over: "Your Majesty."

"What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, where is xiaohutou settled?"

"With me."

"It's a long way to Liao, and I'm afraid of any accident. The tiger's head is too small to go on the road."

"I have my own arrangements. What are you talking about?"

"King..." Liu Zhiyong's voice didn't fall, and his head was empty. Xiaohu's head was bright and handy. He had stretched out his hand to take off his headscarf, waved it in his hand, and giggled: "bad guy, you don't want me to be with Dad, bad guy..." he danced happily, and as soon as his hand was soft, the headscarf swayed obliquely into the sea with the wind

King Qin seemed to see something funny and strange, and laughed: "smelly boy, you are a good role in playing tricks on people. You are really a bad boy..."

Seeing that their father and son were overjoyed, Liu Zhiyong knew that King Qin's doting on the child had entered the bone marrow, and it was useless to persuade him, so he stopped talking. As he was about to leave, King Qin suddenly called him, "go and prepare for a rich meal in the evening."

Liu Zhiyong had some accidents

"Get more things that little tiger head likes to eat, count what's in the cabin, and then decorate the cabin."

He dared not ask why, so he had to prepare

Little tiger's head returned to its former liveliness and nimbleness, and kept running around on the high deck, curiously watching the sailors on the ship decorate back and forth, and put on lanterns and decorations, as if they were going to celebrate a grand festival

"Dad, what are they doing?"

King Qin smiled mysteriously and hugged him, "because someone is going to have a birthday."

"Who's having a birthday?"

"Little tiger head."

The little tiger frowned and shouted, "OK, I'm going to wear new clothes."

Every year when he was born, his mother would prepare a new suit and many delicious things King Qin himself never had a birthday, but he suddenly remembered that when Hua Rong entrusted the child to himself, he had said his birthday. On a whim, he remembered that his birthday was just a few days ago, and immediately made plans to celebrate the child's birthday He did this for the first time, but when he saw his son in high spirits, he was also full of joy, happier than his birthday

"Dad, but I don't have new clothes. Mom didn't make new clothes this year."

"When you see your mother, ask her to make up."

"Wait for Dad's birthday, and ask mom to make new clothes?"

King Qin couldn't answer any more. His gentle hands seemed to stay on his head, combing his hair, and the remaining warmth was still there She knows and knows clearly in her heart that the girl should treat herself well. At least for a period of time, she wants to spend her whole life with herself wholeheartedly Depressed for a long time, I couldn't help but raise the tiger's head, throw it into the air and catch it again. My heart was surging, and I couldn't wait to see the woman in my dream at the next glance

"Cluck, Dad, when can we see mom?"

"Soon, son, you can see it after your birthday."

Girl, damn girl, where is it now? Can't you even remember your son's birthday?

When the sun rose, Lu Wenlong ran back with several long golden lotus flowers and shouted, "Mom, look, what a good flower..."

Hua Rong smiled and walked out of the tent to meet him. He took out a vase and filled it with clear water. Five golden lotus flowers were inserted in layers, fragrant and beautiful These days, every day this big vase will be replaced with a new kind of flower. Lu Wenlong goes in and out of the tent and feels that the tent is always so neat and fragrant

"Mom, I didn't like living in tents before, but this year, I suddenly like living in tents."

Hua Rong looked at the vase and felt satisfied. She asked softly, "why?"

"Because the previous tent didn't arrange flowers, and it wasn't so clean and tidy. Mom, why do you always make everything so neat?"

Hua Rong laughed and took his hand. "Look, son, what good things has mom prepared for you?"

Lu Wenlong walked over and saw that there was a rich breakfast, solid cakes, and a bowl of novelty he had never seen before: in the rose red porcelain bowl produced by Jun kiln, two white eggs with red granulated sugar were glittering and translucent, steaming, and floating out a sweet fragrance

"Mom, what is this?"

"This is an egg in syrup. My mother can't find an egg, so she casually finds a few wild eggs to make up. In my mother's hometown, if someone has a birthday, she will eat this egg in syrup."

"Mom, is it your birthday? Today?"

Hua Rong smiled but couldn't help crying. Today is xiaohutou's birthday That summer, Peng Ju returned with great success and hurried on his way day and night. At the painful moment when he was giving birth, he fell from the sky and held his hand: "sister seventeen, I'm back, I'm here, don't be afraid..." the two had a hard-earned son, but the husband was gone, and the son couldn't be around

Seeing her crying, Lu Wenlong hurriedly comforted her: "Mom, don't be sad..."

Hua Rong wiped away her tears and smiled and pushed the bowl in front of him: "son, today is my brother's birthday. You help him eat the sugar eggs. It's your birthday in two months. Then, mom will make you something better."

"You helped your brother eat the sugar eggs", although he was a little boy, he also felt a burst of unspeakable sadness He took chopsticks and a small spoon: "Mom, in the future, all my good things will be given to my brother. How about playing with him?"

Flowers melt and don't open their eyes, and they can no longer suppress the sadness and sadness in their hearts Little tiger head's birthday today, who else in the world knows? King Qin, he doesn't know whether he remembers it or not

Jin Wushu stopped at the door and listened to the slight cry from the tent and the frightened consolation of his son: "Mom, don't be sad... Don't be sad..."

This woman, this tough woman, will cry like this

He was about to open the curtain and go in. Suddenly, he remembered her warning, coughed, and then "knocked on the door": "Hey, Hua Rong, the crown prince is looking for you. Can you come in?"

Hua Rong wiped her eyes with a wet handkerchief and wiped them thoroughly with a dry handkerchief before saying faintly, "please come in."

Jin Wushu stared at her face for a few times, and Hua Rong looked away. Lu Wenlong was elated and pushed his bowl in front of him: "Dad, this thing is really delicious. Try it..."

Hua Rong pushed the bowl back: "son, you eat. There's more here."

Jin Wushu couldn't believe it: "do I have it?"

Perhaps it was thinking of his son, who had never been mild on Huarong noodles. He handed him the same red bowl. In the white porcelain body, there were red granulated sugar, snow-white wild eggs, and the red heart in the middle, which was a kind of pink color

Lu Wenlong finished his food in twos and threes. Seeing that Dad hadn't moved, he pushed the chopsticks to him and urged him, "Dad, it's delicious. Eat it quickly."

He picked up the chopsticks and found that his son was so skilled in holding chopsticks He was thoughtful, but did not say anything. He just held the bowl and tasted it slowly. After eating, he put down the bowl: "Huarong, thank you."

She said lightly, "no, today is my son's birthday, which is his favorite food. I can't accompany him this year, and I hope to accompany him on his birthday next year."

next year? Can she finish her revenge plan next year? Jin Wushu patted his son on the shoulder: "you go out first, I have something to say to your mother."

Lu Wenlong looked at his mother. Seeing her mother nodding, he took the bow and arrow out, walked to the door of the tent, looked back, and saw that there was no sign of quarrel between Dad and mother, so he left at ease

As soon as he left, Jin Wushu said, "Hua Rong, the crown prince has discussed with the wolf Lord and is ready to use song qinzong to restrain Zhao Deji."

Her eyes lit up: "in this way, Qin Hui will be sent to the Golden State?"

He hesitated for a moment: "don't hold too much hope, Qin Hui is crafty. I'm afraid he will try his best to dodge."

"The fourth prince, as long as you specify that he should come, he dare not not come."

"Hua Rong, maybe you overestimate the crown prince."

No one understands Zhao Deji's fear better than Hua Rong. As long as Zhao Deji hears the sentence "the golden soldier is coming", he will be impotent for life and lose his sons and grandchildren He wants to live in peace in the south of the Yangtze River. As long as the Jin state lists Qin Hui as an envoy, how dare he refuse?

Seeing the unpredictable expression on her face, Jin Wushu sighed, "it may be possible to kill Qin Hui. However, don't forget that the real primary culprit is Zhao Deji. In this life, I'm afraid you won't want to kill him."

Her eyes were crazy, her heart was eager, and she was very excited: "don't worry about it first. Kill Qin Hui first, Zhao Deji, and I'll find a way by myself."

"Zhao Deji, I really can't help you."

"Of course, I didn't expect you to bring Zhao Deji to the kingdom of Jin."

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