One Night Bride

Chapter 488

Suicide? How could Wang Junhua commit suicide?

Jin Wushu hurried to take the letter paper and saw that it was indeed Wang Junhua's autograph on the letter paper, which wrote how she poisoned Lu Wenlong because she hated Hua Rong. Now she knows that she is sinful. I'm sorry for the fourth prince. She was surprised and afraid. She was worried all day, so she had to commit suicide and plead guilty

Hua Rong took Wang Junhua's "confession", glanced over it in a hurry, and then looked at Wang Junhua's extremely terrible death method, but she was dressed in very gorgeous clothes, which was her most exquisite suit, and obviously she did not die in a hurry

She put down her letter, looked around carefully, and turned out

The smell of Medicine on the nose was removed, but great doubts arose in my heart Wang Junhua's death, of course, deserved it, and I had long wished for her death However, this death is complicated and confusing. According to Wang Junhua's temperament, it is obviously impossible to "commit suicide in fear of sin"

Just, who can make her write a suicide note and then willingly commit suicide?

Her death was the removal of an enemy However, how can Qin Hui be removed?

Will Qin Hui stop sending it to the door under the excuse?

She felt very strange, but she couldn't figure out a clue

At night

Revelers began to drink a wine made from palm leaves The two savages held it in large pottery pots and held it in front of King Qin, respectfully: "king, please drink..."

King Qin took it and took a gulp. The wine of the savages was not as good as the Song court wine robbed from the island at the beginning At that time, most of the wine was a kind of wine with low purity, similar to today's fermented glutinous rice, so there were "a hundred poems of Li Bai fighting wine" and so on. Otherwise, he would be drunk to death. What poems would he write? In the Song Dynasty, the purity was greatly enhanced, but the burning and smoking of palm trees used by wild people was only a temporary and simple process, which was similar to a kind of chronic poisoning. Therefore, when they drank it, they gradually entered a slightly tipsy state until they were crazy and had fun

King Qin did not know how many excellent wines he had tasted from the sea wealth of Tongguan, Caijing and so on in his life. When the wine went on, it was hot and inferior, which made people unwilling to drink a second sip But he was naturally spontaneous. Seeing the wild people enjoying it, he took another gulp. With his eyes wide open, a pair of singing and dancing female wild people came again with pottery pots

The savage woman I saw during the day was impressively listed Her eyes are very big, and she seems to be the most beautiful one in this group of female savages. Her upper lips are twinkling around

In the light of the fire, the naked female savages twisted their waist. It was a blood spurting dance. A few drums came down. King Qin looked and saw an Zhigang beside him. As expected, a drop of nose blood flowed, stupefied

He scolded, "worthless thing!"

An Zhigang felt his nose, and it was burning

"Go ahead, go ahead, whichever female savage you like. Damn it."

"Thank you, king."

An Zhigang was ecstatic. Like other male savages, he hugged a favorite female savage and got into the nearby palm forest and began to have fun

In recent years, due to the difficulties in the living environment and the wars in the upper part, the savage tribe is eager to reproduce and welcome these foreign men to join. It is not surprising that a woman can have several husbands and a man can have several wives and children. The children born are all children of the family. It is difficult to identify who is whose biological child if you raise them together

King Qin took another sip of wine, and saw that the savage girl was still staring at him, with wild light in her eyes. He quickly twisted his head, and his nose was hot, for fear that his nose blood would also flow out, which would be humiliating

The savage girl's name is sissy sedge. It can be seen that she is very interested in King Qin. She stares at him and doesn't leave with other men who show their love to her He raised his hand and threw a flower drum with big eyes in his hand This is similar to the throwing of Hydrangea in the state of song. King Qin, afraid of being hit, turned sideways and immediately dodged Sissy saw that the big man was so agile, and her eyes shone with interest

King Qin couldn't laugh or cry. For the first time in his life, he was chased back by a woman. He was uncomfortable all over. He always felt that this sissy sedge was as big as an ox and looked furtive He spat and shouted, "shit, it seems that I don't like these female savages. How can I feel more strange the more I look at them?"

The feeling of nosebleed also disappeared. After drinking another mouthful of wine, I sighed: shit, maybe I'm really old!

In the dark opposite, a pair of owl eyes stared at him closely, and ran back after a long time

For the first time in the world, the house was lit in the dark

Yeluron continued to kneel on one leg. Like a fierce wild dog, he suddenly saw his master, and his voice was so soft that it became a great contrast with his face: "hero, the young general is willing to lead his troops to fight the Jin army in person..."

Yeluda wore a black mask on his face and could not hear the slightest breath, as if he never needed to breathe He took a few steps, and his steps were silent, and he couldn't feel yeluron in the room This is also his awe inspiring place. Yeluron continued never dared to look directly at his "eyes" - just as mortals dare not see the gods

"Lord, we got the news that this harassment was a team of 3000 people from the Jin army, which seemed to have come prepared, because the commander Wan Yan Mora led..."

It is not a good omen for Jin Jun to dispatch a ten thousand captain However, Yelv proudly raised his black head, like a king who won thousands of miles: "long Xu, this time, you can only succeed, not fail!"

Defeated by the serpent tribe twice in a row, yeluron continued to bear a grudge, fearing that this would become the beginning of the Lord's doubts about his ability He said hurriedly, "don't worry, Lord. The young general was in the serpent tribe last time, just because they suddenly set a trick and got trapped..."

"All wars are trickery! Who is more tricky than! Otherwise, why art of war?"

Yelv's voice and expression were fierce, and Yelu Longxu could only lower his head and said in fear, "the young general knows his mistake, and the young general must commit crimes and perform meritorious deeds."

"Well, I'll get a big reward after you perform your meritorious service."

"Thank you, Lord."

Yeluron continued to be in high spirits He had a special state of mind about Yelv Dayong. First, he was in awe. Second, because Yelv Dayong had no son, and because Yelv Dayong paid special attention to him, many people were talking privately. In the future, the position of the LORD would be passed on to him, so he worked harder

Yeluron had just left, and a servant came in quietly He was also dressed in black, but he was tight, very thin, and his cheeks were dry, like a dried snake

Yelv Dayong sat on the big chair and asked him, "what news do you bring back?"

"Report to the Lord that King Qin is in the savage tribe. Everything is as usual. He drinks and hunts all day."

"What about others?"

"Sissy sedge approached him several times, but he refused. It seemed that she was not a good woman."

Yelv stood up and sat down again

The servant asked, "Lord, I can see that King Qin is very loyal to the young lady. Isn't that good?"

Yelv made no answer If King Qin's "worst chaos" is attributed to his loyalty to his daughter, he will never believe it and feel ridiculous A man like King Qin cannot defend himself for any woman In fact, as long as men hold heavy soldiers and hold high positions, they are basically unlikely to defend themselves for any woman At the beginning, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu agreed that whoever entered the pass first would be the king. As a result, Liu Bang first occupied the central pass, but he changed his greedy face in the past, and was unlucky for a woman, which made Yafu fan Zeng worried Yelv Dayong was also worried that if King Qin refused to eat hard and soft, he would be able to refuse the temptation of sissy sedge in this wilderness. It was amazing that his will was firm

"Lord, King Qin doesn't seem to like female savages very much. Do you want to change another woman?"

"No! Except sissy sedge, no other women are allowed to get close! Besides, sissy sedge is not allowed to know."


"My Lord, will King Qin come for the dissolution of flowers?"

This is also what Yelv Dayong was worried about

"A very capable outsider suddenly appeared in the serpent tribe. It is said that they also gave the black moonlight to that person and called him the new leader. The villain suspected that this person was Hua Rong..." he said, but he didn't think it was reliable. "Just, how can a woman be so capable?"

"Have you forgotten whose wife he is?"

The servant was surprised, and Yue Peng was famous all over the world, which shocked the song, Jin and Liao dynasties. His unjust death was well known all over the world He used his troops like a God, and Hua Rong followed him for many years. It's not surprising that he has this ability

"Lord, are we going to do flower dissolving first?" He made a gesture

Yelv walked around. It was easy to kill Hua Rong, but what about his daughter? The hostage was held alive on Changlin island. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't go to the sea to fight king Qin Besides, her daughter is pregnant. At this time, it's meaningless to break up with King Qin because of Hua Rong

However, if you don't kill the flowers, there will be endless trouble after all

If you want to kill someone, you just have to change the way

When the servant went out, Yelv sat quietly in a corner and looked at the map on the table. Song jinliao's confrontation had become Song Jin - a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: soon, there will be three pillars again How to make good use of King Qin is a key He racked his brains to get close to King Qin, but not too close; We should establish the authority of King Qin, but we should not let him cover up the sky; He should give birth to the descendants of Yelv's surname, but he should not make too much publicity, otherwise, it will frustrate the enthusiasm of other Yelv's children who work hard How to control it?

Moreover, King Qin has been here for so long that he will hand over his military power if he is asked to hand it over; Without mentioning the matter of returning to the sea, what calculation did he make?

He suddenly thought of Hua Rong. Did king Qin come for this woman? In his view, such behavior of a man is simply incredible. Is it really possible? If so, King Qin is much easier to deal with A man who cannot pass the beauty level will never become a great man

Moonlight and dew An owl's cry

A figure as light as a civet cat quietly entered the room It's not a towering palace. The wooden houses of the savages are not soundproof, and you can even hear the incessant love of men and women next door

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