One Night Bride

Chapter 479

Several bodyguards in charge of the peripheral guard also rushed up, looking at Lu Wenlong's face full of blood, shocked

Wu Qimai had nothing to do. Holding the child in his arms, he turned over and ran in the direction of the convertible. As he ran, he shouted, "witch doctor, find a witch doctor..."

A black steed, whirling through the mangrove forest, near the direction of the big tent

The big tent was still noisy, and the crowd was mixed. Hua Rong looked around and saw no sign of his son. He was about to turn his horse back to the small tent, but he saw a horse rushing madly, and people ran away

After seeing it clearly, Wu Qimai was even more surprised. What happened?

Wu Qimai held a man in her hand. As soon as she looked at the dress, her face changed, and her heart jumped with a thump. She jumped off the horse and rushed over. At this time, Wu Qimai also jumped off the horse and shouted, "witch doctor, witch doctor..."

She took a step and shouted, "Wu Qimai, what's the matter?"

Wu Qimai knelt down as soon as his legs softened and his hands loosened. Lu Wenlong almost fell to the ground. He was so frightened that he was incoherent: "madam, the little prince, the little prince..."

Hua Rong's legs were also soft, and he hugged his son. He was covered with blood, as if he had just fallen from a high place

Her heart was broken, and her half-aged child was so heavy that she could hardly hold it. She fell to the ground at once, and did not care to check her son's injury. She hurriedly took a bottle of pills from her arms and poured them into his mouth After seven or eight pills in a row, she stopped trembling, looked blankly at the blood stain on her son's face, reached out to her nose, and seemed to have no breath

"Wen long... Wen long... Son... Son..."

Tears surged wildly. She fumbled for two black pills from her arms and stuffed them into Lu Wenlong's mouth without thinking At this time, he couldn't swallow it. Hua Rong patted his vest. With a smooth breath and a gulp, the pill fell into his stomach

The witch doctor in black robes had rushed to the place. In the cries of the children, Hua Rong looked and saw behind him that a man picked up an eight or nine year old child and cried bitterly. The child was also flesh and blood blurred and had stopped breathing

She didn't have time to ask what happened, and immediately caught the witch doctor: "save the child..."

The witch doctor knelt on the ground, chanting words, and I don't know what water he took to sprinkle on Lu Wenlong's head. Then he touched Lu Wenlong's head, his eyes showing disappointment, and shook his head: "little prince, he has been taken away by Haotian God..."

Hua Rong was furious and roughly lifted him up: "what are you talking about? Get out..."

The witch doctor retreated. Hua Rong picked up the child and ran to the tent. The crowd hurried around. She shouted as she ran, "hurry, get water, pound herbs..."

All hands and feet took out various herbs for the treatment of trauma according to her instructions, got warm water, dissolved and stirred the flowers, and took several drugs for his son. At this time, Lu Wenlong was still silent

She twisted her veil and wiped the blood all over her son's body. There were scars on his forehead and body, his hands were cut, and his clothes were torn

Wipe the blood, sweat almost completely confused her eyes, easily wiped the blood, suddenly remembered something, and shouted: "where is the fourth prince?"

Everyone stammered, and the fourth Prince didn't explain his whereabouts, even Wu Qimai didn't know

Hua Rong was furious. When something like this happened, Jin Wushu didn't even have a personal shadow. Where did he go to have fun? Still keep loving his son, is that how he loves him?

In a twinkling of an eye, there were many people outside the tent, including concubines of Jin Wushu, Wang Junhua and Yelv Guanyin, all showing their concern

"What happened to the little prince?"

"Did the little prince wake up?"

"Get out, get out, you all get out... Wu Qimai, immediately order that no one is allowed to approach the tent..."

Wu Qimai waved his hand, and the crowd left in a hurry

Hua Rong calmed down a little at this time, and suddenly whispered, "Wu Qimai, you immediately send people, and no one is allowed to approach the tent, and no one is allowed to leave... Remember, no matter who, no one is allowed to leave, and wait for the fourth prince to come back to deal with..."

Wu Qimai had known her for many years, but they almost never talked. At this moment, he suddenly heard her give orders. He felt strange, but he didn't dare to disobey her at all, and immediately took the order

Countless herbs were piled in the room. After taking a look at them, she reached for her son's nose again. Although it was still cold, she was sure that her son was still alive

With a slight relaxation in his heart, he immediately got up and carefully examined his son's whole body

Wu Qimai has returned. She hurriedly asked, "where did Wen long go today?"

"He said he saw two little bears and must go hunting. When I heard his cry, I saw that he and the horse were very frightened..." Wu Qimai doubted him, thinking that the child and the horse were scared by the little bear

"What did he eat today?"

"The little prince has been eating in the small tent. I prepared water for him myself. There is no problem."

When Hua Rong asked, he had already checked his son's whole body, and turned up his eyelids to see that there was no sign of poisoning Was it really just a fall from a horse? What terrible things did they see? One child died and the other was injured? It was a feeling of heartbreak and self reproach. If he hadn't stayed outside for a long time, maybe his son wouldn't have died miserably

It seemed that the crying of the child's father could be heard faintly outside. The child died on the spot, and there was no room for rescue Hua Rong sighed and held his son's hand. His heart was still full of doubts. His son was skilled in riding. Although he was young, many adults couldn't match him. How could he be so out of control?

When he was confused, he heard Wu Jimai's voice: "fourth prince, fourth prince, you are back..."

The voice did not fall, only heard the sound of rapid running, Jin Wushu almost rushed in, his voice trembling: "son, son, what's the matter with you..."


Hua Rong stepped aside and looked at him coldly. Jin Wushu grabbed his son's hand and saw his son unconscious. He didn't even answer a few shouts He hurriedly asked Hua Rong, "what happened to the child? What happened?"

The flower dissolves without opening

He was angry: "Hua Rong, you are talking..."

Wu Qimai came in from the door and whispered about the matter He was relieved that the child had fallen off his horse? He turned to Hua Rong, but he saw that Hua Rong had turned sideways and looked carefully at the child's whole body, from fingernails to toenails, and even eyebrows and hair

"Hua Rong, what's the situation?"

Hua Rong turned a deaf ear, didn't answer him anything, withdrew his hand, looked at his son's closed eyes, and fell into meditation She was also very frightened. Although her son hadn't stopped breathing, there was no sign of improvement These days, when we get along day and night, the emotion between mother and son heats up rapidly. The child's kindness, dependence and maintenance to himself are not inferior to his own son The more nervous she was, the more heartbroken she was. She couldn't hear what Jin Wushu was talking about

Jin Wushu couldn't get any answer. He gasped and reached out to touch his son's breath: "witch doctor, go and call the witch doctor..."

The witch doctor is waiting outside the door and is ordered to come in immediately

"Come on, look at the little prince..."

The witch doctor had already sentenced Lu Wenlong to death, but now the fourth Prince ordered strictly, but he didn't dare not to obey. He came forward to look at Lu Wenlong's head and face, took Lu Wenlong's hand, and suddenly showed surprise on his face. He glanced at Huarong and muttered words in his mouth. He found that the child was still alive

Jin Wushu looked at Hua Rong with his eyes and was also surprised. Hua Rong then asked the witch doctor, "do you think he was poisoned?"

The witch doctor checked carefully, looked all over the body, and couldn't say why. He just shook his head violently, "it's not poison, it's not poison..."

Hua Rong was cold and didn't speak anymore

The witch doctor sprinkled some black Potion on Lu Wenlong's wound. It didn't help, so he had to retreat

The room became quiet again, and Jin Wushu walked around: "how could this child fall off his horse so carelessly?"

Hua Rong said, "he's not injured, he's poisoned!"

"Ah? How could it? There is no sign of poisoning..."

"It's not poison? What wound can hurt like this? Look at his hands and feet, the wound, which is not deep into the bone marrow at all, but an illusion of injury. This kind of skin injury is not fatal at all..."

Jin Wushu looked carefully, and it turned out that it was just some skin injuries. According to common sense, it was impossible to be so unconscious

Hua Rong suddenly asked, "where is the dead child?"

Jin Wushu immediately understood his meaning and rushed out immediately By the lake, the father of the child is holding a sad cremation, and he and his favorite pony are ready to be put into a raging fire

After a while, Jin Wushu returned to the tent and was very surprised: "that child really died of injury. He was trampled on his head by a crazy horse and died on his chest..."

While talking, Hua Rong took a small medicine bottle out of her arms and poured it into her son's mouth again

"Huarong, what medicine is this?"

All kinds of poisons are rampant in the serpent tribe. Poisonous flowers grow and overcome each other. There are many strange pills refined by ancient priests in the tribe. The flowers dissolve alone. For fear of accidents, the serpent gave her some of the most effective and precious to take with her At that time, seeing that his son was injured, the dead horse was treated as a live horse doctor, so he took some of everything. Unexpectedly, he saved his life temporarily It was for this reason that she judged that her son must have been poisoned

Seeing that she didn't answer, Jin Wushu asked, "poison? Who will poison the child?"

Hua Rong's eyes flashed two faces, either Wang Junhua or Yelv Guanyin. What else to say?

She glanced at Jin Wushu angrily: "what are you doing? Your son is not in the event of an accident..."

Jin Wushu shouted, "I'm looking for you! If you haven't come back for a long time, I'll go to you for fear of any accident!"

She sneered, "what can happen to me? Are you afraid that I'll run away and you won't get the antidote? I tell you, if my son dies, I'll never give you the antidote."

Jin Wushu was furious: "unkind woman, I'm worried about you. I'm afraid you're in danger, so I went to Yanjing to find you..."

"Are you so kind?!"

Jin Wushu gasped heavily and found that the harmony between the two people was not easy to establish. Her deliberate tenderness and good attitude a few days ago were swept away because of her son's accidental poisoning The two men have completely returned to the state of mutual hostility

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