One Night Bride

Chapter 462

Her face rose a red cloud because of excitement, and her arm was held on the table next to her. Beside her was the large bottle of golden lotus. People and flowers formed an interesting contrast, so beautiful He looked around the refreshing room, because he had been used to and fell in love with the diaoliang mansion of the Han people in his early years, and regarded the tent only as the need of war or temporary shelter for vacation, and never felt at home At this time, just like my son, I felt strange: why is there such a strong feeling of home here? Or, as long as this woman is there, there is a feeling of home?

He coughed again, stretched out his hand, and wanted to grasp the red hands as jade as the Golden Lotus He just stretched out, Hua Rong stood up, still with that kind of eager excitement, and even a smile: "fourth prince, if you can kill Qin Hui and his wife, your hatred and I will be written off."

He was overjoyed, and forgot his outstretched hand in the air. His voice trembled, "is that true?"

"Seriously!" She gritted her teeth. "As long as you kill Qin Hui and his wife, you and I will lose our gratitude and resentment. It's my own business to revenge Zhao Deji later."

At this moment, my heart seemed to be more relaxed than ever before It's his dream to eliminate the resentment with this woman - to be exact, to eliminate the hatred with her After getting rid of national hatred, now there is only family hatred. If these are gone, and the two people, like strangers, meet again in a certain place, will they still be so cold faced and draw swords at each other?

Never again

He laughed, whistled, turned and walked out

Walked to the door, stopped again, looked back at her: "Hua Rong, I will try my best."

"I hope so."

From a distance, Wang Junhua jumped into the lake. A thick red willow covered a corner of the lake. Her body invaded the water. Next to it, Yelv Guanyin leaned over

"Sister, the fourth Prince has been more interested in you recently."

Wang Junhua looked at a trace of jealousy in her eyes and was happy: "where is the fourth Prince's pity for my family? He is greedy for Xi Nuer..." Xi Nuer "is her Chinese name for the beauty of the western regions

Yelv Guanyin was very curious. He could only secretly hate that he was one step behind. He would go to find a beautiful woman later, but for a moment, where could he find it?

Wang Junhua observed his words and expressions and lowered his voice: "sister, I have good news."

"Sister, speak quickly."

"The fourth Prince is infatuated with ugly slaves and will officially give her a title in a few days."

Yelv Guanyin was half surprised and half disappointed: "make her a princess?"

"Sister joked. Although the ugly slave is favored, the position of the princess can only be your sister. Which round can you get her? Sister and rest assured, you see, these days, the fourth Prince rarely looks for her?"

"Sister is really clever."

Wang Junhua could no longer hide his fierce jealousy: "it's not enough to rely on ugly slaves alone, sister, we must make a quick decision..."

Yelv Guanyin nodded hurriedly, but she had another plan in her heart. Her situation was different from that of Wang Junhua. Wang Junhua and Hua Rong had a big hatred, which needed to be solved urgently. Either you die or I live But I can relax myself She thought of the medicine given by Yelv, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "as long as our sisters are united?"

"Yes. That bitch doesn't understand the temper of the fourth prince, and always likes to fight against him. He thinks that being against him can be more innovative and win the favor of the fourth prince. As everyone knows, a man can allow you to be angry once and twice. If you are angry more, it will become a burden. How can men in the world not like tenderness, but like fierce and jealous women?"

Yelv Guanyin sighed, "is ginger old and spicy, or does my sister have a thorough study of men?"

Wang Junhua was very proud: "even the emperor of the Song Dynasty didn't pay attention to it, and even dared to assassinate the emperor. If she knew how to flatter men a little, she wouldn't have to be like a lost dog to this point. Finally, the fourth prince was soft hearted and took her in... Alas, who in the world can be as tolerant and magnanimous as the fourth prince?"

Yelv Guanyin's face was red and white. Naturally, he thought of his red apricots coming out of the wall and coming back here. He thought that Wang Junhua was referring to mulberry and locust trees, but he could only force himself to hold back and cursed secretly: "one day, I want you to look good."

After a new rain, the air was moist, and it was a rare cool and overcast day

For several days, the fourth Prince lingered around Xi Nuer, and the concubines clearly found that the jewelry on her body had changed qualitatively day by day In addition, everyone knew that she was the king's wife, so the concubines fell with the wind and knew the strength of this move. Their attitude towards Wang Junhua became more and more flattering. By contrast, Yelv Guanyin was ignored, because everyone really couldn't see that she had a chance to win over Wang Junhua

Even Wang Junhua, seeing the eyes of the fourth prince, was jealous at this moment. As soon as the fourth Prince stretched out his hand, Xi Nuer walked over with a smile, leaned over, sat in his arms, picked up a glass of wine and handed it to his mouth. Her voice was soft and stiff: "the fourth Prince... The fourth Prince..." she could only speak simple local language, and could not even make a sentence at all

Jin Wushu drank, hugged the beauty, looked around, and was very complacent: "such a beautiful day, drinking is coke, but the crown prince also wants to drink a cup of tea..."

A concubine hurried to bring milk tea, and Jin Wushu shook his head, "haha, what's the taste of milk tea when it's rough?"

Wang Junhua personally poured him a glass of wine: "such a happy moment, how can you not see flowers dissolve to participate?"

Jin Wushu's eyes were sharp, and Wang Junhua immediately silenced, but he was secretly proud. He really longed for the flowers to dissolve here at this time and witness this scene. Otherwise, she really took herself as the hostess, thinking that she could be unique in the eyes of the fourth prince

No one can expect to become the uniqueness of the fourth prince

At the door, a soft voice said, "who wants to invite me?"

All eyes were attracted, and even Xi Nuer, who couldn't understand, drifted past

The curtain of the tent was lifted, and the slender woman came in She wore a lavender gauze shirt, a purple skirt with the same color at the waist, flowing clouds and water sleeves, black hair in a high bun, and a pearl hairpin inserted at the temples, swaying step by step It was the dress of a pure song beauty, with her snow-white wrist exposed and holding a child dressed in powder and jade The child wears a prince's suit, but it has been cleverly improved. In its splendor, it shows the elegance of the Southern Dynasty. He even wears a headscarf. When he raises his hands and feet, he has the style of the forest at a young age

This pair of jade people seem to have just come down from a picture of a prosperous age

Like the first blooming Golden Lotus on the grassland, its white face is whiter than the latest tender jasmine, and its slightly opened red lips, like the petals of a rose, bloom slowly When she smiled, her long eyelashes moved and her eyes rolled slightly. Everyone in the audience seemed to be in her gentle vision, but everyone felt that she was looking at herself alone Jin Wushu stared at her. For a moment, his brain was blank. He only saw red lips moving and didn't understand what she was talking about

"Daddy, Daddy..."

Lu Wenlong's voice woke him up. With a "ouch" sound, Xi Nuer found that he had fallen heavily on the ground, and the gauze clothes "pounced" and tore off a large amount

"Come on, take a seat for the lady, take a seat for the prince, come on..."

Next to the table of the fourth prince, a rose red table was immediately placed. Jin Wushu was busy: "Hua Rong, what do you want to eat? Son, what do you want to eat?"

Delicious food came in turns. Jin Wushu looked at what was missing and immediately handed over a dish of game on his table. It was a very rare wild bird in the tribute. There was only one dish, and no one else had it except him

Seeing the rarity, Lu Wenlong immediately took a piece and put it in his mother's plate. Then he ate one by himself, and exclaimed, "it's delicious, mom, it's delicious, you have a taste..."

Jin Wushu looked at her expectantly, like offering a treasure. She took a fork, slowly picked a small piece into her mouth, chewed and swallowed slowly At this moment, Jin Wushu was stunned again. He had never seen it in his life. He could eat so dignified and elegant

Is it tolerable or intolerable All the camouflage and generosity collapsed in an instant. She looked at Xi Nuer, winked and motioned Xi Nuer understood, slowly stood up, and said, "the fourth Prince... The fourth Prince..."

"Go down, you go down immediately."

He looked at Huarong, who was tasting game, as if he didn't feel it He breathed a sigh of relief, but in a blink of an eye, he touched his son's eyes, full of suspicion, worry, and even anger

"The fourth Prince... The fourth Prince..." Xi Nuer was tired of speaking, and Jin Wushu frowned, "go down, and never enter this tent again."

Xi Nuer was at a loss and looked at Wang Junhua again. Jin Wushu shouted, "don't you get out?"

The tent was silent, and the situation changed in an instant, and the new favorite of the fourth prince was driven out of the tent Why did you come? Hua Rong raised his head, looked around like nothing happened, took a cup of sake handed by Jin Wushu, put his sleeves around the cup, and took a gentle sip

Wang Junhua's eyes are almost bleeding, flattering, so blatantly flattering The fourth Prince unexpectedly so flatters a person However, her anger was too late to swallow, and she heard such a harsh voice: "Dad, I don't like that monster, it's too terrible..."

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