One Night Bride

Chapter 484

King Qin did not answer Before he came, he was also thinking that Yelv wanted to turn the world around with only a mere 10000 or 20000 deaths? I didn't expect to find that this was not the case at all when I came here. After recovering sevenoreight small savage tribes, Yelv Dayong not only received the supplement of civilian troops, but also received materials, military supplies, horses and so on. In this way, his power increased greatly and his territory was greatly expanded He was awestruck. It was said that the old wolf Lord 13 cavalry started, but now Yelv's power is much greater. It's not a joke to really compete for the world

He went outside and looked carefully at the row of houses and hundreds of villages. The men went out to fight, leaving women and children Women also only wear simple bark and animal skin, with clay pots on their heads, containing water and some wild fruits A group of children are playing a game, which is to throw pebbles into the hole one by one. Who is the most accurate Children are regardless of gender, all naked, all dark, and have fun Suddenly I think of little tiger head. I like wearing a tiger skin skirt around my waist and swimming naked to touch shrimp and crab Get along with each other for a long time, and already have a deep father son friendship When xiaohutou was three or four years old, he spent more time with him than with flowers My heart is empty. Will this boy have such a good time in a strange place?

An Zhigang saw that his nose blood was almost gushing out, and he was about to forget everything he said to King Qin. He couldn't remember a word, and just stared at the female savage

In a blink of an eye, King Qin saw that his saliva flowed out, and he was about to scold him for being unpromising. Unexpectedly, the graceful savage girl smiled at him charming. With both hands, she took the pottery jar off her head, held it in front of her waist, twisted her body, and immediately presented the most beautiful angle of the woman's body. It was a kind of rich beauty completely different from the women in the Central Plains

This time, even King Qin's nose blood almost gushed out

The girl smiled again and said a few words. Her eyes were full of wild temptation, and she even came to him

King Qin was startled and took a big step back. A Khitan soldier acting as an interpreter came over and blinked: "king, this is the daughter of a tribal chief. She said that you are the strongest man she has ever seen in her life and want to be your woman..."

Anzhigang was surprised and happy. He didn't know that King Qin and women took the initiative to make friends He also smiled very vaguely, looking at King Qin, which means that since people take the initiative to throw themselves into the arms, you may as well accept it, king

It turns out that the survival law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. The strongest man respects power and means more food and protection. Therefore, girls generally prefer the tallest, strongest and most powerful man King Qin's height, martial arts and strength are enough to intimidate even the strongest men in the jungle. Therefore, it is not surprising that he has been favored by women

Khitan soldiers frowned again: "Your Majesty, the Yanfu sent to the door... Don't enjoy the white cloth..."

King Qin laughed, "good, good..."

The state of song valued literature over martial arts, and women naturally liked those romantic young students, gifted poets Even Hua Rong likes Yue Pengju's literary and martial arts skills The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Because of this, even he had to ask Uncle Yang and others to teach him to read and read in the second half of his life, and even recite Sudongpo's jiangchengzi Ten years of life and death are boundless. You chase me and run away. Ten years have passed in a hurry, and so far there has been no result. What kind of evil relationship is it?

The girl's body was almost leaning on him She was talking every inch, her hands were moving, her waist was moving, and her eyes were moving. It was a kind of stimulation and Inspiration of primitive human entertainment without shyness, and the need to reproduce human beings. She didn't feel any shame at all. Strangely, her pottery pot was on her head again without any support, and there was no tremor at all

The handsome hands touched King Qin's chest, and he was so hot that the man's instinct was so exciting that he almost hugged the girl An Zhigang sneered and drooled with envy, thinking, why don't the female savages throw themselves into their arms?

They were about to avoid, but they heard King Qin's laughter, and the girl's hand had been pushed away: "I don't dare to provoke you, otherwise, I don't know how to die..."

The girl's face showed a disappointed expression, and her mouth growled. This time, without translation, King Qin could guess a little. She seemed to be questioning why

King Qin was very mysterious: "I have a tigress, who is hiding nearby. Maybe when she jumps out, she will eat you..."

An Zhigang and Khitan translator soldiers trembled with laughter. The girl pursed her mouth. Khitan soldier translated it to her. She looked around in surprise. Where were tigers?

However, she also knew that she had been rejected, but she did not continue to pester. She stood on her pottery pot and twisted her body and walked away This time, water splashed out because I walked too fast

As soon as she walked away, King Qin was greatly relieved

An Zhigang sighed with great pity: "Your Majesty, the fat meat in your mouth slipped away in vain. It's a pity, a pity..."

King Qin stared at him, "what do you know?"

Anzhigang and Khitan soldiers naturally don't understand. They just keep moaning and sighing, but they are looking forward to the next step, that girl can take the initiative to find herself and others to throw herself into the arms

When it was quiet around, King Qin found that he was sweating profusely, his whole body seemed to be lit by fire, almost smoking, and his throat was strangely dry. A place was almost like a volcano, and it was about to erupt He slapped his hand on a big tree beside him with hatred, and encountered such a beautiful blessing in his life! If a few years earlier, what were you afraid of? How can you treat yourself so badly? But now, it just can't, because the dead girl is close at hand, maybe hiding in the jungle to peep at herself

He was startled by his idea and hurriedly turned his head around However, looking around, where is the slightest shadow?

When the Khitan soldiers left, an Zhigang naturally knew his mind. Seeing that he was restless, he lowered his voice: "king, madam is in the serpent tribe, why don't you see her? It can be seen that she really wants to see you..."

King Qin was upset, but he was very careful and stopped him with a wave of his hand This is no longer the problem of asking the girl to bow first. In this mysterious place, you should always deal with the treacherous and cunning Yelv. This power may also become an opportunity for the girl to revenge She abandoned her husband and son in order to wait for that day. Why not help her? Moreover, the sooner she is exposed, the more dangerous it is to her

However, how can you resist seeing her? He turned around in disgust, grabbed a pottery jar full of water beside him, poured it on his head, and drenched himself like a drowned chicken

At night

In the serpent tribe, a dark figure approached quietly

This is a huge boundless primitive jungle. Tall trees cover the sky, and you can't see the sky when you look up There are dozens of big trees that can be hugged by strong men with both hands everywhere. Therefore, cutting the trunk can repair the house and visit Ancient humans built nests in trees to avoid the invasion of various beasts However, the serpent tribe can build houses on trees close to the ground

In front of it are all kinds of mysterious snake flowers, stretching in the night, opening charming and charming, with a striking aroma, attracting small animals close by As soon as a creature approaches, the flower changes, like a child's fist. When it closes, it grabs large and small creatures in her fist and becomes a delicious meal for all kinds of snakes

A long phosphorous fire flashed, and King Qin was surprised. He stuck it on the fork of a huge tree, and then with the faint light of ghost fire, he saw a bat like thing, and the canopy closed He couldn't see clearly, but he felt the smell at once. Yelv was very useful! What is Yelv doing here in the middle of the night?

His heart tightened. Did Yelv already know that the girl was here?

It was because of the snake flower that Yelv made great use of He has been unable to find a solution to the snake flower of the serpent tribe, forming a natural barrier He studied witchcraft all his life. When he learned that there was such a thing, he naturally couldn't help but go out to explore it in person, thinking that if he could find a way to crack it, or transplant it, it could also be used as a new poison

With the shimmering light, it is a special kind of snake. There are a kind of shiny scales on its belly and back. When it crawls across the grass, it will show a weak light

Yelv was about to catch the snake with great joy. Suddenly, his hand became numb. It turned out to be a grass beside the snake flower. It also stretched out. Not only his hands, but also his legs were silently entangled As soon as he struggled, he couldn't move. He was horrified and forced himself to break free. At this time, the glowing snake was awakened and rushed out

Yelv reluctantly broke free from the shackles of flowers and plants, chased the snake and disappeared

The jungle was completely quiet again. King Qin dared not come down for a moment, clinging to the trunk. He learned the power of this kind of flowers and plants, which was like an iron wall. No wonder the serpent tribe was temporarily preserved

He was afraid of being discovered by Yelv, so he didn't dare to move forward any more, so he had to turn around and walk back

After the watered flower river, the moon has become bright, slowly catching up from the river and moving forward with his steps Looking back at the other side of the river again, he knew that it was not that he couldn't get it, but that he could get it right across the river, but that he could only endure it hard!

Bear it!

Dead girl, I've made progress

Jealousy is also a kind of love, isn't it!!

He was suddenly satisfied again. He lifted the deer knife on his waist and waved it. The wind was blowing with great strength. He said to himself, "girl, next time, I will never work hard and endure. Next time I meet!"

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