One Night Bride

Chapter 503

Seeing that the formation worked, Jin Wushu was very proud. He waved Fang Tianhua halberd and shouted at King Qin, "where are the barbarians?" He went straight to kill King Qin

His enemies were extremely jealous when they met. King Qin also raised a dark iron broadsword to greet him. The Fang Tianhua halberd of the golden Wu technique waved down, and the two sides fought with each other, splashing countless sparks The golden Wu Shu tiger's mouth was numb, and Fang Tianhua halberd almost got rid of it. He was surprised that this barbarian was so born with divine power

"Who are you? Are you a man of great use by Yelv? Have a kind name?"

King Qin laughed and grunted

Jin Wushu heard the laughter so familiar, but the words were a strange local language, and he couldn't understand a word King Qin took advantage of the moment when he was stunned, and another knife came. Jin Wushu couldn't dodge. He just felt that he had never encountered such an unexpected danger in his life. He was helpless and couldn't react at all It was too late for the two relatives to rescue him. Seeing this knife go down, his left shoulder would fall to the ground In a hurry, he stooped down and pinched the horse's belly. The whole man leaned up and almost revolved around the horse. He heard the horse scream, and half of his head had flown away; Jin Wushu had taken advantage of the situation to get up from the ground and seize Fang Tianhua halberd

King Qin was secretly annoyed that he missed, and he had to admire this exquisite equestrian, which could escape such a narrow escape When he missed, he stopped pursuing, but Jin Wushu was not willing to let him go. King Qin saw the situation badly, led the crowd to shout and ordered to retreat under the cover of deep grass

He rode in front of him, and Jin Wushu was about to catch up, only to hear the counselor shout: "the fourth prince must not risk alone." Jin Wushu was cold in his heart. With his current status and the strength comparison between the enemy and us, he didn't have to attack alone at all. He was just stunned by this strange barbarian and almost lost his judgment

Hearing this reminder, he immediately stopped. At this time, the formation of abductors and horses had not been surrounded. As soon as king Qin withdrew, Jin Wushu saw the clue. The enemy was few and we were numerous, and his own advantage was obvious. As soon as he waved his hand, he ordered to pursue while winning and be sure to wipe it out

Wu Qimai caught up with him, escorted him around, and suddenly said, "the fourth prince, the one wearing the green azalea crown is Yelv Dayong?"

Jin Wushu shook his head. He had never seen Yelv's real face, but he felt that he was familiar with his body, but his face was painted with oil, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it

"Wu Qimai, do you see that this person's figure is familiar?"

"The villains are too far apart to see clearly."

Jin Wushu's favorite horse was hacked to death by him. He prepared three top-quality horses for the battle. At this time, he had changed one. However, the situation of being hacked in the first round was really unprecedented. He was angry from his heart: "I must hunt down this thief today." He looked at the half of the bloody horse's head that fell to one side and suddenly shouted, "this kind of knife technique, such a big man... I remember, it's King Qin, the pirate king Qin..."

Although King Qin changed his weapon and deliberately used barbarian vernacular, his laughter was unmistakable And his figure is definitely King Qin!

Wu Qimai said in surprise, "King Qin is a pirate. How can he come near Yanjing to command so many barbarians?"

Naturally, Jin Wushu didn't know the cooperative relationship between King Qin and Yelv Dayong. He was also very strange, but at this time, hatred had completely occupied all thinking. From Kaifeng to the sea, from Shangjing to Yanjing, this king Qin, who had nothing to do with himself, was like a maggot of tarsal bone and couldn't go away; During the naval battle, his hatred for King Qin, the green hat gift he gave for a Ganoderma lucidum, was even far above Yue Pengju

However, this man is a rare despicable person in his life. He can use all kinds of despicable means that he can't think of. Even on the battlefield, he will run if he can't win, and he won't worry about heroes at all

He can effectively calculate Yue Pengju, but he is always helpless in the face of King Qin It's a rare time that King Qin actually came to the door. If you really let him go again, you'll be sorry not only for yourself, but also for King Qin! Jin Wushu gnawed his teeth, and King Qin must have come for flower dissolution Earlier, Hua Rong often sneaked out and somehow got a black moonlight He thought that the black moonlight was also sent by King Qin. Hua Rong ran away with her child, and must have gone to King Qin These two people, even together, played with themselves on applause, and they couldn't even see their son He was angry from his heart: "Wu Qimai, immediately order that this enemy must be completely annihilated."


Wu Qimai passed on the order and hurriedly looked closely. In the dark night, he could only hear the sound of fighting all over the sky. Where was the slightest shadow of King Qin?

"No, the fourth prince, they ran away."

Jin Wushu looked quite proud: "they are determined not to run, and Han Chang will never make them feel better."

At the beginning, it was to deal with Yelv. As soon as he found out that someone was moving in this area, he deployed heavy troops to kill the grass and root. Unexpectedly, he happened to face King Qin He shouted, "God helps me too", waved the whip and ran, "hurry up, catch King Qin, dead or alive; cut off King Qin's head and reward him with ten thousand liang of gold..."

Hearing that King Qin's reward was still being used by Yelv, the soldiers rushed one by one, waved their weapons, and chased King Qin and others like a tide

But king Qin, all the elite savages under his banner were recruited by yeluron. He set about to integrate this miscellaneous army of thousands of people in the remaining old, weak, sick and disabled and other small tribe savages that yeluron continued to despise Suddenly, he received an invitation from Yelv Dayong to go to a place. Temporarily, Yelv Dayong changed his direction again King Qin was suspicious at that time. Sure enough, then Yelv Dayong sent a letter saying that there was a golden army ambush in front of him and asked him to resist for a while, which was also a test of the combat effectiveness of his savage team

King Qin had no time to think that this vicious old fox had been surrounded by the Jin army, so he had to fight hard. Seeing that it was Jin Wushu, he wanted to take a gamble and kill the gold thief. It was not worth coming all the way here However, after all, the disparity of power was too great, and he was unwilling to fight hard and immediately retreated with favorable terrain As soon as he withdrew from the deep grass, he could not hear the mountain like sound of the iron hooves of the abductor horse. He breathed a sigh of relief. However, in his intuition, the boss was bad. An Zhigang and others ran away in confusion for so long. He was about to take a breath. He shouted: "no rest, hurry, right..." sure enough, another fighting sound suddenly sounded on the left. It was the ambush of Han Chang, killing from the flank and encircling both sides

King Qin just got rid of the pursuit of Jin Wushu, but he met Han Chang again. He kept complaining and couldn't wait to die. Fortunately, he had already seen the way to evacuate on the right However, the terrain of this road is flat and unprotected, which is not enough to resist the sharp arrows behind

He rushed ahead, and the wild people scrambled to escape like crazy Han Chang waited for work with ease and was well equipped. The savages behind him couldn't resist this chase, and suffered heavy casualties

In the dark night, I don't know how far I ran out. In front of me is a circular Valley, like the demon of the night, opening its huge mouth and waiting for the prey to fall into the net King Qin stopped to check and said bitterly. It turned out that this was a Jedi. The rocks on the left were jagged and could not be seen clearly in the dark The sound of fighting behind is getting closer and closer. If you are intercepted here, you can really catch a turtle in a jar, and the whole army must be destroyed

He was quick witted, shouted, and ordered the impact to the left Han Chang's first film has caught up. Seeing the direction of the people's escape, he laughed. It's true that there is a way in heaven. If you don't go, there is no door to hell. In front of him is a stone wall. Rushing here, the action is slow. As soon as Jin Jun catches up, he is cutting melons and vegetables, such as the meat on the chopping board. Cut them casually

Han Chang led the army to catch up. At this time, the people chased for a long time, and the torch was extinguished. They could only be identified by the moonlight and starlight in the sky; It happened to be the darkest short time before dawn. Everyone fell into this darkness, regardless of the enemy and me. Even Han Chang could no longer rush after him Just at this time, the flames behind burst into the sky, but Jin Wushu led people to come

Han often saw the reinforcements and was overjoyed. With a torch, it was easy to get rid of these barbarians As soon as the horn sounded, the crowd clearly saw the figure of the chaotic stone pile in front of them, and rushed to kill them

Continuous screams, bloody, Han Chang was surprised, unable to tell whether it was his own side or the enemy King Qin was also surprised. He saw a cluster of arrows shooting at the chasing Jin army like raindrops behind the chaotic stones

Without much thought, he led the crowd to flee to the front In the past, I found that it was a vast Gobi desert, with yellow sand all over the sky, and the whole world was immersed in a dead silence

However, the mysterious army suddenly changed direction, not aiming at them, but aiming at the Jin army behind, bypassing the terrain of the valley and closing in layers King Qin rode on his horse and looked at the mysterious master who appeared in the desert in surprise. The leader was wearing heavy armor and handrails. He could not see his body shape or hear a sound at all. Only his team, like a whirlwind, galloped here. Han Chang was completely unable to resist it, and was hit in pieces, retreating one after another

Han Chang looked at Jin Wushu from a distance and was furious: "the fourth prince, it's bad. We were ambushed."

Does King Qin still lie in ambush?

Jin Wushu hurriedly asked, "how many people are there?"

"There is a desert ahead, with dust and smoke everywhere. It's impossible to judge."

Jin Wushu looked intently, and his heart was cold. In the morning light, the other side was an extremely sophisticated battle formation, such as an invincible chariot, and flesh and blood could not resist it at all

Han Chang exclaimed, "what array is this?"

Jin Wushu didn't have time to answer, and shouted, "hurry, retreat."

However, it was too late. The Jin army in front was shrouded in the huge battle formation, and it was too late to escape. Crying for father and mother, countless deaths and injuries were caused. On the high formation, rockets bound with sulfur were shot down, and the blocker became a burning man, spreading away Everyone shouted, crying for their parents, and immediately collapsed

Jin Wushu and Han Chang tried their best to run back, almost running out for dozens of miles, before they dared to stop and breathe a little. In the morning, they saw that their side was already in a mountain forest with unknown terrain, followed by less than a thousand people When he came, 30000 elite soldiers tried to catch them all, only to be caught by the other party

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