One Night Bride

Chapter 487

For two consecutive sunny days, the moonlight on the grassland flowed down like mercury

Jin Wushu sat alone on the grass, feeling very upset The son has not been awake, and the new witch doctor has not yet arrived, and Hua Rong, Hua Rong has been stirring up herbs all day, and his attitude towards himself is becoming colder and colder Every time she thought of Yue Pengju, she would be doubly indifferent to him

This is the biggest obstacle between the two people. I hope it can be eliminated after the eradication of Qin Hui. However, how many twists and turns do I have to go through before this?

In the distance, there was a sobbing song: "who can complain about loneliness? If you count the preface, you will always be light. You knew it was so difficult to fight, and you regret not keeping it at that time. Its Nai style is correct, and there is nothing else, which is close to the people's heart. You don't think about it for a day, but also save your eyebrows."

Jin Wushu frowned, "who is singing?"

The two bodyguards were also fascinated, and one of them hurriedly said, "little man, go and have a look at it right away."

A lantern, a burst of dim light, soft shadows, swaying, like a long skirt of water, intertwined with the grass on the ground, as if an elf suddenly came out of the night fog Her delicate body, charming face, big and round eyes, and her eyebrows fade into the smoke, which makes her whole person in the youthful vitality, with a little lazy languor, but at the age of sixteen or seventeen, it is the most touching age of a girl, like a flower in bud

When men are eighteen, they like girls of sixteen; When men are 80 years old, they also like 16-year-old girls; Without him, it is a kind of nature of men, young, delicate and beautiful

The girl Yingying knelt down: "I see the fourth Prince..."

Jin Wushu glanced at her: "who are you?"

"I'm Xiaowei, a new maid from the fourth Prince's house..."

The holiday is coming to an end. According to the Convention, some servants, especially young and beautiful women, will be brought back around Yanjing as concubines. This girl is the senior Nuzhen official who got Xi Nuer. She reciprocates and sends it back to the fourth prince Wei came to the tent of the fourth prince, and she had not seen the fourth Prince for many days Originally, there were too many concubines, and there was only one man. If you want to get favor, you have to win by surprise. Xiao Wei used her voice to sing and dance in the moonlight, which really attracted the attention of the fourth prince

Jin Wushu looked at the beautiful girl in the moonlight, which was a man's instinctive impulse

Martial people have excess energy, and most of them are self lustful; Although he has many beautiful wives and concubines, he gradually loses his freshness in the face and play all day, and he can't take much interest in the concubines. Now he can't help but brighten his eyes when he meets Xiao Wei

"Fourth prince, it's windy in the middle of the night. I'll serve you back to your room..."

The charming voice of the girl like a nightingale tightened his throat again. He stared carefully at this face and looked at the small tent in front of him from a distance - the light of that bean was still flickering, and presumably Hua Rong was still studying his son's antidote without sleep

"The fourth Prince..."

"You stand down first."

Wei Yingying retreats

In the dark, a pair of eyes are full of interest and excitement. I feel that a big net is spreading over my head The fourth Prince showed today that although he didn't immediately spoil Xiao Wei, he had shown great interest, even more than the joy of seeing Xi Nuer After all, a man with good Central Plains culture must be a pure girl like Xiao Wei if he can really fall in love with him

As soon as the door curtain was lifted, the flowers dissolved into the water cup and watched Jin Wushu come in

"Hua Rong, can you see if this medicine is effective?"

Hua Rong took the medicine bottle, put it in front of her eyes and asked, "where did it come from?"

"It was given by Yelv Guanyin, saying it was their family secret recipe."

Hua Rong smiled and said, "fourth prince, you are really broad-minded..."

"I want a dead horse to be a live horse doctor."

Hua Rong shook the medicine bottle and looked at Jin Wushu. When he said this, his face did not change Then I realized that this man was more unpredictable and scheming than I thought. No wonder he could remain invincible in both the battlefield and domestic political struggle for many years

She said lightly, "the fourth prince, this is indeed the antidote, but it is useless."

"Don't worry, another witch doctor I hired has arrived. This time, the witch doctor is the oldest one in the imperial stronghold. He happens to collect medicinal materials nearby..."

Hua Rong is always afraid of all kinds of witch doctors in Jin and Qidan Suddenly thinking of King Qin, he was here. If he was discovered by Jin Wushu, wouldn't it be very dangerous? Jin Wushu hated him so much that he asked him to help his son. Wouldn't he be caught? The more she thought, the more anxious she became. Of course, the life of her son was important, as was the safety of King Qin What should I do about this?

"Hua Rong, you are also tired these days. The night is very good tonight. Let's go out for a walk."

Hua Rong responded casually. He didn't know what he was talking about. Thinking about his worries, he went out with him

On the grass, two big stumps are like two simple stools They sat down on the spot, and there were small purple wild flowers at their feet, swaying in the wind under the moonlight

Jin Wushu had never tried to get along so quietly with her. Turning around, she looked at the moonlight, and her face was also a kind of crystal white, as if she had seen it for the first time many years ago. Ah, when she was young, she was green and red, able to write and fight, double gallop and bridle, and the relatives of immortals How can this be compared with a simple beautiful girl?

However, the original beautiful girl, now, there are haggard traces in the corners of her eyebrows and eyes, which have been eroded by years

Fortunately, there is a moon, which covers all this

"Hua Rong..."

Hua Rong sat on the stump, looking at the distance, thinking about his own thoughts, and never noticed the change of his expression


"Hua Rong, are you listening to me?"

The flower dissolved and said, "sorry, fourth prince, what did you just say?"

Jin Wushu was so angry that he grabbed the grass around him, put it in his mouth, took a hard bite, and said angrily, "Hua Rong, will you marry me?"

Hua Rong looked at him in surprise and thought he had been awake long ago! But he became more and more crazy

"I have a plan. When my son is ready and kills Wang Junhua, we will go back to Beijing first, and then negotiate with the state of song. I will always take you with me and let you participate in the whole process. Hua Rong, do you think the prince is very sincere?"

This condition is really attractive

"Hua Rong, don't forget that you received the dowry of the crown prince..."

It's right to accept it, but the pearls and gems on the crown court clothes have long been turned into weapons funds of the serpent tribe Don't mention a mere set of crown clothes. Why don't you accept any more things when they are delivered? Isn't it good to make full use of the resources provided by the enemy and expand ourselves? In fact, he learned these tricks from his fourth prince, didn't he?

"Hua Rong, if you don't trust me, all the concubines in the palace will be under your control in the future..."

How to manage? Be your own princess, draw lots every day, and ask who will serve the fourth prince? In this way, there is really "authority"!

She laughed, "fourth prince, do you have a good idea? You can be a woman for the rest of your life?"

He pondered, thinking about the seriousness of this problem, facing a woman day and night, any beauty in his arms, is that right? He felt strange: "Hua Rong, you are also married to three wives and four concubines in the state of song. Even in the state of song, a woman like you is not virtuous. Your women in the state of song have 'Seven Sins', and jealousy is also one of women's evil deeds. Why can't you abide by it after reading poetry and books? Besides, Dajin is sparsely populated, and the more sons a man can have, the more benefits it is to the country and the nation. This is the obligation and responsibility of men. What do we rely on in the war? That is the man of Dajin …”

In exchange for so many lessons, it is natural for him to have three wives and four concubines, which is a great moral integrity! Hua Rong also felt strange. Why do you discuss these boring problems with him?

Jin Wushu was very happy to see her ugly face, and even her son's critical anxiety also weakened a lot

At this moment, I sincerely want to spend my life with her. Every time I get along with her like this, even if it's a quarrel, I also feel close, friendly and without distance, just like an ordinary couple This is the pleasure and pleasure he can't get from any woman Those women, who can only flatter, flatter, or fear, how dare they discuss the way of getting along between the sexes with him in this way?

"-- however, Hua Rong, if you really want to marry me, I can try not to find other women..."

She is very curious, what is "try"?

"Hua Rong, the crown prince has always been afraid of you. As long as you don't allow it, does the crown prince dare to find other women? Or, the crown prince will immediately give away a group of concubines. Hua Rong, as long as you promise to marry me and have many sons for me..."

Hua Rong interrupted him, "fourth prince, my son is not well yet!"

Jin Wushu decadent stopped countless reveries and thoughts: "wait until the witch doctor of the imperial stronghold comes..."

I'm afraid that witch doctor is not so capable

Hua Rong was about to say something when she suddenly heard a voice with a crying cavity, stumbled and shouted, "fourth prince, fourth prince, no good, no good..."

Jin Wushu stood up and scolded, "what are you doing in a hurry?"

The figure ran close and turned out to be Wang Junhua's personal maid, crying in horror: "no, madam Wang, my wife, she, she,..."

"What happened to her?"

"She's dead!"

"What did you say?"

Even Hua Rong stood up boldly. Is Wang Junhua dead? How could Wang Junhua die?

She walked to the big tent, and Jin Wushu followed up with an iron face

The door was silent. Obviously, all the women's families had not received the news. As soon as Jin Wushu came in, Wang Junhua's maids immediately knelt down and saw Wang Junhua lying in bed, obviously taking some poison. Her face was blue and very terrible

Jin Wushu lost his voice and said, "who poisoned the queen?"

The maid cried and picked up a piece of paper: "Mrs. Wang, she, she committed suicide..."

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