One Night Bride

Chapter 486

His legs were light and his breath was light. He slowly bent down his head, so close that he could see the slight fuzz on her face clearly. His face was so smooth and soft, like a flower in full bloom

The honey soft fragrance of the lips, the slightly undulating chest with heat, and the impact of strong desire, he almost forgot his son in bed and how anxious he was a moment ago

He is also tired, so tired that now he just wants to get the best and most beneficial vent through a sex

Even at this time, I have my favorite and most desired woman by my side What could be more desirable than this? He was so excited that he could hardly breathe, and his lips slowly fell down, straight to the soft lips like rose petals that he liked

The distance between lips is separated by one finger

Hot, dry and hot He couldn't help but stretch out his hand and untie his clothes When he was on holiday, he didn't hunt today, and he wore a light civilian suit A pull, the belt opened, revealing a strong chest

It belongs to the man's eagerness, eager to stick to the woman opposite, the undulating soft chest

In my sleep, my fatigue suddenly disappears without a trace, and all my troubles are gone. The warm spring flowers bloom, and the other world is carefree. How beautiful A horse galloped, and the figure of the horse was sassy, with a long gun in hand, sweeping the world. Suddenly, he turned around, smiling, and even a little shy. Ah, that young face, pure and fresh: "Seventeen sister, seventeen sister..."

As the distance gets closer and closer, I can even feel her breathing with heat slightly spray in her nostrils, slowly, thin, with a unique fragrance on her body Then Jin Wushu saw a slight smile on her face, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly, blocking the traces of years and covering the slight fine lines on her eyes Ah!

Feiqiong's friend, I don't want to leave the Pearl palace, and I haven't returned to the fairy line Take a dressing, ordinary words, how beautiful It is planned to compare famous flowers It's not easy to talk in case others laugh at me Thinking carefully, the wonderful flowers are only dark red and light white Fight like this amorous, occupy the world, charming

Liu Yong, or Liu Yong, "think carefully, wonderful flowers and beautiful flowers, but it's only dark red and light white". Beauty is easy to find, but how far away is the person in your heart? His mind was turbulent and he couldn't help himself. It seemed that he was not in charge of it, but a force of Providence, which involved and entangled the two people from all over the world, and he couldn't extricate himself from it He suddenly lowered his head and pressed it against her lips

As if a pressure was coming, the flowers melted in the dark, the spring flowers disappeared, and the handsome young man disappeared. The spear was thrown out, pressing the city like a black cloud to destroy it

She suddenly opened her eyes and a face magnified in front of her. She almost jumped up and screamed in her mouth

Stunned by the scream, Jin Wushu retreated a few steps with disappointment on his face

Hua Rong looked at his * * chest in surprise. It was hot. At the beginning of the holiday, he often wore his upper body naked like this. She didn't see it, but at the moment, it seemed inexplicably embarrassing and embarrassing

A man who wanted to be rude was caught!

His face was ashamed and angry, and the muscles on his chest heaved and jumped like a matador about to get angry

Hua Rong suddenly sat upright and casually grasped the inseparable bow in her hand Staring at him, he sneered, and the hatred that had been slightly diluted was intensifying: the fourth prince, Jin Wushu, he thought very well, killed a woman's husband, and then tried every means to please him. Should this woman thank him for committing to him?

Such atrocities are unforgivable!

Jin Wushu stared at her hand, every move, and there was no doubt that if he took another step, the small bow would hit her face It's like this, it's always like this. This woman has always maintained damned vigilance, the most indomitable and resolute ruthlessness, as if she won't be moved by any situation at any time, no matter where

"Hua Rong! I want to!"

"You want to die!"

He was furious, and as if he had been greatly wronged, he simply fell to the ground, like a splash: "Hua Rong, when are you going to torture the crown prince?"

Hua Rong suddenly remembered the night when he had poisoned his hair. He also lay on the ground and refused to leave all night

"Flowers dissolve. I'm thirsty. I want to drink water."

Pour a glass of water into the flower and put it on the table

Hatefully, he reached out and drank, showing a trace of happiness. This time, he was willing to pour himself tea

"The fourth prince, after drinking water, hurriedly tried to cure Wen long."

"Hasn't the prince ever tried his best one day?

She sat wrinkled in her clothes and looked at her son, whose eyes were still closed beside her. Her tone was flat: "fourth prince, what should you do after all?"

Jin Wushu was relieved. Fortunately, she didn't get angry He stared at her bloodshot eyes and sighed secretly. As soon as the desire was eliminated, the worry about his son occupied his mind again, "Hua Rong, if your son let you take it away, can you guarantee to cure him?"

Hua Rong was silent, unable to give a positive answer What she hoped was nothing more than some special herbs of the serpent tribe. However, since the serpent gave her the best, it was useless. Whether she could wake her son up was really uncertain

Seeing that she was not sure, Jin Wushu was even more determined: "Hua Rong, in that case, I can't take my son away. I'll think of another way to cure my son even if I look for famous doctors all over the world."

With that, he hurried out

Hua Rong thought of the witch doctor who had just left, and her heart moved. She always felt that this mysterious man would become an opportunity to save her son, but why did he slip away again? Also surprised, how could this witch doctor feel the existence of King Qin from himself? Suddenly eager to see King Qin, he saved his life and death many times. Now, when his son is in trouble, he can't stand by, can he

Although King Qin's attitude was bad, he always deeply believed that as long as he begged him, he would not sit idly by Just, for a moment, where can I find King Qin?

She walked out slowly with a blank expression

From a distance, I heard a strange bird chirp She was delighted. It was Zhaha's voice, the agreed signal She also made a sound. After a while, sure enough, Zhaha came out of the woods in front of her In order not to attract attention, tie he still wears clothes from Yanjing As soon as he approached, he saw Hua Rong's sad face and asked, "what's the matter, kid?"

Hua Rong hurriedly said, "Zhaha, Wenlong is poisoned."

"Ah? How can the little prince be poisoned?"

Hua Rong simply told the story again, Zhaha was surprised and angry: "it must be the ghost of Yelv Guanyin and Wang Junhua..."

Hua Rong didn't care to say much, but whispered to him, "by the way, you go to King Qin and tell him that Wenlong boy is in an emergency and I need his help."

"OK, OK, boy, I'll find it right away."

Zahe took a few steps, suddenly fell back, and hurriedly took a medicine bottle from his arms: "brother, this is a new medicine I exchanged with the savages. Take it and see if it works."

Hua Rong took it and saw it tied and hurried away

In the big tent, the fourth prince came home for dinner for the first time these days

All the wives and concubines were present. The food was very rich, but the atmosphere was very depressed. The fourth Prince's face could not see any emotions, especially so, everyone was even more nervous

Yelv Guanyin was also trembling, but secretly pleased that although Lu Wenlong didn't die, he didn't wake up. Let the flowers have the instinct of connecting to heaven, I'm afraid it wouldn't help As long as Lu Wenlong dies and Hua Rong, what else can she rely on?

Her eyes suddenly came into contact with the eyes of the fourth prince. She saw the fourth Prince staring at himself with very strange eyes

Jin Wushu put down his glass and suddenly waved, "go out, and Mrs. Yelv will stay alone!"

Yelv Guanyin's heart jumped and he immediately became nervous. What's the matter? Has the fourth Prince suspected that he did it himself? However, he has no evidence. Why is he so?

The crowd also stared at Yelv Guanyin, especially some concubines who knew her well, and they were also sweating. Does this have anything to do with the Yelv lady?

There are only two people left in the room

Yelv Guanyin's posture of half kneeling, she always keeps her appearance in full bloom. She bathes with golden lotus every day, with a faint fragrance on her body, which is very pleasant She knew when to keep silent and when not to say a word, so she just knelt, looked sad, but pitiful. After a long time, she asked, "fourth prince, my family is not well served?"

"Yelv Guanyin, why are you coming back?"

She was stunned

"The crown prince killed your old friend, denounced your father and brother, and killed your brother. Don't you hate it?"

She couldn't talk to herself nervously, knowing that if she was a little careless, she would splash blood five steps today and quickly kowtow, Tears poured down: "the fourth prince, I made a big mistake first, how dare I envy the fourth Prince again? I have committed such a deep sin, and I have to be forgiven by the fourth prince. I have always been grateful. Plus... Plus my son, he died again, and I have no one to rely on... I also know that I am humble, and I don't deserve the pity of the fourth Prince anymore, and I dare not ask for the favor of the fourth Prince again. I just want to serve the fourth Prince day and night to atone for my sins... The fourth Prince..."

She cried with tears in her eyes, pear blossom with rain, and sobbed nervously

"Yelv Guanyin, I heard that you are very close to the queen recently?"

Yelv Guanyin was even more nervous, but her crying just disguised this tension, and she just knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing: "fourth prince, after my family came back, all the ladies looked down on my family, but the Queen Mother sympathized with me because of her old feelings..."

Yelv Guanyin sings well, and Jin Wushu frowns when he hears it According to the old temper, the woman had already been killed with a knife. However, at this time, she only felt tired. Pressing her forehead, she was indescribably tired, especially afraid of the smell of blood Is it because you know that time is running out and don't want to kill again? He did not know that sitting up cross legged, just want to drink, drunk, far better than sober

"The fourth Prince..."

"You go down."

Did the fourth Prince not doubt himself? No punishment?

Yelv Guanyin raised her head, hesitated, and took something from her arms and handed it over: "fourth prince, this is the secret recipe handed down by our Yelv family, which can detoxify..."

Jin Wushu took the bottle and looked carefully. It was a kind of yellowish brown liquid, such as flowing olive oil in an ordinary cream bottle He shook and heard Yelv Guanyin say, "I wanted to take it out immediately when I heard that the little prince was poisoned, but the fourth Prince... The fourth prince, you know, I have been at odds with Hua Rong for fear of her suspicion, so... Please forgive me..."

Women are jealous of each other. Jin Wushu has seen too much. He waved his hand and said, "go down."

Yelv Guanyin stood up and lifted her skirt This kind of skirt, which she seldom wore in the Liao Dynasty, was put on after carefully observing the four princes' preferences for women When she came to the door, she showed a proud smile on her face. After all, the fourth prince was still the fourth prince she was familiar with. She was not confused by the bitch and lost her nature, was she not? However, there was a burst of vigilance. The more the fourth prince was so understated, would he have mastered something else?

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