One Night Bride

Chapter 502

Li Tinglan subconsciously touched her stomach with a look of panic on her face. Aunt Xiao hurriedly comforted her: "Miss, tiger poison doesn't eat children. No matter how ferocious King Qin is, he won't attack his own flesh and blood. Don't worry."

Li Tinglan's face was even worse. She staggered and wanted to look back at Hua Rong, but she didn't dare. She just muttered, "Mrs. Yue is really poor. Alas, that child is also poor. Where is she going to find her child now?"

Aunt Xiao thought of something: "I don't know when the king can come back. If only the young lady could come back when she gave birth..."

Li Tinglan didn't answer, thinking of the scene that King Qin almost stamped on the tiger's head that day, and his face was pale

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Li Tinglan shook his head and whispered, "Mrs. Yue is really beautiful."

"Unfortunately, her husband died and her son was thrown away. Alas."

As soon as Li Tinglan's master and servant left, the room immediately quieted down

Hua Rong chased the door with a gift for Li Tinglan in her hand, but Li Tinglan didn't accept it at all She couldn't help it anymore. Why are the people on this island so weird?

Uncle Yang trembled and said, "Madam Yue, please sit down."

Where is she in the mood to sit? He only asked again and again, "uncle, please, I want to meet little tiger head. I miss him very much."

Uncle Yang looked embarrassed and hesitated for a while. "Mrs. Yue... In fact, little tiger head is not on the island..."

"Ah?" Hua Rong's voice trembled a little, and the gift in her hand fell to the ground: "uncle, little tiger head, did something happen to him?"

Uncle Yang couldn't answer at all

"Uncle, what's the matter with the little tiger head? Tell me quickly..." Hua Rong was in a hurry, tears almost fell, and all kinds of bad guesses rushed up. King Qin went to the Liao state, and the little tiger head was not on the island. No wonder King Qin didn't dare to see himself at all

"Mrs. Yue, calm down first and listen to me... After you left, the king and Li Tinglan became close. His temper became more and more irritable. Later, he said he would visit his father-in-law Yelv, so he left..."

Although uncle Yang said it as gently as possible, Hua Rong was more and more frightened when he heard it. He left without saying goodbye. It is conceivable that he would do anything in a fit of anger? No wonder Li Tinglan's master and servant were so scared that they hurried away

Her mind was buzzing and her mood was disordered: "uncle, was the tiger's head by him, by him..."

Seeing that she was flustered, uncle Yang flustered himself, and tried to be euphemistic: "Mrs. Yue, don't worry first. The king took xiaohutou away. Although he was angry, he didn't have trouble with the child..."

Hua Rong's face was white: "but where is the child?"

Uncle Yang couldn't answer at all

"Uncle, did the King say where he took the child?"

"To be honest, you know the king's temper, and I don't know where he took the child."

Hua Rong trembled all over, like falling into an ice cellar

Seeing her complexion, uncle Yang hurried to say, "Madam Yue, don't panic first. Although the king has a short temper, he will never be bad for the child. Take a rest first..."

Where can the flower dissolve to rest? Hurried to the door, I remembered to say goodbye to Uncle Yang: "Uncle Yang, I'm leaving. I want to find the whereabouts of xiaohutou."

"Madam Yue, it's getting late. You can start tomorrow."


When she walked out of the door, uncle Yang chased up: "Madam Yue, please take these gifts away. I'm ashamed and dare not accept them."

The flower melts its head and doesn't return. It's almost running fast

Uncle Yang sighed. Unexpectedly, things turned out to be so complicated Scold, King Qin, King Qin, let's see what you say

Hua Rong pulled his feet and ran wildly. Along the way, many children were playing tricks She is also holding a glimmer of fantasy, looking forward to miracles She slowed down and looked at her face one after another. In front of her, a child, wearing a tiger skin apron and dark, was squatting on the beach to catch crabs She was ecstatic and shouted and ran up: "little tiger head, little tiger head..."

The playing child raised his head, looked at the woman who hugged him in surprise, and asked childishly, "who are you?"

Originally, it's not xiaohutou!

Hua Rong immediately let go of her hand and almost burst into tears

Only then did I deeply realize my dereliction of duty as a mother In order to revenge, he abandoned his son regardless. If xiaohutou really has three long and two short comings, how can he be worthy of Pengju?

His steps were full of lead, and his mind was in a mess. He was so trustworthy, but now he can't trust anymore In front is a coconut forest. The wind in the forest is relaxed and happy, but the flowers melt but feel confused. Inadvertently, I suddenly saw the figure in front of me who was about to dodge - it was Li Tinglan's!

Li Tinglan was walking in the woods with a big stomach. He didn't expect Hua Rong to come out so soon She hardened her scalp and wanted to shout Hua Rong, but she didn't dare Even aunt Xiao, who was good at dancing, didn't know how to greet him. She pretended not to see him and helped Li Tinglan to the forest

Hua Rong stayed where she was and wanted to ask them a few words. She knew that she couldn't ask anything At this time, in the coconut forest, a man came over and almost passed her She didn't notice at first, but the man exclaimed in surprise, "Mrs. Yue, is it you?"

It turned out to be Friday. When Zhao Deji was searched by Jin Wushu and chased to the sea, it was the pirates who took her to beg King Qin on Friday Friday is the old subordinate of King Qin, and also the main generals of King Qin's most trusted

Friday was very happy: "Mrs. Yue, why are you here?"

Hua Rong met her old friend, but she didn't want to talk about the past, just said, "I have something to do here, and I'm leaving soon."

On Friday, Hua Rong looked hurried and it was not easy to ask again. The two said goodbye to each other. Hua Rong stopped staying and went straight to the seaside, where the boat that picked her up was parked She got on the boat and couldn't take a breath. She immediately said, "let's start. I want to get ashore as soon as possible. Thank you."

The ocean in autumn is particularly enchanting

However, Hua Rong no longer wanted to see the scenery and was almost crazy Little tiger head, where on earth did he go? The deep-rooted trust in King Qin collapsed instantly because of Li Tinglan's pregnancy She was sitting in the bow, and the sea breeze blew in bursts, which was already cooling His forehead was cold, but he calmed down a lot. To find Xiaohu's head, you must first find King Qin It's annoying that last time, King Qin said that Li Tinglan was raising him Why did king Qin lie? Is it possible that xiaohutou is also in Liao?

The more she thought about it, the more anxious she was. She wanted to put on her wings and immediately flew back to Liao to get the matter straight out


This is a wasteland bordering song and Jin Dynasties The autumn wind rustled the yellow grass, and the grass more than one person deep seemed to hide demons of countless nights

A group of men and horses lurked in the grass, carefully listening to the approaching hooves In the dark night, you can also distinguish the dead grass in front, the high dust, the horse neighing, the sky shaking cry of killing, and countless sharp arrows

"Kill kill..."

In the grass, a big man rushed out with a big knife. The terrain in front of him was a little higher. A team of archers stood high and rushed down with shields. When the two sides fought, the sky was chaotic and full of blood

The torch was getting closer and closer, and King Qin could almost see the helmet of the leader clearly Gorgeous copper helmet, intricately patterned armor, riding on a golden horse, holding a halberd painted by Fang Tian, is extremely powerful Jin Wushu, even if turned into ash, he also recognized This is the man he wants to kill most in his life. Take out a bow and arrow from his waist, aim and shoot

Hearing the broken voice in his ear, Jin Wushu was surprised. He saw three long arrows flying. Fortunately, the distance was too far. Rao was so far away. When the arrow wiped his hair and fell, he was also surprised in a cold sweat

King Qin cursed. Unfortunately, Jin Wushu shouted loudly at this end: "kill, take the head of Liao thief Yelv, reward a thousand liang of gold, and seal the captain of ten thousand..."

Under the heavy reward, the vanguard composed of the former Liao Dynasty and the surrendered Han Army, who took the lead, stepped up the sprint Under their cover, the fierce Nvzhen soldiers waved bows, knives and guns, and killed them like locusts Although the condescending archers took advantage of the terrain, they were helpless because of the large number of the other side, wearing pocket handrails and not easy to be injured. Seeing that, the infantry in front could not resist and retreated step by step

Jin Wushu spurted his horse, which was his last battle before returning to Beijing After all, Yelv Dayong was a serious problem. He did not underestimate the enemy. He led the team himself and must destroy it

In the enemy line, a big painted horse was painted in all colors. A man with a green azalea feather crown on his head rode on the back of the horse, painted his face, and held a locally produced black iron broadsword. He took the lead and was invincible Jin Wushu saw it clearly. He felt that this person was in a good shape and familiar, but he always couldn't remember who it was

In Yelv's army, are there really hidden dragons and crouching tigers?

Just then, he saw the other party suddenly waving a black embroidered gold flag with a huge green azalea painted on it This flag was neither the dead Liao nor the bandit organizations around. Jin Wushu had never seen it before. He asked two counselors around him strangely, "who are they?"

Neither of them had ever seen such a flag, and they couldn't answer. They just said it was a man and horse used by Yelv When looking at it again, the other party suddenly changed its formation. The men and horses with all kinds of equipment were tied with a kind of splint made of soft cotton and simply protected in front of their chest. This is a tough plant produced locally. After rough processing, it can resist sharp arrows from a long distance Under their brave rush, the Jin army in front could no longer approach

In the light of the fire, Jin Wushu saw clearly that these people were all in strange costumes. He said quietly, "are they savages?"

Looking at the terrain in this area, a counselor also said bad, and his face changed greatly: "fourth prince, don't enter the devil's Valley by mistake." The battle to destroy Liao more than ten years ago is still fresh in my memory. A group of Nvzhen soldiers who returned triumphantly fell into the devil's Valley by mistake, and the whole army was destroyed, and none of them came out again

Jin Wushu heard this at the beginning, but he was not very clear. In the dark night, he saw this unheard of team, brave and fearless, and hurriedly asked, "is this near the devil's Valley?"

The counselor looked at the stars and the direction of the wind: "no, there should be a distance from devil's valley." Jin Wushu was relieved. He became interested. With a wave of his hand, he ordered to change the direction of the attack

In front of this wasteland, there are withered weeds, which are very flat, which is a favorable terrain to give full play to the advantages of Jurchen abduction horse In the earth shaking sound of horses' hoofs, King Qin recognized that the sound was not good. It was the frightening formation of abductors of Nvzhen nationality He led this wild man and the miscellaneous army composed of Khitan, Liao, Xia and other ethnic minorities. The time of formation is getting short. How many times have you seen such a magnificent attack? In a panic, he even messed up the formation, and was rushed by the Jin army, which immediately fell apart

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