One Night Bride

Chapter 501

Hua Rong didn't want to enjoy the beautiful scenery. She kept walking around the bow. She was so eager to see her son. She was about to see her son

But with a subtle mood - I really don't know how to thank Li Tinglan, or whether she treats her son well I wonder if she hates tiger heads

However, in any case, xiaohutou should thank her for taking care of her for so long, no matter how bad it is Moreover, since King Qin gave her the little tiger head, he must also trust her very much

For a moment, I felt infinite melancholy in my heart. I can't believe it. Two years in a hurry, things are different from people. Peng Ju died. King Qin married another man. He was the only one who came to pick up his son alone. He even held the feeling of being afraid of his hometown

This is not a "township"!

Half the moon had climbed up, and a sailor prepared dry food and fish soup and respectfully invited her to dinner Hua rongcao ate a few mouthfuls and knew that another distance would lead to Changlin island

She went into the cabin and lay on the narrow bed, but how could she close her eyes? I just want to stretch out my hand and hold my son in my arms

When the ship docked, Changlin island was full of vitality in the morning

Here, more noisy than the fishing port outside, there are more people, but they are all residents, as long as they make a living by planting and breeding It is also the most important wealth collection place and naval training base of King Qin

Her feet were on the land on the bank, and people who came and went looked at her curiously Hua Rong's eyes wandered on the children playing on the beach: fish and shrimp, turtles, shells... Which playing child is the tiger head?

She was so excited that she almost shouted, but at the end of her eyes, there was no one who was a tiger The son is not among the children

A bodyguard rushed over, but he recognized him as a confidant around uncle Yang Seeing her, he was surprised and respectful, and hurried to salute: "the villain got the news that Mrs. Yue had landed. Mrs. Yue, what's the matter with this coming?"

Hua Rongding said, "is uncle Yang OK?"

"His old man is fairly strong."

"Take me to meet my third uncle first."

"The little one came to meet Mrs. Yue at the order of the third uncle."

Hua Rong followed him out, and finally couldn't help asking, "is little tiger head naughty these days?"

The bodyguard didn't seem to know how to answer. He hesitated and said that uncle Yang was waiting

Hua Rong felt a little strange. Did Uncle Yang take the little tiger head? It would be slightly better if the third uncle took it with him Along the way, there were pedestrians everywhere, rows of newly built houses, and the scale of the island was expanding day by day, but there was no trace of Li Tinglan and a bunch of female relatives

A row of tall coconut trees set off the wooden building, very quiet

Uncle Yang stood at the door with a crutch and looked at the woman getting closer and closer He didn't expect that Hua Rong would come back What did she come back to do? King Qin or her son?

What the hell is king Qin doing?


He originally thought that King Qin was just being angry and frightening the tiger head. Did he really sell or throw away the tiger head? He was surprised. Now Hua Rong came back, what can he do? He secretly scolded the king Qin. If he really threw Yue Pengju's son away, wouldn't he be laughed at by the world?

Hua Rong was already approaching, excited and respectful. He just called "Uncle three" and didn't know what to say for a moment Uncle Yang is still as old as before, never getting older But what about little tiger head? Where is the tiger head?

Uncle Yang said politely, "Madam Yue, you're all right."

Hua Rong bowed again: "thank you, uncle, for taking care of little tiger head these days. Hua Rong is very grateful."

Uncle Yang laughed a few times and was old, but he secretly complained Hua Rong saw him smiling but didn't answer, and hurriedly asked, "uncle, where's the tiger's head? Please let me see him."

Uncle Yang raised his hand. "Mrs. Yue, please come inside. Come and serve tea to Mrs. Yue."

The living room is big and clean, cool and dry with the sea breeze blowing Hua Rong sat down and drank a hot tea. His eyes couldn't help looking around. There was still no shadow of the tiger's head

Uncle Yang glanced at the pile of valuable gifts she had brought and put down the tea. "Mrs. Yue, how are you recently?"

"Thank you, uncle." She told her general situation these days, but hid the big snake tribe, saying that she had found a safe place and hoped to take her son back, and thanked her again and again

Uncle Yang listened very carefully and observed her again and again. He found that her complexion and mental state were much better than when she left In particular, hearing that she broke into the kingdom of Jin alone and killed Wang Junhua with her own hands, I couldn't help but look at her with admiration and even a feeling of awe At this time, he was even more regretful. If he had known so, he should not have interfered with King Qin's choice at the beginning. Now, how can he explain to her if King Qin really threw the tiger's head out of his mind?

Hua Rong asked about her son again and again, but Uncle Yang repeatedly prevaricated and talked about it. Hua Rong suddenly felt an ominous feeling in her heart, and she couldn't care less. She directly asked, "uncle, to be honest, I once met King Qin at the border of Liao. He said that the tiger head was taken care of by Li Tinglan - Mrs. Qin. Can I go and see him?"

Uncle Yang was almost injured internally. What did king Qin say? Xiaohutou has been taken away by him, but he pushed it on Li Tinglan. Which one did he sing?

"This... King, is that what he told you?"

"Yes. I'm very grateful to Mrs. Qin, but I want to see xiaohutou. I think it's better for me to take my children with me. Uncle, I want to see Mrs. Qin, OK?"

Before uncle Yang answered, he heard an excited voice outside: "Uncle Yang, I heard that there is a distinguished guest visiting?"

People arrived first before the sound, and it could be seen that it was a very sharp and bright figure. The flowers dissolved in front of them. A middle-aged woman came in. She was medium-sized, but very capable. Behind her, followed by a pregnant woman, supported by two servant girls

Everyone's eyes fell on Hua Rong. Hua Rong had guessed who these people were at this time. Sure enough, aunt Xiao first saluted uncle Yang before turning to Hua Rong and blessed her: "I've seen Mrs. Yue. Mr. Yue was loyal and wronged. Everyone knows it. My family is very impressed... Aunt Xiao, this is my miss, oh, it should be said that it's Mrs. Qin..."

Since King Qin and Li Tinglan got married, aunt Xiao took the route of Uncle Yang and was very filial, which won the favor of Uncle Yang. She went in and out of Uncle Yang's yard very casually, like her own daughter-in-law However, today, uncle Yang obviously didn't welcome their arrival, but he had to bite the bullet. Anyway, he had to face it sooner or later

Hua Rong saw the intimacy between her master servant and uncle Yang, and remembered that they had raised little tiger head, so she quickly returned a salute: "I don't deserve it, Hua Rong also wants to thank Mrs. Qin..."

Aunt Xiao was stunned, but she only smiled and wisely kept silent

Hua Rong turned to Li Tinglan and saw "Mrs. Qin" for the first time. Only then did she find that this woman had picturesque eyebrows. Because she was pregnant, there were light spots on her cheeks. However, this did not affect her beauty at all, but added a trace of flawed beauty to her; Her face was ruddy, but because of her delicate body, she could see that she was working hard, but she had a shy and happy smile on her face, her eyes slightly dodged, and she was obviously not good at words, such as a frightened deer

Li Tinglan's master and servant also looked at her, looking at the famous "wife of Yue Pengju", the man of King Qin's early heart

Hua Rong's eyes fell on Li Tinglan's belly. Before that, although she learned that King Qin was married, subconsciously, she was always unwilling to believe that it was true. She always thought it was king Qin's excuse to deceive herself Until witnessing Li Tinglan's pregnancy, Fang was convinced that King Qin, he was really married and married another woman Therefore, he understood his evasion and unwillingness to meet again and again in the Liao state

i see!

Unexpectedly, his heart surged, and he felt sad for no reason. Anyway, King Qin finally had a good home She calmed down, picked up a generous gift she brought, and was very sincere: "thank you Mrs. Qin for helping me look after little tiger head. These days, he has caused you a lot of trouble. This gift is for Mrs. Qin. It's a little token. It's no respect. Please accept it..."

Li Tinglan withdrew her hand and looked flustered. Looking at Aunt Xiao, she couldn't make it through. Her flustered eyes looked at Uncle Yang again Both the master and servant were surprised. Didn't Hua Rong know the whereabouts of her son?

Uncle Yang coughed. He didn't expect this scene at all. He really wanted to find a seam to drill in

Hua Rong saw that everyone's expression was so strange, especially Li Tinglan, and there was no shadow of little tiger's head around them She hurriedly asked, "Mrs. Qin, where is xiaohutou? Can you let him meet me? Thank you."

Li Tinglan covered her stomach and stepped back

Aunt Xiao had seen the clue. Something was wrong. She smiled and said, "Madam Yue, madam Yue is pregnant. You can't work too hard and stay with her for a long time. I'll send her back to rest first... Uncle, let's leave first."

Uncle Yang was eager for them to leave quickly

Li Tinglan staggered, turned and left, in a hurry, presumably to escape such an embarrassing scene

Hua Rong saw that the situation was bad and hurriedly called her, "Madam Qin, I have something else to say, please stay..."

Aunt Xiao smiled and said, "I'm sorry. My miss is pregnant and weak. She can't work too long. Please forgive me, Mrs. Yue. Let's leave first."

"Madam Qin, I just want to ask little tiger head, where is he?"

"Madam Yue, let's leave first."

Hua Rong couldn't stop shouting, and the master and servant went straight away Out of the door, aunt Xiao breathed a sigh. When she heard that Hua Rong came, she thought that this woman came back to challenge the position of a young lady. Relying on her closeness to Uncle Yang, she hurried forward to demonstrate. Unexpectedly, Hua Rong came back to have a son

Li Tinglan whispered in panic, "did king Qin really sell the child?"

Aunt Xiao was also very surprised: "at the beginning, King Qin was so fierce. I thought it was a show for us. I must have thrown the poor child away. Otherwise, how could Hua Rong thank us and ask us to have children?"

"Ah? Mrs. Yue is back. How can she give up?"

"Alas, what can she do with a girl? Miss, we can't wade in this muddy water."

"Is king Qin really so ruthless?"

"Men are ruthless, more ruthless than poisonous snakes, and they are born as pirates. What can't they do? That child is not his own flesh and blood..."

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