One Night Bride

Chapter 483

Yelv Guanyin was guilty of being a thief. Although he was calm on the surface, just like other concubines, he was sweating in his heart She inquired in many ways. Although her means were exhausted, she could not get any effective information. All the guards in the small tent were carefully selected and refused to reveal a word The only certainty is that Lu Wenlong is still alive

This fact surprised and frightened her. She didn't understand why the little bastard didn't die If I miss this time, I'm afraid I won't find any chance in the future

As night fell, she came to Wang Junhua's bed again

Wang Junhua's face was like gold paper, his lips were blue, his whole body had collapsed, his face was waxy yellow, and his hands trembled disorderly She was surprised to find that Wang Junhua's injury looked more serious than yesterday

"Sister, have you been better?"

Wang Junhua struggled to open his eyes. Because of the pain, the resentment in his eyes was more profound, and his voice was broken: "is that bastard dead?"

Yelv Guanyin shook his head

She looked at Yelv Guanyin's face and shouted in a low voice, "Yelv lady, don't you say it's safe?"

Yelv Guanyin hissed and stopped her from saying, "be careful, there are spies everywhere now."

This big tent with thick cow skin is surrounded by no ghosts. Who can listen to it?

She was anxious: "what about the fourth prince? Why haven't you seen the fourth Prince these days?"

"He said he was going to take care of the wild species..." Yelv Guanyin couldn't go on, and suddenly shivered, "will the fourth Prince listen to Hua Rong's slander?"

Wang Junhua struggled to sit up, but in pain, he lost his voice, "no, how can the fourth Prince still believe that bitch?"

Yelv Avalokitesvara is also completely uncertain about which link went wrong At this time, I suddenly heard a burst of cheers outside the door. It was the discussion of several concubines: "is the little prince OK?"

"Is the little prince really awake?"

"How did you wake up?"

Wang Junhua fell down and almost fainted. How could that little wild seed wake up again?

Yelv Guanyin stood at the door, quietly retreated, his legs softened, and he couldn't help thinking of the medicine bottle that had already been hidden. Was it because the amount of medicine was less? Is there really any panacea for Huarong?

She suddenly smelled a breath of danger, as if a kind of uneasiness was covering the sky

The setting sun set again, and the afterglow sprinkled on the rose red vase, a room of Qingfen

Jin Wushu kept walking around the room, looking anxious: "Hua Rong, when can my son wake up?"

The initial optimism has passed, and Hua Rong is also anxious. If her son doesn't wake up all the time, it is very dangerous

He suddenly said to himself, "no, I can't wait any longer. If my son can't wake up, I'll do it myself..."

Hua Rong didn't think about this problem, but if he tried Yelv Guanyin or Wang Junhua without evidence or speculation, he would deny it until he died The top priority is not to kill them, but to hand over the antidote. We must find another way

"Don't be impatient, the fourth prince. I've let out the wind that my son has woken up."

"What's the use of this?"

"The mountain man has his own tricks, but the fourth prince you..." Hua Rong stared at him, "I just hope you don't protect anyone when you arrive, and you're 'kind and soft'..."

He sneered, "Hua Rong, do you think I don't know? You have been disdaining me in the bottom of your heart and laughing at why I let Yelv Guanyin come back, right?"

"It's none of my business!"

"The prince wants her back, so naturally he has his own intention."

Hua Rong didn't ask, who cares what his purpose is?

"Hua Rong, do you know Yelv's great use?"

At this time, Hua Rong was really surprised and stared at Jin Wushu

"This remaining evil of the Liao state, with a thief's heart, moves around in an attempt to restore the rivers and mountains of the Liao state. He thinks he has done everything without leakage. In fact, the crown prince has already received information. Just wait to deal with him... No, Hua Rong, I really can't stay any longer, so I can't stand watching my son die or live. It's better to torture Yelv Guanyin severely, and she will confess..." he paced heavily, hating and regretting, "The crown prince really shouldn't have let her back at the beginning. This bitch should have been killed with a knife. Now, it's good to cause great harm! If Wenlong child was really killed by her, the crown prince will kill her Xiao family completely..."

A crown of green cuckoo was placed on the table of vine It is divided into three layers. Each layer is inlaid with gold pieces polished as thin as cicada wings. In the middle, there is a pearl the size of a child's fist

The two servants picked it up, put it on King Qin's head, and put a mirror inlaid with tree roots in front of King Qin. They were devout: "king, are you satisfied?"

King Qin glanced at the strange looking man in the mirror and felt very twisted. He waved his hand, "you step back first."


The room was completely quiet

This is a row of hundreds of wooden houses, with the leaves of palm trees and flexible weeds as the roof. Green straw chains are hung on the door. Looking around, the buildings are stacked one after another, showing a completely different style from the Central Plains

An Zhi just walked in. King Qin quickly stood up and said, "where's madam?"

"Report to the king, it's difficult for us to break through the snake venom of the serpent tribe, and we can't know the news of Madam..."

King Qin sat down depressed and hated. I didn't expect that the dead girl should be so stubborn If you ignore her, can't she catch up? Should we at least catch up and ask xiaohutou about it?

After such a long separation, God knows, this time, I can't wait to catch her, crush her, and I can't run anymore I just wanted to put on airs and let her reflect, but she was indifferent I only hate that day. Why should I paint that barbaric color? It's so ugly that I can't even see her face clearly Is it good to vent your anger on the savage? Why do you want to paint it colorful? He grabbed the crown of green cuckoo and threw it on the ground. Dead girl, is his heart really as strong as iron? Compromise with me first. Will you die? And his attitude is so cold that he even calls himself "King Qin"!

Heartless dead girl, call "Qin Shangcheng" to die?

Thinking of "qinshangcheng", it was amazing. Suddenly she remembered that she was on the island, badly injured and weak, lying beside her night and night, and that soft voice called "qinshangcheng, qinshangcheng" - she wouldn't say anything else except this sentence The soft body seemed to be still in his arms, and his body suddenly caught fire, and his hair stood up

The man controlled by lust seems to be bewitched by the devil

He sat down heavily, no, this dead girl, this time, if she didn't look back first, wouldn't she lose the game again? She must figure it out first

But he couldn't sit still, stood up again, and rushed out the door in a few steps

"Your Majesty..."

He stopped at a short distance and couldn't see each other. That kind of deep-seated Acacia almost made people faint Night after night, he almost couldn't help scolding: dead girl, if you don't come again, I'll find a female savage and don't want you anymore

"King..." an Zhigang's voice grabbed him He suddenly stood up straight with a chill in his heart, picked up the green silk crown on the ground, stabilized his mind, and casually, "what else do you have?"

An Zhigang lowered his voice and did his duty: "Your Majesty, now our power is gradually expanding, and the Lord ordered yeluronxu to take over the new team..."

It turned out that since the savage tribe was incorporated, King Qin selected the strongest warriors to form a new army This troop is brave and good at fighting. It doesn't need much training at all. The only drawback is that they fight separately and don't form the art of war At the beginning of the era of cold weapons, human beings were all tearing and biting each other. Until the Yellow Emperor, there was the earliest wind of troop arrangement. Using tactics, they defeated the Chiyou tribe, which was then valiant at that time, and won the position of world communist

Since the first World War at sea and the first World War in Dongting, King Qin had to admire Yue Pengju very much. He consciously asked Uncle Yang, Ma Su and others to find him various art of war books. Coupled with his natural endowment, he gradually became proficient in war He personally led the elite of the savage and taught how to arrange troops in formation, but it was still a short time, so why did Yelv suddenly send Yelu lunxu to accept it?

"Your Majesty, yelulungxu is waiting outside..."

King Qin snorted coldly, "tell him to get out, I haven't trained well..."

Yelulungxu's voice rang at the door, stabbing: "tell the king, I am ordered by the Lord..."

An Zhigang saw that he broke in without waiting for a notice. He was very angry. He knew that Yelu lunxu was coming to usurp the fruits of victory, and he couldn't help being angry anymore: "general Yelu, this army is accepted by the king..."

Yelulungxu sneered, "I only serve the Lord. Hey, if there is no lord's magic power, can they be obedient to your king?"


King Qin waved his hand and stopped the dispute between the two, laughing: "yelulungxu, go back and tell my father-in-law that all the power on the land is his..."

Yelulungxu's face showed joy and immediately said, "the Lord's world, that is, the king's world..."

"You go down. Who are you going to attack this time?"

Yelulungxu was full of ambition: "this time, it was a harassing Golden Army. They crossed the border and wanted to rob the horses in our pasture..."

King Qin thought that he was going to deal with the Jin soldiers. No wonder Yelv didn't use his own soldiers, but savages. Obviously, he was unwilling to expose his forces to the vision of the Jin state too early

With an order, the savages gathered, and their level was determined according to the level of feathers, from Vajra green parrots to peacock feathers, all kinds of things, marking how many people they had killed and how many trophies they had received Outside, there are weapons brought by yeluronxu, all kinds of new blades, bows and arrows, helmets, spears... The wild people looked at this pile of weapons, one by one, happy, about to rush, but were drunk A savage rushed to the front and had caught an iron gun. When yelulungxu stabbed down, his body tilted to one side, and his body was almost split in two. Yelulungxu waved his knife and shouted, "you are soldiers, you must abide by military discipline, or you will be killed without mercy..."

The savages were shocked and dared not rush forward easily any more. They immediately lined up Yeluronxu was very satisfied with this. He inserted the blood into the scabbard without wiping it. He was very proud of his power. With a wave of his hand, he made everyone pull away

Yelulungxu led a troop to leave, and anzhigang was angry: "king, is this how we give them the fruits of our victory?"

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