One Night Bride

Chapter 482

"Hua Rong, waiting like this is not the way. I'll send someone to search immediately. The fourth Prince's mansion will go up and down, and turn upside down to find the antidote..."

"Fourth prince, you are wasting your energy like this. Which poisoner would be stupid enough to hide the antidote on his body waiting for you to search?"

Jin Wushu was tongue tied: "Hua Rong, then you say, what should I do?"

Hua Rongwei pondered and asked, "fourth prince, who do you think the killer is most likely?"

He resolutely said, "either Wang Junhua or Yelv Guanyin, the latter is more likely."

Hua Rong was surprised. Since his heart was like a mirror, why did he allow Yelv Guanyin to return?

"However, I have carefully asked those children and interrogated Wu Qimai and others. They can't have a chance at all. Is there anyone else besides them?"

This is also where Hua Rong was confused. Logically, Lu Wenlong never had any contact with the two people at all. She checked the kettle he took and the food he ate, and there was really no trace of poisoning She even studied the remaining water in the kettle carefully, and there was no problem, nor was there any problem in the green grass where the accident occurred

"Hua Rong, what do you think?"

Hua Rong was about to answer, but she forgot something. She touched the child's breath, and suddenly felt a slight heat, but she remained silent for a while, until she was sure that the child's breath really fluctuated significantly Jin Wushu waited for her answer and saw a flash of joy on her face Suspicious, he reached out to his son's nose, and sure enough, there was a slight heat He was overjoyed and really jumped up. He was about to speak, but Hua Rong drank in a low voice: "don't make public..."

He immediately silenced, his voice trembling slightly, and whispered, "is the child saved?"

Hua Rong didn't know which medicine had the effect. The medicine of the serpent tribe was really effective

"Hua Rong, what medicine did you use?"


Jin Wushu stared at her wary eyes, his heart was cold, and sank: "Hua Rong, you always guard against me!?"

"Yes?" She played down

"Hua Rong, I've never been wary of you!"

Who knows!

Hua Rong can't understand. Why does he always mention these annoying things at such a moment?

She said faintly, "fourth prince, go and have a rest. I will deal with it myself."

He was very stubborn: "no, my son, I don't trust."

Hua Rong no longer said anything, but leaned on the head of the bed to close her eyes and recuperate

Jin Wushu also sat on the chair and never left

The torrential rain has not stopped for a moment since last night I don't know what frightened me, a group of birds flew by in the rain on the tree, making a frightening sound Jin Wushu's legs and feet were numb. He stood up and walked outside the door to have a look at the endless green grass, which was covered by layers of rain, vaguely, a water world Looking back, Hua Rong leaned against the head of the bed and closed her eyes. She was very tired between her eyebrows. In her sleep, she held her son in one hand and still held the bow tightly in the other hand. Her fingers were extremely pale

The wind blew gently, bringing a chill. He saw the flowers dissolve and shrink, and coughed gently He looked around, took a small brocade blanket, walked over and gently covered her Hua Rong suddenly woke up, and the small bow was habitually waved. Jin Wushu couldn't dodge. He hit his shoulder with a heavy bow, which was painful

He screamed, Hua Rong suddenly got up, saw the blanket on his body slipping, looked at the eyes of Jin Wushu, and said faintly, "fourth prince, sorry..."

Sorry to say so gently, the burning pain on your shoulder suddenly subsided, and Jin Wushu covered his shoulder: "it's OK. Flowers dissolve, the weather is cold, you should add clothes..."

Outside, there were bodyguards who came to deliver breakfast, and the table was full of all kinds of food

Hua Rong simply combed and sat down tired, and Jin Wushu immediately pushed two dishes that met her taste in front of her I don't know why, when my son was dying, he subconsciously wanted to be close to her, as if the bond was broken, and the two of them were separated

Hua Rong ate something, looked up and saw that Jin Wushu was devouring it. He was hungry all night As he ate, he looked up and saw Hua Rong looking at him. He was stunned, as if there were some foreign matter on his face, but he was slightly embarrassed

There is a heavy rain outside, and there is nothing to say inside. Such a strong feeling is the feeling of a family, working together for a common goal and a common beloved

"Hua Rong, don't worry, I will cure my son anyway."

I hope so. As long as he is willing to sincerely think of the children

The heavy rain stopped, and at noon, the sun rushed into the sky Rain washed prairie, clear sky, grassland is a deep dark green Jin Wushu held up a handful of wild flowers and put them on the table. He saw the flowers sitting at the end of the bed, sewing a leopard skin dress That was the first leopard that Lu Wenlong shot. It was originally given to his mother

"Hua Rong, this is from my son."

Hua Rong bit off the needle and thread: "I'll make a winter coat for my child. Once I go to Beijing, the weather will be cold, and he can use it..." she looked at the big bunch of wild flowers and remembered that a few days ago, her son came back from picking Golden Lotus flowers every day, and the flowers that change constantly every day. He said, only in this way can she feel at home Such a lively child, now lying in bed motionless, life and death do not know She stood up with a sigh, silently took a few and inserted them in the vase of Jun kiln

Such a simple bunch of flowers, when in the vase, suddenly become scattered and beautiful, adding a charm out of thin air Jin Wushu looked around and found that for such a moment, the tent seemed to change in a short time, and it was so elegant, clean and tidy He was so excited that he ran to his son's bed and held his hand: "son, wake up quickly, mom will pack the tent like you like again, and mom will fry tea for you..."

Lu Wenlong's eyes were closed and he was still unconscious

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Hua Rong: "in the plague at the beginning of the year, my own sons were almost dead. I was also very sad. I once asked for divination, asked for the practice of witch doctors, and longed to have my own son again... But now, if Wen long could wake up, I would rather not have my own son in this life!"

Hua Rong was shocked

This remark, compared with Jin Wushu's sweet words to himself, was a strong impact At this moment, he is not acting, not acting at all, but from the deepest father's love, the most sincere feelings a man can have

That is a female intuition. For the first time in his life, the treacherous and sinister fourth prince can be so sincere!

She closed her eyes slightly and didn't make a sound. After a long time, she felt the medicine bottle in her arms, estimated that the time was up, and took two pills for her son


Jin Wushu also stretched out his hand to touch it. This time, his son's breathing was much more uniform His heart relaxed slightly, with a trace of joy, looking at the clothes on the mattress, tiger skin, leopard skin, after simple sewing, with some simple tortoiseshell, shell and other inlays, it looks beautiful and generous, all of which are Lu Wenlong's winter clothes

He laughed, "Hua Rong, my son has kept the tiger skin clothes you made for him in elong town. Later, he grew up and couldn't wear it anymore. He also kept it all the time and refused to throw it away. This child..."

"Fourth prince, if the child wakes up, I will also make you a tiger skin dress."

Jin Wushu opened his mouth wide and suddenly turned his head. His eyes were dry and astringent After a while, he looked back. At this time, Hua Rong had taken out the medicine and began to wipe some surface scars on his son

In a moment of passion, he was almost incoherent: "Hua Rong, you can actually pick up your son. The crown prince vowed to treat him kindly in this life, just like to Wen long..."

Hua Rong laughed, and her hand couldn't help pausing Let Jin Wushu raise and take care of Yue Pengju's son? Can't Peng Ju jump out of the nine springs with anger?

She was surprised by this strange idea. If only there was something that could make Peng Qi come alive? And brother Lu, is he dead or alive? Where on earth are you? Why has it disappeared since then?

She silently recited three times in her heart: Peng Ju, you should bless Wen longer to wake up

Jin Wushu looked at the wonderful gentle smile on her face. This was the first time he looked at her after she came back. He found that she was completely a tight dress of Hu women. It was a very convenient hunting dress, as if she would set foot on a long journey and battlefield at any time But although such simple clothes can't hide the familiar style, especially when she smiles like this, every stitch and every move is full of the most gentle feminine and maternal charm

He was so excited that he couldn't help himself: "Hua Rong, you've been wandering all these years, don't you want to live a peaceful life? Stay, OK? At least, I can take care of you and your son, so that your mother and son can have no worries. Besides, Wen longer, he likes you so much, and completely treats you as his mother. How can you bear to leave him again when he wakes up?"

The smile on the corner of her mouth deepened. Yes, Wen long woke up. How can he bear to leave him again?

With this strange smile, Jin Wushu's clenched fist was loosened again, as if a prosperous negotiation had finally come to an end. Was his son's injury still an opportunity for him? If not, how many times have you seen Hua Rong smile like this?

Having countless women, he has always enjoyed the flattery and flattery of his wives and concubines. For a time, he didn't understand the sincerity and hypocrisy of women. It depends on who smiled the most and served him the most comfortably. However, despite this, he also understood that it was untrue when he was deliberately gentle in the previous paragraph; Because the smile after careful dressing is so fake that there is no trace of warmth

At this moment, it is different. The smile is genial, warm as spring, and sincere

For a moment, he found that he had never been so close to this woman's heart in this life as he is now

This small tent has almost become a small treasure house

The luxury goods brought by the fourth prince on this holiday, the rewards of the wolf owner, the treasures looted from inside and outside Yanjing, and the treasures bribed by some powerful ministers took the opportunity, almost all of them were piled up in the huge boxes in the corner If Hua Rong saw these things as usual, he would be overjoyed and calculate how many weapons he could buy for the serpent tribe But at this time, she did not mind, trying all means to treat her son

Although the son didn't die, he didn't wake up. It's hard to predict the consequences of dragging so untimely

At the same time, in the big tent, the two people were also uneasy

Since that day, after cutting Wang Junhua, the fourth Prince has never stayed in the big tent again. He stayed in the small tent all day and all night, saying that he was waiting for his son

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